Prajamble 1

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unacademy Job Preparation > Campus Placements > Verbal Reasoning > Ordering of Sentences Paragraph Jumbles: Lesson 3 LESSON 4 0F 40 Download the Unacademy Learning App to watch this and over 200k more lessons in UPSC, SSC CGL, GATE, Google Play ff @ App Sto CAT and many more categories. PARAJUMBLES: LESSON III For Instance, A. Although, like the Talapadas, the Pardeshis alo claim to be Rajputs and Kshatriyas, most of them have not yet adopted traditional Rajput names for their lineages. 8. Only recently a few lineages have begun to patronize the Vahivancha Barots, whe have recorded their remembered shallow genealogies and grafted them on to mythical genealogies. C. Each Pardeshi lineage is known after its village of origin, D. The later provide them with Rajput clan names, but they rarely use them In normal life Dore fA Correct Sequence: CBAD F unacademy ‘A. Many Western observers, and under their influence many Indian scholars and social crities also, have written that India wos ‘olmost completely a stagnant country, without true history, tll she ‘came Into life-giving contact with Western civilisation in the eighteenth century. 8, The so-called joint family is one such notable institution. CC, There is a well-established viewpoint which alleges that Hind ins have had a blighting effect on Indic’s social ‘ond economic development, D. They contend That the economy ond society in this country, and indeed the India mind, had remained frozen for about two thousand yeors tll the British conquest of India introduced a vital ‘element of dynamism into the ‘native’ society. 'LOo.o.02.06666066666666: Correct Sequence: CBAD xixKx«x<*YKxXKxXrx

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