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GITAM Institute of International

Master of Business Administration (IB)

IIIrd Trimester


No. of Credits : 3
Name of the Faculty: G.M.Archana Das (Assistant Professor)

Human resource management has become more strategic and integrated in
nature. This course follows an eclectic approach and trains the students to play
that integrated role in future. This course also provides an opportunity to have a
thorough understanding and appreciation of various concepts that have a high
susceptibility for pragmatic application in the industry.

1. Introduction No. of sessions: 3

Introduction to Human resource management, significance of human resource
management, Line and staff aspects of human resource management, HR
manager’s proficiencies, diversity management, strategic human resource

Additional reading:
1. Robert F. Hurley, The decision to trust, Harvard business review, 2006.
2. Robert Galford & Anne Seibold Drapean, Enemies of trust, Harvard business
review, 2006.
3. Harry B. Berhard & Cynthia A. Ingole, Six lessons for the corporate
classroom, Harvard business review, 2006.
Case study:
1. Best HR practices at Infosys.
2. Best HR practices at Microsoft

2. Recruitment and placement No. of sessions: 2

2.1Job Analysis
Basics of job analysis, uses of job analysis, steps in job analysis, methods for
collecting job analysis information- interview, questionnaires, observation, diary
method, position analysis questionnaire system, functional job analysis, writing
job analysis, job design, job rotation, job enlargement, job enrichment or
characteristics model.

Additional Reading:
1. Steven Berglas, How to keep “A” players productive, Harvard business review,
Case Study:
1. HR Challenges in the Insurance Industry

2.2 Human Resource Planning and Recruiting: No. of sessions:3

Planning and forecasting, definition of recruitment, significance, internal
recruitment vs. external recruitment, internal recruitment-Job posting, rehiring,
succession planning, external recruitment- internet recruiting, advertisements,
employment agencies, executive recruiters, college recruiting, employee referrals
and walk-ins, recruiting diverse workforce.

Additional Reading:
1. Claudio Fernandex, Araoz, Boriz, Groysberg&Nitin Nohria, The definitive
guide in recruiting good times and bad, Harvard business review, 2009.
Case study:
1. Recruitment process at TCS
2. Recruitment and Training at Jet Blue Airways

2.3 Employee Testing, Selection and Interviewing Candidates:

No. of sessions: 3
Definition of selection, importance, basic testing concepts, reliability, validity,
criterion validity, content validity. Types of tests- cognitive tests, motor and
physical ability tests, personality tests, interest tests, achievement tests, work
samples, simulations- In basket, Leaderless group discussion, Management
games, Individual presentations, Management Assessment centers, video based
situational testing, background investigation and other reference checks,
polygraph tests, graphology, interviews- structured interviews, unstructured
interviews, panel interviews, situational interview, behavioral interview, job
related interview, Phone and video interviews stress interview, Designing and
conducting effective interviews.

Additional Reading:
1. Judith A. Ross, Beyond the Hiring Basics: Details You Need to Know ,
Harvard business review, 2007.
Case study:
1. Selection practices at capita land Ltd

3 Training and Development:

3.1 Training and Developing employees No. of sessions: 4
Employee orientation, definition and significance of training, training process,
training methods- on-the job training, coaching, job rotation, apprenticeship
training, job instruction training, lecture method, programmed instruction, audio-
visual based training, simulated training, video conferencing, Internet-based
training, virtual classrooms, action learning, management development,
succession planning, off-the job training and development methods- case study,
management games, seminars, university-related programs, role-plays, behavior
modeling, evaluating the effectiveness of training program, organizational
change, overcoming resistance to change.

Additional Reading:
1. Grote, Developing the talent you have: Strategies for training and
development, Harvard Business Review, 2002.
2. Ellen Ernst Kossek & Lesli B.Hammer, Supervisor work/life training get results,
Harvard Business Review, 2008.
3. Ellyn A.Mc Colgan, How fidelity invests in service professionals, Harvard
Business Review, 1997.
Case study:
1. Training and Development at Proctor and Gamble.
2. Training and development at GE

3.2 Performance Management and Appraisal No. of sessions: 4

Definition of performance management, performance appraisal, significance and
purpose of performance appraisal, differences between performance appraisal
and performance management, performance appraisal methods- Graphic rating
scale, paired comparison method, forced distribution method, critical incidents
method, behaviorally anchored rating scale, Management by objectives, essay
appraisal, peer appraisal, superior appraisal, subordinate appraisal, 360 degree
appraisal, self appraisal, balance scorecard, performance appraisal errors- halo
error, horn error, central tendency error, leniency error, stringency error. Types of
appraisal interviews, Conducting Appraisal Interview, reducing pitfalls in
performance appraisal.

Additional Reading:
1. Wickham Skinner, Big hat, no cattle: Managing human resources Harvard
business review, 1981.
2. Maury A. Peiperl, Getting 360-Degree Feedback Right, Harvard Business
Review, 2001.
Case study:
1. Implementation of Balance Scorecard at Media General.

3.3 Managing careers: No. of sessions: 3

Definition of career, career planning, career development, significance of
mentoring in employee career planning, career stages, John Holland’s career-
personality model, career anchors, career counseling.

Additional Readings:
1. Robert Morison, Tamara Erickson & Ken Dychtwald, Managing Middlescence,
Harvard Business Review, 2006.
Case study:
1. Vodafone-designing effective solutions for HRM and career management
4. Compensation Management & Employee Benefits:
No. of sessions: 4
Definition of employee compensation, process of establishing pay rates,
competency based pay, skill based pay system, gain sharing system, profit
sharing plan, equity theory of motivation, Victor Vroom theory and its linkage to
reward system, Behavioral Modification or reinforcement theory, employee
benefits, flexible benefits program- cafeteria approach, flextime, compressed
workweek, work sharing , telecommuting.

Additional Readings:
1. John Beeson, Why you did not get that promotion, Harvard business Review,
Case Study:
1. Lincoln Company
2. Compensation Management at TCS

5. Employee Relations
5.1 Ethics, justice and fair treatment in HR management No. of sessions: 3
Definition of ethics, components of organizational justice- distributive justice,
procedural justice, interactional justice, factors that effect ethical behavior at
work, role of HR in promoting ethics, employee discipline, outplacement, exit

Additional Readings:
1. W.Chankin &Renee Mauborgan, Fair process managing in the knowledge
economy, Harvard Business Review, 2003.
Case Study:
1. Employee Discipline at work place
5.2 Labor relations and collective bargaining No. of sessions: 1
Collective bargaining, grievance redressal procedure, Mc Gregor’s Red Hot stove

Additional Readings:
1. Roger Chen & Chia-pie Chen, Chinese professional managers and the issue
of ethical behavior, Ivey Business Journal, 2005.
Case Study:
1. Bata’s HR problems

5.3 Employee safety and Health No. of sessions: 1

Occupational safety, preventing accidents at workplace, occupational stress,
determinants of occupational stress, consequences of stress, organizational and
individual strategies to combat stress, burnout and depression.

Additional Readings:
1. Anne Field, Do your stars see a reason to stay, Harvard business review,

Case Study:
1. Occupational Stress: A Junior manager’s Predicament.

Pedagogy: Class room lectures and case studies.

Evaluation of performance:
Case Analysis & presentation: 20 marks
Field-based projects : 15 marks
Mid-term test : 20 marks
End-term test : 45 marks

Text Book:
Gary Dessler, Biju Varkkey. (2008). Human Resource Management (11th
ed).USA: Pearson Education.

1. Snell, Bohlander, (2007). Human Resource Management (7th ed). Cengage
2. Fisher, Schoenfeldt, Shaw (2006).Managing Human Resources, Cengage
3. David Lepak (2009). Managing employees for the competitive advantage
USA: Pearson Education.
4. Deepak Kumar Bhattacharya. (2006). Human Resource Management. New
Delhi: Excel.
5. Rao, Human Resource Management.

1. Harvard Business review.
2. Journal of Indian Management
3. Sloan Management review
4. California Management review

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