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Record the following transactions and events of Able

Agency which
Record the following transactions and events of Able Agency, which occurred during the month
of October 20X6:1. Able Agency received a warrant for its fiscal 20X7 appropriation of
$2,500,000.2. The Office of Management and Budget apportioned $600,000 to Able Agency for
the first quarter of the 20X7 fiscal year.3. Able Agency’s chief executive allotted $500,000 of
the first-quarter appropriation apportionment.4. Obligations incurred during the month for
equipment, materials, and program costs amounted to $128,000.5. Goods and services ordered
during the prior year—and to be charged to obligations carried over from the 20X6 fiscal
year—were received:6. Goods and services ordered during October 20X6 were received and
vouchered:7. Depreciation for the month of October was estimated at $200, chargeable to
Overhead.8. Materials issued from inventory during October were for Program A, $18,000;
Program B, $7,000; and general (Overhead), $3,000.9. Liabilities placed in line for payment by
the U.S. Treasurer totaled $145,000.10. Other accrued expenses at October 31, 20X6, not
previously recorded, were Program A, $1,000; Program B, $6,000; and general
(Overhead),$1,500. View Solution: Record the following transactions and events of Able Agency

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