An Experimental Research On Making A Soap With Long Lasting Fragrance

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In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements in Practical Research 2
Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School Department

Arcilla, Christine Kate B.

Barruga, Wayne M.
Cordial, Jeremiah
Gr. 12- Fr. Rudolf Rahmann, SVD

March 2018

TITLE : An Experimental Research on Making a Soap

with Long Lasting Fragrance

TYPE OF PUBLICATION : Unpublished Research Paper

RESEARCHERS : Christine-Kate Arcilla

Wayne Barruga
Jeremiah Cordial

SCHOOL : Divine Word College of Legazpi, Senior High

School Department

The researchers studied about making soap with long lasting fragrance in order to find its

feasibility, which will also suffice the satisfaction of consumers through making its fragrance last in long

period of time. This kind of product has not yet reached the demands in market, but through the study,

researchers produced a soap that was different from other soap products. Such that, the study aimed to

know if it’s possible to make a soap with long lasting fragrance, how long will that fragrance last, and

how will it benefit consumers. Through these aims, the researchers hypothesized that the soap’s fragrance

would reach 4-5 hours. The researchers made use of a true experimental research design because of

having randomized selection of respondents. In the study, the respondents are divided into two groups:

the control group and the experimental group, by which both groups will be tested to know how long will

the scent of the soap would last. The control group were the regular students who doesn’t sweat that much

while the experimental group were the varsity students who sweat more during their games. Thus, the

researchers believed that the main factor to the duration of a soap’s fragrance is the sweat. The

researchers created a proposed soap named Doux Aroma, which means sweet scent, which was used to

test the respondents. It is shown that majority of the respondents had said that the duration of the soap

reached 2-3 hours at normal cases while there are some who said that the duration reached 4-5 hours at
rare cases. Based from the respondents, the soap benefited them because of the soap’s fragrance that

would improve their hygiene and that they don’t need to buy expensive colognes and perfume anymore.

Due to this, making a soap with long lasting fragrance is indeed possible.
Chapter I

Soaps are one of the most essential things that are being used everyday. It is for cleaning and

washing the body and it ensures that the microbes in the external parts, such as the skin, would be

removed. In terms of hygienic measures, soap is a prominent cleanser that helps people eradicate germs

and bacteria that made contact with the skin, as well as maintain body’s health and sanity. According to

Hodgson (2015), soaps are lubricant and may contain agents that disinfect or neutralize bacteria.  The

lubricant in soap is what will cause dirt to be lifted or moved off of the skin with the help of water.

The origin of soaps was when an excavation of ancient Babylon revealed evidence that they were

making one around 2800 B.C. Babylonians were the first to master the art of soap making. Soap was used

in cleaning wool and cotton in textile manufacturing, and was also used medicinally for at least 5000

years. Soap is a product for cleaning made from natural ingredients that may include both plant and

animal products, including items such as animal fat, tallow or vegetable oil, castor, olive, or coconut oil.

Supposedly, soap got its name from Mount Sapo in Rome, which is the Latin word for soap (“Soap

History,” 2017). According to Alison Sim, in her book, The Tudor Housewife, wealthy ladies of the Tudor

period (1485-1603) used a scented toilet soap or ‘castill soap’ for their daily washing. This soap, made

with olive oil and imported, was very expensive. A household instruction manual written during this

period included recipes for soap which suggests that people of all levels of society were interested in

personal hygiene. 

Today, there are a lot of different soaps made for a vast array of purposes. Soap is available for

personal, commercial and industrial use. There is handmade, homemade and commercially produced

soap; there is soap used to wash clothes, dishes and cars; there is soap used for the pet; soap for the carpet

and soap for the child. But for many types of cleaning, soaps are a lesser used product these days, as

alternatives to soap are the main choice (“Soap History,” 2017). The rise in soap use also coincided with
the development of mass marketing. One of the early giants in the commercial manufacture of soap,

Proctor & Gamble (P&G), realized the importance of creating a brand, having an appealing package and

then advertising the product on a mass scale (Melissa, 2013).

Meanwhile, fragrance preferences are partly genetic and partly experiential. Many accumulated

fragrance experiences throughout their lives.  In fact, they learn to navigate the world by smell alone

before they learn language.  The sense of smell is the only fully formed sense at birth.   Newborns can

differentiate between mother and not mother within six hours of birth by smell alone (“Dr. Bubbles

Soap,” 2017). Smell plays an important role when it comes to fragrance because they are collateral and

almost synonymous. However, smell is something that a nose can sense, whereas, fragrance gives not just

a smell but a positive scent which attracts people.

In the hot condition of the weather these days, most people considered availing good fragrance

because it could help make an image for themselves, according to Alex (2017). Supported by Patel

(2017), fragrance reflects on the person’s hygiene of regular bathing and being clean, as it is also a sign

that when a person smells good, they are well groomed. Fragrances are also added to many products as it

makes them feel good. Smell is the only sense that affects the memory and emotion part of the brain. If

one feel good when buying a product, then they are likely to continue buying it. This is why many

companies add fragrance to their products such as soaps. Smell has become increasing important to man

and as a result, the industry has responded to the demands (“Why is Smell Important,” 2012).

Soap making, according to Gerea (2016), is a constantly evolving process. It is like a science

experiment that one can do even in homes that will almost work if one knows how to do it. Today, there

are a lot of soaps that are made in factories. But there are also some households that create and sell soap.

Many people make soap from different purposes, depends on the reason on why they should make a soap.

Perhaps, soap making is an easy process as mentioned by Gerea in her feature post that even if one is not

a chemist or a scientist, they can still start making a soap.

Also, one of the significant processes in making a soap is called saponification. According to

page by Hamner (2006), saponification is the name given to a chemical reaction that occurs when a

vegetable oil or animal fat is mixed with a strong alkali. The product of this reaction will then lead to the

making of a soap, which is the basis of the main idea of the whole study. This study would also be

undergoing the same process along the way through the experimentation.

Thus, the researchers attempted to study about making soap with long lasting fragrance in order

to find its feasibility, which will also suffice the satisfaction of consumers through making its fragrance

last in long period of time. Soap making can be a great experience that would, at the same time, give a

leeway in experimenting a different kind of soap. This kind of product has not yet reached the demands in

market, but through the study, researchers aimed to produce a soap that is different from other soap


Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to make soap with long lasting fragrance that would improve soaps by

satisfying consumers. The researchers came up with three main sub-questions including the possibility,

the duration and the benefits that would further help the study, which would be the basis for stating the

problem. In this study, it answered the following questions:

1. Is it possible to make the soap with long lasting fragrance?

2. How long will the fragrance last after use?

3. How will the long lasting fragrance soap benefit the consumers?


This study intended to make the soap with long lasting fragrance possible by means of testing its

effectivity and efficiency to the respondents. Survey questionnaires were used in order to help and give

supporting information for accomplishing the study. Simple experiment was conducted to achieve the
desired and appropriate result which is a long lasting scented soap. The researchers made the fragrance, as

stated, endure its scent for longer period of time with a target of 4-5 hours after use. The study identified

the controlled group and experimental group which, the controlled group are the regular students and the

experimental group are the varsity students. The researchers made it possible to make the target extent of

the fragrance and discern the benefits that consumers may obtain. The researchers also proposed to use

different methods in achieving our objectives.

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the study is to know what are the advantages of making the soap with long

lasting fragrance and how will it benefit the consumers. Since the study is an experiment, the researchers

need to prove all possible results particularly to answer the questions raised. The study also aimed to

know how the fragrance will last once the user uses it after bath. Moreover, the study would prove that it

is possible to make a soap that has a long lasting fragrance.

Significance of the Study

In this research about making soap with long lasting fragrance and finding its advantage and the

duration of the scent, would benefit the following:

 Grade 11 and 12 Students. For them to have reference on the preparations of

making soap and how it was made. It can also help them understand the benefits that they can

receive by using it as bathing additive.

 Parents. For them to be informed and to guide their children properly in their proper

hygiene through choosing the best soap for them. It will also help them lessen their expenses

in buying perfumes; rather, by using soaps with long lasting fragrance and it will not be costly

in terms of money.
 Consumers. For them to try and test a new feature for a soap that is not yet available

in the market. They may also use this study to find some facts on how the soap will have the

long lasting scent.

 Future Researchers. For them to have a reference if they would have a topic related

to this study. This research can serve as related study for the future researchers having a

similar topic.

One of the importance of this research is to infer that making soap with long lasting fragrance is

feasible. This research can help the interested students learn ways on how to make it.

Scope and Delimitation

This study is only limited among the Grade 11 and 12 students of Divine Word College of

Legazpi. The making of the soap would be done by the researchers for both male and female students

who were identified to be the respondents. The researchers conducted the survey to the control group and

experimental group. This study focused to the benefits of the long lasting fragrance of soap. The main

purpose of the study is to prove that the fragrance of the soap could achieve the potential of the soap

which is to have a long lasting fragrance. The study considers the students’ personal information such as

their name (optional), age, and section. The researchers limited the study among 30 students only, which

was composed of 15 respondents for each group. The selected students came from different sections to

avoid prejudice of their perceptions. In order to assure manageability of the collected data, the

questionnaire only included multiple choice items and checklist, and did not include the open-ended

response items.

Definition of Terms
 Fragrance- a pleasant smell and or something that is compounded to give off a sweet or pleasant

odor. The study used this term as the independent variable because it is inconsistent and it is


 Hygiene- the things that you do to keep yourself and your surroundings clean in order to maintain

good health. This term was used as a supporting concept that was related to the proper use of soap

to the users in the study.

 Lubricant- a substance that causes something to be slippery and to move more smoothly. In this

research, the term was used as the capability of the soap to maintain its fragrance in a long period

of time.

 Saponification- the name given to a chemical reaction that occurs when a vegetable oil or animal

fat is mixed with a strong alkali. This study conducted an experimentation that would be

undergoing this process.

 Smell- the quality of a thing that you can sense with your nose. In this study, this term was used

as a word correlation to fragrance. Smell gives the nose the ability to sense fragrant odors.

 Soap- a substance used for washing something. It is also a cleansing and emulsifying agent made

usually by action of alkali on fat. This term was used in the study as the main subject and the

dependent variable that would be focused on.

 Long lasting–existing or continuing for a long time. This term was used in the study as a

treatment to the fragrance of the soap and was aimed to be achieved after producing the soap and

was tested among the respondents.

Chapter II

This chapter introduces the related literature and studies taken from the books, internet,

unpublished research papers and other reading materials, which provide additional information related on

the study about making a soap with long lasting fragrance. This chapter also includes the synthesis of the

state-of-the-art, gaps bridged by the study, theoretical and conceptual framework, as well as theoretical

and conceptual paradigms.

Related Literature

According to Siddons (2009), bar soaps may look pretty simple and just ordinary. A bathing

process of adding water, soap up and rinse off. But hidden inside the innocent lump are a few advantages

that are waiting to surf up. Because the skin is bombarded daily with foreign influences such as scorching

sun, drying winds, biting cold weather, bacteria and dirt, our distant ancestors learned quickly that

preserving the health of skin is a way for better and longer life.

Bar soaps are excellent at getting the skin clean. Soaps are also cheap and simple. These soaps

lather up decently allowing the soap and water to spread across the skin and attach to the dirt and oil to

remove them. However, they often remove too much oil from the skin, taking away the moisture of the

skin. Experts recommend following up with a moisturizer to add it back. With it beneficiary medical use,

ability to clean the clothes and disinfect the surroundings from harmful bacteria and dirt, soaps remain

one of the most useful and fundamental hygiene tool that mankind ever created.
The researchers included this article to gain more data about the background and

recommendations to support the study in its importance to one’s skin. It also helped elaborate its

importance to the society.

According to Dr. Dadu (2017), choosing the right soap is essential for every one of all ages. It

was said that showering and bathing is a part of a human’s daily life. However, it is good to be informed

about the bath products, especially soaps, which people have been using on a daily basis. Choosing for

the apt bath soap is a serious need or necessity since it frequently comes into contact with the skin. The

skins ph level is a major factor contributing to skin problems, in which it’s a warning for everyone to

avoid buying soaps with the skin ph level between 9 and 11, an example of it is a commercial soap. This

may lead to skin problems. It is a must to be careful in choosing the right bath soap to apply.

Soaps should not be directly applied to the skin. It should be mixed with water and the foam

produced should be applied on the body. Extra care has to be taken while cleaning areas where there is

more perspiration or itching. Soaps and cleansers shouldn’t be used regularly on the face as they can

make the skin dry and irritable. There’s a variety of soaps available in the market, like:

 Antibacterial soaps: These are soaps that have an added antibacterial agent like triclosan.

 Anti-acne soaps – These soaps are used mainly on the face, chest, and back where acne is more

prevalent. Overuse of such can cause red flaky patches on the skin.

 Herbal soaps – These contain gentle herbs and plants. Those that hold vitamins and antioxidants

that keep free radicals that damage skin.

 Moisturising soaps – Soaps that contains olive oil, shea butter, paraffin, glycerineetc that give

softness to the skin.

 Shower gels – These are similar to liquid soaps but in a gel-based preparation and are used for

cleaning the body while showering.

 Aromatherapy soaps – These soaps contain essential oils and botanicals to gently cleanse the skin
The researchers included this study to be able to add more understanding about the uses and

benefits of choosing the right bath soap to help build the foundation of the study, and to help the study

achieve a more appropriate and spot-on result. It helped the researchers to gain more knowledge of what

the study is all about.

Aromatherapy is a treatment that uses aromatic essential oils, aromatic soaps, and aromatic salts.

Aromatherapy soap is one of the important products in a therapeutic process. This soap is different from

other soaps as it contains essential oils that are beneficial for the skin and help in moisturizing, toning,

and cleansing the skin. The public in general prefer aromatherapy soaps not only because of their

soothing effects on the skin but also due to their pleasant fragrances, which were caused by the presence

of essential oils in them. But some also favour those that are odourless, especially for people with

fragrance allergies.

Aromatherapy soap is very beneficial for nourishing the skin and has beneficial effects of being

free from artificial components or chemicals and is made up of essential oils that were extracted from

natural herbs and plants. These soaps also moisturize the skin and make it feel relaxed and could be used

for cleansing the skin, thus opening up the pores of the skin that were blocked due to dust and oily skin

problems, and they are very beneficial for sensitive skin types as there are lesser chances of any reactions.

They could also be used for toning the skin and to treat sunburns, as well as some aromatherapy soaps

were used for treating insect bites. Aromatherapy soaps create a soothing feeling and effect on the body

skin, used for treating acne and are used to reduce itching of the skin. Some essential oils included in

aromatherapy soaps were absorbed into the skin and so are effective for healing the skin and sore muscles

of the body.

There are also beneficial effects of the soap because it contains sweet fragrances that help in

relaxing the mind from anxiety and depression. They could be utilized for moisturizing dry skin and for

softening the skin and can clean the skin deeply, so are they very useful for women who wear makeup, as
they help in removing it completely. The essential oils present in the aromatherapy soaps also slow down

the process of aging of the skin, used for the treatment of wrinkles and scars on the skin. Additionally,

they were intended for the treatment of abnormally enlarged skin pores that also remove toxins from the

surface of the skin and help the skin to breathe and oxygenate, and the essential oils in the aromatherapy

soaps are used to cure skin diseases such as eczema and skin allergies (“Aromatheraphy Soaps,” 2009)

In this article, it stated the more essential use of soaps, its benefits to the day-to-day life at the

present and how essential it is to the skin. It helped the researchers’ awareness of the soaps conditions and

benefits to a person.

According to Carney (2016), soap had been used to clean, to heal skin aches, and as a skin

ointment for ages. But in the world today, the general public use soap as a purifier or aroma. If body

needs soap for cleaning, bathing, and washing then soap also needs a packaging to keep itself safe from

harmful effects of environmental conditions. Inclusive, benevolent and protected covering is necessary to

guard the highly active ingredients used in soaps. The quality of these type of soaps can easily get

depreciated by keeping them in open atmosphere without protective material. With that much usability of

soaps, they could be considered as a primary part of the daily life. And most important feature about all

sorts of soaps is their packaging. Whatever soap one is manufacturing or using, whether it is a liquid soap

or a traditional bar soap, it must come with a packaging. With the same type of ingredients involved in

soap manufacturing, the competitive edge gained by the company could only be achieved through

attractive packaging.

The researchers included this study to be able to know more of the insights and understandings of

the seller in trying to make a product profitable for consumers to buy. This also helped the researchers to

determine the ways and strategies on handling soaps to launch in a market.

Related Studies
According to a study by Alfajora, et. al (2013), if one tries or attempts making soap for the first

time, one has to use a large pot when mixing the oils with the lye solution because if there would be a

mistake, the mixture will react and will bubble a lot, and if not done in a large pot, it will overflow and

will certainly get very messy.

The added information would serve as a guide for the study to prevent from creating mistakes

during the process of making the soap. Alfajora and the members of his research study wrote a

recommendation for the part of their study they failed to accomplish. Thus, their study is related to this

research because it’s all about creating soap and giving a brief reminder in mixing oil with lye.

According to a blogger under a username of Sweeny, people have been using different herbal

soaps that are expensive and less effective nowadays. That is why their research aims to make an

effective and cheaper herbal soap. Like guava leaves, it contains major antioxidant pigments, carotene

and polyphenols, giving them high dietary antioxidant value among plant foods. 

This study is related to this present research because of making use of the soap. Both of these

studies aimed to have an effective product and a cheaper soap, but with the achievement of the desired

part of accomplishment. Although this research intended to produce a soap with long lasting fragrance, it

is still linked with the mentioned statement because of the similarity in intentions.

Theoretical Framework

This study was anchored on two theories, which were the Luca Turin’s Theory of Smell and the

Bolster’s Quantum Vibration Scent Theory.

Luca Turin’s Theory of Smell proposes that the smell of substances was based upon the

frequencies of vibration of their molecules. Luca Turin was the one who developed it and provided a

scientific support. In 1985, he found the idea that the smell of a substance is determined by the

frequencies of vibration of their molecules from an article by R.G. Wright in 1997 issue of the journal
chemistry and industry. Turin characterizes the smell receptors as having overlapping ranges that would

not necessarily have to be the case. (

Another theory is the Bolsters Quantum Vibration Scent Theory, which is the predominant theory

of smell today says: No way. The millions of different odorants in the world are a little more like puzzle

pieces. The noses contain scores of different kinds of receptors that each prefer to bind with specific types

of pieces. So a receptor that is set to bind to a molecule called limonene sends a signal to the brains when

it finds that compound, and that's one of the cues behind the smell of citrus. Likewise that same receptor

wouldn't bind to hydrogen sulfide—which smells of rotten eggs. So, the promoters of the standard theory

say, the familiar chemical interactions between receptor and odorant are all that's needed to explain

olfaction. No fancy quantum vibration theory is necessary. Odorant molecules typically contain many

hydrogen atoms. And hydrogen comes in multiple forms, each very chemically similar to the others. But

those different isotopes of hydrogen do strongly affect how a molecule vibrates. So deuterium, containing

a hydrogen nucleus that has both a proton and a neutron (as opposed to plain-old-hydrogen that has just a

proton), might help scientists discriminate between the proposed vibration and standard chemical binding

theories of olfaction. (Anderson, 2013)

The relationships among the Luca Turin's Theory of Smell and Bolster's Quantum Vibration

Scent Theory greatly influenced in the completion and succession of this research study. Since the study

focused on the long lasting fragrance of the soap, the presented theories were beneficial. The Theory of

Smell explained the different characteristics and factors of the smell and also their vibrations of the

molecules, which explained why people could smell. The Theory of Quantum Vibration explained that

millions of different odorants in the world are a little more like puzzle pieces, it also tells that there are

more fragrance not just only one. These theories are only guide for the researches for coming up with

another theory that comprises the needed theory of this study.

In the figure below, soap was placed at the middle to indicate that this research centers on

creating a soap. With the basic characteristics of a soap, which are the texture, ability to produce bubbles,

fragrance duration and ability to clean or remove dirt, the study intended to be accomplished by achieving

each of those characteristics, most specifically the duration of the fragrance. A line connects the four

characteristics because they were of the same level that the soap must attain. Additionally, just as

mentioned, the theories existing outside the figure served as a guide and a foundation for the structure of

the whole theory of the study.

The researchers gave a theory that focuses on soap on its possibility to have four expected

characteristics: Texture, Cleansability, Bubblibility, and Fragrance Duration. Meanwhile, Turin’s and

Bolster’s Theories both serves as a foundation for the general theory.

Luca Turin’s Theory of Smell


Cleansability Soap Bubblibility

Fragrance Duration

Bolster’s Quantum Vibration Scent Theory

Figure 1


Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework was presented and it indicated how this study would be organized in

terms of content and possible outcomes. Through its input, process, and output, the framework showed a

structured general concept of the study.

In this research, the researchers tried to know if it is possible to make a soap with long lasting

fragrance. They also aimed to know the benefits of the long lasting fragrance of the soap among the

consumers. In order to achieve the objectives, a survey was conducted. All the data needed were gathered

from the given information of the respondents through the survey questionnaires. The results were

interpreted by the researchers to be able to give solutions to the problem.

Making a soap with long lasting fragrance

 Ingredients in making a soap
 Review of Related Literature and Studies
 Theories and concepts

 Making and testing of soap
 Distribution of survey questionnaires/ interview
 Gathering and Interpreting the results

 Possibility to make soap with long lasting fragrance.
 Determination of the duration of the soap’s fragrance.
 Knowing the benefits of the soap to the consumers.


Figure 2

Process of making a soap

Ask information from a chemist

Order soap ingredients from Manila

Preparation of ingredients

Mixing of oils and other ingredients

Molding the unfinished soap

Wait for it to dry for 1 month

Figure 3


Gap Bridged of the Study

This feasibility study created and produced a soap with long lasting fragrance for the respondents

of the control and experimental groups from the Divine Word College of Legazpi Senior High School


The given reviews on related literature and studies supported in creating connections and the

interrelated concepts from our study to others. They gave clearer understanding as to what the study tried

to aim, and through it, several points were given in order to provide more information about making soap

as well as on what it can do to aid this study.

Mostly, the dominant ideas are all about the soap itself. All studies have been made for the

researchers to have an idea regarding the benefits, importance and the process of making soap from the

contents of the review of related literature and related studies. There were no general studies conducted

on aiming to produce soap with long lasting fragrance. Studies about soaps are common, but this study

was distinct amongst all the review of related studies.

The related literature and studies in this research have shown the different benefits of an

aromatherapy soap could present to the general public, which is greatly helpful in taking care of one’s

skin. Therefore, this feasibility study provided not just the benefits, but also the importance of cleanliness

and hygiene, for it helps fight off. And avoid infections and diseases which can easily hospitalize or even
kill a person. It was also mentioned in the recommendations the ways to avoid getting the skin irritated or

dry. It gave out pointers on how to take care of the skin and apply the soap properly to it.

Also, the research study provided few ways on how to appropriately apply the procedures in

making a soap. A glimpse of some specific ingredients that is apt for making a fragrance soap that were

experimented among the respondents from the Divine Word College of Legazpi Senior High School. And

since there are few soaps being sold that are affordable and has long-lasting fragrance, this study

attempted to create soaps that is not costly and could have a longer duration of fragrance.

Synthesis of the State-of-the-Art

A variety of literature and studies had been sought and studied by the researchers that guided the

current study in developing and carrying out the research. Some of the literatures were used as variables

for guiding the study. Helpful concepts were also provided from the related literatures that were reviewed.

Hence, the collected literatures and studies were related to the present study about making a soap with

long lasting fragrance.

Soaps, most especially bar soaps as explained by Siddons, are essential for everyone because it is

useful everyday to remove dirt from our skin. Soap can also improve the skin’s health and hygiene.

Consequently, choosing the best soap for us is important as well, because everyone has different types of

skins and there are also various types of soaps. Meanwhile, in making soap, one must consider some

recommendations, especially if it is first time. Several mistakes could happen that may also cause bad

effect to producing a soap.

This study made use of soap by making its fragrance long lasting. This study discussed the

method in making the desired soap. Furthermore, the researchers did not find other studies that are closely

related to soap with long lasting fragrance.

Chapter III

In this chapter, the research design and the methodology were discussed; especially on the

processes the researchers did to obtain information and prove the hypothesis before concluding an

answer. Furthermore, the researchers focused on the methods, procedure, respondents, gathering of data,

statistical formula and flowchart of the method. The product that the study aimed to achieve, in which the

researchers named as Doux Aroma, was also tackled and presented.

Research Design/ Method

The study utilized a quantitative research design, specifically the true-experimental research


The term true experiment is sometimes used to refer to any randomized experiment. What proves

a certain experimental research using true experimental research design is its random selection of

participants. It is a bias-free selection that ensures objectivity of results. This design is the best way to

examine causal relationships. The true experiment is often thought of as the only research method that can

adequately measure the cause and effect relationship.

The time series quasi-experimental research design was also used in identifying the answer from

the research problems.

The essence of the time-series design is the presence of a periodic measurement process on some

group or individual and the introduction of an experimental change into this time series of measurements.

This consists of one group having a test then an observation made by the researchers over time. The

defining feature of time series research designs is that its performance is compared to its own prior

performance. In other words, each participant serves as its own control. Variables in this case were set

through multiple observations of the subjects before and after the treatment or condition applied. The

purpose of the serial observation is to see the connection between the pre-test and post-test or the original

group without test and the post-test based on the treatment or condition that took place.

Time series quasi-experimental design was useful in describing changes over time through which

the researchers would observe the change of scent of the respondents over a few hours if the scent of the

soap lasted long enough in the subjects’ skin.

General Procedure

In the overall method on how this study was conducted and managed, the researchers followed a

proper procedure from the beginning of the study up to the methodology in experimenting for making a

soap. The general procedure would help into achieving the hypothesized data, as well as the conclusions.

Problem clarification. The researchers formulated sub questions and objectives of the study to

determine the concentration of the whole research, including the main problem, which is to prove if the

soap with long lasting fragrance is possible. The researchers also gave limitations as well to have focus in

a specific scope. Additionally, terms were defined under the introduction. Clarification of the problem is a

significant part for the general procedure, as it is where the study started. Hence, without starting in this

part of the procedure, the study will not have a proper focus in continuing.
Searching of related information. Through different sources such as the internet, books, and

other research papers, the researchers searched for related literature and studies which would help give

foundation, as mentioned earlier. These related information as a part of the general process helped the

researchers understand about other related works such as any literature and study.

Experimentation. The researchers conducted an experiment on making a soap and added more

scent extract to achieve long lasting fragrance. Proper equipment and ingredients were also used during

the process. Eventually, the created soap was expected to have the four main characteristics that the

researchers identified in the theoretical framework, which are cleansability, bubblibility, fragrance

duration and texture.

Surveying and Testing. After the experiment, the researchers prepared approved survey-

questionnaires for the respondents. These questionnaires were used to gather more information from the

respondents and to know their insights and give proofs or assessment of the product. The respondents

likewise tried and tested the soap during the survey.

Analysis. After the latter, the results revealed upon the survey-questionnaire and the tests were

analysed and interpreted by the researchers. The statistical formula was identified which was the

percentage of how many respondents chose a specific item or choice.

In addition, in the general procedure of the study, the analyzed and interpreted data were used to

formulate conclusions.


In this study, the researchers aimed to conduct a small-scaled survey for limited students

involved, who will aid in order to arrive into precise answers for the three main sub-questions in this

research. Moreover, the respondents identified were both male and female students who are either varsity

students or regular students of the Senior High School in Divine Word College of Legazpi. Each group,
however, only covered 15 students each with a total of 30 respondents. The researchers decided to choose

these 30 students to represent possible consumers of the soap with long lasting fragrance. The

respondents also helped in proving the effectivity of the product, as the 15 varsity students would be the

experimental group and the other 15 regular students would be the control group.


The survey questionnaire is the main instrument of the researchers that would help in gathering

the data and it would be distributed to selected Grade 11 and 12 varsity and regular students of Divine

Word College of Legazpi Senior High School Department, specifically for both male and female students.

The questionnaire was composed of 15 questions and divided into three parts, which is about the

consumption of the experimented soap. The first part was answered based from the respondent’s prior

information about the use of soap while the second part was answered only after the Doux Aroma soap

was tested to their hands. Meanwhile, the third part is more on an evaluation and response and were

answered after they tried the soap to their body considering their roles as varsity (to produce sweat) and

regular student (to do nothing and avoid too much sweat). In addition, the researchers also included

observations to know the outcome of the research study if the fragrance lasts. The questionnaire was

designed by the researchers in which the questions used to assess the general acceptability of the


Aside from abovementioned, the researchers used different kinds of equipment during the

experiment. A Do-It-Yourself Kit for bath soap using all natural blends of oil was bought containing

complete tools and ingredients which is necessary for making a soap.


 Rubber Spatula

 Laundry Gloves
 Electric Stick/ Hand Mixer

 Egg Beater

 Plastic or Stainless Basin

 Soap Mold

 Soap Cutter


 Lye

 Castor Oil

 Canola Oil

 Coconut Oil

 Palm Oil

 Papaya Scent

The making of the soap comprised two stages: The Dissolving of the Lye-Solution-Pearl and the

second one has also two parts, the Preparation of Mixing the Materials and the Actual Mixing with

Complete Ingredients. Both were discussed and were useful in the experiment done by the researchers.

For the first stage, the melting of the lye must be done in a ventilated space. Gloves and other

protective clothes were worn for safety. Then, distilled water were prepared and measured in 690.20 g

then placed into a large basin enough to fill for 1 ltr. Lye was then opened safely before mixing it with

water. Then, it was set aside for the next four hours before the heat subsided without cover or lid. As soon

as the lye dissolves into water, it becomes the lye solution needed for the next stage.

Then, for the second stage in preparing to mix, materials were readied and cleaned for use such as

rubber spatula, laundry gloves, electric stick or hand mixer, egg beater, plastic or stainless basin, soap

mold, and soap cutter.

For actual mixing with complete ingredients, 10 to 20 ml Coconut oil was mixed with the Oil

Soluble Dyes (OSD) Powder. Then, it was mixed together with the canola oil, castor oil, coconut oil and

palm oil and afterwards were placed in a round basin and mixed together using rubber spatula. A 30 ml

sodium lactate was added to make the solution firm.

Then, the Lye Solution was placed carefully into the blends of oil. A stainless whisk or egg beater

was used to mix the solution until it becomes a bit sticky. Then, it was mixed with the chosen scent using

electric stick mixer or whisk. Eventually, mixture was put into the mold using a rubber spatula before

covering it with a towel or cloth to insulate while solidifying. For 24 hours, it was set aside. In first three

hours, the soap became hot.

If poured into the soap mold, remove after 24 hours and then cut or slice it according to desired

thickness. Then, it undergone fermentation for 2 to 3 weeks before it would be ready for used. It was

allowed to be exposed in a fresh air. After that, package and label were made.

Statistical Tool

The researchers used a statistical tool that would help give an accurate percentage on how many

respondents chose or not chose an item in the questionnaire, which was relevant in formulating the

interpretation and conclusion of the study. In relation, the formula encompassed the frequency, or the

number of respondents, and the total population which was multiplied to a hundred to yield a percentage.

The formula used to sum up the survey conducted as follows:

P= x 100


P = percentage

n= total population
f= frequency or number of the respondents

Data Gathering

Experimentation was conducted to create the soap product named Doux Aroma. It is mainly to

make the soap’s fragrance or for it to have a scent that will last long in the human’s bare skin. The

product was the treatment used to every respondent for a more specific and accurate data analysis.

For the purposes of this research, survey method was utilized as the data gathering procedure.

Questionnaires were distributed among the randomly selected control and experimental grouped students

of the Divine Word College of Legazpi Senior High School Department and this is the initial phase of the

study. Appropriate letters were attached to the questionnaires as the researchers conducted their survey

among the randomly selected students. Actual distribution management, observation and interpretation of

the questionnaire were personally made by the researchers.

The study also used observation as a data gathering technique. This technique was used when the

researchers cannot secure adequate or valid data through the use of the questionnaire or some other

technique. It was considered to be the most direct means of studying people in so far as their overt

behaviour was concerned. Observation of the current operating procedure is another data gathering tool

seeing the system in action gives the additional perspective and better understanding of system

procedures. The researchers asked permission to each respondent if the soap could be tested in their hands

for means of observation for how long the fragrance of the soap would last on each subject. After which,

statistical data were collected and analyzed.

Likewise, presented on the next page is the survey-questionnaire, which contains all the queries

that that the researchers need to know in attaining precise results. It would help this study by serving as a

tool to know what the respondents feel and know about using the soap having a fragrance that would last

long. Through it would also help in proving that the soap is indeed feasible.
Meanwhile, represented below is the letter with an approval of the Senior High School Principal that the

researchers used in complement to the survey-questionnaire:

Divine Word College of Legazpi

Legazpi City

October 11, 2017

To the Respondents:

We, the students of Gr. 12 Fr. Rudolf Rahmann, SVD, are currently conducting a
feasibility study on making a soap with long lasting fragrance. The aim of this study is to know if
a soap with long lasting fragrance is possible and how will it benefit the consumers.

You may refuse or leave blank some of the questions you do not wish to answer. Your
responses in this survey will be confidential and anonymous. Data from this research will only
report the tallied information we have gathered.

If you wish to cooperate with us, kindly check the box/ boxes that corresponds your
answer to the following questions.

Your cooperation in this survey would be much appreciated.

Thank you.

Respectfully yours,
Christine-Kate B. Arcilla
Wayne M. Barruga
Jeremiah B. Cordial

Noted by:

Mr. Albert Llaguno

Practical Research II Teacher

Ms. Emma T. Alcantara, MIE



This study had undertaken a step-by-step process, which gave the researchers a clear insight and

smooth flow of the general understanding and execution of the research along with the experimentation.

The figure below shows the flowchart for the whole study:

Gathering and collection of ingredients and tools



Ingredients Materials

Making a soap with long lasting fragrance

Conduct a survey

Approval of letter to the

Making of questionnaire respondents Testing of product

Interpretation and analyzation of data

Results and discussion

Conclusion and recommendation

Figure 4



Preparation of ingredients Mixing Lye with water

Mixing all oils into a four-liter container

Poring the Lye-water mixture with the oils Mixing all the ingredient

Storing the soap after being placed in a mold, making sure that it is secured to dry
Final Doux Aroma soap structure design without the packaging design

Chapter IV

This chapter presents the findings, analysis, interpretation of data gathered. As an experimental

research study, the analysis was carried out in two phases; through observation and survey questionnaires.

The researchers also conducted informal interviews while in the process of observing the respondents.

Questionnaires were distributed to 30 students and were accomplished by both athletes and regular

students. Its main objective is to identify the duration of the soap’s aroma on two different types of


The following are the tabular results and interpretation of the result in the survey, observation and

experiment conducted by the researchers:

Profile of Respondents

The profile of the respondents discussed in this chapter includes some personal information such

as gender, population and classification.

Table 1

N = 30

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 18 60%
Female 12 40%
Total 30 100%

The table above shows that 60% of the total numbers of respondents were male whereas 40% of

the total numbers of respondents were female. Much of the respondents were men for they were the ones

who were randomly selected from the draw lots. In addition, the athletes in the Senior High School

Department are mostly men. This data shows how the different genders provided thegood amount of

analysis on the different preference of both men and women.

Table 2


N = 30

Grade Level Frequency Percentage

Grade 11 10 33%
Grade 12 20 67%
Total 30 100%

The table presents the total number of respondents whom the researchers used to gather

information and data to help gain knowledge and to determine the different findings. Ten students were

from the Grade 11 level and 20 students came from the Grade 12 level with a total of 100%. The unequal

distribution is not a problem for it was chosen through random sampling. It did not become a problem

throughout the whole experiment and the group level was not a priority factor in giving out the

experiment for each respondent.

Table 3


N = 30
Gender Frequency Percentage
Athletes 15 50%
Regular Students 15 50%
Total 30 100%

Table 3 identifies that 50% of the total numbers of respondents were athletes and 50% of the total

numbers of respondents were regular students. All of the respondents were equally distributed but both

were randomly selected by means of draw lots.

This data presents on how the equal distribution would give out a better result on the whole

experiment. To be able to determine the exact difference of the duration of the fragrance of the soap with

two different lifestyles of the respondents. In addition, the athletes represent the students who produced

more sweats. On the other hand, the regular students represent those who sweat with minimal amount.

Through this, the researchers determined also whether the fragrance of the soap changes or diminishes

when there’s sweat.


Table 4


N = 30

Characters Frequency Percentage

Bar Soap 27 90%

Liquid 3 10%

Total 30 100%
Table 4 reveals that out of 30 respondents, 27 of them use bar soaps in taking a bath instead of

liquid soaps, which also has 3 from the respondents who actually use them. This data simply shows that

even with the new innovation of liquid soaps in the economy, most people would still prefer to use bar

soaps other than liquid. Based from the review of related literature of this research, it has proven how bar

soaps is more beneficial than liquid soaps because of its qualities such as easier to use and not viscous.

When it talks about hygiene specifically, bar soaps have less chemicals compared to the former.

Convenient storage, non-wasteful of use for which it’s hard to adjust the amount of liquid that pumps out

of the container. It may be too much of the amount needed.

And lastly, it’s contribution to the environment. Liquid soaps consume too much chemical feed

stock and manufacturing process, as well as it uses plastic containers unlike bar soaps.

Table 5


N = 30

Characters Frequency Percentage

Yes 23 77%

No 7 23%

Total 30 100%

Table 5 presents that 77% of the respondents use one soap to both their face and body. While

23% percent of them does not. The respondents were randomly selected, having 15 athletes and 15 others

who were from both the Gr. 11 and 12 students. The results simply shows how students of their age

would still prefer to use one soap for their whole body and face, whether it is a whitening soap or anti-

bacterial and many others. Having one soap is convenient for most people, and it is of course less costly.
It is financially beneficial and can consume less space in the bathroom or sink. The results prove how

respondents are convenient physically and financially, especially of their age.

Table 6


N = 30

Characters Frequency Percentage

Yes 24 80%
No 6 20%
Total 30 100%

Table 1.3 represents the answers of the selected respondents if they like using scented soaps other

than odorless soaps. Most of the randomly selected students have chosen yes with a frequency of 24 out

of 30. While some have answered no with a frequency of 6 out of 30. This clearly reveals as to students

would still prefer something that would smell good for them. For most of the things students use, a good

aroma around their area or themselves is still more comfortable and would easily be liked by other people

that would smell them accidentally or intentionally.

Scented soaps were more preferred, simply because it would again be financially beneficial. Not

having to buy expensive perfumes, or simply colognes for they would have it all in one after taking a

bath. It is also convenient for people to quickly leave the house when they’re running late and would not

rush to go back if they forgot to put on some perfume.

Table 7


N = 24
Characters Frequency Percentage
Strong 2 8%
Too Mild 0 0%
Mild 22 92%
Total 24 100%

Table 7 presents only those who answered yes from the previous question on table 1.3. It shows

that 24 students with a percentage of 92% preferred a mild scent, 2 students with a percentage of 8%

would prefer to have a strong fragrance rather than mild, and 0 or none of the students answered with a

too mild aroma.

As to the result, it concludes on how students would prefer an average scent on themselves. Not

too strong, and not too light. The researchers also did a few interviews to some respondents while

conducting the experiment, and their answers are all the same, too strong fragrances hurts their nose, and

too mild is as if they didn’t use any at all which is a waste.

Most people would prefer mild fragrances but others who prefer otherwise or strong ones will

always be present. They may be a few but they exist. Mild scents are perfect for most people, especially

those who have allergies, those who can’t handle too strong aromas. Some like strong ones mostly to

catch attention from others but mild ones are more attractive for a majority of people.

Table 8



Characters Frequency Percentage

They have allergies 1 17%

They don’t like it 2 33%

It depends on the scent 2 33%

Others: Depends on the

1 17%

Total 6 100%

Table 8 on the other hand presents those who have answered no in the 3 rd question of Test I. The

table shows how 2 out of 6 students have chosen that they don’t like the scented soaps at all. Another 2

out of 6 chose how they don’t like scented soaps but it differs from each scent of the soap. One of the

respondents had chosen that he has allergies. And the last remaining student out of 6 have answered that it

depends on the protection of the soap rather than the actual scent of the soap itself. The results on this

table presented with neutrality. Two students chose how they don’t like it, another 2 for those that

depends on the scent. It’s equal, meaning, there are students who purely doesn’t like scented soaps for no

particular reason and some would base it on each scent of the soap, if it fits their taste in fragrances. One

of the student who answered about its protection shows how there are always people who critics most

things firstly based on safety. Others would still prioritize even when it comes to small little goods or

things. And lastly, the other students have allergies. It shows how some people would love to use scented

soaps or perfumes but is prohibited to use them because of their allergies. Even if they want to use it they

can’t and are not allowed too, unless there are prescribed scents or some scents that doesn’t cause their

allergies to pop up.


Table 9


N = 30

Characters Frequency Percentage

It smells good 25 83%

It smells bad 1 3%

It smells okay 4 14%

Total 30 100%

Table 9 explains the answers of the respondents about the condition of the soap’s scent tested on
them. The researchers have given three choices to the respondents. After the calculations were gathered,
the results shows how 25 students with a percentage of 83% had chosen that the soap smells good. And 4
students with a percentage of 14% have chosen that the soaps scent is okay. While one student answered
that it smells bad, still, the results gathered present how majority of the students find the fragrance of the
soap good. Based from the reactions of each respondent when the soap was tested, they act mostly the
same on how the soap smelled. Some said how they did not expect the soap to smell that good.
Compliment after compliment were received during the treatment. But some still find the soap’s scent as
average. Not that good, or they have used something better. Some just had a different taste with
fragrances, showing how the scent of the soap tested is just average. And one simply doesn’t like scented
soaps at all.

Table 10


N = 30

Characters Frequency Percentage

Yes 21 70%

No 9 30%

Total 30 100%

Table 10 presents that 70% of the students answered yes to the question and 30% out of 100%

answered otherwise that the scent will not last long at all. Most students have also tested that the scent of

the soap would last long on them. The soap’s alluring scent have given them the assumption to answer
yes on the question. The scent was strong enough to catch their attention, leaving the experiment with

more positive feedback than the former.

Yet, some still doubted its duration. Since most fragrances of soaps would only last for an hour or

two, and some with only a few minutes. The researchers have still yet expected for some of the

respondents to answer negatively.

Some soaps have great aromas but doesn’t last that long or at least more than an hour. It has

given them such expressions to the soap tested, a thought of how it would be just like the others. During

the interview with the respondents as well, after applying the second treatment of using Green Cross,

respondents told us that the scent of the latter is weaker than Doux Aroma. The table above further

supports this characteristic.

Table 11


N = 30

Characters Frequency Percentage

Yes 6 30%
No 24 70%
Total 30 100%

Table 11 presents that 30% of the respondents have disagreed with regards to the soap being

uncomfortable to their skin, while the rest of the respondents, the remaining 6 out of 30 with a percentage

of 70% have agreed to it being uncomfortable. The results identified respondents to have felt okay with

the soap. Nothing have given them an itch or sense of anxiousness regarding the soap tested. The soap

was okay for the 24 students. They simply find the soap alluring because of the pleasant smell it gives to

their skin. But there were still a few who found it uncomfortable.
One of the respondents has allergies, so, it didn’t give out an extreme effect; she just found it

uncomfortable and a little itchy. The other who found it uncomfortable shows how some people would

still be conscious with the things they use, either big or small. If it doesn’t suit a person’s perspective of

something it would always turn out negatively for them.

Furthermore, it shows that there are several factors that made the respondents say that the soap

was uncomfortable, same as well for those said that it’s not. The factors are due to the texture of the soap

that it has sticky feeling when the hands are not washed properly. However the others also said that the

soap can make their skin smooth.

Table 12



Characters Frequency Percentage

I have allergies 1 17%

Scent is too strong 3 50%

I don’t have allergies but it’s

1 17%
Others: They feel the same way
1 17%
after they wash laundry

Total 6 100%

Table 12 presents only those who answered yes from the previous question on Table 11. There

are a total of 6 respondents who answered about the soup being uncomfortable. The researchers have

given out 3 choices. After the calculations, the results shows that 1 student have chosen that they have

allergies, another 3 have chosen that the scent was way too strong for them, one student chose that
they don’t have allergies but it’s itchy, and lastly, the remaining student answered that her skin felt like

they just finished washing the laundry. The results gathered have variety of answers. One student who

had allergies which is completely reasonable, and the other three find the scent too strong after the

treatment. It simply shows that they prefer a milder scent. Some people would find some soaps already

mild but some would find it a little too strong for their taste. One student found it itchy even without

allergies. It shows how sensitive some people’s skin are, even without having massive skin problems. The

last student’s answer reveals that even the soap was tested, it is still completely out of their comfort zone.

Some people would find some soaps good in scent but would feel different under their own skin, yet

would be fine to others.

Table 13


N = 24

Characters Frequency Percentage

It’s fine for my skin 7 29%

I like the scent 14 58%

It fits my taste and preference

3 13%

Total 24 100%

Table 13 presents the answers of the respondents who disagreed with the soap being

uncomfortable to their skin. The researchers have given three choices to the respondents. After the

calculations were gathered, the result shows that 58% of the students didn’t find it uncomfortable for they

really like the scent, 29% of them have chosen that it’s fine for their skin, and lastly 13% of them have

chosen that it fits their taste and preference perfectly.

This data reveals that the soap tested was completely fine for most of the respondents. They

didn’t feel uncomfortable for most of them focused on the scent of the soap and never finding it

uncomfortable for their skin. Some said it’s fine and some find the soap perfect for them. It reveals how

the soap would be gladly used by a lot of people. A completely different soap from the ones they are used

to, that would give out a new and cool vibe for the user mainly for its alluring scent.


Table 14


N = 30

Characters Frequency Percentage

2-3 hours 23 77%

4-5 hours 6 20%

6-7 hours 1 3%

Total 30 100%

Table 14 presents the answers of the respondents regarding the duration of the soap after taking a

bath with the soap for one day. The frequency shows that 23 of the students with a percentage of 77%

answered that soap lasted to them for 2-3 hours. The others with 6 students with a percentage of 20%

answered that the scent of the soap lasted for 4-3 hours on them. Lastly, one student with a percentage of

3% have answered that the soap lasted for 6-7 hours on them. Based from the results and the whole

experiment, it was noted that the soap would majorly last for 2-3 hours especially for athletes. And to

some who just sweats a lot normally. Likewise, to some it would last for 4-5 hours if they do not engage

to too many activities that would make them sweat a lot.

The duration reaches 4-5 hours only last for those who usually don’t like heavy activities and

those who prefer staying at home away from the heat of the sun. Or a very rare occasion, the scent lasted

for 6-7 hours and it occurred to one student. The researchers have conducted an interview to the identified

student and she answered how she normally doesn’t sweat a lot, and that she didn’t do anything that much

on that day.

The data simply reveals how the scent would last 4-5 hours if one don’t do anything heavy on a

day, and away from the sun. But if a person is normally not sweaty at all, the scent would still last long

even with the exposure from the sun or doing only one heavy activity. One identified respondent said that

the soap would last for 6-7 hours. But normally the duration of the scent would eventually decrease to 2-3

hours if a person is indeed sweaty, likewise likes or does physically tiring activities or tasks.

Table 15


N = 30

Characters Frequency Percentage

Yes 26 87%

No 4 13%

Total 30 100%

Table 15 shows the calculations of the answers of the respondents who answered whether the

soap would be okay to be placed at the market or not. The respondents who agreed have the percentage of

87% who are 26 out of 30 students. Those who disagreed have the percentage of 13% with a total of 4 out

of 30 students. The table simply shows that the soap “Doux Aroma” is good enough to be placed in the

market. They have agreed that they would buy the product if ever it would be available in the market.
The possibilities of it being in the market have already received a good feedback. But some still

find the product unmarketable, for they don’t want to buy the soap. Some with a reason of it being

uncomfortable, and for some have allergies. The conclusions show how majority would still be willing to

buy the product if it’s placed in the market.

Table 16


N = 30

Characters Frequency Percentage

Yes 23 77%

No 7 23%

Total 30 100%

Table 16 shows the results of the answers of the respondents about the question on their

willingness to use the product again. The calculations resulted to 23 students who agreed to use the

product again with 77% for its percentage. The latter on the other hand have 7 students who disagreed in

using it again with 23% for its percentage. Comparison to the previous question, there were 26 students

who wanted to buy the product and only 23 students are willing to use it again. There was a decrease of 3

students, and the reasons for such may vary for some would buy and not use it because they aren’t the one

going to use the product, giving it out to their families or friends and such, especially for those who have

allergies who are not allowed to use them. Another is that some would use it as an air freshener instead

since some find it uncomfortable for their skin even though they still find the fragrance good.

Majority of the respondents are still willing to use the product again, and/or for their daily bathing

soaps. But some are not willing to use it anymore regardless of the scent being pleasant to them.

Table 17

N = 23

Characters Frequency Percentage

It smells good 10 43%

It\s worth a try 8 35%

I think the scent will last long 4 18%

Others: it eliminates nasty odor

and leaves a soft and smooth 1 4%
effect after use

Total 23 100%

Table 17 explains the reasons of the respondents who answered yes on the previous question on

Table 3.3. The researchers have given out three choices to the respondents. After the calculation of the

gathered answers of each respondent, the result shows that 10 students with a percentage of 43% have

simply liked the scent of the scent as the reason why they are willing to try it again. Then 8 of the students

with a percentage of 35% have agreed for it is worth to try it again. While 4 students with a percentage of

18% have agreed that they think it’s beneficial for them since the scent would eventually last long on

their skin which is good for those who loves perfumes or simply who wants to smell good without being

costly from buying an expensive perfume. Lastly, one student answered that she is willing to use the soap

“Doux Aroma” again with a reason that it eliminates nasty odor and leaves a soft and smooth effect after

use. One of the respondents really answered that he liked the soap a lot as per experiment and survey. The

result of this data reveals that the main reason for a majority of people who use the soap for their daily use

is because of it’s amazing scent and only a few for their duration.

Table 18


Characters Frequency Percentage

I’m not fond of the scent 1 14%

I just don’t want to 1 14%

I don’t use scented soaps 3 43%

Others: I’m not comfortable/ my

2 29%
skin gets dry

Total 7 100%

Table 18 presents the answers of the respondents to the last question presented in the survey for

those who answered No in the previous question on Table 3.3. After the calculations were done, the

results shows that, with a total of 7 students who disagreed, 3 students with a percentage of 43% have

chosen that they don’t use scented soaps at their homes on their daily baths. Then 2 students with a

percentage of 29%, one answered that she’s not comfortable with the soap and the other answered that his

skin gets dry from the soap. There are two equal frequencies in this question both having one answer

each, one have chosen that she’s not fond of the scent and the other have chosen that she simply doesn’t

want to use the soap. Based from the answers of each respondent, the data reveals how there are still some

students who wouldn’t want to use the soap for a variety of reasons. For those who gets their skin dry due

to the soap, it’s one of the normal factor a bar soap has, which is why some people would prefer to use

liquid soap because of its built in moisturizers although it’s a huge damage for the environment and

hygiene itself because liquid soaps uses too much chemicals.

Results of Interview

Table 19

N= 30

Characters Frequency Percentage

Doux Aroma 25 83%
Green Cross 5 17%
Total 30 100%

Table 19 presented the answers of the respondents based from the interview on the follow-up

experiment on the comparison of the scent of the Green Cross soap from Doux Aroma. The result from

the calculations shows that 83% percent with a frequency of 25 students have chosen Doux Aroma for

having a better fragrance from Green Cross, while 17% with a frequency of 5 students have chosen

otherwise. The data simply reveals how alluring and pleasant the soap Doux Aroma is, compared to other

soaps that are also known to smell nice, like the Green Cross soap. Even if the innovation of Green Cross

soap is as an anti-bacterial soap, they have made it more unique by adding a nice fragrance. But compared

to Doux Aroma, with its sole purpose as to smell nice with long duration, is better than the latter.

Table 20



Characters Frequency Percentage

1 hour & less 27 90%
2-3 hours 3 10%
4-5 hours 0 0%
Total 30 100%
Table 20 presents the calculations of the answers of the respondents from the interview question

about the duration of the scent of the Green Cross Soap. The researchers have also given the respondents

3 choices. The result has shown that 27 students with a 90% percentage have chosen 1 hour and less as

the duration of the soap, Green Cross. Then 3 students with a 10% percentage have chosen 2-3 hours,

while 0 or none of the students have chosen the last remaining option, which is 4-5 hours. The table
simply presents on how much the scent of the soap doesn’t last as long compared to the soap, Doux

Aroma. But there was still a rare moment for the other students to have the scent last for more than 2-3

hours them. This only means that, similar to the soap Doux Aroma, a fragrance of a certain soap would

eventually decrease if a person easily sweats, exposed in sunlight or loves to do heavy loaded activities.

But in comparison to Doux Aroma, the difference of its fragrance duration has a huge gap.

Table 21



Characters Frequency Percentage

Scent is longer lasting 12 40%
Texture is smoother 4 13%
Scent is fragrant 14 47%
Total 30 100%

Table 21 shows the result of the answers of the respondents from the interview question about the

willingness of a respondent to use the soap again, and the edge of each soap that makes it more appealing

than the former. After the calculations, the results gathered shows that 47% with a frequency of 14

students have answered that the scent is fragrant. Compared to Green Cross the scent of Doux Aroma is

better compared to the latter. Then 40% with a frequency of 12 students have answered about the duration

of the scent of the soap. Most have also revealed that the duration of Doux Aroma wins over Green Cross.

The fragrance of Green Cross would last for only a few minutes if one is active and energetic person,

having a lifestyle of doing workouts and other heavy loaded tasks. Lastly, 13% with a frequency of 4

students have answered about the texture that the soap leaves in the skin, and the soap itself. The soap

was said to have effects of giving a smoother texture compared to the Green Cross soap. In majority, the

soap Doux Aroma, has a better edge with its fragrance, scent duration and a little bit from its texture,

making the said soap more attractive if placed in the market. Most of the respondents would want to buy
and use the product again compared to the Green Cross soap, for Doux Aroma is also an innovation with

new benefits or features.

Chapter V

A brief summary is presented in this chapter based from the previous chapters. Yielding into

results, this chapter also contains the researchers’ conclusions on how feasible is making a soap with long

lasting fragrance. Recommendations are also included.


In order to find out if soaps with long lasting fragrance are possible, the researchers conducted a

study entitled, “An Experimental Research on Making a Soap with Long Lasting Fragrance.” The

research aimed to study three main sub-questions:

1. Is it possible to make the soap with long lasting fragrance?

2. How long will the fragrance last after use?

3. How will the long lasting fragrance soap benefit the consumers?

One of the researchers’ objectives is to prove from the hypothesis that the soap’s fragrance may

last at least 4-5 hours. With these, related literatures and studies were obtained in order to find supporting

information and other details that will help make the study credible. This study used experimental

research, which a soap had to be made and be tested to the respondents. Eventually, the researchers

produced a soap named “Doux Aroma.” Doux is a Latin term of sweet and aroma means scent. Doux

Aroma is a soap with papaya scent and would be used towards the respondents as a treatment.

The researchers gathered more information through different ways: survey questionnaires,

experimenting, and observation. The survey questionnaire served as a guide for the researchers which
contained the respondents’ prior knowledge about soaps, response after using Doux Aroma soap, and the

respondents’ evaluation regarding the use of Doux Aroma.

The respondents were chosen according to what they portray as students. They were divided into

two: the control group and the experimental group. Control group were the regular students who don’t

sweat often. Meanwhile, the experimental group were the varsity students who were the ones who

produced sweat more during their games. The researchers aimed to determine if the fragrance of soap

have different duration from both groups. In total, there were 30 respondents, 15 students each group.

The experiment of the study was conducted after the soap was made. A survey questionnaire was

given to each of the students to answer the first part of the survey. Then, they were given free soaps to be

tested on their hands and know how they feel about the texture, the quality and the shape of the soap.

After this, they were able to answer the part two of the questionnaire. Finally, another free soap were

given to each student who applied to their body, and then evaluated it to answer the third part of the



Based from the experiment conducted among the respondents using the soap and from the

gathered information, the following findings were specified:

I. The Use of Soap

Most students and consumers use bar soaps in bathing. These bar soaps are then used in washing

their entire body and face. Majority of the students liked to use scented soaps better than the unscented

ones probably due to the need of being fragrant and to improve one’s hygiene. It then shows that many

look for something that will make one more descent by using fragrance-producing things such as soap.

Additionally, many of the students prefer to have a mild scent because it soothes their mind and it won’t
hurt their olfactory sense. The students who don’t like scented soaps said that they either depend on the

scent if they can use it or not, or they just don’t like it.

II. Product Tested: “Doux Aroma”

After the product was tested among the respondents to both control and experimental group,

majority confirmed that the Doux Aroma soap smells good. The respondents’ thought that the soap would

last long.

Furthermore, there were more students who agreed that Doux Aroma is comfortable for them.

The main reason was they like the scent. This further showed that students tend to be attracted to the scent

of the soap as what the study really aimed to know. Only few students said that the scent fits their

preference. As for those who were uncomfortable with the soap with minimum in number, said that they

have allergies with the effects of the soap. Some also said that the scent is too strong at the first try.

III. Evaluation and Response

After using the Doux Aroma soap for a day, the respondents evaluated their own experience

towards the use of soap. Many said upon observation that the soap’s fragrance lasted 2-3 hours. Others

said that the scent ended 4-5 hours. However, due to the different experiments made by the researchers, it

was anticipated that the students who sweat too much made the scent’s duration decrease. On the other

hand, the regular students who do not sweat too much made the fragrance lasts for more than four hours.

Since there were number of students who agreed that the scent reached 2-3 hours exceeded at rare

circumstances, might reached 4-5 hours.

Despite of this, majority of the respondents believed that the soap was marketable and might still

be sold to the market who have preference and taste that fits them and to those who like fragrances. There

were many students who were involved in the survey who were willing to use the soap again because it

smells good and they believed that it would last long. The students who were not willing to use the soap

again said that they don’t use scented soaps after all.

IV. Result of Interview

Majority of the respondents during the interview revealed that the scent of Doux Aroma is better than

Green Cross due to its long lasting fragrance. Doux Aroma’s fragrance remained strong and its level of

fragrance diminishes slower than Green Cross. Due to this, the respondents estimated that the Green

Cross’s fragrance lasted less than an hour. Furthermore, most of the respondents’ reason of choosing

Doux Aroma than Green Cross or other scented soap was that, the scent had fragrance that lasts longer.


1. Soap with long lasting fragrance is possible because according to the survey and experiment

conducted, majority concluded that the fragrance of the Doux Aroma lasted for 2-3 hours, but

there were also who said that the scent lasted for 4-5. This implied that due to division of group

(control and experimental), the results were affected. As mentioned from the research findings, it

was shown that, soap with long lasting fragrance will last commonly from 2-3 hours and then,

unusually, at rare circumstances, may reach 4-5 hours. Therefore, regardless of the duration and

hypotheses incurred, a soap’s fragrance may last longer.

2. The fragrance of the soap lasted for 2-3 hours based from the evaluation of the athletes.

Meanwhile, the regular students mostly agreed that the duration is 2-3 hours but there were also
who said that the duration lasts to 4-5 hours. Thus, this shows that sweat of a person becomes a

factor that decreases the capability of the soap’s fragrance to last long.

3. One of the benefits of the soap with long lasting fragrance was that, according to a respondent,

although not proven enough, the soap eliminates nasty odor and leaves a soft and smooth effect

after use. Some factors may lead to this kind of response as the scent of Doux Aroma is naturally

made from papaya scent. The soap can also benefit the users because the scent of the soap is mild

and it smells good.

4. Many consumers preferred bar soaps when they bath and they like to use scented soaps with mild

fragrance. Majority were also attracted to the fragrance of the soap rather than the duration of the

scent. In addition, Doux Aroma possesses good fragrance that draws a person’s attention.

5. Users of soaps tend to notice and consider the scent of the soap and how longer it may last than

other soaps.


The researchers provide recommendations for the following persons:

 Future researchers – They must invest a large amount of money in order to buy the full set of

ingredients unless there’s an available ingredients that could be bought in their location. They

must further find other ways that would make the scent long lasting if they wanted to attain

longer duration. They must also be careful and observe precautionary measures in making the

soap because skin contact is dangerous; lye gets hot if mixed. They must give time in making the

soap because they have to wait for it to become fully solid in 1 month. Dedication and time

management is a must for the researchers for them to accomplish the whole study.

- If they’re going to have modifications in this kind of study, they may

focus on profitability and marketability of the product.

- It is also recommended to the future researchers to upgrade or add up

other chemicals to the soap. They can innovate the soap into anti-bacterial or whitening soap,

without removing the alluring fragrance of the soap itself.

- Likewise, it is recommended for them to use the statistical formula,

Analysis of Variance ANOVA) for a more precise and scientific method of doing the calculations

for the whole experiment.

- If the future researchers would like to seek more information and expand

the study, the researchers recommend to find the marketability of the Doux Aroma, so as to know

its life span or expiry date, marketing strategies, and product innovation with its purpose. On the

other hand, future researchers who liked to further improve the soap through scientific

experimentation and study, they may find the pH value that the soap contains and other scientific

components that they may use in order to give Doux Aroma more details.

 Respondents – They must be fully aware of what the study is all about before being

experimented so that they may participate well in experimentation.

 Consumers - If they’re going to look for a soap that has long lasting fragrance, they may try

“Doux Aroma” if it’s going to be sold in the market.

 Parents – They may use “Doux Aroma” if they wanted to improve their child’s hygiene.

 Entrepreneurs – creativity and innovation may be applied to Doux Aroma in order to have more

efficient output with low price. They may also discover new fragrance besides papaya scent and

improve other soap qualities.



Chapter One:

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History of soap and soap interesting facts. (2017). Retrieved from <>

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What is your most popular soap. (2017). Retrieved from <>

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Gerea, A. (2016, January 09). Asoapy affair – the science homemade soap making. Retrieved

Hamner, R. (2006, November 02). What is saponification? Retrieved from <www.realhandmade soap.

Chapter Two:

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Carney, A. (2016, June 16). Impotance and benefits of soap packaging. Retrieved from

Sweeny. (2009, April 02). Guava leaves extract as main ingredient in making herbal soap for washing
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(n.d). Luca Turin's Theory of the Sense of Smell.<>

Alfajor, J., Mcnaughton, G., Gatcho, B.(2013, October 22). Ampalunggay Soap. Retrieved from

Chapter Three:

Heffner, C. L. (n.d). Chapter 5.4 True Experimental Design. Retrieved from<https://allpsych

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“An Experimental Research on Making a Soap with Long Lasting Fragrance”
Name (Optional): Age:
Gender: Female Male Grade and Section:
Direction: Put a check (√ ) on the box that corresponds to your answer. Choose only one best answer.


1) Which type of soap are you currently using for bath?
Bar soap Liquid soap
2) Do you usesoap only for your face and body?
Yes No
3) Do you like scented soaps?
Yes No
4) If yes, how strong do you prefer the fragrance to be?
Strong Mild
Too Mild
5) If no, what could be the reasons?
I have allergies It depends on the scent
I don’t like it Others, please specify: _____________________


1) How is the scent of the soap you tested?
It smells good It smells okay
It smells bad Others, please specify: _____________________
2) Do you think the scent would last long?
Yes No
3) Do you find the soap uncomfortable?
Yes No
4) If yes, what could be the reasons?
I have allergies I don’t have allergies but it’s itchy
Scent is too strong Others, please specify: ____________________
5) If no, what could be the factors?
It’s fine for my skin It fits my taste and preference perfectly
I like the scent Others, please specify: ____________________


1) How long did the scent last?
2-3 hours 4-5 hours
6-7 hours
2) Do you think the product is marketable?
Yes No
3) Will you use this soap again?
Yes No
4) If yes, why will you use it?
It smells good I think the scent will last long
It’s worth to try Others, please specify: _____________________
5) If no, why won’t you use it?
I’m not fond of the scent I don’t use scented soaps
I just don’t want to Others, please specify: ______________


February 19, 2018

Dear Ms. Emma T. Alcantara, MIE:

Good day!

We, the researchers from Gr. 12 Fr. Rudolf Rahmann, SVD, are currently conducting an
experimental research on making a soap with long lasting fragrance. The aim of this study is to
know if a soap with long lasting fragrance is possible and how will it benefit the consumers.

In light of this, may we ask for your permission to let us use the Science Laboratory in order to
do our experiment? We will be only excusing the students on their free times and vacant

We hope for your favourable response so we may finish the experiment successfully.

Thank you.

Respectfully yours,
Christine-Kate B. Arcilla
Wayne M. Barruga
Jeremiah B. Cordial

Noted by:

Mr. David Gomez

Research Teacher

Approved by:

Ms. Emma T. Alcantara, MIE



February 26, 2018

To the Respondents:

We, the students of Gr. 12 Fr. Rudolf Rahmann, SVD, are currently conducting an
experimental research on making a soap with long lasting fragrance. The aim of this study is to
know if a soap with long lasting fragrance is possible and how will it benefit the consumers.

You may refuse or leave blank some of the questions you do not wish to answer. Your
responses in this survey will be confidential and anonymous. Data from this research will only
report the tallied information we have gathered.

If you wish to cooperate with us, kindly check the box/ boxes that corresponds your answer to
the following questions.

Your cooperation in this survey would be much appreciated.

Thank you.

Respectfully yours,
Christine-Kate B. Arcilla
Wayne M. Barruga
Jeremiah B. Cordial

Noted by:

Mr. David Gomez

Research Teacher

Ms. Emma T. Alcantara, MIE



Track: Academic Track
Strand: Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)

Track: Academic Track
Strand: Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)
Track: Academic Track
Strand: Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)

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