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job observation is a way to follow,watch,understand the processes and

demonstrations of the job procidure. for the past week, me and my
coligues have been attending job observation on the real worled of work
in order to utilize the knowledge we have learned with in the borders of
the ethiopian aviation acadamy.
the porpose of this report is to reflect my observation during the past
week at diferrent sectors of aviation marketing department.most
importantly, the job observation was where i tangebly relize if i really
want this certain choosen field of work as a was also an outlet
to prepare me in building my self more on self confidence and self-
Company background
Formerly ethiopian airlines and often refered to as simply Ethiopian, is
wholly owned by government. EAL was founded on 21 december 1945
and commenced operation on 8 april 1946, expanding international
flights in 1951. the airline have been a member of IATA since 1959 and
of AFRAA since 1968. and a star aliance member, having joined in
december 2011.
ethiopian hub and head quarters are at bole international airport in addis
ababa, from where it serves a network of 125 passenger destination(20
of them domestic and 44 freighter destinations. ethiopian have
secondary hubs in togo and malawi.
ethiopiian is africas largest airline in terms of passengers
carried,destinations served, fleet size and revenue. also ethiopian is the
worleds 4th largest airline by the numbers of countryes served.
Department/areas of observation
all my classmates and i (SOM 139) was assighned in the ethiopian
airline deferent marketing sub working areas(the call center,
interline,check in and boarding gate area) during the whole observation
the airline marketing department work is mostely related to agent tasks
and responsiblityes of costomer survice function. the responciblity of
those working in the deprtment is varried depending on their working
area. to mention some of responsiblitys roughly; assisting passengers
with tagging luggage, bagage check in, ticketing,seat
assignment,answering inquiries about flight schedules and
fares,verifying reservation by phone , figuring fares and handling
payments.. etc are the major tasks taking place.
observation daily journal
call center
Day one and day two ( july 22&23 2019 )
july 22 was our first day in the ethiopian global call center. we arive at
the aviation acadamy early in the morning becouse we ware expecting
guidance to our first observation area. after knowing where our first
observation will be,with the guidance of mr.henok we went to the global
call center bulding and we all separate to the ground flour and first flour
of the bulding and we each seat with emloyees working to see how they
serve costomers through the phone.
the first task i try to note was about what isues are raised and what
informations informations costomers seek to recive answers mostely and
also how to interact with costomers practicaly through the phone as an
airline agent.
according to my observation i learned that most costommers uses phone
to ask about isues such as
· to change flight date and know the penalitys
· to book a flight
· to confirm their flight
· last minuite bookings or adgustments
· to know about specific flight prices
· rebooking (when their flight is canceled or delayed)
· reroughting flight
in the second day i was able to learn some of easy short cut ways to
desplay flight information , reservation and desplay defrent features
rather than the long way. employees use short cuts from the key bored
and the ceber application in order to use their time ifficiently and to
provide information for the passenger quikly while accepting calls using
software called Gensis. to mention most commonely used short cut
· CTRL+H= a display window to write more short cuts on
· 1(departure city)(arrival city)(time)= availeblity for todays date
indeparture time
· 1(date)(city pair) (arival time)= availeblity for specified date by
arrival time
· 1*= display more availeblity
· *P4SM = display SSR/meals
· FQ*= display recent fare quote
· FQ*A=change arrival city
· WPNBC= rebook the lowest
· *HI= histry
· ww*bag =display baggage alowance
· 1R =return etc.
all in ll , the two days ware great. the employees ware verry approcheble
and friendly. they made me feal conferteble and i have learned and
practiced and even handled a few calls wich was exiting. so if i ever get
to work in the call center i now already know what to expect some how
and i would not have hard time as a new employee to have conversation
through the phone with costomers.

day three (24 july 2019)

Interline (terminal)
this was the thired day to observe another working area at the terminal.
this time we arrive at the area a few houres late in the morning becouse
we ware reciving our pass peper in addition to our ID for security
porpose of the airline and reflector as we are going to access the internal
part of the air port going through the ramp.
as we arrive to the first flour the interline agent give us a short breafing
at the interline desk about the terminal gates, aircraft stands and defrent
tasks that the agents are expected to do includes
· facilitate the smooth transit for immidiate connecting passengers.
· facilitate hottel accomodation(provide hottel voucher) for
passengers whose connecting flight is over 8 hour and up to 24
hour when their is no immidiate connecting flight to contnue.
· provide transit visa (transit card) for passengers who are eligible
for transit visa on arrival.
· knowing all the standing areas of the air craft and meeting on time
when the aircraft arive to ask if their is inadmisable passenger,
deporty.. or any other information.
day four (25 july 2019)
check in area
this was the most interesting area i have observed so far which i belive
agents face with potential issues conneted with travel document
verification as check in is the first procidure for passenger when
arrriving at the airport. the agents change their working counter to work
in specifc flight area which alows me to learn about chacking in
pasengers for both domestic and international flights.
on the job seber computer aplication by using their short cut from the
computer key board , weghting mechine,boarding pass and bar code tag
printer is used. some of the tasks that have been carried on during my
obseravation are
· checking bagage size limit, weght and attach nesessary tags to the
bag (heavy tag, rush tag, priority tag, etc.) if necessary.
· advice costomers to copup with and adjust their bagage weight if
necessary according to the rule( max 32 kg is alowed per bag)
· providing boarding pass for passengers after they chaked in (online
or at the check in counter)
· verify passport and visa information
· taging lougage to the right destination
· assigning seat
day five (25 july 2019)
boarding gate
the last day of our observation was carried on the boarding gate. the
boarding gate agents have many duties just like the any other marketing
agents. from my last day of observation i found gate agents to be in a
very hectic environment and are costantly staying busy with a little time
for breaks and resting. some of gate activitys i have observed are
· making a bording anouncement if there are any passengers who
have checked in but failed to bored on the plain due to defrent
reasons by calling on their name.
· assighning seat if the passenger havent already
· handling standby passengers
· monitering the get way dores during boarding and disembarkation
the job observation was an integral part of every student. it is when we
can be able to understand and see to be able to apply our knowledge and
skill to diffrent work and tasks we will be assighned to. it is a
preparation of the real worled of work on the industry we choose to be
profetional in the near feauture.
in ethiopian airlines that i had my 3 month and half airline marketing
cource i had, i have learned alot. it may not be merely about our major
ccources, but it is really about team works and good communication
with costomers. i really observed in the real worled of work you should
be flexible and knowledgeble in all ways.
as a whole i am thank full to ethiopian airlines for the time they give us
and to our teachers for being a good source of knowledge. and for the all
employees who have shared their knowledge with us during our

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