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My little pony

Twilight Sparkle
Twilight Sparkle is the main character of
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. She is
a female unicorn pony who transforms
into an Alicorn and becomes a princess
in Magical Mystery Cure. At the
beginning of the series, she moves from
Canterlot to Ponyville to study the magic
of friendship, and regularly sends
friendship reports to Princess Celestia.
She lives in Golden Oak Library with
Spike, her assistant. Twilight Sparkle
represents the element of magic.
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash is a female Pegasus and one
of the main characters in My Little Pony
Friendship is Magic. She is responsible for
maintaining the weather and clearing the
skies in Ponyville. As a huge fan of The
Wonderbolts, she dreams of one day
joining their elite flying group. In Sonic
Rainboom, Rarity and Princess Celestia
both declare that she is the best flier in all
of Equestria. Rainbow Dash has a pet
tortoise named Tank, whom she chooses
out of Fluttershy's offered animals in the
episode May the Best Pet Win! She
represents the element of loyalty.
Fluttershy is a female Pegasus pony and
one of the main characters of My Little
Pony Friendship is Magic. She lives in a
small cottage near the Everfree Forest
and is an animal caretaker, the most
prominent of her charges being Angel
the bunny. She represents the element
of kindness.
Applejack is a female Earth pony and one of
the main characters of My Little Pony
Friendship is Magic. She lives and works at
Sweet Apple Acres with her grandmother
Granny Smith; her big brother Big
McIntosh; her little sister Apple Bloom; and
her dog Winona. She represents the
element of honesty. Applejack is
dependable and loyal, always willing to
help anybody in need. She is shown to be
supportive and protective of Apple Bloom
and her friends. She works at Sweet Apple
Acres mainly as an apple bucker, though
the Apples occasionally farm carrots and
corn as well.
Pinkie Pie
Pinkie Pie is one of the main characters of
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. Pinkie's
mother and father call her Pinkamena
Diane Pie respectively in The Cutie Mark
Chronicles and in the chapter book Pinkie
Pie and the Rockin' Ponypalooza Party!
Pinkie is energetic and sociable, and she
represents the element of laughter. She
works at Sugarcube Corner and lives on the
bakery's second floor with Gummy, her pet
toothless baby alligator. She writes and
performs many songs, and is the source of
many comical gags in the show.
Rarity is a unicorn pony who resides in
Ponyville and is one of the main
characters of My Little Pony Friendship is
Magic. She is the older sister of Sweetie
Belle and the love interest of Spike.
Rarity works as both a fashion designer
and as a seamstress at her own shop,
the Carousel Boutique. She has a white
Persian cat named Opalescence. She
represents the element of generosity.
Unlike Twilight Sparkle, her magic is used
for activities related to her special talent
and for basic tasks such as holding and
carrying items or finding gems.
Spike is a purple and green baby dragon.
He is Twilight Sparkle's best friend and
number one assistant, and one of the
main characters of My Little Pony
Friendship is Magic. He has the ability to
magically deliver scrolls to and from
Princess Celestia with his green fire-
breath, which is featured in many
episodes, as is his crush on Rarity.
Princess Celestia
Princess Celestia is an Alicorn pony and
the co-ruler of Equestria alongside her
younger sister, Princess Luna. In addition
to her responsibility of raising the sun,
she was also the mentor of Twilight
Sparkle, whom she often addressed as
"my faithful student".
Princess Luna
Princess Luna, formerly Nightmare
Moon or Night Mare Moon, is an Alicorn
pony, the younger sister of Princess
Celestia and the primary antagonist of
the first two episodes of My Little Pony
Friendship is Magic as Nightmare Moon.
Luna is restored back to her former self
through the magic of the Elements of
Harmony and returns to rule Equestria
alongside her older sister.
Princess Cadance
Princess Cadance is an Alicorn pony who
is first featured in the season two finale
A Canterlot Wedding - Part 1 alongside
Shining Armor, her husband (after the
season two finale). Her debut episode
gives her proper title as Princess Mi
Amore Cadenza. She is Twilight Sparkle's
foal-sitter in Twilight's flashback, and she
becomes her sister-in-law after marrying
Shining Armor in A Canterlot Wedding -
Part 2.
Shining Armor
Shining Armor is a unicorn pony and
Twilight Sparkle's older brother. He is the
captain of the Canterlot Royal Guard,
serving under Princess Celestia, and
bears the title of Prince as a result of his
marriage to Princess Cadance. He first
appears in A Canterlot Wedding - Part 1,
the first part of the two-part finale of
the second season of My Little Pony
Friendship is Magic, alongside Princess
Cadance. A blurb on one of the toy sets
featuring Shining Armor says that he and
Princess Cadance "lead the Crystal
Empire together!"
Zecora is a female zebra who resides in a
hut in the Everfree Forest and whose
first appearance is in the episode Bridle
Gossip. Initially believed to be an evil
sorceress by the terrified populace of
Ponyville, she later becomes friends with
the ponies and frequently helps them
out with her knowledge of magical
ailments. She speaks with a strong
African-esque accent, forming rhyming
couplets with all her sentences.
Scootaloo is a school-age Pegasus pony.
She first appears in Friendship is Magic,
part 1, and is properly introduced in Call
of the Cutie. Scootaloo and her friends
Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Babs
Seed form the Cutie Mark Crusaders, a
club devoted to helping ponies earn
their cutie marks. She is a talented
scooter driver. She idolizes Rainbow
Dash and develops a sisterly bond with
her in Sleepless in Ponyville. Lauren
Faust has stated that Scootaloo and
Rainbow Dash are not related
Apple Bloom
Apple Bloom is a school-age Earth pony.
A member of the Apple family, she is the
younger sister of Applejack and Big
McIntosh and the granddaughter of
Granny Smith. Apple Bloom is one of the
founding members of Cutie Mark
Crusaders, along with Sweetie Belle and
Scootaloo. Apple Bloom was the only
named school-age pony until Boast
Busters and the only filly with a speaking
role until Call of the Cutie. Like the other
three Cutie Mark Crusaders, she lacks
her cutie mark.
Sweetie Belle
Sweetie Belle is a school-age unicorn filly
and Rarity's younger sister. She makes
her first major appearance in the
episode Call of the Cutie. Sweetie Belle
and her friends, Apple Bloom and
Scootaloo, call themselves the Cutie
Mark Crusaders.
Babs Seed
Babs Seed is a school-age Earth pony.
She is Apple Bloom's cousin from
Manehattan, and speaks with a heavy
Bronx accent. She is one of a handful of
school-aged ponies without a cutie
mark, and is an official member of the
Cutie Mark Crusaders. She is likewise the
founder of the Cutie Mark Crusaders'
Manehattan branch. Her name is a play
on words of the idiom "bad seed", which
denotes an individual, usually a family
member, who behaves rudely and often
brings misfortune to others.
My Little Pony

Equestria is the main setting of the My
Little Pony Friendship is Magic franchise.
Equestria is inhabited by magical ponies
and other talking creatures, such as
griffons and dragons. Other animals and
creatures also live in Equestria. Equestria
is a kingdom co-ruled by Princess
Celestia and Princess Luna. The name
"Equestria" is derived from the word
"equestrian" (horseback riding), which
stems from equus, the Latin word for
Canterlot is a city first featured in the
series's premiere episode as the
residence of Twilight Sparkle, where she
studies under Princess Celestia. The city
holds the royal castle, making it the
capital of Equestria, and it is the site of
important cultural events, like the Grand
Galloping Gala. Rarity describes it as a
glamorous and sophisticated city. The
name of the city is a portmanteau of
"canter," a three-beat horse gait, and
Camelot, a British kingdom from
Arthurian legends.
Canterlot is a city first featured in the
series's premiere episode as the
residence of Twilight Sparkle, where she
studies under Princess Celestia. The city
holds the royal castle, making it the
capital of Equestria, and it is the site of
important cultural events, like the Grand
Galloping Gala. Rarity describes it as a
glamorous and sophisticated city. The
name of the city is a portmanteau of
"canter," a three-beat horse gait, and
Camelot, a British kingdom from
Arthurian legends.
Cloudsdale is the cloud city located in
the skies northwest of Canterlot and
Ponyville,and is the hometown of
Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. It is
featured prominently in Sonic Rainboom
and briefly in The Cutie Mark Chronicles.
The name's suffix, "dale", is an old word
for a valley or open river valley, but the
name is also a play on the Clydesdale
breed of horse. The city's buildings and
general design take cues from Greek
culture, which is appropriate as the myth
of Pegasus originated from Greek
The Everfree Forest
The Everfree Forest is a mysterious place
outside Ponyville that is introduced in
Friendship is Magic, part 2. The Elements
of Harmony are kept there before
Twilight Sparkle and her friends retrieve
them, it is where Zecora makes her
residence, and it is home to a variety of
Crystal Empire
My little pony

Nightmare Moon. (Princess
Nightmare Moon is one of the villains of
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and
the main antagonist of the two-part pilot
episode "Friendship is Magic" also
known as "Mare in the Moon". Before
that, she was known as Princess Luna,
and is the younger sister of Princess
King Sombra
King Sombra is a male unicorn and the
main antagonist in the third season's
premiere The Crystal Empire. Princess
Celestia tells Twilight Sparkle that he took
over the Crystal Empire a thousand years
ago, but was banished into the frozen
north. Sombra put a curse on the Crystal
Empire which made it vanish into thin air.
When the Empire returns, so does King
Sombra, who attempts to retake it. He is
defeated by the Crystal Ponies' use of the
Crystal Heart. His dialogue consists of
growls, snarling, hissing, menacing
laughter, and five lines.
Queen Chrysalis
The queen of the changelings, Chrysalis,
is the primary antagonist featured in the
second season's finale A Canterlot
Wedding - Part 1 and Part 2, as well as in
the Friendship is Magic IDW comics' first
four-issue story arc The Return of Queen
Chrysalis. She is a shape shifter who
appears as Princess Cadance and takes
her place in order to invade Canterlot by
rendering her fiancé, Shining Armor,
unable to perform his protection spell
over the city by weakening him with her
Discord is a recurring character and former
antagonist introduced in The Return of
Harmony Part 1. Princess Celestia explains
that Discord once ruled over Equestria in a
state of unrest and unhappiness, until she
and Princess Luna used the Elements of
Harmony to imprison him in stone, but the
spell was broken after the Elements lost
their connection to the sisters, and Discord
broke free. Later in the series, Princess
Celestia decides that Discord should be
reformed so his magic can be used for
good. The word discord means "a lack of
harmony" or "a disagreement".

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