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Lead - acid Battery


Structure of Lead acid battery Image of Lead acid battery

Schematic diagram of Lead acid battery a) Discharging b)
Charging c) Assembly

Lead antimony grids are coated with PbO

First charge

(+)Anode Plate: PbO converted to electroactive Pb

(-)Cathode Plate: PbO converted to electroactivePbO2
Discharge cycle: Reactions
(-–ve electrode-convention)
(+ve electrode-convention) Pb → Pb 2 + + 2e −
PbO2 + 4 H + + 2e − → Pb 2 + + 2 H 2O Pb 2 + + SO4 → PbSO4
Pb 2 + + SO4 → PbSO4
Pb + SO 4 → PbSO4 + 2e −
PbO2 + 4 H + + SO 4 +2e − → PbSO4 + 2 H 2O

Total cell reaction is (anodic and cathodic)

PbO2 + Pb + 4 H + + 2SO 4 → 2 PbSO4 + 2 H 2O
i.e., PbO2 + Pb + 2 H 2 SO4 ⎯⎯→
2 PbSO4 + 2 H 2O
Charge cycle:
PbSO4 + 2 H 2O → PbO2 + 4 H + + SO 4 +2e −

PbSO4 + 2e − → Pb + SO4

Total reaction

2 PbSO4 + 2 H 2O ⎯⎯→
PbO2 + Pb + 2 H 2 SO4
Overall reaction

1st charge PbO2 Discharge

Discharge PbSO4
1st charge
Pb Charge
Functioning of the battery:

Rating of the battery:

1 mol of Pb, 1 mol of PbO2 and 2 mol of sulphuric acid are
required to produce 2F of current i.e 2 × 26.8 Ah.

Material Quantity:
➢specific gravity decreases
➢rate of reaction will decrease.
➢formation of PbSO4 increases the internal resistance
➢the internal resistance increases
➢the output voltage decreases.
➢an excess quantity to the tune of 25 to 30%
Discharge Cycle:

i. useful period -1.98 and thereafter gradually to 1.7 and

then the decrease is steep to 1.1.
ii. Period of use depends on discharge rate:
➢the optimum rate of discharge depends on the area of the
plate and thickness of the coating.
➢heavy current output and for shorter period of discharge a
thin coating on a large area
➢if 5A current is to be drawn continuously the battery capacity should
be 4 to 5 times i.e., 20 – 25 Ah.

Motor cycles and scooters have 6 to 12 volt battery, consisting of 7-11

plates (anode-cathode assembly).
Batteries used for cars vary from 11-19 plates depending on the
size of self motor and engine capacity. Batteries used in lorry contain
21-27 plates.
Charge cycle

➢charging rate should not exceed 30 -35% of optimum

discharge rate.
➢Charging at a lower rate for long period
➢Charging voltage is slightly higher than the cell voltage
Points to observe for well maintenance
➢Overcharging or undercharging should be avoided
➢Wrong polarity connection should be avoided totally
➢Withdrawal of current more than the prescribed level is to be avoided.
➢The electroactive coating is very sensitive and its texture
should not be tampered with
➢The terminals often get a coating of CuSO4 due to reaction
of spilled acid with copper or brass connections. Periodically,
they should be cleaned.
➢The specific gravity of the acid is to be checked periodically
and if it falls below 1.1, acid is to be added or if it is high,
distilled water should be added, to the mark.
➢Should be periodically topped up with distilled water to
compensate evaporation loss.
•It is very difficult to maintain lead acid battery. Even though
maintenance free batteries are advertised today larger sized
batteries need to be maintained.
•The weight of lead acid battery speaks much against its use.
Rules out its application in space related operations.
•Lead is toxic and pollutes the area. But in spite of the
disadvantage mentioned above, its application is very wide and
is still on the increase.

In Summary,
1. The battery is rugged and dependable,
2. It can supply high current.
3. Continuous withdrawal of current is possible.
4. It is economical.
Calculate the theoretical weight of electro active material required for
180Ah Lead acid battery. Also, calculate the PbO required for lead acid
battery (Atomic Weight of Pb = 208g;O=16g;H=1g;S=32g).

PbO ----PbSO4 ------2 X 26.8 Ah

208+16 ------- 2X 26.8Ah
208g ---- 2 X 26.8Ah
? --------- 180Ah

240 g -----2X26.8Ah
? ---------180AhP

Ans-2162.69g of active material

Calculate the energy density of battery if the weight of non-electroactive
material is 300% the weight of electro active material.

Weight of non-electroactive material2162.69 X 300/100 = 2162.69 X 3=

= 6488.07
Total weight of battery = 2162.69 + 6488.07 = 8650.76 g
Energy density = V X Ah/ weight of the battery
= 2 X 180Ah / 8650.76 = 0.0416 Wh/g

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