Quiz 3 Practical

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A. Capsule Business Proposal (300 pts)

1. If you are to establish a business in the agriculture sector, what would this be? Come up with an
innovative idea and business model that incorporates the following dimensions
a. Something that is new and exciting and catches the taste of the public
b. Something that has a “cause” or is “mission driven”
c. Something that educates people
d. Something that promotes social collaboration and collective ownership… its not about
“me” as a business owner, its about “we”
e. Something that is profitable but does not put profit above environmental preservation
and social equity

Discuss the following

a. Overview of the business (name of the company, vision, mission, philosophy and core values,
target market, starting capital, sources of funds)
b. Product or service offered (or combination of both)
c. How does the product/service fulfill the above stated dimensions (refer to letters a to e above)
Explain in 5 sentences per dimension
d. How will this business be operated (create a simple diagram or flow chart showing the normal
cycle of operations of your business)
e. Sample pictures of how you want your business to look like (5 pictures of key aspects of your
business with one sentence caption each)
*you may search for images in the internet but make sure these are not pictures of existing
corporations especially the large ones, or
*you may also opt to draw these from your imagination, additional points will be given to
original creations.


You may present your answers in bullet form in:

MS Word, or

Own hand writing (make sure it is neat and organized)

Or a combination of both
Criteria for Capsule Proposal
Originality and soundness of IDEA – 25%
Impact of the cause or mission – 25%
Practicality of product/service – 25%
Feasibility of business operations – 25%
B. Elevator Pitch (200 pts)

A national competition for “Youth Business Innovations in Agriculture” is being held online. This aims to
stir the passion and creativity of students toward innovative solutions created by “unsustainable
development” practices applied throughout the years. This also aims to let the youth think out of the
box and challenge the conventional business practices that had been blindly implemented without
examining the consequences and negative impacts these produced.

The Challenge
You need to present your business proposal to a panel of investors and government officials. You need
to present a short elevator pitch which summarizes the key aspects of your business.

The best business in paper doesn’t mean it will be automatically chosen by the investor. In depends on
how the proponent convinces the investors and how well he/she can communicate the key selling
points of his/her business idea.

About yourself (maximum time: 1 minute 30 seconds)

Short self introduction about YOU (the presenter) which includes:

 Personal details (name, age, academic background, leadership/social/community involvement if

 Elaborate on key experiences that highlights your capability of implementing your proposed
 Must be in business attire

Presentation Proper (time limit: must be between 5 – 6 minutes only)

 No strict format on how to order your presentation

 However pls take note of the following criteria

Criteria for Elevator Pitch

innovation, impact, implementation – 50%

structure of pitch (smooth organization and flow of ideas, just like telling a story
not classroom reporting) – 25%

delivery of pitch (clarity of presentation, confidence, convincingness etc…) – 25%

Videos shall be pre recorded and uploaded in the Facebook group of

References: If you want to know more about elevator pitches you may check out the following links







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