The Expression of Emotions Sumary PDF

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The expression of emotions sumary

The reading talk about the relationship between facial expression and emotions and how the
Darwin’s theory argue about the survival value of this expresions. For Example, Smiling
could be a sign to recognise enemies or friends.

In addition, the passage talk about the Paul Ekman´s experiment about emotions and the
connection with facial expressions in different cultures and how this groups can identify
emotions in photographies.

Psychological researchers agree that facial expressions are connected by emotional states
and they demostrated the electrical connection between facial muscles and the brain.
If you are happy, the brain going to send the signal to your facial muscles to smile. however,
it can work in the opposite direction.

If you are smiling, the facial muscles can send the signal to the brain and it can interpretate
the emotion of happiness.

Psychological experiments demostrate the facial feedback hypotesis. People reading

cartoons, dividing into two groups. One group with a smiling expression and the second
group with a frown expression. The firsone found the cartoons more humourus and the
second one more agressive.

One link between facial expressions and emotionsis arousal, preparing the organism to do
an activity. Others links involve changes in the brain temperature and neurotransmitters.

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