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Name: Madiha Bano Dete:6 oct, 2020 Roll no: 183151 - 100 Subject: Socral pry Section: 86 Quiz 0) Dipartment O; Prctotogy Ques tion Nozol Define Social psychology and_also highlight the im portant Concepts of attribution Theory . Answer a= cial Fsucho te ee 4, is the Screntific Study of how people Kink Qbouts influence and yelote to one onoth- ey? = How He mind ofan individual mind work in ¢ Actual presence of oth ey » e Implied presence of otker- « Imagined presence of other Date: ————__ 7a Social psychology we stadres | the attitude Dorma tion, Self Concept» Social thinking: . How do we devolop ie motivati- -0n7 to help Other? _* How somepne develops a concept of jealousy? J ATTRiBuTion Theory :- Attribution theory Seoks to 7 tell us how and why people I moke tHe Casual alributions. Aliribution:- Allributions are bosicaly eee enreer VU pe Reasons we give for ouy own behaviour and others behavrour lyees Of Attribution:- ¢ Personal atiri bu tion e Situational attribution: n | persona | Attribution: that ave explained by in terms of persona) chavacterrct’s rs f calle ol Personal attyibution Exam les:- i- lhe Baby maybe a happ baby - tic Ahmod Scored very well LA exams because he rs Sa Smart boy. 5 i tuotional Attribu tion:. The att vibuti- -ons that are explorned by in terms of SituatiOng! factors ss } f colled situation attribution. Example:- je lhe Baby Shows @ Aapp foce Because he *s around hey porents ond hey Favouraite toys. ii- Ahmed scored very bod sn f ex0M Because test was to difpicull Seig - Seving Gios:- In o self-serving Bias wo tend to attyibute our Pguccess’to alisposrtional pacte’ eee our “Faliuves » to Situational factor! Example :- T show good. performance in the test hecouse T am 9 Srnart - « Zod poor on the test beca- -use the I didint get enough Sle op. How do people make allrrbutions 2 Kelley argued thot people take Three factor into account when mdking a personal | Situation al atlyibutions: « Cons istenc e Oistinctiveness e Consenus- wg ys chert ‘to his behoviour in o’ffere- Smiles? We | -nt_ srtuattans — Th he Show @ | Lonsistency in_ Ais behaviour 10 _| every situation then st means he fs _o hoppy baby - _ Distinctivness.- (ere herve are some occassron on | which ba by Sm/les ? Consenus:- «Does all habres Srosles? «Docs the Fifth Smomstey is confusing for Gi Students _ Conc lusion:- ———————_—_ olf Consistency is is “high” anda distinctiveness i$ Concensus are low , then person make amore “ pors onal attribution” «If consistency /s high ond DOrstinctiveness and consnus ‘S also high then a Deyson /S_rmore fikely to make a. “Situ ation ail Allvibutrons” x

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