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The role of the United Nations in the 21st Century: Prospects and challenges

1. Introduction
2. Background
3. Purpose of United Nations creation as a global institution

4. What role was played by the United Nations in the past;

4.1 United Nations as a successful global institution

1. United Nations played an important role in averting World War3
2. United Nations brought peace in those regions which were stormed by
conflicts and civil wars.
3. United Nations provided a common platform to all world leaders; it means
it provided a platform to create this world a better place.

4.2 Failure of United Nations in the past as global institution

1. United Nations succeeded in averting WW3 but it could not succeeded World
from witnessing Cold War.
2. United Nations failed to perform its duty when it came to United States
unilateral decisions e.g. Iraq Intervention
3. United Nations failed to save those millions of humans who died from hunger,
starvation and diseases every day.

5. Role of United Nations and the Challenges of 21st century

5.1 What are the Challenges of 21st Century?

1. Nuclear proliferation threatening the global peace and security.

2. Malnutrition, hunger, poverty and accesses to fresh water etc. are the
challenges have been facing by citizens of poorer countries of global north.
3. Global super power race between US and China opening new fronts of
challenges for world.
4. Regional conflicts, Civil Wars, Surge in terrorism, ultra nationalism and rise in
totalitarianism are also the most daunting challenges of 21 st Century.
5.2 How United Nations can play its role in order to combat 21st century Challenges?
1. United Nations need to create such mechanism that could ensure
nonproliferation of nuclear arsenals.
2. United Nations needs to collaborate and assist economically and technically
with countries of global north in the domain of eradication of hunger, poverty,
malnutrition, and access to fresh water and other basic human need of
3. United Nations should provide its plate form to both of the powers i.e. US &
China and emphasize both of them for working together for peace and better
world rather than cause of devastation for humanity.
4. To deal issues like regional conflicts, civil wars, terrorism, ultra nationalism
and totalitarianism United Nations body of Security Council can play its
proactive and effective role.

6. Challenges in the way of United Nations.

1. United States unilateral actions under Donald Trump harming UN. E.g. US
withdrawal from World Health Organization.
2. Financial dependency of body is a major obstacle in performing its role with
3. Existence of veto power system impacting detrimentally United Nations
4. United Nations authority have weakened owing to Super power competition
5. Lack of collaboration among state leaders have been also impacting United
Nations role as a global body.

7. Recommendations
1. United Nations independency in authority must be ensured.
2. State leaders of all over the globe need to strengthen United Nations body for
global good.
3. Powerful states e.g. US, CHINA, FRANCE, UK .etc. need to work together to make
body of UN as a gatekeeper for peace and better place for humans living on this
4. Members of Security Council should fulfill their due responsibilities without
consideration of prejudice or self-interest.
5. Countries of global north should contribute more generously in terms of
economic than the countries of global south. So, body can execute its ongoing
socioeconomic projects all over the world effectively and expeditiously.

8. Conlusions

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