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Year 6 Literacy Medium Term Plan (Thieves of Ostia)

Term 2 Suggested Written Objectives/ non-negotiables

 Look at the opening of the book and  Description and setting  Grammar and punctuation from years 1-5 is secure.
Narrative make predictions and inferences on writing.  Audience and purpose for writing is clearly considered
what is happening in this scene. through selecting appropriate form.
 As you read the opening, let them jot  Describes settings, characters and atmosphere.
down their thoughts, questions,  Integrates dialogue to convey character and advance
feelings and links. Discuss. action.
 Let them highlight any language  Uses a wide range of devices to build cohesion within
features that stand out. Discuss. and across paragraphs.
 Explore the use of long and short  Uses a model text to inform the structure of their piece.
sentences for impact on the reader.  Vocabulary is extensive and shows depth of reading.
How the words are formed to appear  Verb tenses are used consistently and correctly.
to be sinking. How words are repeated  Uses the range of punctuation in KS2 mostly correctly.
etc.  Writing is joined and well-presented.
 Let them act out the scene, showing  Writing is developed through drafting with editing
extreme emotion. clearly seen throughout.
 Use the role play to show the  Pupils can assess the effectiveness of theirs and others’
difference between a poor opening writing against a set criterion.
and an impact opening. Can they add  There is subject verb agreement.
drama to a poor opening to improve?  Consistent and correct use of tense throughout the
 Collect exemplars of effective piece.
openings. Create a class success  select vocabulary and grammatical structures that
criterion. What do they all share?
reflect what the writing requires, doing this mostly
 Using emotive images, practise making
long and short sentences and repeated
 Dictionaries are used to correct spellings and a
word choices to describe what the
thesaurus used to extend their word knowledge.
character may be experiencing.
‘Dropping in’ to the end of a story  The piece is cohesive.
 Word play- with given sentences, let
them cut and arrange them into a
different formation for impact. Share
good examples.
 Watch impact clips from Literacy shed.
Create their own impact opening using
the studied features.
 Give examples of final moment
situations (trapped in a cave with rising
water, the moments before an
operation, a cliff tumbling from under
their feet) as a stimulus. As a group, to
create an opening for a story that has
still to be written. To act perform for
the class. Mark against a success
 Teach the grammar opportunities from
the opening to compliment the unit.
i.e. modal verbs.
 Look at key events from the story that  A newspaper report  Grammar and punctuation from years 1-5 is secure.
could be used as a newspaper article  Structural and organisational features are used to good
Non-fiction 1 (theft, death of the animals)
 Compare and contrast to other 
Audience and purpose for writing is clearly considered
newspaper articles. Create a class list of through selecting appropriate form.
features.  Uses indirect speech for quotes.
 Identify or match features to a given  Uses a wide range of devices to build cohesion within
report. and across paragraphs.
 Create their own headline to grasp a  Vocabulary is extensive and shows depth of reading
reader’s attention from a range of around the text.
invented scenarios.  Verb tenses are used consistently and correctly.
 Become journalists and hold a press  Uses the range of punctuation in KS2 mostly correctly.
conference of your own. Interview the  Writing is joined and well-presented.
characters to gain direct speech.  Writing is developed through drafting with editing
 Magpie the persuasive vocabulary clearly seen throughout.
choices from newspaper articles as a  Pupils can assess the effectiveness of theirs and others’
class bank (sensational, dramatic, writing against a set criterion.
controversy, agonising deliberation,  There is subject verb agreement.
pioneering). Use in word games with  Consistent and correct use of tense throughout the
funny images. piece.
 Innovate an introduction after  select vocabulary and grammatical structures that
discussing the 5Ws.
reflect what the writing requires, doing this mostly
 Interview relatives and friends. Turn
into reported speech. Compare to
 Dictionaries are used to correct spellings and a
direct speech.
thesaurus used to extend their word knowledge.
 Try and separate opinion and fact from
 The piece is cohesive.
snippets of an article.
 Develop their own main body based on
the events of the past.
 Look at reorientations and how they
should change tense.

Poetry  Choose a selection of poems to  Compare and contrast  Read and discuss a wide range of poetry.
enjoy with the class. Read aloud. two poems in a review.  Identify and discuss themes and conventions across a
 Draw mental images of what they  Perform a poem out wide range of poems.
see when they hear the poem. loud to an audience.  Learn to recite a poem by heart.
Compare and discuss.  Prepare a poem to be read aloud, showing
 Let children select their own understanding through intonation, tone and volume.
favourites and discuss why they  Ask questions to improve their understanding.
chose them.  Draw inferences about feelings, thoughts and
 Explore new and interesting words motivations.
and/or phrases.  Summarise ideas drawn across paragraphs.
 Group poems by similar features.  Discuss and evaluate how language, structure and
 Link to dialogue work in last unit presentation contribute to meaning.
where appropriate.  Distinguish between statement, fact and opinion.
 Select a class poem to focus on.  Discuss and evaluate the impact of language on the
 Learn to recite a piece with reader.
expression.  Give well-structured descriptions and explanations.
 Peer asses against a simple criterion.  Maintain attention during and participate in
 Model WAGOLL-poetry reading. collaborative discussions.
 Create their own poem, based on a  Speak audibly and fluently.
model. This may be at an innovating  Gain, monitor and maintain the interest of the listener.
stage or invent if they feel confident  Participate in a poetry performance.
 Use poetry for comprehension work The expectations for quality writing should be maintained
in GR. during this unit.

Choose a Choose a book related to theme or based on class interest. Produce one piece of independent written
book evidence for assessment purposes, based on the skills already covered within the term. Use to set targets
(invent) for the following term.

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