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Appendix A Determination of Parameters of the Model

A.1 Manufacturer’s Machine Data

The machine models, which are discussed in chapter 3, are based on some
parameters that are very seldom supplied by the manufacturer. Typical generator
data, supplied by manufacturer, is presented in Table 1.

Table 1 Plate data of synchronous machine

For d-axis For q-axis

Synchronous reactance xd xq
Transient reactance xd’ xq’
Sub-transient reactance xd’’ xq’’
Transient open circuit time constant Td0’ Tq0’
Sub-transient open circuit time constant Td0’’ Tq0’’
Transient short circuit time constant Td’ Tq’
Sub-transient short circuit time constant Td’’ Tq’’
Rated three phase MVA SB
Speed and Frequency f and n
Negative sequence reactance x2
Zero sequence reactance xo
Moment of inertia H
Armature leakage reactance xl
Stator resistance R
Stator line current IB

Therefore the models’ parameters need to be calculated from this manufacturer’s


A.2 Choosing Base Values

The stator base values can be determined by the rated quantities of the machine
as explained in chapter 3.3.1. The term LAD can be calculated and converted to the
equivalent circuit value using equation - 30 in chapter 3. The field to stator mutual
inductance MF is determined from the air gap line on the no-load field current using

VB =BMFiF/2

where iF is the field current that gives the rated voltage in the air gap line. As
explained in chapter 3.3.2, the equal flux linkage method is used for determining
the rotor base quantities. According to that method, the rotor base values can be
approximated by using equation 36 in chapter 3. Canay [ 1] has shown that these
Determination of Parameters of the Model

approximations can introduce errors in the magnitude of the field current. However,
Canay’s parameters have not been used by the most of the power systems
computation program including EMTP [ 2] and FALCON [3], they are not accounted

After defining the stator base values, the rotor base constants, kF, kD, kQ, may be
determined by equations 39 and 40 in chapter 3. Consequently, the base
impedance values of the related circuits can be calculated by equations 40 and 42
in chapter 3.

A.3 Equivalent Circuit Quantities for the D-axis

Determination of the rotor circuit leakage inductances in the d-axis can be made by
using following equivalent circuit. The main assumption for these circuits is that
damping effects are neglected during the transient period. The field winding
leakage inductance is calculated from Figure 1 using

Ld’ = ℓd + LADℓF/(LAD + ℓF)

ℓF = LAD[(Ld’ - ℓd)/(Ld - Ld’)]
- 0
F d


F  d

LAD L’’d

Figure 1 The d-axis equivalent circuits for transient and sub-transient period.

Similarly, for sub-transient inductance and leakeage reactance;

L" d
  d
  L1
 1
 1
 1

 F
 Ld
' '  d

 
L AD  F  L F  Ld ' '  d 


The self inductances of the field and the damper windings may be calculated as;

Power System Transients and Earthing Systems 2

Determination of Parameters of the Model

LD = ℓD + LAD LF = ℓF + LAD

A.4 Equivalent Circuit Quantities for the Q-axis

The same procedure can be followed for the q-axis quantities using the equivalent
circuit of Figure 2.

Q q

LAQ L’’q

Figure 2 Equivalent circuit of the q-axis inductance.


LAQ = Lq - ℓq

Where ℓq is equal to ℓd and ℓQ and can be determined by using Figure 2, where;


A.5 Resistances

Although the manufacturers usually supply the armature resistance, the rotor
resistance needs to be calculated. From the d-axis transient time constant equation
the field winding resistance is determined.

RF = LF/Td0’

From equation 73 in chapter 3, the damper winding resistance can be written as;

LD  M R2
/ LF
RD 
T "d 0

Lastly, from the equation 75 in chapter 3, the q-axis winding resistance;

Power System Transients and Earthing Systems 3

Determination of Parameters of the Model

RQ = LQ/T”q0

A.6 Comparison of Results

In this section the equivalent circuit values from EMTP will be compared against
the procedure described here. The synchronous machine data, which is used for
this calculation, is extracted from the first case of EMTP benchmark DC26. In Table
2, the data is presented.

Table 2 Data for the machine

Value Dimension Explanation

SR 150 MVA

Rated power
VR 13.8 kV Line to line rated voltage
f 50 Hz Rated frequency
R 0.0014 pu Armature resistance
xl 0.175 pu Leakage reactance
xd 1.85 pu d-axis reactance
xq 1.76 pu q-axis reactance
x’d 0.2575 pu d-axis transient reactance
x’q 1.76 pu q-axis transient reactance
x’’d 0.18 pu d-axis sub-transient reactance
x’’q 0.18 pu q-axis sub-transient reactance
T‘d0 5.75 s d-axis transient open circuit time constant
T‘q0 0 s q-axis transient open circuit time constant
T‘’d0 0.051 s d-axis sub-transient open circuit time constant
T‘’q0 0.383 s q-axis sub-transient open circuit time constant
x0 0.198 pu Zero sequence reactance
p 2 Number of poles
WR2 50 million lb-ft2 Inertia constant

The inertia constant term is given in Imperial units and in a strange form. Generally,
in the USA this term, WR2, has been supplied by the manufacturer instead of the
moment of inertia, J. In addition, the consistent Imperial unit of J is slug feet 2 or
WR2/g where g is the acceleration of gravity (32.17398 feet/s 2).

1  50  14.594  0.3048  6

Wk  10  2 50
2 32.17398
1  50  14.594  0.3048  10
 2 50
H 2 32.17398  693 s
150  10 6

Let start to calculate base values; for stator;

Power System Transients and Earthing Systems 4

Determination of Parameters of the Model

SB = 150 MVA tB = 3.183 10-3 s

VB = 13.8 kV RB = 1.2696 
IB = 6275.546 A LB = 4.04126 mH
for rotor using equation - 0

213.8  10 3 / 3
kM F  32  73.21 mH
2 50  600

According to definition of equal mutual flux linkage method per unit values of kMF,
kMD, kMQ and MR equal to LAD.

Thus rotor constants may be calculated as;

LAD = kMF = kMD = MR = 1.85 - 0.175 = 1.675 pu

MFB = MDB = MQB = KMF/LAD = 73.21/1.675 = 43.71 mH
kF = MFB/LB = 43.71/ 4.04126 = 10.8155 = kD = kQ
And rotor base values;

MRB = kFkDLB = 472.727 mH

RFB = RDB = RQB = kF2RB = 148.512 
LFB = LQB = LDB = kF2LB = 472.727 mH
Having defined all base values, we can start to calculate real values. Firstly,
leakage inductances of the d and q axis;

ℓd = ℓq = .70722 mH
Mutual inductances may be equated as;

LAD = kMF = kMD = 73.2145 mH

MR = 791.818 mH
Thus; using equations 2 in chapter 3, and equation - 0;

0.2575  0.175
F  1.675  0.0867 pu
1.85  0.2575
 0.0867  472.727  40.985 mH
1.675  0.0867(0.18  0.175)
D   5.323  10 3 pu
1.675  0.0867  (0.0867  1.675)(0.18  0.175)
= 5.323  10 3  472.727  2.516 mH

Similarly for q axis using - 0;

Power System Transients and Earthing Systems 5

Determination of Parameters of the Model

L AQ  kM Q  1.76  0.175  1.585 pu

= 1.585  43.71  69.28035 mH
0.18  0.175
Q  1.585  5  10 3 pu
1.76  0.18
= 5  10 -3  472.727  2.3636 mH

The self inductances of the circuits can be determined;

Ld  1.85  4.04126  7.476331 mH

Lq  1.76  4.04126  7.1126176 mH
LF  0.0867  1.675  1.7617 pu
 1.7617  472.727  832.803 mH
L D  5.323  10 3  1.675  1.680323 pu
= 1.68023  472.727  794.29 mH
LQ  5  10 3  1.585  1.59 pu
 1.59  472.727  751.656 mH

The resistance values may be calculated using time constants;

Ra  0.0014  1.2696  1.77744 m

RF   0.145 
0.794434  0.791818 2 / 0.832803
RD = = 0.8131 
RQ   1.9647 

Let us compare the calculated equivalent circuit values with EMTP results. In the
table, reactance values are presented in the unit of ohms by multiplying with
fundamental frequency.

Power System Transients and Earthing Systems 6

Determination of Parameters of the Model

Table 3 Comparison of results

EMTP results
procedure Explanation
(in ohms)
(in ohms)
LF 261.66 265.12 Self inductance of field windings
kMF 23.0 23.0 Mutual inductance between field and armature
MR 248.79 248.76 Field damper mutual inductance for d axis
Ld 2.35 2.35 Self inductance of the d axis armature winding
kMD 23.0 23.0 Mutual inductance from armature to damper
LD 249.53 249.54 Self inductance of the d axis damper winding
LQ 236.14 236.14 Self inductance of q axis
kMQ 21.77 21.76 Mutual inductance between q-axis to armature
Lq 2.23 2.23 Self inductance of the q axis armature
RF 0.15 0.17 Resistance of the field winding
Ra 0.00177 0.00177 Resistance of the armature
RD 0.81 0.85 Resistance of the d axis damper winding
RQ 1.96 1.96 Resistance of the q axis damper winding

In general, the results are similar results except the self inductance of field winding
LF. IEEE benchmark [4] accepts that 80% of the current associated with the
transient time constant flows in the field winding and another 20% in the damper
winding after a short circuit. Therefore, ignoring the damper winding introduces
errors in the field parameters. To avoid this, account should be taken of the damper
winding during the transient period. The following set of equations is advised for
determining the open circuit transient and sub-transient time constants [Error:
Reference source not found],

T 'd 0  T ' ' d 0  
LF LD  M 2
T 'd 0 T ' ' d 0 

For the short circuit time constant, following relationships between the short and
open circuit time constant can be used

T ' d 0 T ' 'd 0  T ' d T ' ' d
L ' 'd
Ld  L L 
T 'd 0 T ' 'd 0  T 'd  T ' 'd 1  d  d 
L'd  L'd L' 'd 

Power System Transients and Earthing Systems 7

Determination of Parameters of the Model

With the help of these equations one set of constants can be easily converted to
the other set. In addition, the two time constants of the F-branch and D-branch of
Figure 5 in chapter 3 may be written as,

T1   F RF T2   D RD
L AD  Ld Ld
T1  T2   T ' d 0  T '' d 0    T ' d T '' d 
L AD  Ld  L'' d
T1T2  T ' d 0 T ' ' d 0

Using these equations

L AD  T1  T2 
F 
T 'd 0  T ' 'd 0 T1 
L AD  Ld  L' 'd
L AD  T2  T1 
D 
T 'd 0  T ' 'd 0  T2 
L AD  Ld  L' 'd

Resistances of the d-axis windings can be determined from equation- 0. Results

are presented in Table 4.

Table 4 EMTP and Detailed formulae results

Simple Formulae (in ohms) EMTP results (in ohms) Detailed formulae (in ohms)
LF 261.66 265.11 264.29
LD 249.53 249.54 249.54
RF 0.15 0.17 0.17
RD 0.81 0.85 0.80

As seen above results the detailed formulae has been produced closer values
particularly for the field self inductances.


Power System Transients and Earthing Systems 8

1 CANAY, I.M.: ‘Determination of model parameters of synchronous machines’, Proceedings of IEE,
March 1983, vol. 130, pp. 86-94
2 DOMMEL, H.W.: ‘Electromagnetic Transients Program Reference Manual (EMTP Theory Book)’,
Bonneville Power Administration, 1986.
3 BABUDER, R.: FALCON manual (CESI, February 1992).
4 IEEE TASK FORCE: ‘Second benchmark model for computer simulation of sub-synchronous
resonance’, IEEE Trans. on PAS, May 1985, Vol. 104, No. 5, pp. 1057-1066

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