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Key Questions for Focus Group

FGD Opening Outline

Good morning/evening and welcome to our session. Thanks for taking the time to join
us to talk about rural real estate development. My name is ……………... and assisting
me is ………….. We're both with the Sovannphum Property from Phnom Penh.
We wil ask you to help SP get some information from commune residents about your
perceptions of potential market opportunity of real estate development. We want to
know economic, employment, income, property features and demand, how the demand
might be satisfied. We are having discussions like this with several groups around the
You were invited because you have ………..., so you're familiar with what the real
estate market does, and you all live in this section of the community.
There are no wrong answers but rather differing points of view. Please feel free to share
your point of view even if it differs from what others have said. Keep in mind that we're
just as interested in negative comments as positive comments, and at times the
negative comments are the most helpful.
You've probably noticed the microphone. We're tape recording the session because we
don't want to miss any of your comments. People often say very helpful things in these
discussions and we can't write fast enough to get them all down. We will be on a first
name basis today, and we won't use any names in our reports. You may be assured of
complete confidentiality. The reports will be useful to help
SP plan future residential development in rural areas.
Well, let's begin. We've placed name cards on the table in front of you to help us
remember each other's names. Let's find out some more about each other by going
around the table. Tell us your name and where you live.
No right or wrong answers, only differing points of view
We're tape recording, one person speaking at a time
We're on a first name basis
You don't need to agree with others, but you must listen respectfully as others share
their views
Rules for cellular phones if applicable. For example: We ask that your turn off your
phones. If you cannot and if you must respond to a call, please do so as quietly as
possible and rejoin us as quickly as you can.
My role as moderator will be to guide the discussion
Talk to each other

Opening question

Economic Base (15mn)

1. What are the trends related to the general health and stability of the economy? Is there
growth or recession occurring?
2. What are the area's biggest employers and what are the levels of employment or
3. Is there strong economic development activity and, if so, what is forecast?
4. What price category sells the most? Which price category sells the least?

Employment Trends and Income (10mn)

5. How do people find jobs? Easy or hard? What are the jobs?
6. What are the income ranges in your area? What is their household income distribution?
% of their gross monthly income do they make for monthly mortgage payments? % of
their gross monthly income do they make for other installment debts?
7. How much are they affordable for land/housing? What types of land/housing do they
need? Income and lifestyles?

Supply and Demand (15mn)

8. How many households/people don’t own residential land? House? Who are they?
9. At what extent do you think of the level of demand (up/down)? What types of demand? a
unique niche in your area? How could any project satisfy the demand?
10. How many existing supplies (new and resale) in the market area? What do you think of
the potential for market saturation in your area?

Resale Market (5mn)

11. How long land/homes are on the market before they are sold?
12. What are the characteristics of resale land/homes?
13. What are the asking and selling prices?
14. In the most active areas, what are the product types and price ranges?

Competitive Subdivisions (5mn)

15. How many land/housing units are there? What kind of land/housing units are available?
How much are the units selling for on the current market?

Ending Questions
● Of all the things we discussed, what to you is the most important?
● Is this an adequate summary?
● Have we missed anything?

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