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The Manager

Bank ALHabib Ltd - 1014 NNR Branch,

Dear Sir,

The said export trahsacHon relates to sale of for a value of

_____________________________ wfith our client as per mutually
agreed contract / Proforma Invoice No._______________________________ dated ___________________ with payment term on
____________________________________Advance-Payment - Sight / DP / CAD - Usance / DA credit for.___________________days against
Acceptance/Trust Receipt.
1/We am / are very much satisfied with the credentials, sound financial standing and good repute of our client (the
Importer/foreign buyer/consignee) and confirm their bona fide.

I / We further confirm that:

L The merchandise being exported falls under HS Code Number(s):__________, is freely exportable / not subject to export
license / does not contravene any of the provision of the aforesaid rules and regulations and where required we have
obtained necessary authorization from Ministry of Commerce/Trade Development Authority of Pakistan or from any
other relevant Government Department which we enclose herewith in Original (if needed).
2. We are commercial exporter/ registered as an Industrial Unit with Trade Development Authority of Pakistan and hold
valid export registration (GST Certificate) and membership of a recognized trade association.
3. /We am / are fully aware and suitably conversant with all the valid and applicable rules and regulations governing
exports from Pakistan as: per the directives of State Bank of Pakistan In the Foreign Exchange Manual, yearly Export
Policy Order(s) Issued by Ministry of Commerce and other concerned government agencies in all respect and
consequently fully understand our responsibility to ensure timely settlement of exports / sale proceeds in accordance
with agreed terms not later than the prescribed time period allowed by the State Bank of Pakistan and other
regulatory requirements.
4. I/We shall ensure to timely submit to you all the required shipping documents for onward dispatch to concerned
foreign bank or submission to State bank of Pakistan.
5. i/We am/are familiar with the list of sanctioned countries / entitles with which trade transactions / dealings in any
manner either directly or indirectly are proscribed and that neither us.nor any of our ageht(s).wili handle/ be involved
in any transaction / deal/shipment relating to, any manner with any of the sanctioned countries/and as aforesaid we
are satisfied that certainly no sanctioned / proscribed beneficial owner is involved in our dealing with our client/the
importer / foreign buyer-
6. 1/We will never involve ourselves in any trade transaction of banned items as per Negative List of the Government of
'7. We confirm that the contracted price of the exported goods is in line with the current International market price
i^thout any si^ificant variance.
8. I/We confirm that Origin of goods are Pakistani and if shipments contain any foreign components it shall not belong
to any sanctioned country or entity/producer, directly or indirectly, in any manner. Further, the port of loading and
Port of discharge are exactly as mentioned in Certified Form-E and during voyage the ship does not call any
sanctioned countries / ports and discharge the exports consignment at any port of any banned / sanctioned countries.
9. I/We will not affect any shipment through any shipping company which itself is sanctioned or owns or operates
sanctioned vessels or any shipping company vvhich operates under the flag of any sanctioned country directly or
indirectly in any manner,
10._______________________________________________________________________I/We confirm that the port of discharge of
goods is___________________________________________________________________as mentioned on the Master Bill of
Lading / Shipping Documents / Airway Bill.

I /We also undertake that if our client (the importer/foreign buyer/ consignee) refuses to accept the goods, 1/ we shall either
make immediate arrangements for shipping the goods back to Pakistan or find alternate buyer with the approval of the State
Bank of Pakistan. However, 1 / we understand that prior approval of the State Bank of Pakistan will not be necessary in case
where the consignment initially refused is taken up finally by the original consignee or an alternate buyer provided that
payment for the consignment is not less than 90% of its original value less actual demurrage charges, if any. Further in case
where our client defaults In making payment after taking delivery of the. goods, against their Acceptance or Trust Receipt, I / we
undertake and confirm of being the prime responsible for initiating legal action against our client (the irnporter/foreign buyer/
In pursuance of our above statements, I / we hereby agree and undertake to indemnify and hold Bank AL Habib Limited
harmless and indemnified against any, loss (financial or reputational}, damages, claims, litigations, enquiries, liabilities, charges,
expenses and / or cost which may be suffered or incurred as a resuit of any information is found incorrect, false or ambiguous
and / or any document submitted by us is found to be forged / fake / counterfeit. In the event, if any legal action(s) is / are to
be taken by Bank AL Habib Limited, I / we irrevocably state our No Objection for such legal action(s) and undertake to pay for all
and whatsoever be the cost of such legal action{s)/ proceedings till satisfactory conclusion of the issue involved therein and in
this connection you are authorized to debit our Account No.___________________________wherein I / we shall ensure to make available
necessary funds for such purpose.

Yours faithfully.

Authorized Signatory Authorized Signatory

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