Emotional Intelligence Assignment 1+2+3

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Choose an item. BSBLDR511 – Develop and
use emotional intelligenc
Student Number QFC2013393
Student Name Tamara Nawaf Husien Malkawi
Primary Assessor Name Choose an item. Bennie Bell
Campus Location Choose an item. Parramatta
Assessment due date 5/9/2020
Number and Name
Submission date Attempt 1: Attempt 2: Attempt 3:

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Student Signature: Tamara. Date: 2

Unit Result Summary Template _ BSB51918 _V3.1

BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional intelligence

Assessor Only

Assessment Attempt 1
Assessment Outcome Assessment
Outcome Assessment Evidence Outcome Assessors Signature
Task 1: Written Questions ☐S ☐ NS ☐ NA
S = Satisfactory Task 2: Emotional Intelligence ☐S ☐ NS ☐ NA
Self-Assessment Project
NS = Not
Task 3: Staff Emotional ☐S ☐ NS ☐ NA
Satisfactory Intelligence Project
NA = Not Feedback

Note Assesses;
Students are
only allowed to
have 3
attempts as per
After 3
Attempt 2
students are
required to Assessment Evidence Assessment Outcome Outcome Assessors Signature
undertake Date
further Task 1: Questions and ☐S ☐ NS ☐ NA
training. Answers
Task 2: Writing Activity ☐S ☐ NS ☐ NA
Task 3: Observation ☐S ☐ NS ☐ NA

Attempt 3
Assessment Evidence Assessment Outcome Outcome Assessors Signature
Task 1: Questions and ☐S ☐ NS ☐ NA
Task 2: Writing Activity ☐S ☐ NS ☐ NA
Task 3: Observation ☐S ☐ NS ☐ NA
BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional intelligence

UNIT Attempt 1; ☐ Competent ☐ Not Yet Competent

OUTCOME Attempt 2; ☐ Competent ☐ Not Yet Competent
Attempt 3; ☐ Competent ☐ Not Yet Competent
Detail any
that has been
appropriate for
this student if
Is this ☐ Yes ☐ No
assessment Date appeal submitted
subject to an
appeal process
Outcome of
Primary Assessor Attempt 1; Date:
Signature Attempt 2; Date:
Attempt 3; Date:
RTO No. 31736 |CRICOS 03010G

Leadership and Management

Assessment Workbook
BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional
Student Name: Tamara malkawi QFC2013393
tamara.malkawi@yahoo.co 0432013430


BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional intelligence Assessment
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Issue date       Version 5.0 Aug 2019 Status Released

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BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional intelligence

Copyright © 2016 Malekhu Investments trading as Queensford College. All rights reserved.

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Version 5.0 Aug 2019 Version 5.0 completed

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BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional intelligence


General Information
This assessment is suited as a summative assessment in a learning and assessment pathway. The
timeframe and deadlines for the assessment will be negotiated between yourself, the student, and
your assessor. Your assessor could be the same or a different person to your trainer.
In order to be assessed as competent, you will need to show sufficient evidence which
demonstrates that you can perform the required competencies to the required standard. You also
need to show you can demonstrate these skills, attitude and knowledge consistently, confidently
and sometimes in a variety of situations.
Gathering Evidence
Queensford College Assessors will use a variety of methods for gathering evidence.
Assessments will be made up of a combination of the following tasks:
Question and Answer - (written or verbal) - You will have a set of written questions to
complete. Your assessor is likely to ask you to verbally verify some of your answers.
Project - You will need to complete one or several projects that relate to the simulated work
environment. This will allow you to demonstrate the application of your knowledge and skills as
required by the unit/s of competency.
Activities - You will need to complete activities that relate to the simulated work environment to
demonstrate your understanding of the unit/s.

Assessor Observation/Demonstration - You will be asked to demonstrate some tasks directly

to your assessor. This may happen, either in the classroom or in a simulated work-environment
as you perform your usual tasks/ duties.
Please make sure to write your name on all assessment documents.
If you do not agree with an assessment decision you have the right to appeal. See other
Note: Please ensure that all work/evidence provided is your own. If you are found to have
submitted work other than your own, your enrolment may be cancelled and you may be
withdrawn from the program. Your signed Student Declaration forms part of the assessment
record. For further information, please refer to your Student Handbook.
Assessment Resources
For classroom based assessments, your assessor will provide you with all necessary resources to
complete the assessment tasks. For simulated workplace based assessments, Queensford College
will ensure that you have access to the resources you require to complete the assessment tasks.
Please note
The practice of plagiarism or collusion is prohibited. Plagiarism is the practice of taking
someone else’s work or ideas and passing it off as one’s own work and collusion is the
presentation another person’s assessment as one’s own and/or providing your own work to
another person to allow them to pass it off as their own.
If you are unclear about any of the requirements for this assessment, please discuss this
with your assessor.

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Written answer question guidance
The following written questions use a range of “instructional words” such as “identify” or
“explain”, which tell you how you should answer the question. Use the definitions below to
assist you to provide the type of response expected.
Note that the following guidance is the minimum level of response required.

Analyse – when a question asks you to analyse something, you should do so in detail, and
identify important points and key features. Generally, you are expected to write a response
one or two paragraphs long.

Compare – when a question asks you to compare something, you will need to show how two or
more things are similar, ensuring that you also indicate the relevance of the consequences.
Generally, you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.

Contrast – when a question asks you to contrast something, you will need to show how two or
more things are different, ensuring you indicate the relevance or the consequences. Generally,
you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.

Discuss – when a question asks you to discuss something, you are required to point out
important issues or features and express some form of critical judgement. Generally, you are
expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.

Describe – when a question asks you to describe something, you should state the most
noticeable qualities or features. Generally, you are expected to write a response two or three
sentences long.

Evaluate – when a question asks you to evaluate something, you should put forward
arguments for and against something. Generally, you are expected to write a response one or
two paragraphs long.

Examine – when a question asks you to examine something, this is similar to “analyse”, where
you should provide a detailed response with key points and features and provide critical
analysis. Generally, you are expected to write a response one or two paragraphs long.

Explain – when a question asks you to explain something, you should make clear how or why
something happened or the way it is. Generally, you are expected to write a response two or
three sentences long.

Identify – when a question asks you to identify something, this means that you are asked to
briefly describe the required information. Generally, you are expected to write a response two
or three sentences long.

List – when a question asks you to list something, this means that you are asked to briefly state
information in a list format.

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BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional intelligence

Outline – when a question asks you to outline something, this means giving only the main
points, Generally, you are expected to write a response a few sentences long.

Summarise – when a question asks you to summarise something, this means (like “outline”)
only giving the main points. Generally, you are expected to write a response a few sentences

Provide answers to all of the questions below

1. Explain emotional intelligence and the importance of this characteristic at work

Emotional intelligence is the capacity to understand and manage your emotions. The skills
involved in emotional intelligence are: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation,
empathy and social skills. Recently, it has become a bit of a buzz word in human resources
departments across the globe but researchers are coming out and saying that it is time
emotional intelligence be taken seriously. Embracing the nuances of human emotion in
the workplace can have pragmatic benefits, such as better collaboration among
employees and a happier workplace
Assessor Use Only: Correct Written Response Correct Verbal Response (please provide notes)

2. Explain each of the five essential principles of emotional intelligence as defined by Daniel Goleman.
According to Daniel Goleman , an American psychologist who helped to popularize emotional
intelligence, there are five key elements to it:
1. Self-awareness.

If you're self-aware, you always know how you feel, and you know how your emotions and your actions
can affect the people around you. Being self-aware when you're in a leadership position also means
having a clear picture of your strengths and weaknesses , and it means behaving with humility .
2. Self-regulation.

Leaders who regulate themselves effectively rarely verbally attack others, make rushed or emotional
decisions, stereotype people, or compromise their values. Self-regulation is all about staying in control.
This element of emotional intelligence, according to Goleman, also covers a leader's flexibility and
commitment to personal accountability.

3. Motivation.

Self-motivated leaders work consistently toward their goals, and they have extremely high standards
for the quality of their work.
4. Empathy.

For leaders, having empathy is critical to managing a successful team or organization. Leaders with
empathy have the ability to put themselves in someone else's situation. They help develop the people
on their team, challenge others who are acting unfairly, give constructive feedback, and listen to those
who need it. If you want to earn the respect and loyalty of your team, then show them you care by
being empathic.

5. Social skills.

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Leaders who do well in the social skills element of emotional intelligence are great communicators.
They're just as open to hearing bad news as good news, and they're expert at getting their team to
support them and be excited about a new mission or project. Leaders who have good social skills are
also good at managing change and resolving conflicts diplomatically. They're rarely satisfied with
leaving things as they are, but they don't sit back and make everyone else do the work: they set an
example with their own behaviour.

Explain the key principles of the Emotional Intelligence Theory developed by Caruso and
Salovey (2004).
According to Mayer, Salovey, and Caruso, these skills are what define EI.

In 2016, based on the developments in EI research, Mayer, Caruso, and Salovey updated the four-branch
model. They included more instances of problem-solving and claimed that the mental abilities involved in EI do,
in fact, remain to be determined. Mayer and colleagues suggested that EI is a broad, ‘hot’ intelligence. Mayer,
Roberts, and Barsade (2018) include practical, social and emotional intelligence in their understanding of ‘hot’

So-called ‘hot’ intelligences are those in which people engage with subject matter about people (Mayer et al.,
2016). Mayer et al. (2016) invite comparison of EI with the personal and social intelligences and they contend
that EI can be positioned among these other ‘hot intelligences’.

It was argued that the specific abilities that EI consists of are specific forms of problem-solving (Mayer et al.,

The four-branch model can be measured using the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT).
Assessor Use Only: Correct Written Response Correct Verbal Response (please provide notes)

3. Explain three strategies that can be used to build emotional intelligence.

1. Pay more attention to your emotions on a daily basis

 It’s hard to become more self-aware if you’re simply not cognizant of the emotions that you’re
experiencing on a daily basis. Do you know how to identify feelings when they arise? Do you
know your emotional triggers? Paying more attention simply means becoming more sensitive to
your emotions when they arise by identifying them and understanding why they are present. Over
time, you will discover key distinctions that will help you become sharper and further develop
your emotional wheelhouse.

Bottom line: body language is the most powerful component of how we communicate. That being
said, so much can get lost in translation. What can you improve by changing your body language
and being more sensitive to others? You will begin to more accurately shape your communication
so that it reflects your intentions without confusion. You will also begin to understand how you
process communication from others.

2. Practice empathy. 

The idea of empathy is often confused with sympathy. Unlike sympathy, empathy is the ability to
understand and share the feelings of another. Stated differently, empathy is
feeling withsomeone, while sympathy is feeling for someone. We can establish a deeper

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connection with anyone by being thoughtful about how we engage them, using our emotional
dexterity. People know genuine empathy when they feel it–there’s no faking it. So, dig deep.

3. Sharpen your social skills

. We are inherently social creatures. To say that the purpose of human interaction is to connect,
is an understatement. If we can’t really avoid being around others, wouldn’t it also follow that we
should make the most of each and every interaction? Practice listening, holding meaningful,
engaging conversations, collaborating, negotiating–and even executing common courtesies,
whenever possible. You may think of these things as common-sense activities, but experience
teaches that common sense is hardly common.

Assessor Use Only: Correct Written Response Correct Verbal Response (please provide notes)

4. Explain how a manager with high emotional intelligence can assist in achieve business
objectives. Provide an example to illustrate your answer.
According to Goleman’s model, those with a higher EQ have a greater ability to self-regulate, and
higher levels of motivation – which can in turn reduces their tendency to procrastinate, leads to
improved self-confidence, and enables them to focus on achieving long-term goals. Employers may
also use EQ as part of their assessment of which employees have leadership potential, or who is next
in line for a pay rise or promotion. Writing for Forbes in 2014, Travis Bradberry, author of Emotional
Intelligence 2.0, said that “Of all the people we’ve studied at work, we’ve found that 90% of top
performers are also high in emotional intelligence. On the flip side, just 20% of bottom performers are
high in emotional intelligence. You can be a top performer without emotional intelligence, but the
chances are slim.”
Assessor Use Only: Correct Written Response Correct Verbal Response (please provide notes)

5. Explain the importance of recognising cultural differences in emotional intelligence. Provide

two examples example to illustrate your answer.
emotion is not only biologically determined, but is also influenced by the environment. Therefore, cultural
differences exist in some aspects of emotions, one such important aspect of emotion being emotional arousal
level. All affective states are systematically represented as two bipolar dimensions, valence and arousal. Arousal
level of actual and ideal emotions has consistently been found to have cross-cultural differences. In Western or
individualist culture, high arousal emotions are valued and promoted more than low arousal emotions.
Moreover, Westerners experience high arousal emotions more than low arousal emotions. By contrast, in
Eastern or collectivist culture, low arousal emotions are valued more than high arousal emotions. Moreover,
people in the East actually experience and prefer to experience low arousal emotions more than high arousal
emotions. Mechanism of these cross-cultural differences and implications are also discussed.

Assessor Use Only: Correct Written Response Correct Verbal Response (please provide notes)

6. Explain two ways of communicating effectively with a diverse workforce with varying
cultural expressions of emotions.
1-Train international employees early and often.

Many of the pitfalls of misunderstanding and cultural confusion can be prevented with early and ongoing

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"It's very important that incoming employees be taught in orientation sessions and in ongoing training
what the company's expectations are, that they be acculturated to the way that company does things,"
Valentine says.

Henry Miller, an executive search consultant with the Philadelphia office of Heidrick & Struggles
International, points out that many misconceptions about conduct in the workplace can be avoided by
ensuring that rules are defined and observed even during the interview process.

"It is also important to state with no ambiguity the policies and procedures adhered to in the U.S.," he
says. "Addressing this area prior to coming on board will avoid pain on both sides later. Accepting some
cultural nuances is important, but be careful not to adversely affect your existing culture by 'customizing'
what is acceptable or appropriate behavior by individuals."

2-Train the non-foreign-born, too. 

The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) has training programs to ensure that its employees not only
understand the mission of the company, but also the significance of diversity, both within the workplace
and among clients."We train people to get into the shoes and the mindset of the person opposite them,"
says James Lowry, vice president and director of diversity at BCG. "The biggest mistake people make is
to look at issues only through their eyes. There are major and minor cultural differences, and we cannot
be effective in our area of business if we don't understand them and embrace them."

Managers also need to be taught that there is an acculturation process and should understand how that
may affect employees. "Managers must be aware that immigrants go through stages of culture shock,"
Valentine says. "A manager who is not aware that a person is going through these stages is not as well
prepared as he or she needs to be."

As someone who has gone through the acculturation process himself, having moved from Australia to
the U.S. several years ago, Cane agrees. "Employers need to understand that culture shock is real, and
while there is little one can do, just evidence of understanding will help," he says. "It is not easy being
placed in a foreign culture and being removed from the support network that you're used to. Anything that
an employer can do, such as being very flexible with time off and being willing to provide 'local'
information and contacts, will help build a good relationship with the employee as well as minimizing the
stress that the employee is subjected to."

Assessor Use Only: Correct Written Response Correct Verbal Response (please provide notes)

7. Explain two ways of using emotional intelligence to build effective workplace relationships.
1-Managing stress better

Emotional intelligence helps with stress management. This makes individuals less likely to make
rash decisions, snap judgments, and to lash out with throwaway remarks. The ability to work
calmly under pressure and to keep disruptive emotions and impulses in check helps avoid
potential damage to workplace relationships.

2-Building closer bonds

Recognising and understanding the role of emotions in human thinking and behaviour helps
build closer relational bonds between people. Individuals begin to connect with each other on a

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deeper level and are more likely to go beyond the purely superficial. This cultivates a wider
working environment of closer relationships.

Assessor Use Only: Correct Written Response Correct Verbal Response (please provide notes)

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Complete the following activities:

1. Complete a personality test.

Complete the personality test at the following link: https://www.123test.com/personality-
Take a screen shot of the final results page of the test.

2. Review the results of your personality test. Discuss the results with two other people –
these may be classmates you know well or family and friends. Ask them to give you
feedback about on sections b and c (what they believe your emotional strengths and
weaknesses are) and take notes so you can include their analysis in your personality test
Now answer all of the questions below using the results of the test to guide your answers.
Each question should be answered in approximately a paragraph and be written in clear
and concise English.
Use the Personality Test Review Template to guide your work.

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Document your ratings for each of the five factors as identified in the personality test
results. Include your score for each of the factors and how you rated on each factor,
as well as your strongest personality trait as shown by your highest score.

Reflecting on the results, identify what stood out for you in terms of what it tells you
about yourself as a person.

the results shows me how much my personality changed through the years, and how the
experiences I had changed my reactions toward things. What stood out for me the
natural reaction factor, if I took the test 5 years ago or maybe 2 years ago the result
would be different. I was easily irritated, always stressed and upset about difficult
situations even the simple ones! The results shows me how much I grew up
C. Thinking about the questions asked as part of the personality test and your learnings as
part of this unit, identify five of your emotional strengths.

2- proud
3-hard headed
4-prefers competition over co-operation
5-avoid direct leadership roles

Thinking about the questions asked as part of the personality test and your learning as
part of this unit, identify five of your emotional weaknesses.

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1-prefers working alone

3- prefers traditional outlooks and technical problem-solving
4-dislikes precise details

Explain how you believe the emotional strengths you have identified above help your
workplace performance and relationships.
I believe the emotional strengths I have are the puch for me to reach my goals and plans.
The strongest one is being hard headed, because im hard headed I managed to ignore all the negative people
around me who tried so hard to break my wings and underestimate my abilities and what I can do and reach
in my life.

Discuss how you believe your emotional weaknesses hinder your workplace performance
and relationships.

The test showed many emotional weaknesses, I can relate to few of them like prefer
working alone, I tried many time to to work with a team and to be a team player, but I
hate it because I usually seek perfection in doing things, and being in a team ruin the
image of my mind on how the job should me done. In other hand, some emotional
weaknesses I could not relate, such as: dislike precise details and disorganized.

Complete the following table about personal stressors at work.

Identify at least four sources of stress that are most likely to result in workplace stress for
you, your stress response (emotional, physical, behavioural) and actions that you can
take (or have taken) to manage stress.

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Personal stressor What is your stress response Actions to address

Being underestimated More Determined Prove myself by my work

Taking my effort for granted Angry I back off for a while to let them see
the difference

Being back staped Disappointed I try to document everything as prove

of my work

Not having a due date

I start panicking I put one for myself

Review the following list of needs and choose at least three that most trigger your
emotions when you don’t get these needs met. Consider this question in the context
of the workplace
 Acceptance✅
 Be understood✅
 Be in control✅
 Attention
 Peacefulness✅
 Order
 Safety✅
 Respect✅
 Be needed
 Be right
 Comfort
 Balance
 Variety
 Predictability
 New challenges✅
 Be loved/liked
 Be valued
 Be treated fairly✅
 Freedom
 Consistency
 Included

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 Autonomy
 Fun

Now complete the table below.

Write down each need you have chosen and why this need is important to you at work.

Also give an outline of the emotions triggered in you when you don’t get these needs met
and ways that you can control your emotions in the face of not having your needs met.

Need and why this need is What is your emotional Emotional control
important to you at work response when this need is not mechanism
Acceptance I start focus more in my work, and I remind myself that im here to do
less about others acceptance my job and leave, and that iI
already have the acceptance I
need outside work.

Be understood I will feel frustrated I try to be honest and discuss the

issue with the HR department

Be in control I will feel annoyed and It’s to be in control or being

uncomfortable controlled, will do my best to shine
so others can trust me, this way
they will give me control without
noticing that

Peacefulness Annoyed because of the negative I will ignore the any negative
vibes thoughts and situation and focus
on my work

Safety./ I wonNt be able to work or think /will address how I feel to the HR, if they ignored it I
will quit

Respect./. I won’t accept not to be respected /I will address how I feel to the HR, if they
ignored it I will quit

New challenges I will lose motivation. I will ask for new or different duties

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Be treated fairly. I will lose motivation I will ask to be treated fairly

What other criteria could you use other than those in the personality test to determine
your own emotional strengths and weaknesses? Identify and describe at least three.
Assessor: see Personality Test Review Assessor for guidance with marking.

When I do my job I do my best to do it perfectly, I like being noticed by my work and being
appreciated, because I had the choice to do my job well, or to do it very well, and I choose
very well.

Sometimes I may feel Down and sad because of not having enough of social life as a result
of always working, or facing personal problems

3-financially secured
The most important emotional strength. It’s important to to have a stable income which
matches with the effort im doing.

3. Send an email to your assessor.

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate
(polite, business-like) style.
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachments and ask for the place,
date and time of your meeting with them.

Attach your personality test results screen shot and your personality test review to the
Assessor: respond to their email by giving them the place, time and date of their meeting
with you.
Set a meeting time with each student. The meeting should last for approximately 30
minutes. The meeting should be conducted in a private, quiet space.

4. Meet with your assessor.

The objective of the meeting is to discuss your personality test review with you.
At the meeting, you will be expected to identify and discuss the following:
 Your personal characteristics in relation to emotional intelligence, as set out in your
personality test results.
 Personal stressors, resulting emotions and actions to control emotional responses.

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 Your own emotional response to unmet needs and effective strategies to control
emotional responses
 The three needs that you have selected, and why each need is important to them at
work, an outline of the emotions triggered when they don’t get these needs met
and ways that they can control their emotions in the face of not having their needs
 Your own emotional strengths (at least 5) and how these can impact workplace
performance and relationships
 Your own emotional weaknesses (at least 5) and how these can impact workplace
performance and relationships
 Actions (at least 5) you could take to improve emotional intelligence through self-
reflection and feedback from others
Your assessor will also provide you with feedback about strategies for improving emotional
intelligence based on their review of the documents you submitted.
During the meeting, you are required to demonstrate effective communication skills
Speaking clearly and concisely
 Using non-verbal communication to assist with understanding
 Asking questions to identify required information
 Responding to questions as required
 Using active listening techniques to confirm understanding

Assessor: review the results of the student’s personality test and the student’s answers to
the questions.
Invite the student to discuss each of the above points. Give your feedback on each point to
Consider areas of emotional intelligence that the student may not have reflected on.
Provide at least two additional suggestions for improving emotional intelligence.


5. Develop an emotional intelligence development plan.

After the meeting, using the feedback from your assessor and your personality test review,
fill out the Emotional Intelligence Development Plan Template.

You will need to identify at least five areas for improvement and/or gaps, and then
prioritise your list.

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6. Send an email to your assessor.

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate
(polite, business-like) style.
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment.

Attach your emotional intelligence development plan to the email.

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Task 2 Checklist (if needed – adjust as required)

The assessor uses the checklist to observe the student demonstrating the application of the required skills and behaviour as well as a checklist of task.

Educator initial:
Did the student: S U U S U S U S U S U S
1. Use the website’s evaluation criteria to
determine their own emotional strengths
and weaknesses?
2. Identify personal stressors and emotional
states that are related to their workplace?
3. Analyse and document potential
emotional triggers that they may come
across in the workplace which may
require appropriate emotional responses?
4. Identify at least four sources of stress
most likely to result in workplace stress?
5. Develop a plan for identifying and
responding appropriately to a range of
6. Identify at least four sources of stress
most likely to result in workplace stress,
their stress response and actions that they
take (or have taken) to manage stress?
7. Identify and discuss personal stressors,
resulting emotions and actions to control
emotional responses?
8. Identify and discuss own emotional

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BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional intelligence

response to unmet needs and effective

strategies to control emotional
9. Choose at least three needs and why each
need is important to them at work, an
outline of the emotions triggered when
they don’t get these needs met and ways
that they can control their emotions in the
face of not having their needs met?
10. In the meeting, reflect on own personal
characteristics in relation to emotional
intelligence, as set out in their personality
test results?
11. During the meeting, demonstrate
effective communication skills including:
 Speaking clearly and concisely
 Using non-verbal communication
to assist with understanding
 Asking questions to identify
required information
 Responding to questions as
 Using active listening techniques
to confirm understanding
12. At the meeting, identify and discuss own
emotional strengths (at least 5) and how
these factors can impact workplace
performance and relationships?
13. At the meeting, identify and discuss own
emotional weaknesses (at least 5) and

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how these factors can impact workplace

performance and relationships?
14. Identify and discuss actions to improve
emotional intelligence through self-
reflection and feedback from others?

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BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional intelligence

Further Comments      

Assessor Declaration: By signing below, I declare that all the above activities have been satisfactorily completed and that I have verbally authenticated these
if required.

Assessor Name      

Assessor Signature:       Date      

Student Signature: Tamara Malkawi Date 20/8/2020

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BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional intelligence


Carefully read the following:

You are the Manager of a team of telemarketing staff for an on-line rental property business. The
business specialises in finding both commercial and residential tenants for landlords, as well as
matching landlords with tenants.

All staff work an eight-hour day from 9 am to 5.30 pm, with 30 minutes for lunch.

The Operations Manager has described the following situation to you:

Beryl is the Team Leader of the telemarketing group, responsible for:

 supervision and mentoring of a telemarketing team of eight
 outbound sales calls to real estate agents, property managers and landlords
 appointment setting for field sales teams
 inbound query resolution and customer service
 maintenance of all customer contacts in the Customer Relationship management system
Beryl, aged 62, has been with the company for 3 years. She was born in Australia. She has
worked in sales most of her life. Beryl was hoping to retire at 60 but personal circumstances
have meant she is continuing to work. Beryl is a very hard worker and achieves above the
required results for signing up tenants and landlords.

One of the telemarketers that Beryl is responsible for is Yuko. Yuko is Japanese, aged 40 and
has been in Australia for 2 years. She speaks good English and gets on with her team members,
although she is generally quiet. She has always been very reliable with her attendance at work.

As the Operations Manager of the company and the overall manager of the team, you have
noticed recently that there is tension between Beryl and Yuko.

You have noticed that Beryl often ignores Yuko or addresses her though another member of the
team. You have also noticed Beryl whispering to other workers and you sense that this is in
relation to Yuko.

Yuko’s work performance is suffering, and she is not making the required amount of daily calls
to sign up new tenants and landlords. Yuko has also become more withdrawn recently and tends
not to sit in the staff room anymore or attend staff social functions.

This situation is stressful. The team’s performance targets are not being met and the conflict
within the team seems to be having an effect on other staff members, with sides being taken.

You have heard through another member of staff that Yuko feels that Beryl is racist, and that
Beryl complains that she can’t understand Yuko’s accent and that she feels Yuko is never very
enthusiastic about her work.

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You would like to resolve this situation by getting Beryl and Yuko to understand each other’s
perspectives and to manage their emotions at work. At this stage there are no options for moving
either member of staff to another team.

Answer the following questions in Staff Emotional Intelligence Report Template.

Each of your answers should be approximately 1 paragraph in length.

1. Based on a review of the case study, what do you think could be possible range of emotions
that Yuko could be feeling? List at least five possibilities.

Apparently Yuko feels not respected or accepted by Beryl. These negative feeling Yuko feels
stat effecting her work performance, which means she may start hating her job.
-not respected
-not accepted
-lake of motivation

2. Based on a review of the case study, what are the possible ranges of emotions that Beryl
could be feeling? List at least five possibilities.

-low self esteem
-seeking attention

3. Based on a review of the case study, what do you think could be the effect of the workplace
situation on the manager and possible emotions they could be feeling? List at least five

-Losing control

4. Would you expect any cultural differences in emotions? Research differences between
Australian and Japanese expressions of emotions and describe differences you identify. List
at least two.

-Australians perceive themselves as happy go lucky and outgoing. It’s likely that their concepts
of emotion will include very expressive behaviour. On the other hand, Japanese perceive
themselves as caution , reserved and suppressive
-The Japanese may be less likely to express their opinion for the same reason an Australian
might not express an opinion around their boss. Especially, individuals usually only express an
opinion only when they don’t feel interfere in status. Unlike the Japanese, because Australian
use a language that does not accord status, Feel more egalitarian as they as the are growing up.

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BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional intelligence

As a result, they have more confidence in their opinions because they feel more equal with those
around them.

5. During a meeting, what techniques would you use to ensure that Beryl and Yuko have the
opportunity to express their thoughts and feelings? List at least two.

Firstly, I will observe foe couple of days in case both of them fixed the situation between them.
Secondly, if issue wasn’t fixed I will talk to each of them individually as a way to understand
both opinion and what is the reason behind the conflict between both of the ladies. Thirdly, I will
ask for a meeting with them both together and talk about the reasons behind the conflict.

6. During a meeting, what techniques would you use to ensure that Beryl and Yuko have the
opportunity to reflect on the effect of their behaviour and emotions? List at least two(give
them a space )(read the emotional cued and signals .

7. What advice could you give to Beryl and Yuko to assist them in self-managing their
emotions? List at least five tips. 1- self analysis 2- active listening 3- stress mangement 4-
brainstorming sessions 5- stress management

Document a step-by-step approach for resolving the workplace situation. As a guide,

you should list between 6 to 8 steps.(

1. Identify the issues.

2. Understand everyone's interests.

3. List the possible solutions (options)

4. Evaluate the options.

5. Select an option or options.

6. Document the agreement(s).

7. Agree on contingencies, monitoring, and evaluation.

8. Acknowledge the agreed upon solution and determine the responsibilities each
party has in the resolution.

9. Prepare questions (at least five) to ask Beryl and Yuko at the meeting.
The questions should help you to find out more about the situation and their thoughts and
Ensure that your questions are open questions to encourage discussion.
Your questions should ensure that you:
 Identify information about the workplace situation

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 Provide opportunities for Yuko and Beryl to express their thoughts and feelings?
1. Mr/Mrs Customer, what will make this a successful meeting for you?

2. What are your typical day-to-day activities in your role?

3. Tell me Mr/Mrs Customer, what you’re looking to accomplish?

4. How have you tried to accomplish this in the past?

5. What’s prompting you to do something about this now

10. Send an email to your assessor.

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate
(polite, business-like) style.
It should introduce and summarise the contents of the attachment and ask for the place, date
and time of your roleplay meeting.

Attach your Staff Emotional Intelligence Report to the email.

11. Meet with staff.

You are required to meet with both of the staff members (roleplayed by your assessor).

Prior to the meetings, you should also consider appropriate strategies for addressing the
issue, bearing in mind that you will be provided with additional information that you will
need to consider at the meeting.

You will be assessed using the checklist starting on the following page, so ensure that you
are familiar with the requirements before beginning the meeting.

You must also demonstrate throughout each meeting:

• Empathy and acknowledgement of others’ perspectives
• Active listening
• Remaining calm and unbiased
• Your ability to respond to varying levels of cultural expression
• Showing flexibility and adaptability e.g. being open to different ideas about
actions to address the workplace situation
• Providing encouragement to staff to assist them to develop their emotional
intelligence, including self-management of emotions

Use the information provided through the meetings to consider appropriate actions to be
taken to ensure that the workplace outcome of resolving this issue is achieved.

At each meeting you will need to complete all of the following:

• Briefly explain the purpose of meeting

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BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional intelligence

• Find out more about each staff member’s side of the story by asking the questions
you have prepared.
• Respond appropriately to each staff member’s emotional state and provide
opportunities for Beryl/Yuko to express their thoughts and feelings through the
questions you prepared and use of active listening techniques.
• Demonstrate non-verbal communication skills including nodding and smiling as
• Acknowledge each staff member’s perspective.
• Explore the impact of each staff member’s behaviour and emotions on the other
staff member and the rest of the team.
• Discuss each staff member’s strengths and their contribution to the workplace.
• Through discussion, identify appropriate emotional intelligence techniques,
including self-management of emotions, for managing behaviour and for building
effective workplace relationships.
• Through discussion with each staff member, decide on actions for addressing the
issue, taking into account both staff members’ needs and emotions, as well as
identified strengths. In discussing actions, you should show that you have taken
into account the additional information provided at the meeting and can
demonstrate flexibility and adaptability in considering a solution.

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BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional intelligence

Task 3 Checklist (if needed – adjust as required)

The assessor uses the checklist to observe the student demonstrating the application of the required skills and behaviour as well as a checklist of task.

Educator initial:
Did the student: S U U S U S U S U S U S
1. List at least five emotions that Yuko could be
2. List at least five emotions that Beryl could
be feeling?
3. List at least five emotions that the manager
could be feeling?
4. List at least two differences between
Australian and Japanese expressions of
5. List at least five tips to assist Beryl and Yuko
in self-managing their emotions?
6. Document a step-by-step approach for
resolving the workplace situation, with
between 6 to 8 steps?
7. Develop and submit five suitable
questions to:
 Identify information about the
workplace situation
 Provide opportunities for Yuko and
Beryl to express their thoughts and

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BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional intelligence

For the Yoko roleplay:
8. Use questioning to identify find out about
the workplace situation and Yuko’s thoughts
and feelings?
9. Assess the emotional state of Yuko during
the meeting and respond appropriately?
10. Use questioning and active listening to
provide the opportunity for Yuko to express
their thoughts and feelings?
11. Demonstrate a caring and empathic
approach to Yuko’s emotional responses?
12. Remain calm and unbiased throughout the
13. Explore the impact of Yuko’s behaviour and
emotions on Beryl and the rest of the team?
14. Identify and respond to differing cultural
expressions of emotion?
15. Encourage Yuko to develop and use
emotional intelligence techniques?
16. Show flexibility and adaptability in making
decisions about actions to be taken?
17. Take into account Yuko’s needs and
emotions, as well as identified strengths
when making decisions about actions to be
For the Beryl roleplay:

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BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional intelligence

18. Use questioning to identify find out about

the workplace situation and Beryl’s thoughts
and feelings?
19. Assess the emotional state of Beryl during
the meeting and respond appropriately?
20. Use questioning and active listening to
provide the opportunity for Beryl to express
their thoughts and feelings?
21. Demonstrate a caring and empathic
approach to Beryl’s emotional responses?
22. Remain calm and unbiased throughout the
23. Explore the impact of Yuko’s behaviour and
emotions on Beryl and the rest of the team?
24. Identify and respond to differing cultural
expressions of emotion?
25. Encourage Beryl to develop and use
emotional intelligence techniques?

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BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional intelligence

Further Comments      

Assessor Declaration: By signing below, I declare that all the above activities have been satisfactorily completed and that I have verbally authenticated these
if required.

Assessor Name      

Assessor Signature:       Date      

Student Signature: Date

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