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CONSEJERIA DE EDUGACION, CULTURA Y DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL IN-Ct_EOH_PR_J 2017 HABLAR C1 JUNIO Modelo 1 LONG-DISTANCE CAR POOLING Include, at least, two of the following points: Trusting strangers seems to be a trend on the increase. A good example of this is the 3) growing popularity of long-distance carpooling service companies such as Bla Bla Car and Via. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this way of travelling * Benefits: unbeatable prices / fast transportation / good conversation. Drawbacks: is it safe enough? * Would you personally share a ride with strangers? * Effect on taxi services. wee, Wala NMS Lhe » tae ee d Preparation time: 4 min, ‘Speaking time: 4-4.30 min. ‘Your production will be recorded. CONSEIERIA DE EDUCACION, CULTURA Y DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL SOH_PR_J 2017 HABLAR C1 JUNIO Modelo 2 YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA PROFILE These days it almost seems as if you were a nobody if you don't belong to a social 2) network. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of having a social media profile, Include, at least, two of the following points: Do you have a social media profile? Why (not)? ‘What do you use social networks for? Preparation time: 4 min. Speaking time: 4-4.30 min. Precautions to be taken: what information about you should you make public? 's it important to belong to professional networks such as Linkedin? Why (not)? ‘Your production will be recorded, ‘CONSEJERIA DE EDUCACION, CULTURA Y DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL HABLAR C1 JUNIO Modelo 3 017 SQUATTERS 2) Some people think squatters are a menace to society, since they consider these people to be home stealers. Do you feel the same way? What's your stand on this issue? Include, at least, two of the following points: * Reasons why people squat: need of shelter / search of an alternative lifestyle / to make a Political statement / to set up a community centre or a small business. Effect on the neighbourhood: positive and / or negative. Fairness: is it legitimate for a group of people to occupy a building? * Regulation: should squatting be regulated or remain banned? O Preparation time: 4 min, Speaking time: 4-4.30 min. Your production will be recorded. CONSEJERIA DE EDUCACION, CULTURA Y DEPORTES - PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL HABLAR C1 JUNIO Modelo 4 HOW TO LOOK FOR A JOB 2) Finding a job during low economic cycles like the present one can be a complicated task, Talk about what you think a young person in Spain should do in order to increase their chances of getting a decent job in a reasonable period of time. C1_EOH PR. Include, at least, two of the following points: Training after college / university: languages and further skills to be acquired. Working experience abroad: benefits and risks. Attitude: should young people be willing to work at any time / in any part of ‘Spain? ‘Money expectations: is it ok for young people to expect to be paid less than 1000 euros? Preparation time: 4 min, ‘Speaking time: 4-4.30 min. ‘Your production will be recorded. CONSEJERIA DE EDUCACION, CULTURA Y DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL HABLAR C1 JUNIO Modelo 5 ONLINE SHOPPING Online shopping is becoming more and more common nowad: lays and that is bringing >) about the disappearance of many physical shops. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this shopping way Include, at least, two of the following points: Personal experience: what do you usually buy online? Are you generally satisfied? What makes you buy on line: price / convenience / product quality? Risks involved in buying online, Precautions to be taken. Preparation time: 4 min, Speaking time: 4-4.30 min. Your production will be recorded. CONSEIERIA DE EDUCACION, CULTURA Y DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL HABLAR C1 JUNIO Modelo 6 ‘AN AUTOMATED FUTURE |tis estimated that in the 2020s robotic versions of feserved for humans. Do you think the change will your opinion. people will perform tasks previously >) be for the better or the worse? Give Include, at least, two of the following points: Effect on human workers: gradual displacement by robots. Effect on the job market: appearance of new jobs Interaction with robots: positive / negative aspects. Where wouldn't you like to see a robot replacing a human? @. LR Preparation time: 4 min. Speaking time: 4-4.30 min, ‘Your production will be recorded. PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL HABLAR C1 JUNIO Modelo 7 MANAGING STRESS Sy) Sociological research shows that the main causes of stress for most people in developing countries are: jobs and the workplace, financial problems, personal relationships, children and daily hassles. Talk about how we can reduce stress caused by the above-mentioned factors, Include, at least, two of the following points: Examples of stressing situations at the workplace / at home / personal relationships .. How to relax. Can stress ever be a good thing? Are you good at managing stress? Preparation tim: Speaking time: 4-4.30 min. Your production will be recorded. CONSEJERIA DE EDUCACION, CULTURA Y DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL HABLAR C1 JUNIO Modelo 8 ie MY GADGETS 2 We all ive surrounded by gadgets, and some of us even wear them. Talk about the most technologically advanced things in your home or which you carry with you, Include, at least, two of the following points: Wearable / portable gadgets / gadgets at home. Would you be able to last a day without your favourite gadget? How is your life made easier by using gadgets? ‘What kind of gadget would you like to be invented in the future? Preparation time: 4 min. ‘Speaking time: 4.4.30 min. Your production will be recorded. CONSEJERIA DE EDUCACION, CULTURA Y DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL HABLAR C1 JUNIO Modelo 9 OVERPROTECTED CHILDREN More and more parents in developing countries are adopting an overprotective atiitude towards their children. Describe this type of parental behaviour and talk about its effects on sons and daughters. Include, at least, two of the following points: Parents’ actions and attitudes: sheltering kids from harsh reality / constant supervising / solving kids’ problems ... * Effect on children: dependent and risk-averse / no acceptance of frustration / unable to make decisions. Effect on the future adult: immature partners / workers, Could there be any good in overprotecting children? Preparation time: 4 min, Speaking time: 4-4.30 min. _ Your production will be recorded. CONSEJERIA DE ENUGACION, CULTURA Y DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL IN_Ct_EOH_PR_J 201 HABLAR C1 JUNIO Modelo 10 CYBERBULLYING A worrying number of adolest cents in Spain are becoming victims of cyberbullying Sy) Although there is a clear connection to school life cyberbullying continues off school time. Talk about the causes of the problem and suggest solutions. Include, at least, two of the following points: Teachers’ role: training in detecting bullying / disciplinarian measures on the bullies. Parents’ role: communication with child / school / authorities, Classmates’ role: degree of responsibility. What makes a child bully another child? Preparation time: 4 min. ‘Speaking time: 4-4.30 min. Your production will be recorded. CONSEIERIA DE EDUCACION, CULTURA Y DEPORTES ERUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL HABLAR C1 JUNIO Modelo 11 FEATS OF ENDURANCE 2 Swimming the English Channel (33 kms) is a feat of endurance only very few people are willing to attempt and, fewer, ever achieve. Talk about what you think drive these extraordinary people to do what they do. Include, at least, two of the following points: Adrenaline rush factor: physical and psychological well-being as a result of achievement ‘Because it's there’ factor: no particular reason. Self-discovery: testing one’s limits. Sense of achievement: pride Preparation time: 4 min. ‘Speaking time: 4-4.30 min, ‘Your production will be recorded. CONSENERIA DE EDUCACION, CULTURA Y DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL HABLAR C1 JUNIO Modelo 12 ADVERTISING ‘Advertising is something that makes you think you've longed all your life for a thing ”)} you've ‘never heard of before’ (Anon). This quotation suggests the manipulation advertising exerts on people's minds. Talk about the influence of advertising on society, C1_EOH_PRJ 2017 Include, at least, two of the following points: Positive effects of advertising: on consumerism and the country's economy. Negative effects of advertising: restriction of free choice. New advertising strategies: personalised advertising on the Internet. Advertising and children: to what degree are children influenced by advertising? Preparation time: 4 min. Speaking time: 4-4.30 min. ‘Your production will be recorded. ‘CONSEIERIA DE EDUCACION, CULTURA Y DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL HABLAR C1 JUNIO Modelo 13 HEALTHY EATING TRENDS 2) Organics, Vegetarianism, Veganism, Raw Foods, Juicing and Growing your Own ... are all popular healthy eating trends. Talk about these trends. Include, at least, two of the following points: * Advantages and disadvantages of growing your own food. * Are vegans / vegetarians eating healthy? What do you think of detox juices? * Do you buy organic food? Why (not)? + Eating trends and children: is it ok for parents to force a particular trend on their children? Preparation time: 4 min. ‘Speaking time: 4-4.30 min. —_ Your production will be recorded. GONSEJERIA DE EDUGACION, CULTURA Y DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL IN_C1_EOH _PR_J 2017 HABLAR C1 JUNIO Modelo 14 BILINGUAL EDUCATION ) You are probably someone involved in or concerned by bilingual teaching / learning in Primary and secondary education. Talk about the adavantages and disadvantages of learning subjects through English or French. Include, at least, two of the following points: Relevance for future career. Relevance for personal growth. Difficulties and challenges: are they surmountable? What do we need to do? ‘Things to be improved / modified: teacher training / methodology / students’ grants to go abroad ... time: 4 min, Speaking time: 4-4.30 min. ‘Your production will be recorded. CONSEJERIA DE EDUCACION, CULTURA Y DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL IN C1_EOC_PR_J 2017 CONVERSAR C1 JUNIO Modelo 1 CANDIDATO B Pree SAVING PLANET EARTH There is an old argument put forth by 'y many politicians and industry leaders that protecting the natural] gavironment and economic growth are incompatible goals. Do you agree with the argument? Talk to each other about it. Include, at least, two of the following points: * Climate change negationists: are they just ignorant? Are they well-informed? * Present challenges: deforastation / water and crop shortages / gas emissions / waste ... Environmental awareness: how convinced are we / our politicians of damage to planet? Interests that hinder / slow down necessary measures, (GREEN G PLANET coLoay EARTH pay ECOSYSTEM ECO-FRIENDLY [ENVIRONMENT] Preparation time: 1 min. Speaking time: 4-5 min. (6-7.30 trios) __ Your production will be recorded. CONSEIERIA DE EDUCACION, CULTURA Y DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL CONVERSAR C1 JUNIO Modelo 2 CANDIDATO B HAPPINESS According to @ 2014 poll, a 77 percent of people in the developed world are happy but wish Ife were simpler. Do you think the same? Or is happiness all about getting more and more? Talk to each other about what you think makes people happy. Include, at least, two of the following points: What aspects of life make people happy? ‘Are the things that make people happy different to what made people happy in the past? ‘Money can't buy happiness’: do you (dis)agree? Role of advertising in creating images of happiness. Are we influenced by these images? Preparation time: 1 min, Speaking time: 4-5 min. (6-7.30 trios) Your production will be recorded. CONSEIERIA DE EDUCACION, CULTURA DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL CONVERSAR C1 JUNIO Modelo 3 CANDIDATO B —, Sn SHRINK YOUR WASTE ‘You work for the town hall and have been asked to come up with a plan to raise awareneee Th the citizens of how important to reduce household waste is. Brainstorm ideas on how to reduce waste of food, electricity, water, packaging and paper, IN_C1_EOC_PR_J 2017 Include, at least, two of the following points: + Food: buy less / eat in smaller plates / buy fresh food / use leftovers for next meal .. * Water: shower instead of bath / not to let tap running unnecessarity / reuse water .. + Packaging: go for products in biodegradable packaging / reject pl + Litter: reduce /use sheets of paper on both sides Preparation time: 1 min. ‘Speaking time: 4-5 min. (6-7.30 trios) Your production will be recorded. *ONSEJERIA DE EDUCACION, CULTURA Y DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL CONVERSAR C1 JUNIO Modelo 4 CANDIDATO B rv is dn TECHNOLOGY AND CHANGE Our lives have been revolutionised by technological advancements. Discuss the impact of technology on work, studying, and social lives, Include, at least, two of the following points: Positive and negative effects on working, studying and social life. What kinds of advancements would you like to see in the next 20 years? Is the latest technology always an improvement? Do you ever wish you lived in a less technological society? Preparation time; 1 min. ‘Speaking time: 4-5 min. (6-7.30 trios) Your production will be recorded. CONSEIERIA DE EDUCACION, CULTURA Y DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL IN-C1_E0C PR 2017 CONVERSAR C1 JUNIO Modelo 5 CANDIDATO B ENTREPENEURS Being an entrepeneur is never easy, and less s0 in times of economic crisis, Talk about the challenges entrepeneurs face in current Spain. Include, at least, two of these four points: + Businesses today and businesses in the past: was it easier to open a business in the past? + What is the most profitable type of business to open? + What traits make someone a good entrepeneur? * What must a company do or have to be successful? Preparation time: 1 min. ‘Speaking time: 4-5 min. (6-7.30 trios) Your Production will be recorded. ‘CONSEJERIA DE EDUGACION, CULTURA Y DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL. CONVERSAR C1 JUNIO Modelo 6 CANDIDATO B dink LIFE’S MAJOR DECISIONS ” (« No doubt life is about taking decisions. Some are more important than others. Talk about whal you consider to be life's major decisions, Justify your views with arguments based on personal experience or on general observation. Include, at least, two of the following points: Personal: getting married / staying single ... Professional: choosing a degree / job / leaving a job .. ‘What should you do before you take a major decision? Ask for advice? Should you listen to your head or your heart when making an important decision? & =a t.2: f Preparation time: 1 min. ‘Speaking time: 4-6 min. (6-7.30 tries) Your production will be recorded. ‘CONSEJERIA DE EDUGACIGN, CULTURA Y DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL CONVERSAR C1 JUNIO Modelo 7 CANDIDATO B Pi i. nuk ANIMALS IN CAPTIVITY: DO WE NEED ZOOS, AQUARIUMS & CIRCUSES? Keeping animals in captivity Is a controversial subject. Supporters believe it promotes conservation and education. People against believe it supports animal cruelty. Which group do you belong to? Talk to each other about this issue. EOC _PR_J 2017 Include, at least, two of the following points: Animal's well-being: can animals’ well-being be guaranteed when held in captivity? Performing animals as entertainment: Should animal shows be allowed to continue? Economic benefits: on the local economies and circus people. Zoos and aquariums: an educative experience for a child? cd | Barcelona Preparation time: min, ‘Speaking time:4-5 min. (6-7.30 trios) Your production will be recorded. CONSEJERIA DE EDUCACION, CULTURA Y DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL CONVERSAR C1 JUNIO Modelo 8 CANDIDATO B REALITY TV 2) wh ou have both just found out that Helen, a common friend, is going to take part in the next eaiion GF Big Brother, the most popular reality tv show in Spain. Talk to each other about what you think of thie and the repercussions on your friend's life his / her appearance on the program might have Include, at least, two of the following points: Why do you think your friend has taken this step? Effect on present / future personal and professional life. Will you be watching the program? What should your friend do in order to win the contest? Preparation time: 1 min, ‘Speaking time: 4-5 min, (6-7.30 trios) __Your production will be recorded. GCONSEJERIA DE EDUCACION, CULTURA Y DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL IN_C1_EOG_PR_J_2017 Cee ee ea eee eee ee ee ee ee CONVERSAR C1 JUNIO Modelo 9 CANDIDATO B a = 3 ») we TOURISM IN CASTILLA LA MANCHA You are members of a committee set up to promote tourism in your region. Your current task is to design a leaflet for international tourists. Brainstorm ideas to be included in the leaflet and try to agree ‘on some or all of them. Include, at least, two of the following points: Areas of natural beauty. Gastronomy. Activities: cultural / adventure / hiking routes ... Culture: museums / theatre / courses & tourism Speaking time: 4-5 min. (6-7.30 trios) Your production will be recorded. CONSEJERIA DE EDUCACION, CULTURA Y DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL IN_C1_EOC PR_J 2017 CONVERSAR C1 JUNIO Modelo 10 CANDIDATO B é . Sonu ORGANISING A CHARITY EVENT ‘You have volunteered to be a member of a group in charge of organising a charity event to raise money for a poor area in Africa. Discuss the different options and try to agree on the event. Include, at least, two of the following points: Event: sports events, talent shows, jumble sale, bake sale, concert, treasure hunt, raffle, .. How are you going to advertise the event? How much money do you aim to raise? Who's doing what? ‘Speaking time: 4-5 min. (6-7.30 trios) _ Your production will be recorded. CONSEIERIA DE EDUGAGION, CULTURA Y DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL IN_C1_EOH_PR_S 2017 HABLAR C1 SEPTIEMBRE Modelo 1 EDUCATION MATTERS Sy Nelson Mandela once sald, ‘Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use ) to change the world’. Indeed, education matters! We would like to listen to your view on education, Include, at least, two of the following points: Do you prefer state or private education? What makes a good teacher / a good class? Did you/ do you have an inspiring teacher? How can creativity be stimulated by parents and teachers? Should everybody go to university? Should grants be restricted to excellent students? e te Preparation time: 4 min. ‘Speaking time: 4-4.30 min. ‘Your production will be recorded. CONSEIERIA DE ENUCACIGN, CULTURA Y DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL HABLAR C1 SEPTIEMBRE Modelo 2 MODERN ART 2) ‘A modem artist is one who throws paint on a canvas, wipes it off with a cloth and sells the cloth’ (Anon.). This quotation ridicules modern art. Many people do so. Talk about your tastes and preferences in art, ranging from painting and sculpture to architecture and computer-generated art. Include, at least, two of the following points: Modern art: art or nonsense? |s a work of art to be assessed by how much money it reaches on auctions? What is your favourite artistic movement / painter / architect ....? Can modem art be appreciated without instruction? Preparation time: 4 min, Speaking time: 4-4.30 min, ‘Your production will be recorded, CONSEJERIA DEEDUGACION, CULTURA Y DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL IN.C1_EOH_PR_S 2017 HABLAR C1 SEPTIEMBRE Modelo 3 ig CURRENT PROBLEMS IN THE MEDIA 2 ‘The new technologies have multiplied the ways news reach the public. Such increase |% )) raises relevant issues related to how thorough and accurate news coverage today is. ‘Talk about news coverage in the media today. Include, at least, two of the following points: Fake news: how can they be stopped / detected? Sensationalism: effect on public. Poor coverage of important issues: environment, foreign ald, education .. Citizen journalism: can all bloggers be trusted? Should smarphone images open the news ontv? Preparation time: 4 min, ‘Speaking time: 4-4.30 min, ‘Your production will be recorded. CONSEJERIA DE EDUCACION, CULTURA Y DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERWINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL HABLAR C1 SEPTIEMBRE Modelo 4 GENDER EQUALITY Sy) According to a recent poll, 92% of Spaniards believe gender inequality persists, The Majority feel that certain cultural and social aspects are to blame for women's worse Conditions. Talk about these cultural and social factors and suggest ways to fight sexist attitudes towards women. Include, at least, two of the following points: Sexist attitudes: in teachers / parents / employers... Violence against women: Is enough being done to prevent gender violence? ‘Sexist images in the media. Children’s education on gender ‘equality. CRD Preparation time: 4 min. ‘Speaking time: 4-4.30 min. Your production will be recorded, CONSEIERIA DE EDUCAGION, CULTURA Y DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL HABLAR C1 SEPTIEMBRE Modelo 5 BACK TO LIVING WITH YOUR PARENTS iS Unemployment caused by the global recession has caused many young adults in (% »)) Geveloping countries to go back to living with their parents. This can be an opportunity to enjoy each other's company but also @ source of conflicts. Talk about how to minimise tension and problems. :OH_PR_S_2017 Include, at least, two of the following points: Causes of conflict: money issues / freedom constraints... Solutions to problems: what is the right approach? House rules: should rules be agreed on? Should the parents’ opinion prevail? Opportunities for rediscovering each other as adults. Preparation time: 4 min. ‘Speaking time: 4-4.30 min. ‘Your production will be recorded. ‘CONSEIERIA DE EDUCACION, CULTURA Y DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL IN_C1_EOH_PR_S 2017 HABLAR C1 SEPTIEMBRE Modelo 6 ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES 2) Environmental awareness in Spain is a reality and measures have been taken over the past few decades to reduce the impact of industrialization and urbanisation on the Country. However, much remains to be done, Talk about the environmental challenges we still face in this country and what should be done to successfully meet them, Include, at least, two of the following points: Conservation policies: coastal building restrictions, Reduction of gas emissions: car sharing / banning cars from city centres / electric cars. Efficient use of energy: purchase of environmentally friendly products, + Renewable energies: energy from the sun / wind / waves ... Preparation time: 4 min, ‘Speaking time: 4-4.30 min. Your production will be recorded, CONSEJERIA DE EDUCACIGN, CULTURA 'Y DEPORTES: PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL IN_C1_EOC PR_S 2017 CONVERSAR C1 SEPTIEMBRE Modelo 1 CANDIDATO A fe % 04 ETHICAL SHOPPING Ethical shopping is becoming more and more popular among people concerned with envitgarsania ‘and ethical issues. Do you think this is a passing trend or something more permanent? Include, at least, two of the following points: * Usefulness: do you think consumers can make a difference? * Boyeott: are there any products that you refuse to buy, e.g. T-shirts made by exploited workers in developing countries? * Fairtrade support: are there any products you make @ point of buying, e.g. fresh food from local farmers? * Resistance: why doesn't everybody shop ethically? FAIRTRADE Preparation time: 1 min. Speaking time: 4-8 min. (67.30 trios) Your production will be recorded, CONSEJER(A DEEDUCACION, CULTURA, DEPORTES ERUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL IN-C1_EOC_PR_S 2017 CONVERSAR C1 SEPTIEMBRE Modelo 2 CANDIDATO A 3) 4 SHOULD WE EMIGRATE? You two have been recently considering moving abroad together in order to find a job to support pourselves. You are stil uncertain about this and you meet to share your conceme and try to make a final decision, Include, at least, two of the following points: Where? For how iong? Bariefits: for personél growth, for career prospects, Problems: culture shock / low-paid jobs / homesickness. Effects on family and friends that are left behind, Proparation time: 4 min, ‘Speaking time: 4-6 min. (6-7.30 trios) Your production will be recorded, CONSEIERIA DE EDUGACION, CULTURA Y DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL IN_C1_E0C_PR_S 2017 CONVERSAR C1 SEPTIEMBRE Modelo 3 CANDIDATO A é a nes HOW RUDE! Many people have become techno-addiets, to such an extent that they may behave publicly in a way ther people may consider rude. Talk about acceptable and unacceptable behavicr whey you are around people, Include, at least, two of the following points: Wrong place: in public places /in means of transport / at work /in the cinema or theater ..2 + Wrong time: during meal times / in class / in the middle of an activity or conversation .-? + Questionable: e.g. non-stop texting / recording someone without thelr permission . + How you should respond to rude behaviour, Preparation time: 1 min. Speaking time: 4-6 min. (6-7.30 trios) Your production will be recorded, CONSEIERIA DE EDUCACION, CULTURA Y DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL CONVERSAR C1 SEPTIEMBRE Modelo 4 CANDIDATO B WELFARE STATE We [ve in @ Welfare state that come people consider frall and under threat. Are you one of these People? Discuss the current situation in Spain. Include, at least, two of the following points: Public services: health care / justice system / law enforcement / public transport ... Public sector funds: must taxes be raised? Must some Now-public services go to private hands? Stizens' responsibilty: are there people who take undue advantage of public services? Shouid illegal immigrants be denied access to public services? CONSEJERIA DE EDUCACION, CULTURA Y DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL CONVERSAR C1 SEPTIEMBRE Modelo 5 CANDIDATO A DO WE WANT CCTV CAMERAS IN OUR NEIGHBOURHOOD? ‘Your town’s local authorities have recently announced that four CCTV cameras are going to be installed jin your neighbourhood. You belong to the neighbours’ association who are meeting to discuss this controversial measure. Discuss the good and bad points of this measure and decide if the ‘association will oppose itor go along with I. Include, at least, two of the following points: Degree of violence: point of CCTV cameras ina fairly quiet neighbourhood? Privacy: are you willing to renounce to your right to privacy for the sake of safety? ‘CCTV cameras as deterrent to more serious crime: is this true? Abuse / unlawful use of camera footage: blackmail / youtube Preparation time: 1 min, Speaking time: 4-5 min. (6-7.30 trios) Your production will be recorded. CONSEJERIA DE EDUGACION, CULTURA Y DEPORTES PRUEBAS TERMINALES ESPECIFICAS DE CERTIFICACION DE NIVEL CONVERSAR C1 SEPTIEMBRE Modelo 6 CANDIDATO C 3 f] MY KIND OF TRAVEL! me ‘You and your housemate have been working a lot and deserve a holiday. You are stil unGaHair Sst what kind. Discuss your options and try to agree on something Include, at least, two of the following points: Staycation: why not stay at home? What to do at home? Ethical travelling and ecotourism: ‘Niche holiday: bird watching / cooking / painting / adventure holidays ... Package holidays: beach holidays / city breaks ... Ni) ECOTOURISM Preparation time: 4 min. ‘Speaking time: 4-6 min, (6-7.90 tries) Your production wili be recorded,

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