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Partial Ordering of Block Matrices in Minkowski Space

1 D. Krishnaswamy and 2 M. Velmurugan

Department of Mathematics
Annamalai University
Annamalainagar- 608002
Tamilnadu, India
1; 2;

Received: ; Accepted:


In this paper, we study the partial orderings of block matrices and the submatrix partial orderings,
we also present the results of star orderings in Minkowski space.
Keywords: Matrix partial orderings; Moore-Penrose inverse; block matrix; Minkowski adjoint;
Minkowski inverse; Minkowski space
MSC 2010 No.: 15A09, 15A45, 15A57

1. Introduction

Throughout this paper, Let us denote the set of complex matrices as Cm×n and Cn
represent complex n-tuples. The components of this complex vector in Cn is represented
as u = (u0 , u1 , u2 , ..., un−1 ). Let G be the Minkowski metric tensor defined by Gu =
(u0 , −u1 , −u2 , ..., −un−1 ). Clearly the Minkowski metric matrix is given by
1 0
G= (1)
0 −In−1
G = G∗ and G2 = In . In[Renardy (1996)], defined Minkowski inner product on Cn by (u, v) =
[u, Gv], where [., .] denotes the conventional Hilbert space inner product. M denotes the Minkowski
space, which is a space with Minkowski inner product.
In 2000 Meenakshi [Meenakshi (2000)] presented the concept of Minkowski inverse of a matrix
represented as A ∈ Cm×n . Also presented a unique solution to the following four matrix equations:
AXA = A, XAX = X, (AX)∼ = AX, (XA)∼ = XA (2)
where A denotes the Minkowski adjoint of the matrix A in M.

However, the Minkowski inverse of a matrix does not exists always as in Moore-Penrose inverse
of a matrix. The proved that the Minkowski inverse of a matrix A ∈ Cm×n exists if and only if

2 D. Krishnaswamy and M. velmurugan

rk(AA∼ ) = rk(A∼ A) = rk(A). A matrix A ∈ Cn is said to be m-symmetric if A = A∼ . Also, pre-

sented the notion of range symmetric matrices in Minkowski space. Further developed the concept
of Minkowski inverse of the range symmetric matrices and its equivalent conditions.
Many authors show interest on partial orders on matrices. Most of the authors present differ-
ent kinds of generalized inverses following mainly on Moore-Penrose inverses. [Baksalary et al.
(1994)], [Baksalary and Puntanen (1990)], [Puntanen and Puntanen (2015)] , [Stepniak (1987)]
present the result involving partial orders on matrices. Drazin [Drazin (1978)] presented the con-

cept of Star partial ordering ≤, Hartwig [Hartwig (1980)] introduced the notion of minus partial
order ≤− , Mitra [Mitra (1987)] presented the concept of Sharp partial order ≤# , left star ordering
∗≤ and right star ordering ≤ ∗.
Kavyasree and Surender[Kavyasree (2019)] introduced the notion of double sequences in 2-
normed space. [Bayram (2019)]Bayram et al. focused on the inverse spectral problems of second-
order difference equation for spectral data and two spectra.
In this paper, we consider matrix partial orderings in Cm×n . First, we discuss on star ordering
in Minkowski space is defined by

P1 ≤ Q1 ⇔ (P1 G)∼ GP1 = (P1 G)∼ GQ1 and P1 G(GP1 )∼ = (Q1 G)(GP1 )∼ , (3)
P1 ≤ Q1 ⇔ (GP1 ) m GP1 = (GP1 ) m GQ1 and P1 G(P1 G) m = Q1 G(P1 G) m. (4)
The left, right star orderings in Minkowski space is defined by
P1 ∼≤Q1 ⇔ (P1 G)∼ GP1 = (P1 G)∼ GQ1 (or (GP1 ) m GP1 = (GP1 ) m GQ1 ) and
R(P1 ) ⊆ R(Q1 ), (5)
P1 ≤∼Q1 ⇔ P1 G(GP1 )∼ = Q1 G(GP1 )∼ (or P1 G(P1 G) m = Q1 G(P1 G) m ) and
R((P1 G)∼ ) ⊆ R((Q1 G)∼ ). (6)
The reverse order law and matrix partial ordering were investigated by Benitez et al.[Benitez et
al. (2010)]

2. Star Partial Ordering in Minkowski Space

In this section, we present the results on the star partial orderings in Minkowski space.
Theorem 2.1.
∼ ∼
Let P1 , R1 ∈ Cm×n and Q1 , S1 ∈ Cm×k be star-ordered as P1 ≤ R1 , Q1 ≤ S1 . If R(P1 ) = R(Q1 ),
then G P1 Q1 ≤ G R1 S1 .
∼ ∼
On account of (3) and (4), since P1 ≤ R1 , Q1 ≤ S1 and R(P1 ) = R(Q1 ), so

(i)P1 ≤ R1 ⇔ (P1 G)∼ GP1 = (P1 G)∼ GR1 and P1 G(GP1 )∼ = R1 G(GP1 )∼

(ii)Q1 ≤ S1 ⇔ (Q1 G)∼ GQ1 = (Q1 G)∼ GS1 and Q1 G(GQ1 )∼ = S1 G(GQ1 )∼

(P1 G)∼ GP1 = (P1 G)∼ GR1

GP1 = ((P1 G)∼ )
m (P1 G)∼ GR1
= ((P1 G)
m )∼ (P1 G)∼ GR1
GP1 = ((P1 G)(P1 G)
m )∼ GR1 (7)
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(Q1 G)∼ GQ1 = (Q1 G)∼ GS1

GQ1 = ((Q1 G)∼ )
m (Q1 G)∼ GS1
= ((Q1 G)
m )∼ (Q1 G)∼ GS1
GQ1 = ((Q1 G)(Q1 G) m )∼ GS1 . (8)

P1 G(GP1 )∼ = R1 G(GP1 )∼
P1 G = R1 G(GP1 )∼ ((GP1 )∼ )
= R1 G(GP1 )∼ ((GP1 )
m )∼
P1 G = R1 G((GP1 ) GP1 )∼
m (9)

Q1 G(GQ1 )∼ = S1 G(GQ1 )∼
Q1 G = S1 G(GQ1 )∼ ((GQ1 )∼ )
= S1 G(GQ1 )∼ ((GQ1 ) )∼
Q1 G = S1 G((GQ1 ) m (GQ1 ))∼ . (10)
Consider,! !
GP1∼   GP1∼ GP1 GP1∼ GQ1
GP1 GQ1 =
GQ∼1 GQ∼1 GP1 GQ∼
1 GQ1
 ∼   (P1 G)∼ GP1 (P1 G)∼ GQ1
G P1 Q1 G P1 Q1 =
(Q1 G)∼ GP1 (Q1 G)∼ GQ1
(P1 G)∼ ((Q1 G)(Q1 G) m )∼ GS1
(P1 G)∼ GR1
= [Using (7) and (8)]
(Q1 G)∼ ((P1 G)(P1 G) m )∼ GR1 (Q1 G)∼ GS1
((Q1 G)(Q1 G) m P1 G)∼ GS1
(P1 G)∼ GR1
((P1 G)(P1 G) m Q1 G)∼ GR1 (Q1 G)∼ GS1
(P1 G)∼ GR1 (P1 G)∼ GS1
(Q1 G)∼ GR1 (Q1 G)∼ GS1
(P1 G)∼  
= GR 1 GS 1
(Q1 G)∼
= GR 1 GS 1
GQ∼ 1
=G G R 1 S 1
 1 ∼  
= G P1 Q1 G R1 S1 (11)
Consider, ! !
  P ∼G P GP ∼G P GQ ∼G
1 1 1 1 1
P1 G Q1 G =
Q∼1 G Q 1 GP1
∼ G Q GQ∼ G
1 1
   ∼ P1 G(GP1 ) ∼ P1 G(GQ1 )∼
P1 Q1 G P1 Q1 G =
Q1 G(GP1 )∼ Q1 G(GQ1 )∼
R1 G((GP1 )
m (GP1 ))∼ (GQ1 )∼
R1 G(GP1 )∼
= [Using (9) and (10)]
S1 G((GQ1 )
m (GQ1 ))∼ (GP1 )∼ S1 G(GQ1 )∼
4 D. Krishnaswamy and M. velmurugan

R1 G((GQ1 )(GP1 )
m (GP1 ))∼
R1 G(GP1 )∼
S1 G((GP1 )(GQ1 ) m (GQ1 ))∼ S1 G(GQ1 )∼
R1 G(GP1 )∼ R1 G(GQ1 )∼
S1 G(GP1 )∼ S1 G(GQ1 )∼
  (GP )∼
= R1 G S1 G
(GQ1 )∼
  P ∼G
= R1 G S1 G
Q∼ 1G
= R1 S1 G G
= R1 S1 G P1 Q1 G
pre and post multiplying
  by G ∼
= G R1 S1 G P1 Q1 (12)
From (11) and
 (12),we have
Therefore G P1 Q1 ≤ G R1 S1 .
Hence proved.

Theorem 2.2.
Let P1 , R1 ∈ Cm×n and Q1 , S1 ∈ Cm×k be star-ordered as P1 ∼ ≤ R1 , Q1 ∼ ≤ S1 . If R(P1 ) = R(Q1 ),
then G(P1 Q1 )∼ ≤ G(R1 S1 ).

i)P1 ∼ ≤ Q1 ⇔ (P1 G)∼ GP1 = (P1 G)∼ GQ1 (or(GP1 )
m )GP1 = (GP1 )
m GQ1 and
R(P1 ) ⊆ R(Q1 ).
(ii)P1 ∼ ≤ R1 ⇔ (P1 G)∼ GP1 = (P1 G)∼ GR1 (or(GP1 )
m )GP1 = (GP1 )
m GR1 and
R(P1 ) ⊆ R(R1 ).
(iii)Q1 ∼ ≤ S1 ⇔ (Q1 G)∼ GQ1 = (Q1 G)∼ GS1 (or(GQ1 )
m )GQ1 = (GQ1 ) m GS1 and
R(Q1 ) ⊆ R(S1 ).
Consider,! !
GP1∼   GP1∼ GP1 GP1∼ GQ1
GP1 GQ 1 =
GQ∼1 GQ∼1 GP1 GQ∼
1 GQ1
 ∼   (P1 G)∼ GP1 (P1 G)∼ GQ1
G P1 Q1 G P1 Q1 =
(Q1 G)∼ GP1 (Q1 G)∼ GQ1
(P1 G)∼ ((Q1 G)(Q1 G) m )∼ GS1
(P1 G)∼ GR1
= [Using (7) and (8)]
(Q1 G)∼ ((P1 G)(P1 G) m )∼ GR1 (Q1 G)∼ GS1
((Q1 G)(Q1 G) m P1 G)∼ GS1
(P1 G)∼ GR1
((P1 G)(P1 G) m Q1 G)∼ GR1 (Q1 G)∼ GS1
(P1 G)∼ GR1 (P1 G)∼ GS1
(Q1 G)∼ GR1 (Q1 G)∼ GS1
AAM: Intern. J., Vol. , Issue 5

(P1 G)∼  
= GR 1 GS 1
(Q1 G)∼
= GR 1 GS 1
GQ∼ 1
=G G R S
1 1
 1 ∼  
= G P1 Q1 G R1 S1
On the otherhand, on account of (5), from the conditions P1 ∼ ≤ R1 and Q1 ∼ ≤ S1 , we have
R(P1 ) ⊆ R(R1 ) and R(Q1 ) ⊆ R(S1 ), which imply that R(P1 Q1 ) ⊆ R(R1 S1 ). According to (5), we
have G(P1 Q1 )∼ ≤ G(R1 S1 ).
Theorem 2.3.
∼ ∼
Let P1 , R1 ∈ Cm×n and Q1 , S1 ∈ Cm×k be star-ordered as G(P1 Q1 ) ≤ G(R1 S1 ). If P1 ≤ R1 (or
∼ ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼
Q1 ≤ S1 ), then Q1 ≤ S1 (or P1 ≤ R1 ). Moreover, the condition P1 ≤ R1 (or Q1 ≤ S1 ) can be replaced
by P1 ≤ ∼R1 (or Q1 ≤ ∼S1 ).
Proof of Theorem 2.3 follows from Theorem 2.1.

Corollary 2.4.
∼ ∼
Let P1 , R1 ∈ Cm×n and!Q1 , S1 ∈ C!k×n be star-ordered as P1 ≤ R1 , Q1 ≤ S1 . If R((P1 G)∼ ) =
P1 ∼ R1
R((Q1 G)∼ ), then G ≤G .
Q1 S1

It is an immediate consequence of proof of theorem 2.1.

Corollary 2.5.
Let P1 , R1 ∈ Cm×n and Q , S ∈ Ck×n be star-ordered as P1 ≤ ∼R1 , Q1 ≤ ∼S1 . If R((P1 G)∼ ) =
!1 1 !
P1 R1
R((Q1 G)∼ ), then G ≤ ∼G .
Q1 S1

(i)P1 ≤ ∼R1 ⇔ (P1 G)(GP1 )∼ = R1 G(GP1 )∼ (or P1 G(P1 G)
m = Q1 G(P1 G)
m ) and
R((P1 G) ) ⊆ R((R1 G) ).
∼ ∼

(ii)Q1 ≤ ∼S1 ⇔ (Q1 G)(GQ1 )∼ = S1 G(GQ1 )∼ (or Q1 G(Q1 G) m = S1 G(Q1 G)

m and
R((Q1 G)∼ ) ⊆ R((S1 G)∼ ).
Consider, ! !
P1 G  ∼  P1 GP1∼ G P1 GQ∼
P1 G Q∼
1 G =
Q1 G Q1 GP1∼ G Q1 GQ∼
6 D. Krishnaswamy and M. velmurugan

! !∼ !
P1 P1 P1 G(GP1 )∼ P1 G(GQ1 )∼
G G=
Q1 Q1 Q1 G(GP1 )∼ Q1 G(GQ1 )∼
R1 G((GP1 )
m (GP1 ))∼ (GQ1 )∼
R1 G(GP1 )∼
= [Using (9) and (10)]
S1 G((GQ1 ) m (GQ1 ))∼ (GP1 )∼ S1 G(GQ1 )∼
R1 G((GQ1 )(GP1 ) m (GP1 ))∼
R1 G(GP1 )∼
S1 G((GP1 )(GQ1 ) m (GQ1 ))∼ S1 G(GQ1 )∼
R1 G(GP1 )∼ R1 G(GQ1 )∼
S1 G(GP1 )∼ S1 G(GQ1 )∼
R1 G  
= (GP1 )∼ (GQ1 )∼
S1 G
R1 G  ∼ 
= P1 G Q∼1G
S1 G
! !∼
R1 P1
= G G
S1 Q1
pre and post multiplying
! by
R1 P1
=G G .
S1 Q1
On the otherhand, on account of equation (6), from the conditions P1 ≤ ∼R1 and Q1 ≤ ∼S ! 1,
we have R((P1 G)∼ ) ⊆ R((R1 G)∼ ) and R((Q1 G)∼ ) ⊆ R((S1 G)∼ ), which imply that R ⊆
R .
! !
P1 R1
According to equation (6), we have G ≤ ∼G .
Q1 S1
Hence the proof.

Corollary 2.6. ! !
P1 ∼ R1
Let P1 , R1 ∈ Cm×n and Q1 , S1 ∈ Ck×n be star-ordered as G ≤ G . If P1 ∼ ≤ R1 (or
Q1 S1
∼ ∼
Q1 ∼ ≤ S1 ), then Q1 ≤ S1 (or P1 ≤ R1 ).

The proof follows from Theorem 2.3.

Theorem 2.7.
Let P1 , Q1 ∈ Cm×n , R1 ∈ Cm×k and S1 ∈ Ck×n . Then
∼ ∼ ∼
(1)If P1 ≤ Q1 and R(R1 ) ⊆ R(P1 ), then G(P1 R1 ) ≤ G(Q1 R1 ) and G(R1 P1 ) ≤ G(R1 Q1 ).
∼ ∼ ∼
Moreover, both G(P1 R1 ) ≤ G(Q1 R1 ) and G(R1 P1 ) ≤ G(R1 Q1 ) imply P1 ≤ Q1 , even though
R(R1 ) 6⊂ R(P1 ).
(2)P1 ∼ ≤ Q1 and R(R1 ) ⊆ R(P1 ), then G(P1 R1 )∼ ≤ G(Q1 R1 ) and (R1 P1 )∼ ≤ (R1 Q1 ).
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! ! ! !
∼ P1 ∼ Q1 S1 ∼ S1
(3)If P1 ≤ Q1 and R((S1 G)∼ )
⊆ R((P1 G)∼ ),
then G ≤G and G ≤G .
S1 S1 P1 Q1
! ! ! !
P1 ∼ Q1 S1 ∼ S1 ∼
Moreover, both G ≤ G and G ≤ G imply P1 ≤ Q1 , even though
S1 S1 P1 Q1
R((S1 G)∼ ) 6⊂ R((P1 G)∼ ). ! !
(4)If P1 ≤ ∼Q1 and R((S1 G)∼ ) ⊆ R((P1 G)∼ ), then G 1 ≤ ∼G 1
S1 S1
! !
S1 S1
G ≤ ∼G .
P1 Q1

(1) Given,

P1 ≤ Q1 ⇔ (P1 G)∼ GP1 = (P1 G)∼ GQ1 and P1 G(GP1 )∼ = Q1 G(GP1 )∼ .

(P1 G)∼ GP1 = (P1 G)∼ GQ1

GP1 = ((P1 G)∼ )
m (P1 G)∼ GQ1
= ((P1 G)
m )∼ (P1 G)∼ GQ1
GP1 = ((P1 G)(P1 G)
m )∼ GQ1 (13)

P1 G(GP1 )∼ = Q1 G(GP1 )∼
P1 G = Q1 G(GP1 )∼ ((GP1 )∼ )

= Q1 G(GP1 ) ((GP1 ) )∼

P1 G = Q1 G((GP1 )
m (GP1 ))∼ . (14)

Consider,! !
GP1∼   GP1∼ GP1 GP1∼ GR1
GP1 GR1 =
GR1∼ GR1∼ GP1 GR1∼ GR1
 ∼   (P1 G)∼ GP1 (P1 G)∼ GR1
G P1 R1 G P1 R1 =
(R1 G)∼ GP1 (CG)∼ GR1
(P1 G)∼ GQ1 (P1 G)∼ GR1
= (Using (13))
(R1 G)∼ ((P1 G)(P1 G)
m )∼ GQ1 (R1 G)∼ GR1
(P1 G)∼ GQ1 (P1 G)∼ GR1
((P1 G)(P1 G) m (R1 G))∼ GQ1 (R1 G)∼ GR1
(P1 G)∼ GQ1 (P1 G)∼ GR1
(R1 G)∼ GQ1 (R1 G)∼ GR1
(P1 G)∼  
= GQ1 GR1
(R1 G) ∼
= GQ 1 GR 1
GQ∼ 1
8 D. Krishnaswamy and M. velmurugan

= G P1 R1 G Q1 R1 (15)

Consider, ! !
  P ∼G P1 GP1∼ G P1 GR1∼ G
P1 G R1 G =
R1∼ G R1 GP1∼ G R1 GR1∼ G
   ∼ P1 G(GP1 )∼ P1 G(GR1 )∼
P1 R1 G P1 R1 G =
R1 G(GP1 )∼ R1 G(GR1 )∼
Q1 G((GP1 )
m GP1 )∼ (GR1 )∼
Q1 G(GP1 )∼
= [Using (14)]
R1 G(GP1 )∼ R1 G(GR1 )∼
Q1 G((GR1 )(GP1 )
m (GP1 ))∼
Q1 G(GP1 )∼
R1 G(GP1 )∼ R1 G(GR1 )∼
Q1 G(GP1 )∼ Q1 G(GR1 )∼
R1 G(GP1 )∼ R1 G(GR1 )∼
  (GP )∼
= Q 1 G R1 G
(GR1 )∼
  P ∼G
= Q 1 G R1 G
R1∼ G
= Q1 R1 G P1 R1 G
pre and post
 ∼ by G    ∼
G P1 R1 G P1 R1 = G Q1 R1 G P1 R1 . (16)
 ∼ (15) and
 (16), we have
G P1 R1 ≤ G Q1 R1 . (17)
G R1 P1 ≤ G R1 Q1 (18)

Combining (17) and (18) implies that P1 ≤ Q1 , even though R(R1 ) 6⊂ R(P1 ).
Hence proved.
(2) Given, P1 ∼ ≤ Q1 and R(R1 ) ⊆ R(P1 ).
P1 ∼ ≤ Q1 ⇔ (P1G)∼ GP
m )GP1 = (GP1 )
m GQ1 and R(P1 ) ⊆ R(Q1 ).
1 = (P1 G) 1 (or(GP1 )

To prove that G P1 R1 ∼ ≤ G Q1 R1 :
Consider,! !
GP1∼   GP1∼ GP1 GP1∼ GR1
GP1 GR1 =
GR1∼ GR1∼ GP1 GR1∼ GR1
 ∼   (P1 G)∼ GP1 (P1 G)∼ GR1
G P1 R1 G P1 R1 =
(R1 G)∼ GP1 (R1 G)∼ GR1
(P1 G)∼ GQ1 (P1 G)∼ GR1
= [Using (13)]
(R1 G)∼ ((P1 G)(P1 G)
m )∼ GQ1 (R1 G)∼ GR1
(P1 G)∼ GQ1 (P1 G)∼ GR1
((P1 G)(P1 G)
m (R1 G))∼ GQ1 (R1 G)∼ GR1
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(P1 G)∼ GQ1 (P1 G)∼ GR1
(R1 G)∼ GQ1 (R1 G)∼ GR1
(P1 G)∼  
= GQ 1 GR 1
(R1 G)∼
= GQ 1 GR 1
 1 ∼  
= G P1 R1 G Q1 R1
On the otherhand, on account
 of equation
  (5), from
 the conditions P1 ∼ ≤ Q1 , we have R(P1 ) ⊆
R(Q1 ) which imply that R P1 R1 ⊆ R Q1 R1 .
According to equation (5), we have G P1 R1 ∼ ≤ G Q1 R1 .
G R1 P1 ∼ ≤ G R1 Q1 .
Hence proved.

! R((S1 G)! ) ⊆ R((P1 G) ).
(3) Given, P1 ≤ Q1 and ∼ ∼

P1 ∼ Q1
To prove that G ≤G .
S1 S1

P1 ≤ Q1 ⇔ (P1 G)∼ GP1 = (P1 G)∼ GQ1 and P1 G(GP1 )∼ = Q1 G(GP1 )∼ .
Now consider, ! !
1 GP1∼ GP1 GP1∼ GS1
GP1∼ GS1∼ =
GS1 GS1∼ GP1 GS1∼ GS1
!∼ ! !
P1 P1 (P1 G)∼ GP1 (P1 G)∼ GS1
G G =
S1 S1 (S1 G)∼ GP1 (S1 G)∼ GS1
(P1 G)∼ GQ1 (P1 G)∼ GS1
= [Using (13)]
(S1 G) ((P1 G)(P1 G)
∼ m )∼ GQ1 (S1 G)∼ GS1
(P1 G)∼ GQ1 (P1 G)∼ GS1
((P1 G)(P1 G) m (S1 G))∼ GQ1 (S1 G)∼ GS1
(P1 G)∼ GQ1 (P1 G)∼ GS1
(S1 G)∼ GQ1 (S1 G)∼ GS1
= (P1 G)∼ (S1 G)∼
= GP1∼ GQ∼ 1
!∼ !
P1 Q1
=G G (19)
S1 S1

Now consider,
! !
P1 G  ∼  P1 GP1∼ G P1 GS1∼ G
P1 G S1∼ G =
S1 G S1 GP1∼ G S1 GS1∼ G
10 D. Krishnaswamy and M. velmurugan

! !∼ !
P1 P1 P1 G(GP1 )∼ P1 G(GS1 )∼
G G=
S1 S1 S1 G(GP1 )∼ S1 G(GS1 )∼
Q1 G((GP1 )
m GP1 )∼ (GS1 )∼
Q1 G(GP1 )∼
= [Using (14)]
S1 G(GP1 )∼ S1 G(GS1 )∼
Q1 G((GS1 )(GP1 ) m (GP1 ))∼
Q1 G(GP1 )∼
S1 G(GP1 )∼ S1 G(GS1 )∼
Q1 G(GP1 )∼ Q1 G(GS1 )∼
S1 G(GP1 )∼ S1 G(GS1 )∼
Q1 G  
= (GP1 )∼ (GS1 )∼
S1 G
Q1 G  ∼ 
= P1 G S1∼ G
S1 G
! !∼
Q1 P1
= G G
S1 S1

pre and post!multiplying by G

! ∼ ! !∼
P1 P1 Q1 P1
G G =G G . (20)
S1 S1 S1 S1
From equations
! (19)
! and (20), we have
P1 ∼ Q1
G ≤G . (21)
S1 S1
! !
S1 ∼ S1
G ≤G .
P1 Q1
Hence proved.
(4) Given P1 ≤ ∼Q1 and R((S1 G)∼ ) ⊆ R((P1 G)∼ ).
P1 ≤ ∼Q1 ⇔ (P1 G)(GP1 )∼ = Q1 G(GP1 )∼ (or P1 G(P1 G)
m = Q1 G(P1 G)
m ) and
R((P1 G)∼ ) ⊆ R((Q1!
G)∼ ). !
P1 Q1
To prove that G ≤ ∼G :
S1 S1
Now consider,
! !
P1 G  ∼  P GP ∼ G P GS ∼ G
1 1 1 1
P1 G S1∼ G =
S1 G S1 GP1∼ G S1 GS1∼ G
! !∼ !
P1 P1 P1 G(GP1 )∼ P1 G(GS1 )∼
G G=
S1 S1 S1 G(GP1 )∼ S1 G(GS1 )∼
Q1 G((GP1 )
m GP1 )∼ (GS1 )∼
Q1 G(GP1 )∼
= [Using (14)]
S1 G(GP1 )∼ S1 G(GS1 )∼
Q1 G((GS1 )(GP1 )
m (GP1 ))∼
Q1 G(GP1 )∼
S1 G(GP1 )∼ S1 G(GS1 )∼
Q1 G(GP1 )∼ Q1 G(GS1 )∼
S1 G(GP1 )∼ S1 G(GS1 )∼
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Q1 G  
= (GP1 )∼ (GS1 )∼
S1 G
Q1 G  ∼ 
= P1 G S1∼ G
S1 G
! !∼
Q1 P1
= G G
S1 S1
pre and post!multiplying
!∼ by G ! !∼
P1 P1 Q1 P1
G G =G G .
S1 S1 S1 S1
! (6), from!the condition P1 ≤ ∼Q1 , we have R((P1 G) ) ⊆
On the otherhand, on account of equation ∼

P1 Q1
R((Q1 G)∼ ) which imply that R1 ⊆ R1 .
S1 S1
! !
P1 Q1
According to equation (6), we have G ≤ ∼G .
S1 S1
! !
S1 S1
G ≤ ∼G .
P1 Q1
Hence the proof.

3. Conclusion

In this paper, we have concluded the algebraic structure of the star partial ordering, left and right
star partial ordering of block matrices in Minkowski space.


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