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The state
A (very informal) discussion on,
 Definition in terms of:
1. Population
2. Territory
4. Government
5. Sovereignty
6. Giving an emphasis to the Saptang Theory of the
7. In terms of International Recognition

 Indian state from Ancient time till Today

A (very informal) Debate on,
1. Whether making India a Democracy the Right Choice?
2. Will A solitary religious identity, fortify the concept of state?

Political Science
Mr. Jalaj Goantia
(Assistant professor of Pol. Science)

SUBMITTED BY- Arooshi Sambyal

Archita Raj as a module coordinator started the
discussion while stating that, In history and political
science subjects we have studied state and it gives us an
idea that State is an important concept to study as a law
student. In history we have studied that when Aryans
invaded India from the northern side, there was a strong
system of families that constituted clans and these clans
further constituted villages and there was a strong sense
of tension, so when these people were semi nomadic,
they started to settle at one place and they started doing
agriculture and earlier they were pastor in nature and
their property was animals they owned. When they
started settling at places some emotions started
overcoming them to fight over the properties. This is
how they felt a need for proper functioning and state.
They realised that it would protect them from invasions
and disputes.
Chetal Soni took the charge to further put on his points
and said When human settled together and slowly the
trade and profession started therefore who are doing
trade, they have a large hold of income but who works
for them are not as much powerful as them. So, a
conflict arrises that anarchy privilege is all over the
state so they nominated a head to give power and who
will protect us and will govern us. The king will be
chosen by us and will rule over us. The king is
supposed maintain integrity and peace of the state. As
per the kautiliya, the welfare and well being of the state
is the welfare and well being of the king.
Again, Archita Raj continued by saying the wefare of
the state need revenues for that the system of taxation
came in.
Then jalaj sir stated that earlier there was a loose system
of state and people were dependent on farming like
occupations but now the needs have been changed and
they need a fixed authory , a powerful one. Who can
gurantee their protection and the political consinuess is
also involved here as if u are earning something you
need protection

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