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China’s Last Matriarchy

Women living as mosou consider themselves happy and tired at the

same time. I therefore have a different point of view. We are using the
term matriarchy here that usually refers to female in power whereas
patriarchy refers to male in power but we are very much aware of the
condition women faces in male dominated society.
One thing remained same in both the places and that was women
looking after the household.
I think men in mosou matriarchy are more privileged as: -
1. They don’t have to do any work for earning.
2. They don’t have any responsibility for women or their children.
3. They don’t have to do any household work.
Whereas a woman living in patriarchy still would have to do all the
works pointed above.
The main role is here about power in the family and matriarchy and
patriarchy here is only differentiated on the basis of who has the
decision-making power.
In mosou matriarchy the only privilege the women have is of freedom
to make her own decisions.
Somehow, we talk about walking marriage; I personally don’t
appreciate it. It somehow again troubles women and burdens her with
a lot of responsibilities of both her children as well as her elders.
There is basically no helping hand for her.

Even mosou matriarchy remained a man privileged society.

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