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TOPIC NAME :Mental Ability

Avgv‡`i ivRy `v`v

Gm.Gg.ivRy, MwYZ, Xv.we.01920 22 49 69

STUDENT’S NAME .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ………………….

B0y friEND’S/ girl friEND’S NAME .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ………
BATCH NAME .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ………………….
MoBilE No. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ………………….

Type01 : Mirror & water

[1] Choose the alternative which is closely resembles the mirror image of the given combination. AnS: (1)

[2] Choose the alternative which is closely resembles the mirror image of the given combination. AnS: (1)

[3] Choose the alternative which is closely resembles the mirror image of the given combination. AnS: (2)

[4] Choose the alternative which is closely resembles the mirror image of the given combination.

[5] 0 n‡Z 9 ch©šÍ AsK ¸‡jvi †KvbwU‡K Avqbv‡Z I ev¯Í‡e GKBiKg †`Lv‡e ?
[6] 0 n‡Z 9 ch©šÍ AsK¸‡jv‡K Avqbv‡Z †Kgb †`Lv‡e ?
[7] wb‡¤§v³ †jLv ¸‡jv‡K Avqbv‡Z †Kgb †`Lv‡e ? †Kvb¸‡jv cwieZ©b n‡e bv ?
[a] RELATION [b] OTO [c] OTTO [d] LOVER [e]BOY [f] OOTTOO [g] OTOT
[h] WOW [i] UVU [j] 2016 [k] 420 [l] DADA [m] SUS [n] USU
[8] GKwU Aqbvi mvg‡b GKwU 2 m j¤^v e¯‘ Av‡Q | Aqbv‡Z e¯‘wUi cÖwZwe¤^ KZ wgUvi j¤^v n‡e ?
[9] GKwU mgZj `c©‡bi 5 m mvg‡b GKwU e¯‘ Av‡Q|
[a] Avqbvi KZUzKz wcQ‡b e¯‘i we¤^ ‰Zix n‡e
[b] e¯‘ Ges Gi cÖwZ we‡¤^i ga¨eZ©x `yiæZ¡ KZ ?
[10] GKwU e¯‘i D”PZv 5 wgUvi | e¯‘wUi D”PZv GKwU 6 eQ‡ii gvby‡li †_‡K †ewk bv Kg ?
[11] ‡Kvb AsK¸‡jv‡K cvwb‡Z Ges ev¯Í‡e GKB iKg †`Lvq ?
[12] †Kvb Letter ¸‡jv cvwb Ges Avqbv †KvbwU‡ZB cwieZ©b nq bv ?
[13] †Kvb Letter ¸‡jv Avqbv‡Z cwieZ©b wKš‘ cvwb‡Z nq bv ?
[14] wb‡Pi †jLv ¸‡jv cvwb‡Z †Kgb †`Lv‡e?
[] DOD [] EOEO [] IXI
[15] GK e¨w³ cyKz‡ii cv‡o `vwo‡q cvwbi wfZ‡i Zvi cÖwZwe¤^ †`L‡Z †cj | G mgq e¨w³i evg nvZ‡K cÖwZwe‡¤^ †Kvb nvZ g‡b n‡e ?
Type02 : Watch

[1] GKwU GbvjM Nwo‡Z wb‡¤§v³ mgq¸‡jv‡Z N›Uv I wgwb‡Ui KuvUvi ga¨eZ©x †KvY KZ wWMÖx ?
[a] 9:10 [b] 20:05 [c] 1:15
[d] 6:05 [e] 6:00 [f] 12:00

[2] wb‡¤§v³ mgq¸‡jv‡K GKwU GbvjM Now‡K `c©‡bi wfZ‡i †`L‡j KZ ev‡R e‡j g‡b n‡e
[a] 9:10 [b] 20:05 [c] 1:15
[d] 6:05 [e] 6:00 [f] 12:00

[3] GKwU GbvjM Nwo `c©‡Yi wfZ‡i hLb wb‡¤§v³ mgq †`q ZLb ev¯Í‡e mgq KZ ?
[a] 9:10 [b] 20:05 [c] 1:15
[d] 6:05 [e] 6:00 [f] 12:00

[4] GKwU KuvUvi Nwo KLb ev¯Í‡e I Avqbv‡Z GKB mgq †`‡e ?
[5] KLb GKwU †Q‡j †cÖ‡g c‡o ?
[6] mKvj 9Uv n‡Z weKvj 3 Uv ch©šÍ GKwU KuvUvi Nwoi ÑN›Uvi KuvUv KZevi wgwb‡Ui KuvUv‡K AwZµg Ki‡e ?
[7] mKvj 8Uv n‡Z weKvj 7Uv ch©šÍ GKwU KuvUvi Nwoi Ñ wgwb‡Ui KuvUv KZevi N›Uvi KuvUvi mv‡_ j¤^fv‡e ev mg‡Kv‡Y ev 900 †Kv‡Y Ae¯’vb Ki‡e ?

[8] mKvj 6Uv n‡Z weKvj 5Uv ch©šÍ GKwU KuvUvi Nwoi Ñ wgwb‡Ui KuvUv KZevi N›Uvi KuvUv‡K AwZµg Ki‡e ev N›Uvi KuvUvi mv‡_ mgcvwZZ n‡e
ev N›Uvi mv‡_ 1800 †Kv‡Y ev wecixZ fv‡e Ae¯’vb Ki‡e ?

[9] GKwU KuvUvi Nwo cÖwZ 10 N›Uvq 20 wgwbU †¯øv nq | mvwVK mgq ‡_‡K Pjv ïiæ Kivi KZ mgq ci NwowU cybivq mvwVK mgq †`‡e ?
[10] GKwU KuvUvi Nwo cÖwZ N›Uvq 10 wgwbU mgq nvivq | ‡mvgevi 9 Uv 42 wgwb‡U mwVK Ae¯’v Pjv ïiæ Ki‡j NwowU Aevi KLb mwVK mgq †`‡e ?
[11] GKwU Now cÖwZ 5 N›Uvq 30 wgwbU dv÷ nq | g½jevi mKvj 8 Uvq NwowU mwVK mgq †`Iqvi c‡i Avevi KLb mwVK mgq †`‡e ?
[12] GKwU KuvUvi Nwo cÖwZ N›Uvq 10 wgwbU mgq nvivq | `ycyi 12:00 Uvi mgq NwowU‡K mwVK K‡I Pvjvq †`Iqv nj|
[K] cÖK…Z c‡ÿ hLb mܨv 6:00 ev‡R ZLb GB Now‡Z KqUv evR‡e ?
[L] GB Now‡Z hLb mܨv 6:00 ev‡R ZLb cÖK…Z c‡ÿ KqUv evR‡e ?

[13] A watch which gains 5 seconds in 3 minutes was set right at 7 a.m. In the afternoon of the same day,
when the watch indicated quarter past 4 o'clock, the true time is what?

(a) 4pm (b) 6pm (c) 4:30pm (d) 5pm

[14] A watch gains 5 sec in 3 min and was set right at 8 AM. What time will it show at 10 PM on the same
day? AnS:20:23min 20 sec pm

[15] An accurate clock shows 8 o'clock in the morning. Through how many degrees will the hour hand rotate when the
clock shows 2 o'clock in the afternoon?
(a) 144º (b) 150º (c) 168º (d) 180º
[16] A clock is started at noon. By 10 minutes past 5, the hour hand has turned through: AnS: 930º
(a) 940º (b) 960º (c) 950º (d) 930º
[17] How many times in a day, the hands of a clock are straight? AnS: 44
(a)42 (b) 44 (c)45 (d)22
[18] How many times are the hands of a clock at right angle in a day?

[19] How many times in a day, are the hands of a clock in straight line but opposite in direction? AnS:22

[20] Angle covered by the second hand in 60 seconds iS What ? Ans: 360°

[21] Angle covered by the second hand in 1 second iS What ? Ans: 6°

[22] Angle covered by the minute hand in 60 minutes iS What ? Ans: 360°

[23] Angle covered by the minute hand in 1 minute iS What ? Ans: 6°

[24] Angle covered by the hour hand in 12 hours iS What ? Ans: 360°

[25] Angle covered by the hour hand in 1 hour iS What ? Ans: 30°

[26] Angle covered by the hour hand in 1 minute iS What ? Ans: 1/2°

[27] By how many degrees does the minute hand move in the same time, in which the hour hand move by 18
degree ? AnS: 216 degree

[28] The reflex angle between the hands of a clock at 10.25 is what? AnS: 395/2º

[29] How much does a watch lose per day, if its hands coincide every 64 minutes? AnS: 360/11 min.

[30] GKwU †`vjK Nwo c„w_exi †giæ AÂj ev wehyexq AÂj- †Kv_vq †¯øv ev dv÷ nq ?
[31] GKwU †`vjK Now‡K c„w_exi †K‡›`ª wb‡j GwU †¯øv ev dv÷ - †KvbwU n‡e ?
[32] GKwU †`vjK Nwo‡K gvj`¦xc n‡Z MÖxbj¨v‡Û †bIqv n‡jv | NwowU †¯øv n‡e bv, dv÷ n‡e ?

Type03 : Calendar

[1] wb‡Pi †Kvb mvj¸‡jv wjc Bqvi ?

[a] 2000 [b] 300 [c] 1300 [d] 1620 [e] 1700 [f] 2012
[g] 2016 [h] 2100 [i] 2200 [j] 2300 [k] 2304 [l] 2052
[2] 2009 mv‡ji 31 December wK evi ?
[3] 2004 mv‡ji 27 February wK evi ?
[4] 1971 mv‡ji 12 A‡±vevi wK evi ?
[5] 1990 mv‡j 1 Rvbyqvwi wK evi ?
[6] 1971mv‡ji 16 December wK evi ?

[7] G eQi 2013 mv‡j 22 Ryb kwb evi n‡j Ñ

[a] G eQi 4 GwcÖj wK evi ? [b] G eQi 12 december wK evi ?
[c] G eQi 5 Agust wK evi ? [d] AvMvwg eQ‡ii 1 Rvbyqvwi wK evi ?
[8] AvR †mvgevi | 61 w`b c‡i wK evi n‡e ?
[9] AvR eyaevi n‡j AvMvwg Kvj n‡Z 42 Zg w`‡b wK evi n‡e ?
[10] AvR eyaevi n‡j MZ 42 Zg w`‡b wK evi ?
[11] AvR eyaevi n‡j MZ 45 Zg w`‡b wK evi ?

[12] evsjv 2014 mv‡j BsivRx KZ mvj?

[13] evsjv 2018 mv‡ji 5 Ryb BsivRx KZ ZvwiL?
[14] The calendar of which immediate following year can replace the calendar of the year 2019 ?

[15] Find the year nearest to 2007 in future which is the same calendar year as it. AnS: 2018

[16] The calendar for the year 2007 will be the same for which year ?

[17] How many leap years does 100 years have? AnS: 24

[18] How many leap years do 300 years have? AnS: 72

[19] How many leap years do 400 years have? AnS: 72

[20] How many leap years do 500 years have? AnS: 72

[21] The maximum gap between two successive leap year is how many years? AnS: 8 years.

[22] Which year has 366 days? AnS: In Any leap year.

[23] How many days in 4 years?

[24] MZciï wQj †mvgev‡ii `yw`b c‡ii w`b | AvR wK evi ?

[25] gnvwm‡bi Rb¥ ZvwiL 05.10.97 Ges Zvi cÂg Rb¥ evwl©Kx cvwjZ n‡q‡Q †mvgev‡i | Zvi Rb¥ n‡q‡Q wK ev‡i ?
[26] iwn‡gi Rb¥ Zvwi‡Li mv‡_ 2 eQi †hvM Ki‡j †h ZvwiL cvIqvi Zvi 2 w`b c~‡e© Kwi‡gi Rb¥ | 2002 mv‡j RyjvB gv‡mi 1 ZvwiL Kwi‡gi cÖ_g
Rb¥ ZvwiL n‡j KZ mv‡j iwn‡gi eqm 7 eQi n‡e ?
[27] Comes once in Saturday, once in Tuesday and never in Wednesday. How many times does it comes in Friday?

[28] How many days are there in x weeks x days?

[29] The last day of a century cannot be-- Tuesday

[30] If today is Saturday, what will be the day 350 days from now ?

[31] Second & fourth Saturdays and every Sunday is a holiday. How many working days will be there in a
month of 31 days beginning on a Friday ? AnS: 24 days.
Type04 : coding/decoding

[1] If DELHI is coded as 73541 and CALCUTTA as 82589662, how can CALICUT be coded?

a. 5279431 b. 5978213 c. 8251896 d. 8543691

[2] In a certain code language, if the value of CONTRACT = 56 and ‘GROWTH’ = 30, then what is the value

a. 130 b. 132 c. 140 d. 142

[3] In a certain code language, if the value of 28 + 14 = 50 and 36 + 43 = 63, then what is the value of 44 + 52 =?

a. 54 b. 56 c. 58 d. 62

[4] In a certain code language, ‘kew xas huma deko’ means ‘she is eating apples’; ‘kew tepo qua’ means ‘she
sells toys’ and ‘sul lim deko’ means ‘I like apples’. Which word in that language means ‘she’ and ‘apples’?

a. xas & deko b. xas & kew c. kew & deko d. kew & xas

[5] In a certain code ,'il be pee' means 'roses are blue','sik hee' means 'red flowers' and 'pee mit hee' means
'flowers are vegetables', How is 'red' written in that code?

a)hee b)sik c)be d)cannot be determined

[6] In a certain code language : ‘dugo hui mul zo’ stans for ‘work is very hard’ ‘hui dugo ba ki’ for ‘Bingo is
very smart’; ‘nano mul dugo’ for ‘cake is hard’; and ‘mul ki gu’ for ‘smart and hard’ Which of the following word
stand for Bingo ?

a) Jalu b) Dugo c) Ki d) Ba

[7] If rain is called water, water is called air, air is called cloud, cloud is called sky, sky is called sea, sea is
called road, where do the aeroplanes fly ?

a) Water b) Road c) Sea d) Cloud

[8] If Orange is called Lemon, Lemon is called Flower, Flower is called Fish, Fish is called Tail and Tail is
called Pen, what is Rose ?

a) Pen b) Lemon c) Flower d) Fish

[9] In a certain code language $#* means ‘Shirt is clean’, @ D# means ‘Clean and neat’ and @ means ‘neat
boy’, then what is the code for ‘and’ in that language
a) # b) D c) @ d) Data inadequate

[10] If A stands for +, B stands for -, C stands for x, what is the value of (10C4)(A) (4C4)B6 ?
a) 60 b) 50 c) 56 d) 46
[11] If cat =123, dog= 564 then goat=?

[12] If cat =123, dog=564 then coat=?

[13] If cat =123, dog=564 then toga=?

[14] If cat =123, dog=564 then dot=?

[15] If △ stands for the operation ‘adding first number to twice the second number’, then find

the value of (1△2) △ 3. Ans: 11.

[16] If △ stands for the operation ‘multiplying first number by 2 and adding to twice the

second number’, then find the value of (1△2) △ 3.

[17] If A stands for +, B stands for -, C stands for x, what is the value of (10C4)(A) (4C4)B6 ? AnS: 50

[18] If “ ” converts to “ ”, “ ” converts to “ ” , “ ” converts to “ ”, “ ” converts to “ ” then what is the

value of 5 + 10 × 20 ÷ 15 − 30 ?

[19] If “ ” converts to “ ”, “ ” converts to “ ” , “ ” converts to “ ”, “ ” converts to “ ” then what is the

value of 5 + 10 × 20 ÷ 15 − 30 ?

Type05 : Word syntax dissimilarity & forwarding

[1] Build meaningful word using all of the jumbled letters :

a]] ITUBOIDJ ( Country name) b]] TNEAIMV ( Country name)

c]] ZANOMA ( River name) d]] YSENTOH ( Human virtue)

e]] AGNMO ( Fruit name) f]] TISRAVY ( Instituition name)

[2] Rearrange the jumble words and build up meaningful sentence:

a]] is best honesty the policy

b]] interested matters in not was nuptial she

c]] person deliberate the himself election kept 7th disinterested the about.

d]] were by were him plants that brought two the homogeneous

e]] gullible are not women

f]] amicable was behavior not his

g]] in long the suffer extravagant the run

h]] love money your you for I

[3] Fill in the gaps with appropriate letter:

a] A,C,F,J, … b] U,N,F,P,… c] Y,…,I, S, R, A, …? d] U,O,I,E,.. .. e] ESCW…

[4] Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.

1. Key 2. Door 3. Lock 4. Room 5. Switch on

A. 5, 1, 2, 4, 3 B. 4, 2, 1, 5, 3
C. 1, 3, 2, 4, 5 D. 1, 2, 3, 5, 4
[5] Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.
1. Police 2. Punishment 3. Crime 4. Judge 5. Judgement

A. 3, 1, 2, 4, 5 B. 1, 2, 4, 3, 5
C. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 D. 3, 1, 4, 5, 2
[6] Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.
1. Poverty 2. Population 3. Death 4. Unemployment 5. Disease

A. 2, 3, 4, 5, 1 B. 3, 4, 2, 5, 1
C. 2, 4, 1, 5, 3 D. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
[7] Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.
1. Leaf 2. Fruit 3. Stem 4. Root 5. Flower

A. 3, 4, 5, 1, 2 B. 4, 3, 1, 5, 2
C. 4, 1, 3, 5, 2 D. 4, 3, 1, 2, 5
[8] Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.
1. Caste 2. Family 3. Newly married Couple 4. Clan 5. Species

A. 2, 3, 1, 4, 5 B. 3, 4, 5, 1, 2
C. 3, 2, 1, 4, 5 D. 4, 5, 3, 2, 1
[9] Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.
1. House 2. Street 3. Room 4. Town 5. District

A. 3, 2, 1, 4, 5 B. 3, 1, 4, 2, 5
C. 3, 1, 2, 4, 5 D. 3, 1, 2, 5, 4
[10] Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.
1. Wall 2. Clay 3. House 4. Room 5. Bricks

A. 5, 2, 1, 4, 3 B. 2, 5, 4, 1, 3
C. 2, 5, 1, 4, 3 D. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
[11] Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.
1. Elephant 2. Cat 3. Mosquito 4. Tiger 5. Whale

A. 5, 3, 1, 2, 4 B. 3, 2, 4, 1, 5
C. 1, 3, 5, 4, 2 D. 2, 5, 1, 4, 3
[12] Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.
1. Infant 2. Old 3. Adult 4. Adolescent 5. Child

A. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 B. 3, 4, 2, 1, 5
C. 2, 3, 4, 5, 1 D. 1, 5, 4, 3, 2
[13] Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence.
1. Leaves 2. Branch 3. Flower 4. Tree 5. Fruit

A. 4, 3, 1, 2, 5 B. 4, 2, 5, 1, 3
C. 4, 3, 2, 1, 5 D. 4, 2, 1, 3, 5
[14] Choose the word which is different from the rest.

A. Chicken B. Snake C. Swan D. Crocodile E. Frog

[15] Choose the word which is different from the rest.
A. Kiwi B. Eagle C. Emu D. Ostrich E. Penguin
[16] Choose the word which is different from the rest.

A. Curd B. Butter C. Oil D. Cheese E. Cream

[17] Choose the word which is different from the rest.

A. Potassium B. Silicon C. Zirconium D. Gallium E. Germanium

[18] Choose the word which is different from the rest.

A. Tea B. Cinchona C. Rubber D. Cardamom E. Chalk

[19] Choose the word which is different from the rest.

A. Tall B. Huge C. Thin D. Sharp E. Small

[20] Choose the word which is different from the rest.

A. Dagger B. Hammer C. Knife D. Sword E. Blade

[21] Choose the word which is different from the rest.

A. Oyster B. Clam C. Scallop D. Mussel E. Mast

[22] Choose the word which is different from the rest.

A. Tricycle B. Trident C. Trifle D. Tricolour E. Trilogy

[23] Choose the word which is different from the rest.

A. Calendar B. Year C. Date D. Month E. Day

[24] SCD, TEF, UGH, ____, WKL


[25] FAG, GAF, HAI, IAH, ____


[26] CMM, EOO, GQQ, _____, KUU


[27] QPO, NML, KJI, _____, EDC


[28] BCB, DED, FGF, HIH, ___


Type06 : direction sense

[1] wicv wKQzc_ †mvRv cwðg w`‡K wM‡q GKevi ev‡g ,`yBevi Wv‡b, wZbevi Wv‡b, `yBevi ev‡g, wM‡q me©‡kl wZbevi Wv‡b wKQz wKQz c_ †Mj ? GLb †m
†Kvb w`‡K hv‡”Q ?

[2] wjmv wKQz c_ †mvRv wM‡q `yBevi ev‡g,3 hvh Wv‡b,1evi ev‡g wM‡q me©‡kl 3evi ev‡g †Mj | me©‡kl †m c~e©w`‡K Pj‡j cÖ_‡g †m †Kvb w`‡K Pjv ïiæ K‡i wQj ?

[3] ¸jkvb ‡_‡K †bvgvb ev‡m †P‡c wKQz c_ †mvRv wM‡q 2 বvi ev‡g ,3 evi Wv‡b, 1 evi ev‡g I2evi Wv‡b wM‡q fvwm©wmwU‡Z †cŠ‡Q †`L‡jv Zvi ev‡mi
gyL cwðg w`‡K i‡q‡Q | iIbv nevi mgq †bvgv‡bi ev‡mi gyL †Kvb w`‡K wQj ?
[4] Avwg cjvwk †_‡K GKUv wewo †L‡q evBK †P‡c wKQz c_ †mvRv wM‡q 2evi ev‡g, 3 evi Wv‡b 1 evi ev‡g Ges 3 evi Wv‡b | wKQz wKQz c_ wM‡q
wek^we`¨vj‡q ‡cŠ‡Q mRx‡ei mv‡_ gy‡Lv gyLx †`Lv Kijvg | G mgq mRx‡ei evg nvZ cwðg w`‡K wQj |cjvkx †_‡K Avwg †Kvb w`‡K iIbv n‡qwQjvg ?

[5] City A is to the south of city B.City B is to the west of city C. City C is to the north of city D.To what direction city
D can be of city A?

[6] kwdK GLvb †_‡K 20 Km ‡mvRv wM‡q , 10 Km K‡i `yevi ev‡g wM‡q , 20 Km ev‡g wM‡q, 15 Km Wv‡b wM‡q, 10 Kmcybivq Wv‡b wM‡q
mvfvi †cŠQv‡jv | GLvb †_‡K mvfv‡ii mivmwi `yiæZ¡ KZ ?
[7] mvwK 20 Km ‡mvRv wM‡q , 20 Km ev‡g wM‡q 40 Km Wv‡b wM‡q , 45 Km cybivq Wv‡b wM‡q _vg‡jv | Zvi Avw` I †kl Ae¯’v‡bi g‡a¨
mivmwi `yiæZ¡ KZ ?
[8] iæcv I wicv †Kvb GKB ¯’vb n‡Z ci¯ú‡ii wecixZ w`‡K h_vµ‡g 10 Km / h I 8Km / h ‡e‡M 2 N›Uv wM‡q wbR wbR evg w`‡K Av‡iv 3 N›Uv
K‡i †Mj | GLb Zv‡`i g‡a¨ mivmwi `yiæZ¡ KZ?
[9] cjvkx n‡j 1200†Kv‡Y `ywU iv¯Ív P‡j †M‡Q | N›Uvq 10Km I12 Km †e‡M cjvkx †_‡K Zzwj I gwj `ywU c‡_h_vµ‡g 4 N›Uv I 5 N›Uv | ZLb
Zv‡`i g‡a¨ mivmwi `yiæZ¡ KZ ?

[10] GKB ¯’vb n‡Z Zzwj I gwj h_vµ‡g 5 Km / h I 6 Km /h ‡e‡M DIi w`‡K I `w¶Y-cwðg w`‡K 3 N›Uv I 5 N›Uv Pjj | GLb Zv‡`i g‡a¨ mivmwi `yiæZ¡
KZ ?
[11] gwgb I KvwbR GKwU ¯’vb n‡Z ci¯úi 600 †Kv‡Y 20Km I 30Km c_ †M‡j Zv‡`i g‡a¨ mivmwi `yiæZ¡KZ ?

[12] A man walks 1 km to East and then he turns to South and walks 5 km. Again he turns to East and walks 2
km. After this he turns to North and walks 9 km. Now, how far is he from his starting point?

A. 3 km B. 4 km C. 5 km D. 7 km

[13] A man faces towards north. Turning to his right, he walks 25 metes. He then turns to his left and walks
30 metres. Next, he moves 25 metres to his right. He then turns to his right again and walks 55 metres. Finally,
he turns to the right and moves 40 metres. In which direction is he from his starting point ?

A. South-West B. South C. North-west D. South-East

[14] If Rahim moves 20 metres in East direction and then turns to his left and then moves 15 metres and then
he turns to his right and moves 25 metres. After this he turns to his right and moves 15 metres. Now, how far
is he from starting point ?

A. 40 m B. 50 m C. 25 m D. 45 m

[15] Mohan was facing east. he walked 4 km forward and then after turning to his right walked 3 km.Again he
turned to his right and walked 4 km. After this he turned back. Which direction was he facing at that time?

A. East B. West C. North D. South

[16] A, B, C and D are standing on the four corners of a square field as shown in the figure below:
A starts crossing the field diagonally. After walking half the distance, he turns right, walks some distance and
turns left. Which direction is A facing now?

A. North-East B. South-West C. South-East D. North-West

[17] A man leaves from his office for his home. He walks towards East. After moving a distance of 20 m, he
turns South and walks 10 m. Then he walks 35 m towards the west and further 5 m towards the north. He
then turns towards east and walks 15 m. What is the straight distance (in metres) between his initial and final

A. 0 B. 5 C. 10 D. 11

[18] Rohan walks a distance of 3 km towards north, then turns to his left and walks 2 km. He again turns left
and walks for 3 km. At this point he turns to his left and walks for 3 km. How many kilometres is he from the
starting point?

A. 1 km B. 2 km C. 3 km D. 4 km

[19] Y is in the East of X which is in the North of Z. If P is in the South of Z, then in which direction of Y, is P?

A. North B. South C. South-East D. None of these

[20]HomeWORK After walking 6 kms, I turned right and travelled a distance of 2 kms, then turned left and covered a distance of
10 km. In the end I was moving towards the north. From which direction did I start my journey?
a. North AnS: b. South c. South-West d. North-East

[21]HomeWORK Raju who is facing east, turns 1000 in the anti-clock-wise direction and then 1450 in the clock-wise direction.
Which direction is he facing now?
AnS: a. South-East b. South c. North-West d. West

[22]HomeWORK From her school Meenu walks 20 metres towards north. She, then turns left and walks 40 metres. She again
turns left and walks 20 metres. Further she moves 20 metres after turning to the right. How far is she from her original position?
a. 20m b. 30m c. 50m AnS: d. 60m

[23]HomeWORK A watch shows 4.30. If the minute hand points to east, in what direction will the hour hand point?
A. North-West b. South-East AnS: c. North-East d. North

[24]HomeWORK On an election day Santhosh walked from a place, 10 km towards South to reach the polling station, then turned
left upto 2 km, then took a right turn, and took another 4 kms walk. Again he turned right and walked for 12 kms and took a 14 km
walk by turning to North, and there he could see the polling station at a 12 km distance after taking a right turn. In which direction is
the polling station situated?
a.North AnS: b.East c.South d.West

[25]HomeWORK One evening, two friends Riya and Priya were talking to each other, with their backs towards each other, sitting
in a park. If Riya’s shadow was exactly to the left of her, then which direction was Priya facing?
a. North-East b. north AnS: c. East d. South

[26]HomeWORK Two buses start from the opposite points of a main road, 150kms apart. The first bus runs for 25kms and takes a
right turn and then runs for 15 kms. It then turns left and runs for another 25 kms and takes the direction back to reach the mai road. In
the meantime, due to a minor breakdown, the other bus has run only 35 kms along the main road. What would be the distance between
the two buses at this point?
AnS: A. 65kms b. 75kms c. 80 kms d. 85kms

[27]HomeWORK Fifteen boys are standing in a row facing opposite direction alternately from left to right. If the fourth boy from
left is facing towards the east then the fifth boy from the right is facing which direction?
a.South b. North-west c. East d. None of these

[28]HomeWORK Vishwanath was walking on the road early morning after the sunrise and his shadow was failing to his left.
Which direction was he facing?
a.East AnS: b. North c. West d. Either East or West

Type07 : Odd Man & missing number

[1] Find the odd number/letters from the given alternatives.

A. Swimming B. Sailing C. Diving D. Driving

[2] Find the odd number/letters from the given alternatives.

A. 626 B. 841 C. 962 D. 1090

[3] Find the odd number/letters from the given alternatives.

A. 626 B. 841 C. 962 D. 1090

[4] Find the odd number/letters from the given alternatives.


[5] Four words are given, out of which three are same in a certain way while the rest one is different. Find out
the different one.

A. Teacher B. Principal C. Student D. Lecturer

[6] Four words are given, out of which three are same in a certain way while the rest one is different. Find out
the different one.

A. Teacher B. Principal C. Student D. Lecturer

[7] Four words are given, out of which three are same in a certain way while the rest one is different. Find out
the different one.

A. Bowl B. Spoon C. Cup D. Bouquet

[8] Four words are given, out of which three are same in a certain way while the rest one is different. Find out
the different one.

A. Beam B. Pillar C. House D. Wall

[9] Four words are given, out of which three are same in a certain way while the rest one is different. Find out
the different one.

A. Square B. Triangle C. Area D. Rectangle

[10] Find the odd number / letters / word from the given alternative.

A. 5720 B. 6710 C. 2640 D. 4270

[11] Find the missing number.

A. 22 B. 18 C. 16 D. 26 E. 20
[12] Find the missing number.

A. 5 B. 10 C. 21 D. 15
[13] Find the missing number.

A. 18 B. 20 C. 16 D. 12
[14] Find the missing number?

A. 40 B. 83 C. 62 D. 16

Type08 : the dice

[1] How many points will be on the face opposite to in face which contains 2 points?

a. 1 b. 5 c. 4 d. 6

[2] From the four positions of a dice given below, find the color which is opposite to yellow?

a. Violet b. Red c. Rose d. Blue

[3] Two positions of a dice are shown below. Which number will appear on the face opposite to the face with the number 5?
a. 2/6 b. 2 c. 6 d. 4

Type 09 : figure counting

[1] How many triangles are there in the picture?

[2] How many triangles are there in the picture?

[3] How many triangles are there in the picture?

[4] How many triangles are there in the picture?

[5] How many triangles are there in the picture?

[6] How many triangles are there in the picture?

[7] How many triangles are there in the picture?

[8] How many triangles are there in the picture?

[9] If all of the following smallest tetragon of the picture be a square each then find the number square, rectangle and
general quadrilateral.

[10] Find the number general quadrilateral in the following picture :

TYPE 11 : Puzzle

[1] In a family there are several brothers and sisters. Every 2 boys have brothers as many as sisters and
each girl has 2 brothers less than twice as many brothers as sisters. Now find the number of boys and girls.

A. 8 , 6 B. 6 , 4 C. 6 , 8 D. 12 , 10

[2] In a row of trees, a tree is 7th from left end and 14th from right end. How many tree are there in the
row ?
A. 18 B. 19 C. 20 D. 21
[3] B is twice as old as A but twice younger than F. C is half the age of A but is twice older than D. Who is
the second oldest ?

A. B B. F C. C D. D
[4] Ramesh ranks 13 in the class of 33 students. There are 5 students below Suresh rankwise. How many

student are there between Ramesh and Suresh ?

A. 12 B. 14 C. 15 D. 16

[5] Shan is 55 years old, Sthian is 5 years junior to Shan and 6 years senior to Balan. The youngest brother
of Balan is Devan and he is 7 years junior to him. So what is the age difference between Devan and Shan ?

A. 15 years B. 18 years C. 13 years D. 7 years

[6] If Football is called Cricket, Cricket is called Basketball, Basketball is called Badminton, Badminton is
called Volleyball, Volleyball is called Hockey and Hockey is called Golf, then which of the following games is
not played using a ball?

A. Volleyball B. Basketball C. Hockey D. Cricket

[7] If each of the digits in the number 92581473 is arranged in ascending order, what will be the
difference between the digits which are fourth from the right and third from left in the new arrangement?
The ascending order of the number is 123456789.

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
[8] Each vowel of the GLADIOLUS word is substituted with the next letter of the English alphabetical series
and each consonant is substituted with the letters preceding it. How many vowels will be present in the
new arrangement?

A. One B. Two C. Three D. No Vowel


Ques 1 : Whatnumber should replace the question mark ?

Answer :6
Explanation : Looking at the diagram in rows, the central circle equals half the sum of the numbers in the
other circles to the left and right of the centre.
Ques 2 : Whatnumber should replace the question mark ?
Answer :9

Explanation : The number at the centre of each triangle equals the sum of the lower two numbers
minus the top number.
Ques 3 : Whatnumber should replace the question mark ?

Answer : 40

Explanation : Moving from left to right, numbers increase by 2,3,4 and 5.

Ques 4 : Whatnumber should replace the question mark ?

Answer : 16
Explanation : Moving clockwise, around alternate segments in the chain, one sequence decreases by 1, 2,
3 and 4 each time, while the other increases by 2, 3,4 and 5.

Ques 6 : Whatnumber should replace the question mark ?

Answer : 253
Explanation : Starting at the top left, and moving through the diagram in a Z shape, double each number
and add 3 to give the next number along.
Ques 7: Whatnumber should replace the question mark ?

Answer : 51
Explanation : Moving to the right, double each number and subtract 3 to give the next number along.
Ques 8 : Whatnumber should replace the question mark ?

Answer : 2
Explanation : Starting with the 10 at the top, one set of numbers increases by 3 each time, written in
alternate boxes as you move down the diagram, and the other set of numbers decreases
by 2, written in the boxes remaining.
Ques 9 : Whatnumber should replace the question mark ?

Answer :6
Explanation : On each row, add the values of the left hand and central boxes to give the value in the right
hand box.

Ques 10 : Whatnumber should replace the question mark ?

Answer : 10
Explanation : In each star diagram, the number in the centre equals the sum of the top three numbers,
subtracting the sum of the bottom two numbers.
Ques 11 : Whatnumber should replace the question mark ?

Answer : 23
Explanation : Starting top left, and moving down in columns from left to right, the numbers follow the
sequence of Prime Numbers from 2 to 23.
Ques 12 : Whatnumber should replace the question mark ?
Answer : 1,143
Explanation : Starting with the top 3 digit number, the first digit increases by 2 as you descend, from 1 to
11. The middle digit decreases by 1 each time, and the right hand digit alternates between 5
and 3.
Ques 13 : Whatnumber should replace the question mark ?

Answer :6

Explanation : Numbers in the lower left circle equal the sum of the numbers in corresponding segments
of the top two circles, and numbers in the lower right circle equal the difference of the
numbers in corresponding segments of the top two circles.

Ques 14 : Whatnumber should replace the question mark ?

Answer :4

Explanation : In each triangle, the central number equals the sum of the three outer numbers divided by two.

Ques 15 : Whatnumber should replace the question mark ?

Answer :5

Explanation : In each star, the central number equals the difference between the sum of the even
numbers and the sum of the odd numbers from the points of the star.

Ques 16 : Whatnumber should replace the question mark ?

Answer : 5
Explanation : In each triangle, the number at the apex of the triangle equals the average of the two numbers
at the bottom.
Ques 17 : Whatnumber should replace the question mark ?

Answer : 22
Explanation : In each circle, the lower number equals the product of the top two numbers, subtracting
3 for the left hand circle, 4 for the middle, and 5 for the right hand circle.

Ques 18 : Whatnumber should replace the question mark ?

Answer : 23

Explanation : Looking at the diagram as two columns, numbers in the left hand column increase by 5, 6,
7 etc, and numbers in the right hand column increase by 6, 7, 8 etc.

Ques 19 : Whatnumber should replace the question mark ?

Answer : 2 and 6
Explanation:The diagram represents a multiplication sum : 128 x 2 = 256.
Ques 20 : Whatnumber should replace the question mark ?

Answer : 96

Explanation : Moving from left to right, numbers follow the sequence of square numbers, from 6 to 10,
subtracting 4 each time.
Ques 21 : Whatnumber should replace the question mark ?
Answer :9

Explanation : Reading each pair of numbers in a row as a 2 digit number, values increase by 6 each time.

Ques 22 : Whatnumber should replace the question mark ?

Answer :4

Explanation : Adding up the digits in each oval shape, as you move down the column this total increases
by 2 each time, from 12 to 22.

Ques 23 : Whatnumber should replace the question mark ?

Answer :1

Explanation : In each circle, the number in the lower left segment equals the sum of the numbers in the
top two segments, and the number in the lower right circle equals the difference between
the numbers in the top two segments.

Ques 38: Whatnumber should replace the question mark ?

Answer :1

Explanation : Numbers in segments of the central circle equal the difference between the sum of the
numbers in corresponding segments of the left two and right two circles.

Type 12 :Mechanical reasoning

cÖkœ: 1) wP‡Î A¶wUi ga¨we›`y C n‡j †Kvb cÖvšÍwU wb‡P bvg‡e?

DËi : Wvb cÖvšÍ | Kvib,

Y 50 N 60 N Dfq cÖv‡šÍi `~iZ¡ mgvb Ges
Wvb cÖv‡šÍ e‡ji cwigvY
C †ewk|
cÖkœ: 1K) wP‡Î C we›`ywU A¶wU‡K `yB-Z…Zxqvs‡k wef³ Ki‡j †Kvb cÖvšÍwU wb‡P bvg‡e?

30 N 30 N

DËi : Wvb cÖvšÍ | Kvib, Dfq cÖv‡šÍ ej mgvb Ges Wvb cÖv‡šÍ `yi‡Z¡i cwgvY †ewk|d‡j Wvb cÖv‡šÍ ej I `~i‡Z¡i ¸Yd‡ji cwgvY †ewk n‡e| Avi Avgiv
Rvwb, †h cÖv‡šÍ ¸Ydj †ewk n‡e , †m cÖvšÍB wb‡P bvg‡e|

cÖkœ: 3) wP‡Î CA =10m, CB = 30m n‡j A we›`y‡Z m‡e©v”P KZUzKz ej cÖ‡qvM Kiv ch©š— A we›`ywU wb‡P bvg‡e bv?

A: x? N B:30 N

DËi : C

mvg¨ve¯’viRb¨, ej A × C n‡Z ej A Gi `yiZ¡ = ej B ×C n‡Z ej B Gi `yiZ¡

ev, x×AC = 30× BC GLv‡b x Gi gvb 90N †ei n‡q‡Q| A_©vr, A we›`y‡Z
90N ej w`‡j mvg¨e¯’v m„wó n‡e|90N Gi †ewk w`‡jB
ev, x×10 = 30× 30 A cÖvšÍ wb‡P †b‡g hv‡e|d‡j m‡e©v”P ej 90N .
ev, x = 90N Ans:90N

cÖkœ: 4) wP‡Î CA =10m, CB = 30m n‡j A we›`y‡Z cÖhy³ e‡ji gvb KZ n‡j mvg¨ve¯’v m„wó n‡e?

A:x ? C B:30 N

DËi :
mvg¨ve¯’vi Rb¨, ej A × C n‡Z ej A Gi `yiZ¡ = ej B ×C n‡Z ej B Gi `yiZ¡
ev, x×AC = 30× BC
ev, x×10 = 30× 30
ev, x = 90N Ans:
cÖkœ:5| wP‡Î O g~jwe›`y Ges g~j we›`y n‡Z A= x, B=10N, C=40N, D=20N, E=10N ej¸wji `~iZ¡ h_vµ‡g 10m, 8m, 6m, 8m,16m .
mvg¨ve¯’viRb¨ “A” Gi ¯’‡j KZ ej Ges KZ fi w`‡Z n‡e?

A:x B10 C40 D20 E10

cÖkœ:6| mvg¨ve¯’viRb¨ “?” Gi ¯’‡j KZ ej w`‡Z n‡e ?

cÖkœ:7| mvg¨ve¯’viRb¨ “?” Gi ¯’‡j KZ ej w`‡Z n‡e?

cÖkœ:8| Wvb w`‡Ki ejwUi `~iZ¡ KZ n‡j GB cÖvš— Dc‡i D‡V hv‡e?

cÖkœ:9| †Kvb cvk¦© wb‡P _vK‡e?

cÖkœ:10| AGesB LyuwU `ywUi Dci †gvU ej KZ ? Zv‡`i Dci †gvU fi KZ †KwR?

10N 5N


cÖkœ: 11| C LyuwUwUi Dci †gvU fi KZ †KwR? Zvi Dci †gvU ej KZ wbDUb?

30 N 30 N


cÖkœ:12| wP‡Î O g~jwe›`y Ges g~j we›`y n‡Z B,10N, 5N ej¸wji `~iZ¡ h_vµ‡g 10m, 8m, 2m . mvg¨ve¯’viRb¨ B †Z KZ wbDUb ej ev KZ ‡KwR
fi w`‡Z n‡e?

10N 5N O B

cÖkœ:13| ev·wU‡K Dc‡i †Zvjvi Rb¨ B we›`y‡Z KZ wbDUb ej cÖ‡qvM Ki‡Z n‡e?

100 kg

RaZu DadA
gvjUv‡K †Zvjvi Rb¨ mvg¨e¯’v m„wó‡Z hKUzKz ej cÖ‡qvRb , Kgc‡¶ ZZUzKz ej cÖ‡qvRb n‡eB|

mvg¨ve¯’vi Rb¨,

ev, B×20 = 100×1 Avgiv †ei K‡iwQ fi wKš‘ cÖ‡kœ †P‡q‡Q

ev, 20B = 100 ej|GLb, Avgiv Rvwb, fi×9.8 = ej

ev, B = 5 ∴ fi = 5 kg ev, 5×9.8 = ej

ev, ej = 49 ej 49 N Ans:

cÖkœ:14| ev·wU‡K Dc‡i †Zvjvi Rb¨ B we›`y‡Z KZ wbDUb ej cÖ‡qvM Ki‡Z n‡e?

40 kg


DËi :
gvjUv‡K †Zvjvi Rb¨ mvg¨e¯’v m„wó‡Z hKUzKz ej cÖ‡qvRb , Kgc‡¶ ZZUzKz ej

cÖ‡qvRb n‡eB| Avgiv †ei K‡iwQ fi wKš‘ cÖ‡kœ †P‡q‡Q

mvg¨ve¯’viRb¨, B×10 = 40×1
ej|GLb, Avgiv Rvwb, fi×9.8 = ej
ev, 10B = 40
ev, 4×9.8 = ej
ev, B = 4 ∴ fi = 4 kg
ev, ej = 39.2 ej 39.2 N Ans:

cÖkœ:15| AC = BC n‡j LyuwU؇qi †KvbwU‡Z †ewk ej co‡Q?

DËi :
Dfq LywU‡ZB mgvb ej
10N co‡Q| Kvib , ejwU wVK
gvSLv‡b i‡q‡Q|

cÖkœ:17| AC = BC Ges B LyuwUi D”PZv A LuywUi D”PZvi †P‡q †ewk n‡j LyuwU؇qi †KvbwU‡Z †ewk ej co‡Q?




B LywU‡Z Kg ej co‡Q|Kvib , B LywUi D”PZv †ewk |

cÖkœ:18| AC = BC n‡j †Kvb LyuwU‡Z †ewk ej cÖhy³ n‡”Q?
DËi :
B LywU‡Z Kg ej
co‡Q|Kvib , B
LywUi D”PZv †ewk|

cÖkœ:19| AC= 5m, BC=6m n‡j †Kvb LyuwUi Dci Pvc †ewk?
DËi :
30 N 30 N
A LywU‡Z †ewk Pvc
C co‡Q|Kvib , ejwU A
LywUi wbK‡U i‡q‡Q|
cÖkœ:25| N~Y©biZ PvKvwU‡K _vgv‡bvi Rb¨ KZUzKz wecixZ ej cÖ‡qvM Ki‡Z n‡e?

cÖkœ:27| N~Y©biZ PvKvwU‡K _vgv‡bvi Rb¨ KZUzKz wecixZ ej cÖ‡qvM Ki‡Z n‡e?

? DËi : ‡`Lv hv‡”Q †h ,

PvKvwU 50+20-8=62N ej Øviv
Nwoi KvUvi w`‡K Nyi‡Q| myZivs
50N G‡K _vgv‡bvi Rb¨ Nwoi KvUvi
8N wecixZ w`‡K 62N ej cÖ‡qvM
Ki‡Z n‡e|
cÖkœ:29| cÖ_g wMqviwU Nwoi KvuUvi w`‡K Nyi‡j †kl wMqviwU †Kvb w`‡K Ni‡e?

DËi :
cÖ_g †_‡K MYbv Ki‡j cvB, Clock Anti Clock Clock

Clock Clock Anti Clock A_©vr ‡klwU Clock wise Nyi‡e|

cÖkœ:30| cÖ_g wMqviwU Nwoi KvuUvi w`‡K Nyi‡j †kl wMqviwU †Kvb w`‡K Ni‡e?

DËi : cÖ_g †_‡K MYbv Ki‡j cvB, Clock Anti Clock

Clock Anti Anti Clock A_©vr ‡klwU Clock
wise Nyi‡e|

cÖkœ:30K| †Kvb PvKvwU †ewk `ª“Z Nyi‡e?

DËi :

A GLv‡b, B PvKvwU †QvU | ZvB

GwU `ªyZ Nyi‡e|

cÖkœ:31| B PvKvi e¨vmva© A PvKvi e¨vmv‡a©i 5 ¸Y | A PvKvwU wgwb‡U 20 evi Nyi‡j B PvKvwU wgwb‡U KZevi Nyi‡e?

A B DËi : GLv‡b, B
PvKvwUi e¨vmva© 5 ¸Y|
ZvB A PvKvwU wgwb‡U 20
5= 100 evi Nyi‡e|

cÖkœ: 32| B PvKvi e¨vmva© A PvKvi e¨vmv‡a©i 4 ¸Y A PvKvwU wgwb‡U 12 evi Nwoi
KuvUvi w`‡K †Nv‡i| B PvKvwU wgwb‡U KZevi †Kvb w`‡K Nyi‡e?
DËi :

A GLv‡b, B PvKvwUi e¨vmva© A

PvKvi e¨vmv‡a©I 4 ¸Y | ZvB A

PvKvwU wgwb‡U 12 4 = 3 evi

Nwoi KuvUvi wecixZ w`‡K Nyi‡e|

cÖkœ:33| A PvKvi Mv‡q †jLv Av‡Q 20 r.p.m | PvKvwU 20 wgwb‡U KZevi Nyi‡e?
r.p.m K_vi A_© nj rotations per minute .
A_v©r , PvKvwU 1 wgwb‡U †Nv‡i 20 evi

PvKvwU 20 wgwb‡U †Nv‡i 20× 20 = 400 evi

cÖkœ:34| †Kvb we›`y‡Z †eM †ewk? †Kvb we›`ywUi wQU‡K covi m¤¢vebv Kg? †Kvb we›`ywU N~Y©‡bi mgq †ewk c_ AwZµg Ki‡e?

DËi :

AB A we›`yi †eM †ewk| Kvib,Zv cwiwai wbKUeZ©x|

A we›`yi wQU‡K covi m¤¢vebv †ewk|Kvib, Zv

cwiwai wbKUeZ©x| Awe›`ywU N~Y©‡bi mgq †ewk c_
AwZµg Ki‡e| Kvib, Zv cwiwai wbKUeZ©x|
cÖkœ:36| ‡Kvb cÖv‡šÍ ej ej cÖ‡qvM K‡i Nyiv‡j fiwU Zzj‡Z Kó Kg n‡e ?

DËi : A Gi w`‡K| Kvib, A Gi w`‡K eo PvKv _vKvi Kvi‡b ej evûi ‰`N¨© †e‡o hvq | d‡j Kg ej cÖ‡qvM Ki‡jI Zv weewa©Z n‡Z cv‡i|

cÖkœ:37| fiwU †Zvjvi Rb¨ nvZjwU‡K †Kvb w`‡K Nyiv‡Z n‡e ?

DËi : fiwU †Zvjvi Rb¨ nvZjwU‡K Nwoi

KvUvi w`‡K Nyiv‡Z n‡e | GgbwU Ki‡j
gvSLv‡bi eo PvKvwU Nwoi KvUvi wecixZ
w`‡K Nyi‡e Ges myZvq c¨vP m„wó n‡e| d‡j
fiwU Dc‡i DV‡e|

cÖkœ:38| fiwU †Zvjvi Rb¨ Wvbw`‡Ki nvZjwU‡K †Kvb w`‡K Nyiv‡Z n‡e ?

DËi : fiwU †Zvjvi Rb¨

Wvbw`‡Ki nvZjwU‡K Nwoi KvUvi
wecixZ w`‡K Nyiv‡Z n‡e |
GgbwU Ki‡j gvSLv‡bi ‡gvUv
iWwU Nwoi KvUvi wecixZ w`‡K
Nyi‡e |d‡j fiwU Dc‡i DV‡e|

DËi : Nwoi KuvUvi w`‡K Nyi‡e

cÖkœ:39| A wMqviwU †Kvb w`‡K Nyi‡e ?

cÖkœ:42| cÖ_g wP‡Î Zij Dc‡i Ges wØZxq wP‡Î wb‡P †bIqv n‡”Q| †KvbUv‡Z Kó †ewk ?

DËi : cÖ_g wP‡Î Kó †ewk n‡e|

Kvib, mg cwigvb fi‡K Dc‡i
‡Zvjvi Rb¨ AwfKl©R e‡ji
weiy‡× KvR Ki‡Z n‡e Ges wb‡P
bvgvi †¶‡Î AwfKl©R ej D
cÖ_g wØZxq Avgv‡`i KvR GKUz GwM‡q †`‡e|
cÖkœ:43| ‡Kvb ¯Œz‡K †Lvjvi Rb¨ †Kvb ¯Œz-WªvBfviwU‡K †ewk Nyiv‡Z n‡e ?
DËi : me¸‡jv WªvBfvi‡K mg A
msL¨Kevi Nyiv‡Z n‡e|
†MvjvKvi †Kvb ¯Œz WªvBfv‡ii
AMÖfvM wPKb wKš‘ nvZj h‡_ó
†gvUv n‡jI mgvb mg‡q nvZj
Ges AMÖfvM mgmsL¨Kevi
cÖkœ:44| A wMqviwU †Kvb w`‡K Nyi‡e ?

DËi : Anti clockwise


cÖkœ:44K| ‡KvbwU‡Z wjfv‡ii e¨venvi †bB ?

B DËi : B ‡Z †Kvb wjfvi

ckœ:49| GKwU Mvwo `ª“Z Pj‡Z Pj‡Z nVvr Wv‡b †gvo wbj| MvwowUi †Kvb w`‡Ki
PvKv DuPz n‡e? MvwowUi †Kvb w`‡K Dëv‡bvi m¤¢vebv i‡q‡Q?
DËi : Wvb w`‡Ki| DËi : evg w`‡K|
cÖkœ:51| mvg‡bi Mvwoi †eM N›Uvq 30 wKwg Ges †cQ‡bi Mvwoi †eM NÈvq 40 wKwg n‡j †Kvb MvwowUi Dëv‡bvi m¤¢vebv †ewk?

DËi : †cQ‡bi Mvwo| Kvib, †eM †ewk n‡j Dëv‡bvi m¤¢vebv †e‡o hvq|
cÖkœ:52| `~N©Ubv †iv‡ai Rb¨ iv¯—vwU ‡Kvb w`‡K Xvjy Ki‡Z n‡e?

DËi : Wvb w`‡K |

cÖkœ:53| †Kvb cv_iwU †ewk Dc‡i DV‡e?

300 500 650

DËi : 650 Gi cv_i|Kvib, 300 I 500 Gi Zzjbvq 900Gi A‡c¶vK…Z wbKUeZ©x nj 650|Avgiv Rvwb , 900 †Kv‡Y wbw¶ß e¯‘ me©vwaK DPz‡Z
I‡V|wb‡¶cb †Kv‡Yi cv_©K¨ 900 †_‡K hZ †ewk nq, D”PZv ZZ Kg‡Z _v‡K|
cÖkœ:54| †Kvb cv_iwU †ewk `~‡i hv‡e?

500 650
DËi : 500 Gi cv_i| Kvib, 300 I 650 Gi Zzjbvq 450Gi A‡c¶vK…Z wbKUeZ©x nj 500| Avgiv Rvwb , 450 †Kv‡Y wbw¶ß e¯‘ me©vwaK `y‡i hvq|900
Gi c~e© ch©šÍ wb‡¶cb †Kv‡Yi cv_©K¨ 450 †_‡K hZ †ewk nq, `yiZ¡ ZZ Kg‡Z _v‡K|
cÖkœ:56| GKwU cv_i‡K f~wgi mv‡_ 600 †Kv‡Y Ges Aci GKwU cv_i‡K f~wgi mv‡_ 1200†Kv‡Y wb‡¶c Kiv nj| †Kvb cvi_iwU †ewk `yi hv‡e ?
‡Kvb cv_iwU †ewk Dc‡i DV‡e?
cÖkœ:57| †Kvb e¯‘wU †ewk `~i hv‡e?
DËi : 900 Gi cv_i|

900 1200

Question 1. How many switches need to be closed to light up at least one bulb?

Answer :

Two switches need to be closed to

complete a circuit.

Question 2. How many bulbs will light up when the switch is closed?

Answer : 4 bulbs
will light up.

Question 3. If bulb 1 is removed, how many bulbs will light up when the switch is closed?

Answer :.
Only bulbs 3 and 4
will light up.

cÖkœ 1! †Kvb †¶‡Î Zvc `ªyZ mÂvwjZ n‡e?

DËi :(M) Gi Zvc `ªyZ mÂvwjZ n‡e| Kvib, Zvgvi Zvc cwievwnZv me‡P‡q †ewk|

cÖkœ 2! †Kvb †¶‡Î Aci cÖv‡šZi †gvg `ªyZ Mj‡e ?

DËi :(M) Gi †¶‡Î Aci cÖv‡šZi †gvg `ªyZ Mj‡e | Kvib, Zvgvi Zvc cwievwnZv me‡P‡q †ewk|

cÖkœ 3! PviwU Kv‡Pi M¬v‡m mg cwigvb Mig cvwb Xvjv n‡”Q| †Kvb †d‡U hvevi m¤¢vebv me©vwaK?

DËi :Ò K ÓGi wUi †d‡U hvevi SzwK †ewk| Kvib, Gi Kv‡Pi M¬vmwU †gvUv e‡j Kzcwievnx KvP †f` K‡i Zvc evB‡i †h‡Z cvi‡e bv| d‡j M¬v‡mi wfZ‡ii
w`K Zv‡c cÖmvwiZ n‡e wKš‘ evB‡ii w`K AcÖmvwiZB _vK‡e|d‡j Kv‡P †PvU †j‡M M¬vm †d‡U hv‡e| Avevi, ÒMÓ Gi M¬vmwU †gvUv n‡jI Gi wfZ‡i GKwU
†jvnvi PvgP _vKvq Zv wfZ‡ii Zvc‡K †kvlY Ki‡e Ges wfZ‡ii cªmviY †iva n‡e| d‡j Zv Avi dvU‡e bv|

cÖkœ 4! ‡Kvb we`¨y‡Zi jvBbwU kxZKv‡j wQ‡o hvevi m¤¢vebv i‡q‡Q?

DËi :K Ges L Gi we`¨y‡Zi jvBb `ywUi kxZKv‡j wQ‡o hvevi m¤¢vebv i‡q‡Q | Kvib, Gi ZviMy‡jv UvbUvb K‡i evav n‡q‡Q | kxZKv‡j ZvcgvÎv Kg‡j
Zvi msKzwPZ n‡eGes Uvb †j‡M wQ‡o hv‡e|
cÖkœ 5! wZbwU wfbœ MÖv‡g bZzb K‡i we`¨yZvq‡bi Rb¨ wZbRb BwÄwbqvi MÖx®§ Kv‡j ˆe`¨ywZK LywU‡Z Zvi jvMvj| Zv‡`i LywU¸wji Qwe wb¤œiƒc| †K vb
BwÄwbqv‡ii KvRwU mwVK wQj?

DËi : M Gi wU mwVK n‡q‡Q | Kvib, Gi Zvi¸‡jv GKUz wX‡jXvjv _vKvi Kvi‡Y Zv kxZKv‡j msKzwPZ n‡jI Zv wQo‡e bv |

cÖkœ 6! GKwU Zvgvi cvZ Ges GKwU †jvnvi cvZ‡K cvkvcvwk bvUeëz Øviv AvUwK‡q Zv‡Z Zvc gviv nj | ‡Rvov jvMv‡bv cvZwU †Kvbw`‡K †e‡K hv‡e?
DËi : ‡h w`‡K †jvnv Av‡Q cvZwU †mw`‡K †e‡K hv‡e| Kvib, Zv‡c †jvnvi cÖmviY KgGes Zvgvi cÖmviY †ewk|
7! cÖPÛ Mi‡g iv¯Ív w`‡q LyPLyP K‡i †`ŠoiZ GKwU KzKz‡ii Qwe wb‡P AvKv n‡q‡Q| †Kvb QwewU mwVK?

DËi : L Gi wU mwVK n‡q‡Q | Kvib, Mi‡g KzKzi wRf †ei K‡i †`Šov‡bvi mgq jvjv Sovq| H jvjv wRf †_‡K Zvc †kvlY K‡i Rjxq ev‡®ú cwiYZ nq
Ges KzKzi wKQzUv VvÛv †eva K‡i|

8! mgvb f‡ii eidhy³ wZbwU cv‡Îi cÖ_gwU‡Z -50 †m. Gi eid, wØZwqwU‡Z 00 †m. Gi eid Ges Z…ZxqwU‡Z 00 †m. Gi cvwb i‡q‡Q| me¸‡jv cv‡Î Aí
mgq a‡i mgcwigvb Zvc †`Iqv nj | †Kvb cv‡Îi ZvcgvÎv w¯’i _vK‡e?

DËi : L Gi cv‡Îi ZvcgvÎv w¯’i _vK‡e | Kvib, GLv‡b eid myßZvc MÖnY K‡i M‡j cvwb‡Z cwiYZ n‡e| d‡j me eid cvwb‡Z cwiYZ bv nIqv ch©šÍ
ZvcgvÎv evo‡e bv|K Gi eid 00 †m. ZvcgvÎvq bv bv †cŠQv‡bv ch©šÍ Mj‡e bv | ZvcgvÎv evo‡Z _vK‡e|

9! wZbwU cv‡Îi cÖ_gwU‡Z -80 †m. Gi 2 †KwR eid, wØZwqwU‡Z -40 †m. Gi 3 †KwR eid Ges Z…ZxqwU‡Z 00 †m. 1 †KwR eid †i‡L me¸‡jv cv‡Î Aí
mgq a‡i mgcwigvb Zvc †`Iqv nj | †Kvb cv‡Îi ZvcgvÎv `ªZ cwieZ©b n‡e ? †Kvb cv‡Îi ZvcgvÎv w¯’i _vK‡e

DËi : wØZxq cv‡Îi ZvcgvÎv `ªZ cwieZ©b n‡e| Kvib, Gi ei‡di fi Ab¨¸wji †P‡q Kg (1 †KwR)| Z…Zxq cv‡Îi ZvcgvÎv w¯’i _vK‡e | Kvib,
ei‡di fi 1 †KwR n‡jI Gi ZvcgvÎv 00 nIqvi Kvi‡b eid Mj‡e Ges G Kv‡Ri Rb¨ Zvckw³ e¨q n‡e | d‡j ZvcgvÎv evo‡e bv|

10! †Kvb cv‡Î †ewk cwigv‡b Zvckw³ i‡q‡Q

DËi : M cv‡Î †ewk cwigv‡b Zvckw³ i‡q‡Q | Kvib, eid A‡bK cwigvY Zvc †kvlY K‡i cvwb‡Z cwiYZ nq Ges H Zvckw³ cvwbi g‡a¨ Rgv _v‡K|

11! mgvb f‡ii GKwU †jvnvi, GKwU Kv‡Vi Ges GKwU B‡Ui UzK‡iv‡K GKB ¯’v‡b mgvb mgq a‡i m~hv© ‡jv‡K †d‡j ivLv ni| †Kvb UzK‡ivwU me©vwaK Mig n‡e?

DËi : †jvnvi UzKivwU me©vwaK Mig n‡e | Kvib, †jvnvi Zvc aviY ¶gZv G¸‡jvi g‡a¨ me©vwaK|

12! PviwU mgvb gv‡ci Kv‡Pi †evZ‡j wfbœ wfbœ cwigvb cvwb wb‡q 00 ‡m. Gi Kg ZvcgvÎvq †i‡L †`Iqv nj|‡Kvb †evZjwUi †d‡U hvevi m¤¢vebv †ewk ?

DËi : L †evZjwUi †d‡U hvevi m¤¢vebv †ewk | Kvib, cvwb ei‡d cwiYZ n‡j AvqZb evo‡e Ges evowZ AvqZb †evZ‡ji †`Iqv‡j Pvc cÖ‡qvM Ki‡e
†Kbbv GB †evZjwU cvwb Øviv c~Y© Av‡Q| Ab¨ †evZj¸wj Lvwj _vKvi Kvi‡b GgbwU NU‡e bv|

Type13 : Logic & Blood Relation

[1] Tanya is older than Eric.

Cliff is older than Tanya.
Eric is older than Cliff.
If the first two statements are true, the third statement is

A: True B: False C: Uncertain

[2] Blueberries cost more than strawberries.

Blueberries cost less than raspberries.
Raspberries cost more than strawberries and blueberries.
If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
A: True B: False C: Uncertain

[3] All the trees in the park are flowering trees.

Some of the trees in the park are dogwoods.
All dogwoods in the park are flowering trees.
If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
A: True B: False C: Uncertain
[4] Mara runs faster than Gail.
Lily runs faster than Mara.
Gail runs faster than Lily.
If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
A: True B: False C: Uncertain.
[5] Apartments in the Riverdale Manor cost less than apartments in The Gaslight Commons.
Apartments in the Livingston Gate cost more than apartments in the The Gaslight Commons.
Of the three apartment buildings, the Livingston Gate costs the most.
If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
A: True B: False C: Uncertain

[6] The Kingston Mall has more stores than the Galleria.
The Four Corners Mall has fewer stores than the Galleria.
The Kingston Mall has more stores than the Four Corners Mall.
If the first two statements are true, the third statement is
A: True B: False C: Uncertain

Bolod 1. Pointing to Manju, Raju said, “The son of her only brother is the brother of my wife”. How is Manju
related to Raju?
a.Mother’s sister
d.Sister of father-in-law [Ans]
e.Maternal aunt
Bolod 1 Explanation: Brother of Raju’s wife- Raju’s brother-in-law; Son of Manju’s brother is the brother-in-
law of Raju. So Manju’s brother is Raju’s father-in-law ie, Manju is the sister of Raju’s father-in-law.

Bolod 2. Introducing a man to her husband, a woman said, “His brother’s father is the only son of my
grandfather.” How is the woman related to this man?
c.Sister [Ans]
Bolod 2 Explanation: Only son of her grandfather – her father; man’s brother’s father- man’s father. So,
man’s father is her father ie, She is the man’s sister.

Bolod 3. How is Radha’s mother’s mother’s daughter-in-law’s daughter related to Radha?

c.Cousin [Ans]
Bolod 3 Explanation: Mother’s mother- grandmother; grandmother’s daughter-in- law’s daughter-
grandmother’s son’s daughter- Radha’s cousin.

Bolod 4. A is the husband of B. E is the daughter of C. A is the father of C. How is B related to E?

b.Grandmother [Ans]
Bolod 4 Explanation: Couples A-B; A is the father of C; C’s daughter is E. So, E’s grandmother is B.

Bolod 5. Mr.Ramu’s mother’s father-in-law’s only son’s only daughter’s son is Chetan. How is Ramu related to
a.Uncle [Ans]
e.Cannot be determined
Bolod 5 Explanation: Mr. Ramu’s mother’s father-in-law’s only son is Ramu’s father. Ramu’s father’s only
daughter is Ramu’s sister. Ramu’s sister’s son is Chetan. Hence, Ramu is uncle of Chetan.


1. Harvest Is Impossible Without --

A. Autumn

B. Stockpile

C. Tractor


2. Desert Is Impossible Without --

A. Cactus

B. Arid

C. Oasis


3. Book Is Impossible Without --

A. Fiction

B. Pages

C. Pictures


4. Language Is Impossible Without --

A. Tongue

B. Slang

C. Writing

6. Pain Is Impossible Without --

A. Cut

B. Burn

C. Nuisance


7. Gala Is Impossible Without --

A. Celebration

B. Tuxedo

C. Appetizer


8. Monopoly Is Impossible Without --

A. Corrupt

B. Exclusive

C. Rich


9. Guitar Is Impossible Without --

A. Band

B. Teacher

C. Songs


10. Election Is Impossible Without --

A. President

B. Voter

C. November


11. Shoe Is Impossible Without --

A. Sole

B. Leather

C. Laces


12. Swimming Is Impossible Without --

A. Pool
B. bathing suit


D. life jacket

13. Lightning Is Impossible Without --

A. Electricity

B. Thunder

C. Brightness


5. School Is Impossible Without --

A. Student

B. report card

C. Test


Find the word that names a necessary part of the underlined word.

1. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Is Necessary For Ovation

A. Outburst

B. Bravo

C. Applause


2. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Is Necessary For bonus

A. Reward

B. Raise

C. Cash


3. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Is Necessary For Antique

A. Rarity

B. Artifact

C. Aged


4. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Is Necessary For Culture

A. Civility

B. Education

C. Agriculture

5. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Is Necessary For Knowledge

A. School

B. Teacher

C. Textbook


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