Methakura CorgiV2 LEFT 500mm

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ENG 1. Equipment you’ll need 1, Box cutter or shears 2, Plastic or metal ruler 3, Inkless pen 4, Paper min 200gr/m2 5. Good glue, for example UHU Twist&Glue or PVA glue 6. Surface for cutting - a thick piece of cardboard 7. Clean hands 8. Much patience 2. Printing Ifyou have a big piece of paper, cut it into Ad format using a sample of suitable size (e.g. a sheet of office paper). But be advised not all printers can handle thick paper. If you haven't found an appropriate printer or if custom printing comes out very expensive, print on casual office paper and put off to thick one. There are several ways to copy, the most time-efficient is to cut details out of the printed list slightly away from the edge, drip 2-3 glue drops into each detail from the clean side of the sheet, attach to thick paper and operate with this “biscuit” in the next stages. After cutting out, you need to carefully remove office paper parts. There'll be traces from glue and paper, but they stay on the seamy side within the model, 3.Joint forming Use ruler and inkless pen (shiloh, other similar tool, which will not cut through but dish the paper) to force along dashed line and dash-dotted line. 4.Cutting By dint of shears or ruler with box cutter (for better quality we recommend box cutter) cut out parts by solid line. ©OOSO Creative Commons: 5.Preparation Pay attention to lines inside the parts. Bend the detail according to: a dashed line represents valley fold (on oneself) and dash-dotted line represents a mountain fold (from oneself). «valley fold» “mountain fold dash-dotted line 6.Assembling There are title numbers on the details. Follow the number order to build the model. Fine numbers. on flaps will help not to jumble the gluing process (just find reciprocal part with the same number). Stick flaps to matching parts as they stay on the seamy side (printed side). Continue to glue detail by detail, following number order. SHOW ME! ‘Tag me if you want to show your artwork! {O} @methakura Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)v RUS 1. Heo6xogumbie UHCTPYMeHTbI 1. Hox ana Gymarn Wn HOKHAUE 2. NnacTukosaa inn MeTanniveckas nuxefixa 3. Henmusyuian wapnkozas pyska uni HeocTpoe 4, Bywara mmiimym 200 rp/M (HanpHMep saTwat) 5. Kneli, Moment Kpictann, UHU Twist&Glue ui60 TIBA-M wn MBA Skctpa 6. Mosepxtocrb N18 BbIpesalins - KyCOK ToNCTOrO, kapToHa, AMHOneyMa Win cheuWanbibii KOBPMK ans makeTuposaHina 7. 4uctbie pykn 8. Moro Tepnenia 2. Neyatb Ecan y gac 6onbwoli nuct, Hapexsre ero Ha cbopmart A4 c nomouibio moGoro o6paaya noa- XOfALero pasMepa (nucTOK OdbucHO! Bymaru Hanpuep). meiite Beuay, “To He BCe NpMHTepB paGoraicr c Takoli ToncTol Gymaroli, Ecnu Bbi He HAWN NOAXOAAULMA NPMHTep UN NevaTb BbIXO- AMT CAMWKOM AOporo, HaneYaraiire Ha OGbI4HOM ogucnoli Gymare 4 nepeHecuTe Ha NNOTHYIO, Cnoco6os nepeHoca Heckonbko, CaMbiii 3KOHOM- HbIii No BpeMeHH - BbIPesaTb AeTANM M3 Hane- araloro nvicTa HewHoro oTcTynas oT Kpas kanyTb no 2-3 ManeHbkwe Karis Kies BHYTPb kaxXfoli AeTanu c 4UCTOA CTOpoHA nMcTa, Ha- kuleuTb AeTANN Ha NnoTHy!o Gymary n paGoTaTb c STUM 6yTepSpofoM Ha cnepyiouwx stanax. Mocne Bbipesalia eTaneli HyxHO akkypaTHO CoApaTb ToHKyto Gymary. OT Heé OCTaHyTCA CNeAbI, HO OH GyAyT Ha M3HaHO4HOH 4acTH BHYTpM MofenM. 3.Buroska ‘Cnomousbio nvvelikn 4 Henmuywel py4ku (wna, Apyroro noxoxero MHCTpyMeHTa, KOTOpbIM GyseT He npopegzars, a npofasnueats 6ymary) npogasv- ‘Te ece nynktpHule m WTpIx-ryHKTHpHLIe MMH. 4.Bbipe3saHve CC NOMOLIbIO HOKHMU, M60 NMHeMKH 4 KaHUeNAP- cKOro Hora (/VIA NyYlero Ka4eCTBA MbI PEKOMeH- AYeM UMeHHO HOXx) BbIPExbTe AeTaNM No cnnow- Moin nis. ©OOSO evans Creative Commons: ‘Mon pasaepi momo pacpocrpavare tax yropH,chasioe: ‘Secnnario ec yaaaen aeTopeTas(Mthakura). ‘ea vawevni sxaiotan vnenen Brpiaaraouyacn x paBBEpTHe Kap, merpyreicin pyri repay). MenpoTie NpeAA roTOR (COBPAMNEK svarepnane) roger no mone passepreal. 5.NogrotosKka O6patute BHMMane Ha AMM BHYTPH AeTaneM, No nnauam c nyHkTHpOM HyKHO COTHYTE META “nonmHoit” (Ha ce6s), a no wTpinx-nyHKTHpy - "ro- poli” (or ce6a), sponuna» «ropa» 6.C6opka Ha metansx ects Gonbuine unmcbpel. VIMEHHO 8 ‘TaKoM rlopapke Mbl peKoMeHAYeM CoGMpaTs Mo- Aen’, Manevibkne undpel Ha KianaHax noMmoryr He nepenyrarb kys1a Mx KnleNTb (npocro MuIHTe OTBeTHYI0 YacTb C Tako Ke UMdpoii). Eciv BbI wicnonbayere knelt NBA-M nnn MBA Skcrpa, Apiknenpaiire KnanaHbs K OTBETHBIM HacTAM Tak, \TOGbI OHN OcTaBANNGb Ha usHaHKe (Ha CTOpOHe cnevateio). Eon ati paGoraere c kneem MomeHT Kpictann wnn UHU Twist&Glue, cHavana npo- MaxwTe kneeM MecTa ans npnknevieaHis Knana- HoB M cami KnanaHbi, AaliTe MM HeMHOrO NOACOX- HYTb MW ToMbKO NOTOM CHsIBHO NPIDKMITE APYE K Apyry. Npononxaiire okneneare seTanb 3a aera- Ab}o, COBNIOAAA NOPALOK CGOpKM. ByAbTe ONeH BHMaTenbHE M akKypaTHts, npukneneas caMbilt epsbiii KnanaH AeTanu - ech oH cABnHeTos, To Bce OCTanbHbie KnanlaHel GyAAeT COxHO NPM kneviTe Ges ucKaxKeHui. SHOW ME! ‘Tag me if you want to show your artwork! @methakura ‘ FOREHEAD PARTS ACTH FIBA WHITE/BESIbIN ETHAKURA M DECROWCRAFT WHITE/BENbIN METHAKURA METHAKURA METHAKURA METHAKURA, METHAKURA NOT FOR SALE NOT FOR SALE NOT FOR SALE NOT FOR SALE METHAKURA METHAKURA METHAKURA METHAKURA NOT FOR SALE NOT FOR SALE NOT FOR SALE METHAKURA METHAKURA METHAKUR NO NOT FOR SALE NOT FOR, NOT FOR SALE METHAKURA NOT FOR SALE METHAKURA METHAKURA NOT FOR SALE NOT FOR SALE METHAKURA, NOT FOR SALE ETHAKURA METHAKUR THAKURA FOR SALE NOT FOR SAI OR SALE METHAKU NOT FOR S| IAKURA FOR SALE METHAKURA, METHAKURA INOT FOR SALE NOT FOR SALE METHAKURA, METHAKURA INOT FOR SAL ‘OR SALE METHAKURA NOT FOR SALE HAKURA NOT FOR SALE METHAKURA METHAKURA NOT FOR SALE NOT FOR SALE METHAKURA METHAKURA NOT FOR SALE as NOT FOR SALE METHAKURA METHAKURA METHAKURA, METHAKURA NOT FOR SALE NOT FOR SALE FOR SALE NOT FOR SALE NOT FORGALE yWHITE/BEDIBIN yerayupa, METHAKURA METHAKURA. 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