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This concept was looked at on the 23th November, 2020. In a class discussion I learnt that

statistics are used with large numbers to get information on the stands of a collective group.

Statistic is mostly applicable to a large amount of quantity. My lecturer outlined the fact that

statistical information is obtained from the spread sheet after the compilation of data. This is

what we refer to as measures of tendency, which will include the mode, the median and the


Statistics help in designing research, analyzing its data and drawing conclusions. Large

volume of raw data must be reduced such that they can be read easily and used for other analysis.

Once someone is doing a research the statistical methods should not be over looked by the

researcher. Classification and tabulation achieve this objective to some extent, but we have to go

a step further and develop certain indices or measures to summarize the collected/classified data.

To make generalizations of the group statistical data can provide a clearer description. If fact,

there are two major areas of statistics, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive

statistics entails the development of certain idea from the raw data, whereas inferential statistics

concern with the process of generalization.

The three most important forms of statistics are the arithmetic average or mean, median

and mode; these are also referred to as measures of central tendency. Variance, and the standard

deviation are the most often used as measures of dispersion. Other measures such as mean

deviation, range, etc. are also used.

This concept is important because can applied in most areas of the curriculum in the

Secondary School. Therefore, I should be aware of the concept so that I can effectively show my
students how to use statistical data for their Business projects. It can also be directly related to

me for the purpose of organizing assessment results. I will be able to generate statistics and know

to what extend my instructions were effective or not.

Central tendency

Central tendency is an important concept. On the 23 rd of November, 2020, I learnt that

central tendency is an approach whereby a central value is used to represent an entire set of data.

Central tendency makes large quantities of data simple by simply summarizing the data. I was

already familiarly with the term mode, median and mean but needed to be refresh on their

definition and value. I was reminded that the mode is the score or category with the largest

frequency in the distribution. While the median is the score in the middle of the position of the

data set after the scores were arranged in numerical order and mean is found by adding all the

individual scores in the data set and then dividing the sum by two.

However, I chose the concept central tendency to reflect on because while I was aware of

the terms associated with it, I was unfamiliar with the concept itself. As I learnt from a class

discussion, this concept is applicable in my everyday life; for instance, I often asked the average

cost of products before I buy them. Furthermore, this is applicable in the classroom context

during the evaluation of students’ grade where the students’ average is listed on their report card.

However, as a teacher this is a topic that I may meet in my Business at the secondary school and

as of such I must know about this concept such to teach my students.

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