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Facebook Is Useful Or Not


Thesis statement: Facebook has its both good or bad site. But I do not support of
using it because it wastes our time, it creates negativity in the society through its
negative content and creates health issues.

Body Paragraph 1: Facebook is a full of time waste thing for a person especially
for a student.

Supporting details: i. distraction from study

ii. create addiction

iii. loss creativity

Body paragraph 2: There are many contents and sites which create negativity in
the society especially how they think.

Supporting details: i. spoil the mind set

ii. increase crime

iii. degradation of social vales

Body paragraph 3: Access using of Facebook create problem in health.

Supporting details: i. vision problem

ii. migraine problem

iii. create pressure

Conclusion: Facebook use should have limited for everyone as it is not useful for
Facebook Is Useful Or Not

Facebook has its both good side or bad side. In our society people get easily
mislead through this Facebook. I personally think it is a full of time waste. None
can get anything from it. It also creates negative vibe in the society. Besides, it
creates health problems too. So, I do not support the idea of using Facebook.

Facebook is a full of waste of time especially for the students. They can easily get
distracted from study by using it. It is like an addition to them. They waste the
whole day by using it. By using Facebook they are losing their creativity. They now
can not think anything in a creative way. So, I think school or college going
students should not use this.

There are many negative web sites and contents in the Facebook which creates
negativity in the society especially how they think. Because of these sites people
are getting involved in crimes. For this, in our society the crime level is increasing.
It is degrading the social values in the society. This is a big thing for which I think
Facebook use should have some limitation.

People are seemed siting whole day in their phone or computer to use Facebook.
It creates many health problems. The radiation of phone or computer affect the
vision of eye. It creates migraine problem that is not good for health. Because of
migraine people have to take many medicines which later creates problem in the
kidney. It also creates. pressure in their mind. People now cannot think properly.
Because of health issues everyone must stop using the Facebook.

So, there are lots of problems in using Facebook. It creates problem in heath, mind
set and it cannot let us study properly. Its negative sides are dangerous for a
society. For all of these, I do not support the idea of using Facebook. I think it is not
useful for any of us.

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