Observation Method of Research

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Explain the Observation method of research.

Method is the way through which a researcher approaches a problem. By using
different methods, he tries to come to a conclusion. Every researcher has
methodology through which research can be done more systematically and more
Following are some of the important types of methods applied in research;
1 Observation method
2 Interview method
3 Mailed questionnaire method
4 Survey method
5 Case study method
6 Project technique method
7 Content analysis
8 Cause and effect analysis
9 Legal impact analysis.
This method is widely used in Socio-legal research. It is the traditional as well as
modern method of study. It is the most famous and basic research method. In
observation method, the society is observed and based upon the observation of
social behavior conclusion is arrived.
Observation is an accurate watching and noting of the phenomena as they occur in
nature with regard to the case obtained.
This method is adopted for testing hypothesis through naked eyes by the
Process of observation involves five steps;
1. Preparation and training
2. Entering into study environment
3. Initial interaction
4. Observation
5. Recording.
_ Preparation and training step: - first step starting with the basic
initial preparation of what/how/when/where to observe the social
_ Entering into study environment: - permission to enter research
area, obtain permission from necessary authorities/ local authorities. After entering
the study environment, he should choose to be a participant or non-participant
observer. He should develop and maintain cordial relationship with the study
_ Initial reaction: - he should start communicating positively with
the group with a slow and polite approach. He should first try to gain their
confidence and watch his words and actions towards the group.
_ Observation: - the researcher has to observe the group very closely, patiently, in
_ Recording: - after fulfilling all the four steps, the researcher should record his
observation. Researcher should also collect data and prepare field charts in order to
validate his research work.
a) Uncontrolled
b) Participant
c) Simple
d) Intra-Subjective
Inter-subjective observation method.
There are tools used in observation method like detailed field notes,
photographs,maps, schedules, socio-metric scales. Observation method is the most
commonly used method for conducting research. Apart from observation method
the researcher can use any of the above listed methods as tools of research.

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