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SAP ID: 80511020814


a. The key questions that the board can ask would revolve around the past performance of
the company, current scenario and the future plans. The monthly review will focus on
the short-term analysis of the strategies implemented and the quarterly review will
focus on the long term plans and goals.

These questions can be categorized under four types of analytics needed to answer
them namely:

 Descriptive:

i) How was the performance of the company last month/quarter? (can be

in terms of sales, profits, growth in market share etc.)

ii) Status report on the work in progress of the current projects?

 Diagnostic:

i) Why did the company perform the way it did? Explore the reasons for its

ii) What are the areas for improvement to streamline the system?

 Predictive:

i) What are the sales forecast for the coming months?

ii) Demand forecasting in the regions they plan to expand to?

iii) Expected return on investment in the upcoming projects?

iv) Estimated time of competition of the pipeline project?

 Prescriptive:

i) Way forward to expand to new markets?

ii) How to improve profit margin on specialty chemicals?

dimension dimension table
fact table Employee ID Department ID
Customer ID Employee Department
Employee ID Name Name
Customer ID Department ID
Product ID Address
Country ID Phone Number
Phone Number Project ID dimension table
Order amount Sales
Order date Country ID
Country Name
Country Code
dimension State ID
table dimension table
dimension table
Product ID Project ID
Product Project Name State ID
Name Start Date Zip Code
Product Type Completion Date Street Name
Product Code Remarks House Number
Sale Price Landmark

These questions can be addressed using a snowflake schema which has one fact table storing
the numeric/business values connected to multiple dimension tables which has the descriptive
data about the measures stored in the fact tables.

a. Data collected can be categorized under three broad forms: structured, semi-structured
and unstructured.

While structured data can be easily stored, analyzed and updated in a tabular format,
semi-structured and unstructured data needs special techniques and tools to store and
analyze it.

Data pertaining to elections is gathered from social media, web pages, videos, blogs,
tweets, images etc.

This data can be understood using two types of algorithms namely unsupervised and
supervised learning

Supervised learning: Past historical data can be used to understand the trends and
voters who are likely to vote for your party. This can help identify areas which needs less
focus and who are loyal to one particular political party. It can be carried out using
Simple Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Classification
etc. While regression can be used to identify the factors which affects a voters decision
while casting their vote, classification can help identify who will vote for you and who
will not etc. How to approach the votes can be done with the help of methods such as
Decision Trees, Bayesian Method and Neural Networks.
Unsupervised Learning: In case of unsupervised learning, the algorithm identifies any
trend of pattern and suggests as per the findings. Two methods commonly used are
clustering and association. Clustering helps identify homogenous groups of people who
share similar behavior or exhibit similar pattern and create clusters basis demographic,
geographic, ethnicity etc. Association on the other hand helps the identify trends which
are not obvious but may exist in voters behavior.
Apart from this, sentiment analysis, text mining and web analytics can be used to
understand voter sentiments and run through terabytes of data which is generated.

b. Analytics can be used during or post elections in several ways such as:
i) Understand the sentiments of the voters. Using this, a political party may focus
on different agendas as per the needs of the citizens and not over or under-
commit in their election campaigns.
ii) Identify areas of improvement using historical data and put marketing efforts to
bride the gap.
iii) Understand how the political party is viewed in the eyes of the citizens and what
their expectation are. This can understood using text mining and sentiment
iv) Use research, census, public data and other data available to identify swing
states and be better prepared and apply focused efforts where chances of
winning are higher.
v) It can be used to efficiently allocate funds, draft policies which correctly
addresses the pain points of the citizens are change the perception of the
political party.

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