Guideline For Internship Report Writing For JU

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Guideline for Internship Report Writing

Department of Management Studies

Faculty of Business Studies
Jahangirnagar University

Format of Internship Report

1. Blank Page

2. Title Fly

3. Title Page (Not to be paginated but counted as ‘i’ and subsequent pages will be

paginated with Roman numbers up to the page ahead of Introduction)

4. Letter of Transmittal

5. Certification of Internship Work (Not required for JU students)

6. Permission to Use (Not required)

7. Summary/Abstract

8. Acknowledgement (Without mentioning supervisor’s name)

9. Table of Content

10. List of Tables

11. List of Figures

12. List of Abbreviation/Notations/Glossary of Terms

13. Text of Internship Report (Chapters)

14. References

15. Appendices

16. Blank Page

Text of Internship (Chapters)

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study/Origin of the Report

1.2 Problem Statement (Optional)

1.3 Research Objectives

1.4 Scope of the Study

1.5 Methodology

1.6 Limitations of the Study

1.7 Organization of the Internship Report

Chapter 2: Industry Overview (Optional)

Chapter 3: Company/Organizational Overview

Chapter 4: Literature Review (Theoretical Aspects)

It is critical reviews of literature and theories related to the topic of the internship. This

chapter discusses and evaluates scholarly sources of information (such as books, book

chapters, conference papers, journal articles, and theses) in relation to a particular subject

area. Literature selected must be related to the research as a base to guide the development of

research framework. Accordingly, hypotheses/propositions should be developed.

Chapter 5: Practicing Aspects of the Topic at the Chosen Organization

This chapter should analyze and describe the existing practices of issues of the selected topic

from the context of the organization in which the student did his/her internship.

Chapter 6: Findings and Discussion

This chapter should compare the Theoretical Aspects (Literature Review) and the Practicing

Aspects of all relevant issues in relation to the selected topic. The comparison should lead to

identifying the important mismatches (both positive and negative aspects) between the

theoretical aspects and prevailing practices. The mismatches should be clearly presented and

described as Findings of the report, which should be followed by the discussion on the

significance of the findings and their theoretical, practical and policy implications.

Chapter 7: Recommendation and Conclusion

Recommendation should be written based on the negative/ drawbacks of the organizational

practices in relation to the internship topic. Specific suggestions should be made indicating

how to overcome the drawbacks. A concluding remark should also be included.

Technical Specification

1. Word Limit: An Internship not more than 50,000 words.

2. Font Style: Times New Roman

3. Font Size: 12

4. Spacing: Double

5. Margin: For binding purposes, the left margin should be at least 4cm (1.5 inch) and

the right, top and bottom margins should be at least 2.5cm (1 inch).

6. Pagination: Each page in the term paper, including those in the appendices must be

numbered consecutively. All pages should be numbered at the bottom of the page.

Preliminary pages preceding Introduction must be numbered in Roman numerals (i, ii,

iii). The Title Page should not be numbered though it is counted as page i. Page 1

begins with the first page of the Introduction (or Chapter 1) but not numbered.

Subsequent pages should be numbered beginning with page 2. Arabic numerals (1, 2,

3) are used on the pages of the text and supplementary sections.

7. Chapter Layout: A chapter may be divided into major sections and subsections. A

major section is numbered with the First level 1, 2, 3 and subsection is numbered (1.1,

1.1.1, 1.1.2). This should be consistent throughout the thesis and to be limited to 3

levels if possible.

8. Symbol for Percentage: The symbol % may be used in place of the word percent,

e.g. 43%. If the candidate uses 43 percent, consistency should be maintained.

9. Paper Type and Quality: The standard paper size is A4 and must be of good quality


10. Referencing Style: APA 7th Version

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