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In the following main part from an email, choose which intention is missing and

circle it. Then, write an appropriate phrase into each gap. You can find proper
phrases in Appendix 1.

1[Confirming/Giving good news] _________________________i am pleased to

confirm______________________the next steps for our collaboration in the
FastForward project. Firstly, we will send you a document describing your
responsibilities within the project. This document requires careful reading, as it
will provide the basis for our relationship. Once you are satisfied with all the
terms and conditions,
2 [Providing documentation/Requesting] _________________I would be grateful if
you could and sign two copies of the document and return them both to me.

3 [Expressing urgency or necessity/Offering] ___________________It is necessary

that this document is returned by 15 December. This date will be the start date of
the project and we need to have all parties on board by then. If you are not able
to return the document by this date,
4 [Giving assurance/Giving bad news] _____________________I regret to inform you
that_________________________our offer will be withdrawn with immediate effect.

5 [Refusing a request/Requesting] _____________________We are unwilling

to____________________ change any of the dates in the project schedule, as requested
in your offer of services. Therefore, please ensure that your sub-suppliers are
able to observe the schedule, as will be responsible for any delays in delivery.
6 [Reminding or highlighting/Asking for approval] ____________________I would
like to remind____________________the penalty clauses for late delivery. In the past,
these terms have caused some confusion. The current terms replace previous
terms and shall take effect from the project start date. 7 [Asking for
clarification/Making suggestions] _____________________We
suggest________________________you seek legal advice before entering into this
contract. Of course our lawyers will be happy to liaise with your lawyers over any
issues requiring further clarification

8[ Providing documentation/Confirming] ________________Please find attached

following documents:
1 scope of responsibilities
2. terms and conditions of collaboration (one copy for reference )
Your signature is required on two copies

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