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HUMN 3375

Synthesizing Essay Grading Rubric

A, A- level B+, B, B- level C+, C, C- level D+, D, D- level F or below

1. Thesis statement Thesis statement is Thesis statement Thesis statement Thesis statement is Thesis statement is
and organization sophisticated, makes makes and argument provides general unclear or non- not present.
(20 points) an argument, and and directs the essay direction but is not argumentative.
clearly directs the but may not be sophisticated.
essay. sophisticated.
2. Formatting and The paper focuses on The paper focuses on The paper focuses on The paper does not The paper does not
adherence to the assigned content the assigned content the assigned content comply with most meet the guidelines
assignment and abides by each of and abides by almost and abides by most of formatting in format or content.
(20 points) the formatting all of the formatting the formatting guidelines.
guidelines. guidelines. guidelines.

3. Word choice and Exceptional editing is Careful editing has While the grammar is Grammatical errors Grammatical errors
editing evident in the led to grammar that usually satisfactory, it regularly mar the obscure the writer’s
(20 points) outstanding grammar is above average, often could be integrity of the essay. meaning entirely.
and development of with a clear stronger.
ideas. development of
4. Explanation of The argument is fully The argument is The argument is The argument is An argument cannot
argument and convincingly laid convincing and well- present and present but is not be discerned.
(20 points) out and explained. explained, although convincing but is not convincing.
there may be a few fully explained.
5. Use of Evidence Evidence is plentiful Evidence is plentiful Evidence is present Evidence is in short Evidence is not
(20 points) and is sensitively and and is usually but is not plentiful; it supply; it is not used present.
convincingly sensitively and is used well but is not well.
employed. convincingly maximized.

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