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 1.

Understand responsibilities- each member of the team has responsibilities and we learned
how to

 Identify criteria for effective teams

 Understand the behaviors and skills unique to each stage of team development
 Define team roles and responsibilities
 Demonstrate effective interpersonal skills that build cooperation and trust
 Use specific techniques to reach consensus in team discussions
 Identify team-meeting and record-keeping aids
COVER THE BELBIN ROLES -Dr Meredith Belbin and his team discovered that there are
nine clusters of behaviour - these were called ' Belbin Team Roles' (see descriptions below).
Each team needs access to each of the nine Belbin Team Role behaviours to become a high
performing team. By using Belbin, individuals have a greater self-understanding of their
strengths, which leads to more effective communication between colleagues and
managers. Great teams can be put together, existing teams can be understood and improved,
and everyone can feel that they are making a difference in the workplace.
HAVE A COMMON GOALS When teams have challenging, meaningful goals to work
towards, they come together as a more effective and collaborative unit. It helps them be
aligned and have a common focus, rather than trying to outperform each another.
DEAL WITH CHANGE Change can be a bit confusing and scary but it is unavoidable in life
and work. The change can be a minor one or a complicated one. Good leaders are able to
embrace change and know to lead their team members well. Leading through change is
something that needs to be learned by team lead in real life and not taught in business school.
MANAGE CONFLICT When a team oversteps the mark of healthy difference of opinion,
resolving conflict requires respect and patience. The human experience of conflict involves
our emotions, perceptions, and actions; we experience it on all three levels, and we need to
address all three levels to resolve it. We must replace the negative experiences with positive
DEVELOP TRUST With this in mind, trust becomes a pillar of good leadership, along with
good communication, empathy, vision AND dedication. Teams require trust to be effective
ADAPT-Work today requires more collaboration and teams are becoming more prevalent,
yet performance management is failing to keep up. Performance management frameworks
need to align with how work is carried out, otherwise organizations are at risk of decreased
performance and engagement within their teams.
SOCIALISE WE communicate openly with each other, sharing OUR thoughts, opinions, and
ideas with members ofOUR team;  as well as taking into consideration what others have to
say. Communication is essential for keeping track of progress and working together
efficiently on tasks.

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