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Briefly describe what the five levels John Maxwell describes in leadership are

Level 1: Position

It’s the only level that requires no ability or effort to achieve. Position does not automatically result
in influence, and volunteers are aware that they don’t have to follow anyone.

Use your time at this level learning to lead yourself through priorities and self-discipline

Level 2: Permission

People choose to follow you because they want to give you permission to lead them

When you like people and treat them as individuals who have value, you begin to develop positive
influence with them. Level 2 is where solid, lasting relationships are built that create the foundation
for the next level.

Level 3: Production

The Production level is where leaders can become change agents. The more you produce, the more
you’re able to tackle tough problems and face thorny issues

Producing results – knowing how to motivate other to get things done

Level 4: People Development

Reproduction: Identifying, developing, and investing in future leaders

The people you choose to develop may show great potential for leadership, or they may be
diamonds in the rough, but the main idea is the same

Level 5: Pinnacle

The highest level of leadership is also the most challenging to attain. It requires longevity as well
as intentionality. If you continually focus on both growing yourself at every level, and developing
leaders who are willing and able to develop other leaders, you may find yourself at the Pinnacle.

Transcending one’s position, organization, or even industry

2. In your opinion, which is the best level for leadership and why?

I think the best level for leadership is people development because for me it is more interesting
and changeling. As Maxwell says the more you raise up new leaders, the more you will change
the lives of all members of the team and people will follow you because of what you’ve done for
them personally. Therefore, to grow at the people development level, you need to make investing
in leaders a priority, and take intentional steps every day to help them grow.

3. In which level do you think you mostly are?

I believe that I am good at production (level 3) because, I have this ability to impact on my
organization and also find the best direction for my team. On the other hand, I can adapt my team
to new technologies or changes in the industry.

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