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Task 1 - Role play on MS Teams

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Unsatisfied employee (Hannah)
Morning, John Harris. May I talk to you for a moment? I want to discuss some serious issues
about the organization.

Management consultant (John Harris)

Morning, Hannah. Hope you are doing well? Tell me, what is the matter?

Unsatisfied employee (Hannah)

We, the workers, are badly affected by the outbreak of the corona virus. The organization is
also facing a complex problem. As because of the lockdown, the company is reducing
workers. This reduction is causing the workforce crisis in ASDA. We are not satisfied with
the job. Many of us are already looking for new jobs. We are felling very stressed.

Management consultant (John Harris)

I have also noticed the issue. Many workers are not returning to their jobs. Some are
resigning from their posts. Can you please tell me what are the problems and issues behind it?
If I can understand it, I will be able to make the necessary changes to solve the issues. It will
help me to make the decision.

Unsatisfied employee (Hannah)

As the company is cutting employees, we have to work for long hours. The increase in work
time is badly affecting our sleeping habits. We have to work double than other time, so we
are unable to sleep properly and for this, we cannot focus on our workings too. By working
too much, we are feeling very much stress in our lives. This also affects our professional
lives. We are also feeling that we, the workers, are not treated as the valuable asset of the
company. It demotivates us and influencing to search for new jobs. And it also reduces our
performance in workings.

Management consultant (John Harris)

The company is also badly hampered by this coronavirus pandemic. It is going on losses. The
company has to cut costs to cover the losses. Not only our company is cutting employees,
Tesco and other organization are also following this approach. We all are badly affected by
this situation. Due to lockdown, customers are unable to visit the shop, the sells are
decreasing and operational costs are not covered. In this case, the company has to cut
employees to stay in the business.

Unsatisfied employee (Hannah)

We understand that we all are negatively affected the job dissatisfaction is also increasing,
workers are not willing to do their tasks. They are looking for new ones. Moreover, their
personal life is also affected due to work stress. They cannot move from jobs. Their life has
become monotonous. They are always working but not getting the appreciation also. If any
steps are not taken it will be worse.

Management consultant (John Harris)

I have noticed it. The organization is badly hampered due to workforce crisis. As employees
are not satisfied, they are not self-motivated to work willingly. They are unable to fulfil the
demand and wants. Production is decreasing day by day. The growth of productivity has
fallen. The organization is n able to fulfill market demands. The entity is not reaching the
target. The organization is also noticed that due to pressure, workers are stressed from their
jobs and some are willing to quit. As a result, employee turnover rate is increasing. It is an
alarming report for the organization. Employee turnover rate will increase the costs to launch
the recruitment process. Moreover, it is also hard to find skilled workers. The time is also
needed here. This workforce crisis is also hampering the reputation of the organization. As
there is a gap in skilled employees, the organization has to compromise some good deals. The
entity is unable to provide a superior customer experience. The company is noticing that
employees are also not following the rules and regulations as they are not satisfied.

Unsatisfied employee (Hannah)

You are right. The strength of the organization was its workforce and reputation. But due to
this pandemic, it is turning into the weakness of the company. The company is refusing good
deals as there are not many skilled workers to do that. There are many opportunities to get in
this pandemic, such as, going online and delivering goods to customers doors. But the
increasing rate of employee turnover is becoming threats to the operation of the entity.

Management consultant (John Harris)

Not only the internal factors are responsible for this. By doing PESTLE analysis, the
organization assessed the macro factors that are influencing the entity. The political factors,
such as government rules and regulations, tax rules, labour acts are influencing the entity.
The government has imposed lockdown. The customers are unable to visit the shop.
Moreover, the government has suggested investing more in the health facilities of workers
and customers. The inflation rate is increasing and the economy is also badly hampered. This
has reduced the profit margin of the entity and so the company has to cut employees. The

sociological factors are negatively impacted by the organization. The lifestyle of the
customers and workers have changed. Health safety is a serious issue nowadays. But the
technological factors are positively impacted on the organization, the organization is
surviving by the help of technological advancement. Environment policies are also affecting
the organization to follow the rules. Legal factors are influential to the organization. The
health and safety laws are to be followed. These factors are very much affecting the
operations of the organization.

Unsatisfied employee (Hannah)

To solve this problem necessary steps should be taken as soon as possible. Employees are
dissatisfied with their jobs. The organization should work to increase job satisfaction. The
entity should reduce the workloads and increase their benefits such as providing home
facilities, transportation service, health policies and so on. The entity should increase the
salary. If the workforce is satisfied, they will spread the good opinion which will build the
reputation of the organization. Motivation is the key for employees to boost their
productivity. The workers will not work for the organization if they are not motivated by
several factors. They will not work to meet the demands. They will tend to leave the
organization. So, motivation is highly needed for solving the problem.

Management consultant (John Harris)

Yes, you are correct. Moreover, the organization has reviewed this thing. It was willing to
make some necessary changes to reduce stress. Workers can focus more on their jobs if the
stress level is reduced. The organization is willing to allow making the environment friendly.
By this approach, the employees can make friends in the organization. Employees can act
with other employees as friendly. This will help workers to reduce stress and enjoy the
working. The organization top manager will behave with the employees goodly. It will
reduce the fear and nervousness of the workers.

Unsatisfied employee (Hannah)

The management should consider this situation. They can make a decision based on situation
analysis. It will help the organization to comprehend the situation and alternative solutions.
All of these steps are not easy to apply at once. They can be evaluated based on the
advantages and disadvantage. The organization should choose the solution which has more
advantage and less disadvantage to solve the problem.

Management consultant (John Harris)

For example, if the organization satisfy the employees, it will not a wise decision. The
employees’ demand is very high and, in this pandemic, the organization has not much scope
to fulfil those. But the organization can work to reduce the stress level of the entity. There are
no major disadvantages to this approach. It will also increase the organization’s productivity.
Staff wellbeing will help a manager to be an idol and help the organization to achieve the
desire goals. But sometimes, it can be influencing the workforce in a bad way. They can
avoid the rules and regulation. Thus, the organization can be indiscipline.

Unsatisfied employee (Hannah)

But the company can motivate workers to do the work. Though the organization needs to
spend a huge amount of money as well as time, it will increase companies both reputation
and productivity. The company can also reduce the working time. But it can decrease
productivity too.

Management consultant (John Harris)

At the time of solving the problem, the organization needs to choose and evaluate the
solution. After that, the organization can implement that. But there is some process to be
followed. The organization has to set the outlines. It has to set its goals and objectives. The
entity needs to answer a few questions like how the goal will help the organization, what
benefits are expected and how to implement those.

Unsatisfied employee (Hannah)

Moreover, the organization has to assign the responsibilities, it has to plan who will do which
work. The top management will be accountable in this case. The entity has to set the
schedule. By the schedule, it can keep the track of the process. It can check what to do next.
It will help the organization to keep an eye on the individuals who are working on it.

Management consultant (John Harris)

Not only this, the management has to allocate the resources too. They have to make a plan.
Without proper planning, it is impossible. The organization has to store enough resources to
implement the plans effectively. In the implementation process, there is a need to evaluate
the solution. The entity needs to measure the tasks and make necessary adjustments to solve
the problems. The organization will need to use the KPI metrics to evaluate. There should be
a contingency plan too.

Unsatisfied employee (Hannah)

The organization needs a solution as well as an implementation plan. The best way to achieve
it by communicating with some employees who are needed to implement the plan. It is better
if the organization can communicate with the overall stakeholders. Because in the
stakeholders there are top management, directors, workers and others.

Management consultant (John Harris)

That’s will be a wise decision. The organization needs to communicate with the top
management employees. I will propose a solution. If the solution is passed from the top
management and directors then the organization can implement those in real. Without their
approval, the implementation is not possible.

Unsatisfied employee (Hannah)

The organization needs to communicate with the employees too who will be working in this
project. The HR department is highly needed to work for the problem and the HR should be
communicated simultaneously. In this aspect, the top management will discuss the issues
with the hr department and make a plan to solve the issues.

Management consultant (John Harris)

The implementation of the plan will not solve the problem if there are any flaws. To identify
these faults the project, need to be assessed. It should be monitored and review in a routine
wise. The organization has to monitor the process because the process is the main goal to
track the inputs and outputs. The monitoring process will be used in the first stage. The
monitoring system will answer the basic questions such as where, why, how will the work be

Unsatisfied employee (Hannah)

Yes, in this monitoring system, the organization can track all the activities of the project.
Context monitoring will help to know the risks and unexpected situation that arises which can
negatively affect the implementation of the plan, the situations can be influenced by the
elements of politics, economy and other internal factors too.

Management consultant (John Harris)

The results should be also monitored. The organization should monitor the output
continuously. It should measure if the output is matching with the organizational goals. It will
also have to monitor the beneficiary factors. The organization has to set some criteria and
work on them.

Unsatisfied employee (Hannah)
We hope that after making these changes, the complex problem of workforce crisis will be
solved and the organization and workers both will be benefited. Thank you very much, John
Harris, for your valuable time.

Management consultant (John Harris)

You are most welcome. The organization will try to implement these solutions very soon.

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