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Future tense of być

Subject Verb Translation

Ja będę I will be, I will

Ty będziesz You (singular) will be, You will

będzie He/she/it will be, He/she/it will

My będziemy We will be, We will

Wy będziecie You (plural) will be, You will

Oni/One będą They will be, They will

Future tense (czas przyszły)
Imperfective verbs (czasowniki niedokonane)
The future tense refers to activities that will be performed in the future or planned to. In
the Polish language real future tense can be formed using imperfective verbs only. These
verbs represent the action as being not finished, in a continuous way, without referring to
its beginning, its end or its results. The future tense thus is used to describe any event
that is not defined to be completed. The most important thing in the whole sentence is
the appearance of something that will happen in the future, but without any time limits.
Consider following example Jutro będziemy słuchać muzyki (“Tomorrow we will listen to
music”) which does not explicitly identify period of the action or from when to when the
music will be listened to.
So similar to the German language, the future tense in the Polish form is also complex as
it consists of two components:

The infinitive, which remains unchanged for all grammatical persons or gender
related forms of the verbs with -ł (for masculine), -ła  /la (for feminine), -ło (for
neuter) or -ły  /-li (for plural) endings.

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