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svro2 When A DjineiJina/Genie Likes You - Brother Rahman, 35¢ years inthe field of Paranormal & Occult Bucther Rahman 35+ years in the fields of Paranormal & Occult When A Djinn/Jinn/Genie Likes You Amazing Power of Djinn/Jinn/Genie We have heard of situation where a Djinn/Jinn falls in love with a human which of can leads to a world of problems. But can a Jinn simply “like” someone similar to how hitpshwubrotherrahman.netiwher-a-djnnnn-genie-ikes-you! ve sar001 \Wnen A DjinlhniGele Likes You- Brother Rahman, 35% yar inthe fd of Paranormal & One friends like each other, how siblings care for one another, how for the sake of Allah Subhana WaTala one human may simply care for another, can Jinn feel this way for humans, is it even possible? As we know Djinn/Jinns are very much like us humans, they too fall in love, get married, have children, have social gatherings, get sick and eventually die just like Mankind. So for them to simply like a human is not unheard of but also very very rare. Itis said by various practitioners that no matter how good or pious a Jinn may be, they love, like and care more for their race than they do for ours. In other words, many Djinn/jinns do not have a strong liking towards humans, even the ones that do agree to assist someone such as a spiritual practitioner, they simply tolerate that person, therefore, when you hear about a Jinn liking someone for no apparent reason, not only is it rare occurrence but also a mystery since the Jinn won't even discuss with the person it likes why it likes and cares for them. If the individual was to ask the Jinn, they would simply remain quiet, Subhan’Allah When a Djinn/jinn grows a liking towards a person, the things the Jinn will do that for person is nothing short of amazing. In fact, a powerful practitioner who has a Jinn/Khodam companion in their keep cannot even get their own spiritual companion to do what a Jinn would do for a person it truly likes and cares about. In situations like these, the Djinn/Jinn/Genie willingly do things for the person it likes without the person even needing to ask the Jinn to do anything, MashAllah. One of the benefits a person gets from a Djinn/Jinn/Genie that likes them is that regardless of their third eye is open or not, the individual can see the djinn/jinn very well (in some cases in other, the person can still see the Jinn but not fully. Either way, itis a great benefit to have especially if you have never spent a single hour trying to open your third eye). How this is done is a kind of mystery. When a person has activated third eye, they can see various spiritual beings whenever they wish but when A Jinn truly likes and cares for person, the Jinn uses its raw power and energy to allow the person to see it whenever the Jinn is around them Insha’Allah. But this necessarily does not mean the individual can also see other spiritual beings as well. Iwill speak about some situations where Djinn/jinn/Genie cared and liked someone and discuss what transpired, | will not mention if this is my personal experience 0” a teacher's. It seems like when | speak about personal experiences I get emails as me for far more details than | have provided, therefore, | will speak about these hitpshwubrotherrahman.netiwher-a-djnnnn-genie-ikes-you! 28 svaro2t When A DjineiJnn/Genie Likes You - Brother Rahman, 35¢ years inthe field of Paranormal & Occult situation in a story type of a format so the identities of the individuals involved are not known Insha’Allah. Each occurrence is factual and not fictional. Scenario One: “Abdulla” who was a well-trained spiritual practitioner had a habit of traveling to various countries in the Middle East to find other spiritual practitioners and individuals who had some type of a contact with entities. He came to find out about a man in Oman named "Ahmed" who had a Jinn companion. The Jinn companion had been with this man for many years and would go out of his way to please him. ‘Abdulla was very intrigued upon hearing this and decided to go to Oman and meet Ahmad. Abdulla met Ahmad and told him that he was a Sheikh and he had heard about his odd yet amazing experience and wanted to know more about it. Ahmad without any hesitations started telling Abdulla how stressed he was by this nuisance that was following him around for years. Without explaining much he asked, Abdulla to accompany him to the market so he could get a pack of cigarettes and from there he would understand. Once the two arrived at the market and Ahmad got his cigarette and started to walk away from the Vendor, Abdulla noticed a little boy who went to the same vender that Ahmad and him just left, Abdulla watched the little boy walk behind the counter grab the same pack of cigarettes Ahamd had just bought and then disappeared. When Abdulla and Ahmad arrived at Ahmad resident, inside was the same little boy from the market. He handed Ahmad another package of cigarette, which resulted in Ahmad having two packs of cigarettes and disappeared, SubhanAllah. Ahmad was angry beyond words and explained to Abdulla how sick and tired he was from this Jinn that would steal the same thing Ahmad would buy and then present it to him as a gift. He told Abdulla that he would yell and scream at the Jinn to leave him alone and stop his stealing because it was haram (forbidden), but every time the Jinn would simply reply to Ahmad by telling him that he was the one stealing and not Ahmad and that it would be his neck that would get in trouble on the day of judgment and not Ahmad's. Certainly Ahmad was not having any of this because to receive goods that now are stolen is a sin, yet the Jinn would go about his way and do the same exact thing every time Ahmad would buy something. Abdulla could not help but laugh, Ahmad did not find this amusing by any means asked Abdulla if he could help him or if he was just wasting his time. Abdulla told he would try and let him know what happened next day. That same night Abdulla hitpsihwubrotherrahman.netiwher-a-dinnnn-genie-kes-you! wart nen AOjnaniGeni ites You Brother Rahman, 35+ yar ne Fel of Paranomal& Oct summoned his Khodam to find the little “Jinn boy” and bring him to Abdulla. When the task was performed, Abdulla asked the Jinn to leave Ahmad and the Jinn replied “I will not leave him, | care for him so do not try to make me leave him" and then disappeared, Abdulla knew that if he forced this Jinn to leave Ahmad, it would cause a spiritual battle that could result in the “little Jinn boy” being killed. Since the Jinn was harmless, Abdulla decided to do nothing about the situation. The following day Abdulla explained to Ahmad that the Jinn was not willing to leave him and that there was nothing he could do about the situation, The two spent a little time together. Abdulla thanked Ahmad for allowing him to witness this unique experience and left. Abdulla ended up staying in Oman for a few months. When it came time for Abdulla to leave, Ahmad was still annoyed and furious about receiving stolen good from his Jinn companion, which he never wanted or asked for. Scenario Two: Another scenario | will talk about is a little different than story I just spoke about, yet still amazing. Mustafa's family had long history of spiritual sheikhs which resulted in Mustafa having deep love for the unseen world and desire to learn. Mustafa learned from some of the best spiritual practitioner at that time, he ended up becoming a very well-known Spiritual Sheikh in his country Alhamdulillah, which brought various other Spiritual Sheikhs in his “circle of contacts” who at times together sought other Spiritual Sheikhs in their country to see who was number, as well as to find and expose the fake spiritual sheikhs who took advantage of others. Mustafa found about a young person by the name of “Imad” who was said to have very good spiritual knowledge and perhaps even a Khodam in his keep. Since Mustafa was also one of the spiritual sheikhs in his country who sought other spiritual sheikhs to see how good they truly were and to compare his spiritual ability to theirs, he just had to meet this “young person” and see what he was alll about. Mustafa found out about Imad’s location and decided to visit him. When he got to the home and knocked on the door, a child around age of 13 opened the door. Mustafa asked if Imad was available, the little boy told Mustafa that he was Imad and invited him in. Imad’s family became fairly use to visitors that came to meet the little boy because of the unique spiritual gift he was said to have. Mustafa shocked and confused started talking to the little boy and learned that his grandfather was a pious hitpsiiwubrotherrahman.netwher-a-dinnnn-genie-kes-you! 48 sana \Wnen A DjinlhniGele Likes You- Brother Rahman, 35% yar inthe fd of Paranormal & One spiritual sheikh. Imad at the age of 13 was a hafiz (Has the Quran memorized by heart) and had great knowledge of the unseen. Mustafa and Imad spoke for a while. Imad was exceptionally intelligent for his age and spoke with great wisdom, he too knew that Mustafa was a spiritual sheikh and openly asked him “Can your Khodam open the door for you and move things in physically?" Mustafa told him no since this is not something normal regardless of how powerful the sheikh is. Imad smiled, looked at the door and signaled it to open and within seconds the door flew open leaving Mustafa in complete shock. Mustafa asked Imad how and the 13 years old boy explained to Mustafa - “You have abilities and blessing that | don't have, and | have blessings and abilities that you do not have, | have had this gift since | was a child maybe it is from my grandfather, we should be happy and thankful for what we have". Soon after Mustafa said his good bye and left realizing that 13 years old boy was far more powerful than he ever imagined, far more powerful than Mustafa. Imad never performed any amliyat/ritual to get a Khodam companion. This little boy had some blessing from Allah Subhana WaTala that attracted a very powerful khodam, Mash’Allah. This entity had a very strong liking towards Imad and would defy any spiritual law and do things for him that even the most powerful spiritual practitioner cannot not get their spiritual companions to do. ‘As you can see in these two scenarios, both of the individuals who had a liking from a powerful entity were quite different as well as the entities that liked them. Ahmad was an average Muslim and the entity that liked and cared for him was quit harmless in nature yet stole things for Ahmed even though Ahmed was against it. On the other hand, Imad was a pious young kid who had a powerful Khodarn who would never steal (| doubt Imad would ever request such a thing) for him yet move objects and possibly even bring him things if he asked Mash’Allah. Does this mean that if an entity (supernatural being) does grow a liking toward you, it will be similar to your character or piousness level, in other words if you are a person who does occasional sins but also are a God fearing person and an entity did grow liking to you, the entity would be a benevolent being yet do occasional sins just like you, and that if you are a pious individual and an entity did grow a liking to you, it can possibly be a powerful Khodam? hitpshwubrotherrahman.netiwher-a-djnnnn-genie-ikes-you! sana \Wnen A DjinlhniGele Likes You- Brother Rahman, 35% yar inthe fd of Paranormal & One What was even so special about these two individuals that resulted one to get a powerful Jinn in his keep while the other got a powerful Khodam in his keep without need of any ritual or spiritual training? Indeed this is a mystery - A mystery that the Khodam and Jinn won't even discuss with the person they liked and cared about, Subhan‘Allah. Allah Subhana Wa‘Tala has created many magnificent things in this world, given us blessing beyond beliefs and has left us with mysteries, which we perhaps may never understand. For the individuals who are planning on emailing me and asking if they have a Jinn or Khodam that likes and care for them; please don't, because if one did in fact have a Jinn or Khodam in their life, the signs would be clear as day. Allah Subhana Wa’Tala Knows Best. Be Djinn ® when Djinn Jinn Genie likes and care sorneone < Sex and intimacy: Having Sexual relation with Djinn Jinn Fairy Spirit demon Incubus Succubus > Love Romance & marital relation : In Love with Djinn Jinn Demon Spirit Fairies supernatural & unseen Leave a Comment You must be logged in to post a comment. hitpshwubrotherrahman.netiwher-a-djnnnn-genie-ikes-you! svaro2t \When A DjineWJnniGenie Likes You - Brother Rahman, 35¢ years inthe field of Paranormal & Occult om Select Language Y Powered by Google Translate PayPal] A vin CHECK US OUT ON SOCIAL weoad ld Oo ® We have invested time and energy into writing our own contents, We have worked hard. We have spent long hours carefully developing a useful and original web page. 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