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Entrepreneurship and Business Planning Prelim Hand-Outs -Due to its system of “me first” and “no to imports”, it led to a

(Summary) stagnant global economy.

Entrepreneurship- is a science and art of converting materials *Laissez- Faire*
into highly marketable goods and services that will improve
Adam Smith- he introduced the laissez-faire theory and
man’s quality of life.
expounded the need to minimize the role of government
It is the process of creating or seizing an opportunity, and intervention and taxation in the free markets, saying that an
pursuing it regardless of the resources controlled. (Harvard “invisible hand” guides supply and demand.
Business School)
Entrepreneur- someone who exercises initiative by organizing
Karl Marx- He disagreed with Adam Smith and the laissez-
a venture to take benefit of an opportunity and, as the
faire theorists. He interpreted human history as a class
decision maker decides what, how and how much of a good
struggle between workers and employers. He declared that
or service will be produced. It comes from a French word
free enterprise(laissez-faire) would lead to increasingly severe
“entreprendre” which means “to undertake”.
losses and would eventually bring about revolution by the
Perspective of Entrepreneurship workers. They call for an economy where the government
owned all the property and distributed everything equally
The concept of entrepreneurship was first established in the
among all the people through socialism.
1700s, and the meaning has evolved ever since. In the 20 th
century, economist Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950) focused Note: Today, experts realize that there is no single theory
on how the entrepreneur’s drive for innovation and that can explain the economic growth.
improvement creates upheaval and change. Schumpeter
Joseph Schumpeter- In 1934 an economist that explained
viewed entrepreneurship as a force of “creative destruction”.
that economic growth is started by people whom he called
The entrepreneur carries out “creative destruction” or
“entrepreneurs” who produce goods not only for personal
making a “new combination,” thereby helping render “old
profit but also for the good of everyone around them. He
ways” obsolete. The established ways of doing business are
called the entrepreneurs the backbone of economy.
destroyed by the creation of new and better way to do them.
- In his classic work, “the theory of economic development”,
Business expert Peter Drucker (1909-2005) took this idea
he emphasized the role of entrepreneurs in the process of
further, describing the entrepreneur as someone who
economic transformation.
actually searches for change, responds to it and exploits
change as an opportunity. Barriers to Entrepreneurship Development
1. Difficulty in finding information on local regulations,
taxation, and environmental laws.
Four Tenets of Entrepreneurship by Professor Howard H. 2. Inadequate infrastructure facilities.
Stevenson: 3. Lack of support from local and national government
1. Entrepreneurship flourishes in communities where 4. Issues of graft and corruption.
resources are mobile. 5. Resistance to technological advancement
2. Entrepreneurship is greater when successful 6. Inadequate digital connections and internet
members of a community reinvest excess capital in facilities.
the projects of other community members. Entrepreneurial Challenges in Reshaping Business Strategy
3. Entrepreneurship flourishes in communities in which
success of other community members is celebrated 1. Most businesses remain small in scale and are
rather than derided. motivated by necessity.
4. Entrepreneurship is greater in communities that see 2. Low start-up capital only PH 10,000 or less with
change as positive rather than negative. capital dipping a less than PH1,000
3. There is a lack of entrepreneurial education and
The Evolution of Entrepreneurship using the Lens of 4. There is a lack of support from concerned agencies.
Economic Development Theory 5. There is the lack of access to financing.
*The theory of Mercantilism* Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurial Personality
-was the first major economic theory known in the world. It Entrepreneurs- are high energy creative people, who are self-
drove the economic system during the 16 th to 18th centuries in confident, have a high level of self-esteem and are futuristic
the “known” world. in their outlook as they seek to incessantly solve problems,
- It was based on the idea that a nation’s wealth will increase take risk, and learn from failures (theirs and others). They
only if the government regulated the entire nation’s thrive on change and have a natural predisposition to show
commercial interest. The government according to initiative and willingly accept personal responsibility for
mercantilism should take care of all the economic activities. projects. They harness all available resources within their
scope in order to achieve success on their own terms. Driven their products. Sam Walton (Wall Mart) used beachhead
by a righteous passion, they eventually craft their success in strategy of opening in small towns that were not served by
spite of many preceding disappointments and setbacks. formidable rivals like the retails giants. 1.) Build momentum,
not profit; 2.) Be the topic of conversation 3.) Work with your
Ten Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies by McClelland
champions; 4.) Create memorable experience
and McBer:
Commitment- founding drive of an entrepreneur to see it
1. Opportunity Seeking and Initiative
through with everything on the line. It is the commitment to
 Does things before asked or force to by events.
the long-term, the commitment to getting up and starting all
 Acts to extend the business into new areas,
over again. If fate to decrees.
products or services.
 Seizes unusual opportunities to start a new Destiny- driven to take control of the future, craft their
business, obtain financing, equipment, land destiny and if need be, make sacrifices in the short term for a
work space of assistance. greater long term.
2. Risk Taking Effectual reasoning- starts with clearly defined goals that
 Deliberately calculates and evaluates translate into specifically defined objectives that inform
alternatives. strategies and then determine tactics.
 Places self in situations involving a challenge or
moderate risk. Focus- These successful entrepreneurs are single-minded
3. Demand for Efficiency and Quality with an eye constantly on the prize. They are not easily
 Find ways to do things better, faster or cheaper distracted, they rarely quit and stay focused on the task at
and met or exceeds standards of excellence. hand until it is done.
4. Persistence Global- No longer happy to be tagged SME these start-ups
 Takes action in the face of a significant obstacle. are better tagged Global Opportunity Start-up.
 Takes repeated actions or switches to an
alternative strategy to meet a challenge or Health- Good health is a remarkable aspect of
overcome an obstacle. entrepreneurial life. Entrepreneurs can’t afford to be sick.
5. Commitment to the Work Contract Innovator- An entrepreneur’s core competency is to find new
 Strives to keep customers satisfied and places ways to solve problems and do come up with clever,
long term good will over shorter gain workable solutions.
6. Information Seeking
 Seeks information from clients, suppliers, Just- Do It- They immediately look for an alternative even if it
employees and competitors means putting 100% of their own resources behind the
7. Goal Setting project to make it happen. “Making it happen “ is what an
 Articulates clear and specific long range goals entrepreneur does.
and measurable short term objectives. Keep-it Real- Entrepreneurs are honest and straight forward
8. Systematic Planning and Monitoring in their dealings and expect others to do likewise.
 Plans by breaking tasks down into time-
Leadership- Leadership for the entrepreneur is not about
constrained sub-tasks.
9. Persuasion and Networking status but function.
 Uses deliberate strategies to influence or Meaning- Entrepreneurs can create the meaning, which will
persuade others. become the motivation behind their ventures.
10. Independence and Self-Confidence
Never give-up- Entrepreneurs never quit striving for success.
 Seeks autonomy from the rules or control of
others and sticks with own judgment in the face Opportunity seeker- Entrepreneurs keep their eyes open for
of opposition. significant changes that may trigger a promotion from option
to opportunity.
People- the most valuable resources in every business
Characteristics of Entrepreneur and words related to venture.
Entrepreneurship from A-Z by Dr. Neil Planagan and
Professor Peter Baskerville Quirky- it is a unique behavior and a unique ingredient that
can only be produced by a person with self-esteem and
Ambiguity- refers to as situation in which something can be confident in their offer.
understood in more than one way and it is not clear which
meaning is intended. While change is quite stressful for vast Risk taker- Deliberately calculates the risks and evaluates
majority of people, entrepreneurs become quite invigorated alternatives. Entrepreneurs are fearful of a so-called “risk-
by ambiguity and see it as an opportunity. free” life that ends in anguished regret of what might have
been, of what could have been, of what should have been.
Beachhead Strategies- are strategies that an entrepreneur
uses to gain market penetration and customer acceptance for
Subjective advantages- are the advantages the Business Plan
entrepreneurs achieve because they know how to perfectly
-is a document that describes the various external and
position their offer to fulfill a customer’s emotional needs.
internal elements involved in starting a business or in
Timing- Entrepreneurs know when to launch the business or expanding an existing venture, amidst a dynamic business
product in the right place at the right time. environment. It integrates the different functional plans such
as marketing, manufacturing, finance, and human resource
Under the radar- Entrepreneurs know to secure their entry
management, taking into consideration the overall strategy of
into markets with minimal notice or perceived threats,
a business. It also defines the entrepreneurs vision and serves
ensuring the least negative reaction from competitors,
the company’s resume .
suppliers, partners or customers.
Three Primary Purpose of Business Plan
Value-added- Entrepreneurs makes money by taking a slice
of the added value that they create for their customers via 1. To serve as an action plan.
their innovative products and services.
This will help an entrepreneur pull apart the pieces of starting
Work and Play- “to do what you love and to love what you a business and examine each piece by itself. Breaking down
do”. task into smaller one is more viable than tackling a big
challenging task at once.
X-Factor- special something that entrepreneurs have which
others don’t. 2. To serve as a road map.
You- Entrepreneurs are people so totally engaged with the It is an invaluable tool to help the entrepreneur on track of its
outside that they tend to pay little attention to their one goal. It guides the business to achieve what it intends to
greatest asset- themselves. pursue.
Zest- it is known as the passion or life-blood of the 3. To serve as a tool.
It serves as a tool in attracting investors. A well –written
business plan can convince potential financiers to put money
The Philippine MSME in the business.

Category Asset Size Number of Value-

employees Added
micro P3 Million and Below 10
small P3,000,001 to 10 to 99 32 %
P15 Million
medium P15,000,001 to 100 to 199
P100 Million
large P100,000,001 200 and 68%
and above above

1. Discovery-refers to the recognition of a business idea or
the detection of opportunities that could make money for the
2. Development of concept- gives more details on how the
general business ideas can be realized.
3. Organizing resources- the process of identifying, sourcing,
and financing human and non-human and other resources
needed for the conduct of business.
4. Implementation- the process of carrying out the business
5. Reaping the returns- pertains to strategies related to the
expansion of the business firm.

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