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 En espacios físicos cerrados como habitaciones
The book is in my room.
 En el interior de algún objeto:
The mirror is still in the box.
 Lugares con espacios físicos definidos
The game is in the football stadium.
 Para designar ciudades o países:
Mark is living in Chicago.
 Periodos de tiempo, meses, estaciones:
In July we are going to California.
 Para referirse a años o momentos del día:
I finish the college in 2012.
I’m going to eat waffles in the evening.
 Cuando se hace referencia a tiempo futuro:
In six months we will have to move.

 Para referirse a eventos que sucederán en días del año que se consideran
On my birthday we are going to celebrate to the beach.
On thanksgiving all my family is coming home.
 Cuando se habla de días de la semana:
On Wednesday we were pink.
 Para referirse a objetos que están encima de una superficie:
The book is on the table.
 Para referirse a medios de transporte:
I’m going to sleep on the plane.
 Al hablar de partes del cuerpo:
I have a tatto on the leg.
 Al dar fechas exactas:
On March 15 you have a history test.
Preposición at
 Al hablar de lugares de encuentro entre dos o más personas:
I meet you at the park this evening.
 Al referirse a una dirección concreta:
He leaves at 2396 Times Square.
 Sitios específicos donde una persona estaba:
Yesterday I was at the Natural History museum.
 Cuando se hace referencia a una hora concreta o momento del día:
The meeting is at 8:00 am o’clock tomorrow.
We will go to the restaurant at lunchtime.
 Al hablar de un día festivo:
We have a party at Christmas.
 Se aplica en ciertas expresiones:
At the moment… (En este momento)
At the weekend… (En fin de semana)
At that time… (En ese momento)
At all … (Del todo)
 Al hablar de lugares concretos:
Tomorrow at the museum is the exposition.
 Sitios concretos en un lugar:
I was looking at the window.
 Posiciones de un objeto con respecto a otro:
That treasure is at the bottom of the sea.
That song is at the top of the list.

Completar con in / on / at
1.He was waiting for me ___at________ the bus stop.
2. Paul is British. He lives _____in______ England.
3. The ball was ______on______the table.
4. He plays volleyball_____in________Sundays.
5. We are meeting _____at____ five o'clock this afternoon.
6. Her birthday is ________in____April.
7. When they arrived _____on____ the party, everything has already finished.
8. She doesn't know anything ___on______all.
9. The bus arrives ____in______London _______at_____9 o'clock.
10. I don't know what he is doing ____in_____the morning.
11. Charles doesn't work _on_______ sundays.
12. I met her _____at_____11 o'clock pm.
13. I was born _____in____1982.
14. It is very cold ____in_____ winter.
15. Sit down __on______ the table. The chair is very small. 
16. They arrived home _____at_____ lunch time.
17. This book is based ___in________ Diana's life.
18. The show starts ____at ____ five o'clock.
19. The doctor comes here ___on_______ tuesday.
20. I was waiting for you ______at______ the bus stop.
21. Are you going to travel ______at/on________ Christmas?
22.____in___ Monday I have a date.
23. Mi first kiss was ______on_____the 24th of March.
24. I will return _____in______ Saturday.
25. ____in _____ the last years the world has changed.
26.I'll be there ___at/in_____night.
27. He called me __at_______time
28. We should be there ___at_____ time
29. __in_________winter Alaska is a horrible place to live.
30. The train leaves ______at____ 11 o'clock.
31. Are you going to travel ______in/on______ christmas?
32. ___on_____Saturday I will have my new car.
33. I must work _____in_____the weekend.
34. Call me _____in______Saturday.
35. My birthday is ____in_______February.
36. He is coming ______in____the moment.
37. He called me _____at______midnight.
38.They arrived just _______at______time.
39. _____in________the 80's I was a hippie.
40. I will wake up ____at____10 o'clock.

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