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MELANGES CHINOIS ET BOUDDHIQUES TANTRIC AND TAOIST STUDIES IN HONOUR oF R.A. STEIN EDITED Micnet STRICKMANN Pb ee fc de si ao ene INSTITUT BELGE DES HAUTES ETUDES CHINOISES 10, PARC DU CINQUANTENAIRE todo BRUXELLES vat THE LITANY OF NAMES OF MARJUSRT ‘Text and Translation ofthe Majuirinamasamet! ISD =F laren, Autor Hed Sot Grammar on Dinas VO Datonay teh Mat sara, suiso = Peano Vl 1 Grmar NM Nino by Matin 78 20. Tek fom PIT wah 14 NS = Mauiitnennane Promising PIT) = Daber Sua eet Tin Trp Tyo Teta Tea 5 inmerine nie by “eige T Ta. = Ha Ue A Congl Cooe fe PBs Bot Cons ‘= Sinatra ime Vein 3 W = Ioannina by Ves 78 29 I Vajrayina may be considered the form of Buddhism mest heavily ‘endowed wih tual, the Manjurdnasatasya Parandvtht Namasan (hereafter NS) is perhape the most popular canonical ital text this Iradition ever produce, Rested daly by monks and laymen in India and Tibet, it was the objet of numerous Sunskit and Tibetan commen ‘aries, secving a the basis of multiple sidhong and mandala cycles and becoming one of the great stabilizing factors in the transmission of Indo-Tibetan Buddhism. The sope of this introdueton isto focus on some of the factors responsible or the ise ofthis singular text and 0 ih wen ee nee ofthe NS sad who was ses Fay 0 std ‘Epes Moree am parry deo erate mn Nera ‘Stan pon tes yopa'and wis sho tw oped etre se wold oP ‘ajar ate told fet thane my moter Mace Dro, © peda itt tnun who cherfy prove sane mag oper care pau kt ditt be mratadap cin {i tno sre fam er mes prs ‘Rotmcrronshcagisare 1 2 FONALD a DSON Svea thumbnail sketch ofits history and utilization in India, Tibet, and the Oscident The NS proesims isl the process of realization of Hlusion’s Net (yhisarbodikrama, v. T)exeacte from the sami chaper of the eat Mayda, a mahdpogaranira (9. 13 and colophon) Ir such & work ever existed in sixteen thousand line, we have no record of it other than obscure references such as these. Nonethcles, there i a istinet morphological similarity berween the NS and the samadhi shaptrof the Masjdlatantra that is extant (78,466) and to lightly leser degree between the NS and the samdahi chapter (chapter 3) of ‘the Guhyasamdjacanira, Verse twenty-six of our txt begins with the ‘pronunciation of each of the vowels asa distinct sylable. The first, the vowel a, becomes the most important ofthese lable forthe rest of the text and in verse twent)2ight. oie identified with Manji ‘Turing © Mafjicimita’s Upadea (Appendix to the ansltion), we observe that this eares of NS traditions considered the various figures mentioned in the course of the text (, 28-157) as proceeding ‘om tis lable a. This “supreme sylable” then, isthe seed lable (Gijomanee) for the ene visualization whith accompanies the tec lation ofthe NS. All the deties proceed from a and take thir place in the mandala, Approaching the NS thus is precisely in acord withthe ‘content ofthe samadhi chapter inthe Maydlatanira with the exception that each of the deities inthe Masdiloiania fasts from his own bijamantra, there being more than twenty diferent mania ised ‘Moreover, morphologically both his samidh chapter andthe NS may be broken down into an asociaion between two vnits, a manna followed by visualization nsrvtion, Moving tothe samadhi chaper of ‘he Guhyasamij, we find the sme morphological circumstances, a ‘manta folowed by visualization instution>, The similarity between ‘hese thre sections is striking, even if in content eich of them ‘demonstrates diferent veisitudes. In addition their ultimate common inspiration appears to be the abhitmnodhikrama of the Sarath nin in Cis 90 AD. (Tah TH a ef Ro ef ae hl See Seteace (ererwieeeeaistne ae Ta tn Rat Ce men ot 9 gen iahn uitierpteeraceenee ga maratas atogrocm eu cee et eee ngs Hie nachos mainte Te iran of wars oF wASseseh 3 gatorrnasargrata, though there were undoubtedly otber stages of ‘Sevelopment intervening, 18 that text we find the same morphologic units obtain, but in a reversed order, the instructions coming before the ‘mantra*, The insroctons too, ate of slightly diferent character, ‘iscusing the course of events in the spiritual life of the Bodhisattva Sarvirthasdah, bu they nonetheless occur in the form of meditation ‘nseuction to the Bodhsattva from the Tathigatas thee assembled. Cerny the diachronic relationship between these two sumldht chapters and the NS is obscute. There i no prima facie cas for fordering any one of these units as primary ove the oihes, and they ppedr to have evolved simultaneously fom this common inspiration in their own separate ways. They were perhaps removed from each oer through geographic factors, and, heavily inuenced by the religous vision of the individual windcdear involved in their Separate trans ‘missions, ened something ofthis vision in thee final Forms. Tn applying these considerations tothe problem ofthe development ‘of the NS, we may probably safely assume thatthe east coherent Stratum of the text encompases verses 26-162, This represents a basic ‘meditative form complet with devatonal homage inthe fn five verses (os, 188-162). Glaneing again atthe Upadeia, we find that this is the section ofthe text actally employed in the mah Lhsanbodhrroma. “Thenex stratum certainly represents an altempt to display in canonical form what began a8 the instructions ofa winkcrya. Anew section teas add in which Vaan ie shown asking forthe teaching from Stiyamuni, and the Tathlgata responds (124). Matjusimitea seems to have Firs obtained the NS inthis state of elaboration (wy. 1 162), His commentary shows no concer forthe arrangement of the ‘mantra (aniravinyaa), the discussions on benefits (anid), or the final verses ypasaharapdth, w. 1637) In is Upadea, however, “Matijuitimitra makes i clear that by this time be had recourse to these items, and the entre text had farther been divided into sections based to a large extent on the mandala, Just who the author of these new additions was is unclear, but inal likelinood Mafjussimitra himself had much to do with thee formulation. Definitely « consideration in the development of the NS and a primary concern ofthe commentators Was the burgconing development ff the sixth family (ula) and its eventual relaGonship with the 4 yi 5 sas Cacia Gina Rciabanesrane te Sass eths oense anon 4 ‘owato w.pavnson sealant Bousquet Kia ura tanga G95, phn, Sam nore ts mon oe rhage Masao Wh, Hein Ded Lad Yale Pro Cha he cae Monaro Tam Hao mb Ia Oe barr (Wags Oxtora Une ren Sp. an I San 2 and “SR mead bam nS po TK Compare for emg ees D833 In tee a Ct tn a an re Minima, Sapa so 18 ew DEM nse! Anat nds Cate.) he mo os rom eset an nth eee Stow oh re etme Royal Pacem Usk Lay of Congo Poe ba ‘Wotcetonen. 1 tan 3: be eon on Woks in or an Monae SoSH a ‘Nt nh ee he Ow Ye ‘ot iaeatn ot mseertant he pe tling sagas inp, 4 RONALD M_ BxvD30N ‘Therexepion vento theNSin Tibet was certainly mined. Asa ritual ‘manual fr chanting the names of Manju it became very pop, ad iUis no exaggeration to say that almost every fully ordained monk in 8 Tibetan monastery of any size memorized the translated. NS, ‘This isnot to say that they studied ic OF the thee lamas 1 questioned fon-this mater, two had memorized the NS, whle the third (eGyal Sprul mdo maa rn poche) sid tha he was supposed to have, but for an unspecified reason he did not. All the monks in his monastery (mDo mar), however, memorized it. None of the lamas, though, aimed to have a thorough grasp of the NS, and only one (Nor thar rise mkhan po) had read 8 commentary (3.2539) and that on his own, since the NS was never taught at Nor. Likewise remarkably few indigenous commentates an the NS were produced. 1 have been able to locate sx to date: 4 commen the tree dGe logs pa commentaries of Dal Lama It dGe ‘dun veya rsh (1476-1542, T8. $84), Yons zi ye ex reyal shan (171 1993, T9600), and Thu stobs i ma of sGo man Sror wary mech mh of es, ale nineiadnt St memttat aS ee agg inlet Ble ren onan ram apuecnetiangrasecaiees yt Becrer tas etka dara tains ee tate Td a yn se debra et area in Serpe wrecs arias Se Seis aes mn ef Sia rena armra di rep Sea Senate tg ir ova Ie ae pap ttre tear ihe: Pyicre ieec a eer atge Se cmaee ters ainieoerfegecs Seat SEES EA oeorormant neta ae Eee meee eer ar ris ent en eee ey, me Seer e lea a ones Sas Se cas {Eran oF Maes oF watsusad 1s From the time ofits composition, the NS was he object of statements 1s to its plac in the clasifcation of the tanras. On its entrance into Tibet, however, the discussions began in earnest, de to the multiple streams of exegesis Tibet was receiving from India. Bu ston, following the internal statements ofthe NS itself (13), classified the text a8 being a mahiyoga-updjatanira’?. He moreover divided the commen tare int those following the K3lacakra system (TB, 1395-1400}, those following the orientation ofthe other tanras ofthe anutarayoga clas (TS. 2090-2110) and those following the yortamia sytem (TP. 2532 2621), These easications were rather arbitrary as we ean see by comparing them to the Derge and Peking canons, whete the NS was considered a member of the Kilacaka cele and pace atthe heed of all the other tantrs (eg. T8. 340). Moreover, inthe Dergeeanon the tantric Candragomin's commentary was promoted to the anttaray saianira section (To. 2090) fom the yogstonna section (Peking 3363, \whih allows Bu ston). The criterion fr classifiation of commentaries Into the Kalacakra division was the tization of doctrinal systems and language peculiar to that ana, Classification of commentaries into the amutarayogatanra section, though, was apparealy dependent on cither the presence of a reference 10 guinabhcka (asin SV 2584.8) for an elaboration of amttrayopotanira terms, sich as the six kulas (4s in VM 238.14) of patie and nipomnakrama (as i VM 248.41)" MM and VV were both cased as jogatonra commentaries IMM since it had nether element, and VV since it mentions specifiy ‘only the divisions of ky cary and sogatonra (VV 18452) despite its definition of the makimudeatula 6 2) a8 the family of Bod hicitavara, this family Being known as the snth Au in VM (239.18) All things considered, there is mich closer docsnal relationship between MM, VY, YM, and SV, despite the difference in clasiction, than between, fr example, VM and the works of Advayavaie, hich are ofthe same lass. ‘aeapparnceo wer ving pond Ink Ror wtan n "Boe neo a red ad ce 6 ONALD M_oxMOSON ‘With the ise of Buddhist Studies in ninctenthcentury Europe came the study of the NS, and the edo princrpr was brought out by LP. Mingev (184090) in 1887 along wih his fist edition of the ‘Mahdryupati?. This edion is primary in every sense of the word since it remains the only edition to date 10 publish the complete ‘auionsd, Minev had also intended to tansate the NS with the belp| fof Vildsavajra’s commentary, but due to his untimely death in 1890, ho tanslation appeared*®. Nonetheless Minac’s edition spurred on intrest, and Louis de La Valle Pousin studied the text with the assistance ofthe commentaries of Vilbsvara and *Siryasriina, mss ‘of which are found in Cambridge and inthe possession ofthe Royal Asiatic Socity*” Poussin although using the NS for his arte on “Tanti” in Hasting’s Exyelopaeda of Religion and Ethics, reacted ‘nly to the language ofthe later commentary*®. Raghu Vie was the ‘next to attempt editing the ex and around 1960 broupht out his edition of the verses ony, ving neither a ms including the amdamad noe facces fo Minaey’s carier work", Nether Minaev nor Raghu Vita ‘was able to utlie the Tibetin tranlaGons for editorial purposes Soon alter Raghu Via, in 1963, Durga Das Mukerji performed much the same feat and brought out an edition without utilizing either Mingev’s or Raghu Vis texte, Mulhern addition sometimes ‘compounded ertor by using the Tibean badly in several places, by incorporating mistakes in Rin chen beah po's tanslation ito’ his text and by not ulizing any commentaries to try 1 establish the eeot Manav nit by he mee Alona Snr "Pema 1. Mase INS Gr i Tih Pee “anal Coban, p29 (Ad. 10) and 20 (ASS 1700, £8. Covel and 2 Easting "“alopr Bostin Sot Nou athe oes te Roe ‘at Secy" Jara! fh Roa tae Sy ae 2988 pp 28H cepa le Nile mi Te. pdf Ran od Bh i rma? ae ey of ‘ire tcp oT tet the NS gin the Sal seed ‘dup, n pil in Rate Toa endo Terr Pr Sapa Yo 9 Dur Dar Melt amaQraineg: Soult nd Tee Tee (cea lata Pe 3) ‘ie eran oF wanes oF wassused ” in the Tibetan. Mukherj's ms. containing the anuiomad was incomplete, and be attempted to make up the diference by reraslating from the ‘Tibetan translation of bLo gros brian pa. Still, Mukber’ edition is the more useful of the two Indian editions ase faithfully vecorded variants and, unlike Ragho Vira, was not so anxious to emend the text without good cause, The most recent contribution is by Keinosake Misubara in his artle, “Concerning the Transmission in the Ni- rmasamgli"S\ Mituhara bie examined certain questions sui tounding eres 25,27 and elected setions ofthe amulaia His artle ‘s limited, though, by ite unfortunate nepet ofthe vast commentaral ‘waditions; because ofthis neglect and due to an impeeect text, some ofthe questions he discuss ae false questions. My own interest in the NS stems from a desire w uncover more of the religious and inteletwal history of the Wansmission of Indo-Tibean. Buddhist, teaitons. The multivalent role payed by the NS convinced me that ts Position was intimately connected with some ofthe greatest Figures is ‘hth centry Indian Vajayna, I also suspected that this fat has been obscured by the geneal decline inthe study ofthis ext in Tibet, ‘Tere certsnly ae other potentially profitable avenues of exploration, such as the Vojravidiranidhirani(T9. 780), the Gulsogorbhaantra (8. 3) or other major Vajrayana works central tothe early spread ofthe Dhatma in Tibet The NS, however, wih is strong connections ‘to s0 many figures dominant in this religious eansmision, appeared ‘ost promising asa soure of information. It has definitly fulled ry expectations 1 the following pages Ihave translated the fll test ofthe NS and ‘haveincluded annotation drawn fom the four commentaries mentioned above, The wansation has had 10 srke a balance between rigorous attention to the technical terms one would expect of a translation fof & Buddhist philosophical text and evocation in fiitous English ‘ofthe religous sensiiies ofthe Sanskrit ext as iteratue. Lam only too aware ofthe resultant defences. Following the translated NS there is an appendix consisting of a transation of Mafjusrimita’s Upadeia which in tun’ followed bythe edited Sanskrit text ofthe NS. 2 Keine Mins, “Mimaang sisters cea oi ei”, Aor magia nem es) ES 1s onato m.oaviso Homage to Maju whois a True Prince, |. Now the ghius Vandana" sper ming tose ict ae, Being vistors ove the tiple world Rea a eter rer, led sh is weapon seca ait nee me sn "Dement de Tose Md! has Keer 66-7, 279 ‘rtm of he a tye by Vapi and mesh els boars ‘he Kroc Mable fet oon laa hwet te Nth ‘cia nao) he on of invelewioe (PTT vc. & p34. Apu, the Seraehpnarnagra (PTT Sia ee eee irae ote omen eit Sentra rarpeacer mee ores eotine coker tonto mcngen saat Weed tare deans einer Bo Bas nah Peaenuas we eh Eye he ops nt |e hr Mn te th aa es | Ae thy itr to» ary ep, | ve ot et fons Ny ee ese ania snide aren) Tecoma iitahe ta rSeeas tenia Boman Sean elaine ons BE AS eect tne! as e a rtp coe as Sma? ot en Eamets ane at hte Geils a tciaeaer tages adhe oer eta Reade antec at Seis Te aoe ae Se ee pics scott Seared Sierra ee nee Sees erect ean tee Fenews aot weiss moat 14 hen Ym ss hy ha po Rye] HY yo pal pw ue crane oF maues oF wASsU8H) » > cap ei en motu unnsan 1 ERIE setae in hon agi meneame arenas «Gab ema gee teeta brace ay anes ape see iipoe us pn ape an trl mere rc oe a «BRS poe eon te do ERs hier SCAN Tae cool 1 BESS eto oie te cm i we nati i at a es Buenas 1 apt tn og eennd ‘cen aramerae spt » fit te Ce a a ee teh nyse ea Nt Slat ite aga oe ve bane te pl aa se Treacle tren eet Gna ocr 1 baa Bay Nos nt yi rei raha aa Oke le i SRE Ee A TE orate aon tn ene eat aoe captain ptr cry Mera socom ty poet eta Eeayecee atin aie mtem at ao SER Seer as wiaicraearegs sce aimaeiee et ipomecueery Sear mae atime wevaame See eo pane es Saree SPlae are tres biwea atreamen rae ‘blocs Ser AR EA aa Sit the eerste cry ht rh aes ere ete fer Emr aheet teem ten & ee fa ah ioe aie mcrae Sanus ice stemcuey es eee itty pious iboats ake nd va Ca eae » ‘oxat M_paviovon 1 ahh ep ie te Tatras erases 1 RETR ya ne yy eh aeel SiN ance Li ecm ‘8h Comp Works fhe Get Mars fhe Se Soy Se Pt penchant sensor ta See aaa Sahai er ee “oem ee Roi eer en & tare ie Vimiien, SORT? tome: ISME. 196, 9p tos. Vinuktsm's stale ayy dani yb Rees G Stopes inkereven aE Cone’ ota igannanlone raat beats ore tM. abe er re or Ret oe 38 ‘Prism a wig Ls. it te er ah erence cna aera a Zena piel paid var aueat neta Sas Seuctymct aae aie bere mn oat eereteearinicttarne cams suareiaomiire steeping cere pee eer Fe rn gt it mage acing ere a Ri is oe Ses Sree meena “ie tain oF mutes oF Masset a 15 “For the detucon of th every dent and iain of all hee unkowing, wil eval hs (any tens. each acorn 10 his ‘en aipeston 16. Having bevchad he Tatas thu restrain, Vaan the estec Tender sty Sent. hi and ole i homage stad i the fe a he seni Ss pss ey 17. ThenSikyamun the bese oe. the completly awakened tbe best of men, ‘avng tras fom hi mouth steal ons wie one 18 Hedge sre lamang the tres ates exten throughout the wed, lumianing te ge wr ad chascing he epee the 19, Poding the ble world with this dine meet pa, be replied 40 ‘aga th ete ede of set power (mata) 20 “Well dong, © yovous Varad: proper of ou, Vpn, tha romped by seat songasion forthe worl tne 21, Nou ae eager oer fom te the Litany 0f Name f the gosic body oF Manat having set meaning. purfng and crngcnsgeson, 22.“That i nel Sone and Tl tech Ho jou, O sore Tle Listen ‘ih sour mind one ponte O Reson Bai wel done’ Two reso eflecingo he fae: 23, Then Samanta one, ele on he Ue aii, he ete 24, The wordy an superwoniy famiy the and word iuminnng fry the locos fey, the Monae the ret fay the exe Sern earner n are ereen Bierman wre 3 0959: 1-1 Coneing wie oe oe Me ty doped hr one Nel ye Rea st rn srt Remar ect Gy, Pie Ru Sopa Steen aon ONS ars and he Ne my the mos cone very ofthe et ih ‘gs cama. Noe fhe ements spe bey i tie eens Siioscwr cab The peat moe oy my he as “ras anf ange ha ee he pt fer fo a i Ship roo, fal pss wo) and tal Drange By ee (sity ee i xc yg mura ony te Fy tres he to avd ne 6) ree gcthe The te fm mn tah Va Pi mie ly iy pct eys e uy ot ene ton, re Bosh ad 2 roMaLo Monson {ce verse othe spn he elzaion paces of Ho's Net 25. [Spam] pronounced ti mye tena ving si mars" and Ponesang nareen chractert, Big nena ag nd jones th 2ce RTT a Be ato at om ob stand ithe ear 1 am Baths, the bodied Knowle a he Buds occuring inthe ter tie 27. “Om borage your Embodied Knowle of inh, Cater of Sulering, Shap as 4 Vara" Homage 10 Jou, Lord of Speck, Gone ody ‘Arpucma| Fasten vers on te Vsahita Mahan, 2% "And in ir way the Dested one, e Budd [athe comply ‘eakened, bom rom te sluble a the yale the Green of af hooemes a gat ean, te ware ate ‘etm cg ed rg rh i Sit ft ons ol i i 4 a gtr | ne a a ss pp at ma (eg hao gr pss Soe 0 8 ta a gs Sa a a a ah A hn ir od em ep fe A te eee ‘ano 1a 15 tar sams The yap ae te ‘Ri aa tne mae Or Sodstnza tone grr! ty Arupcam The the Maar, fe Mesaoondotira espa hs marr ed st man ch trout ho he ment he te rey Om lowed ‘mone “Om Home ou Vj the oe pare eende he tr {Ber Dutinawies Psat, Tasca, Vagr anf Aapcea Se Mihi ess ang tosh Var Daa, SY 8012, 40 TS aed pry Wat 2912 and ¥¥'1032 tn etre folosese th tien of int he Unf re eee iced am hair Mare Tbe Maun, Ea Rap Ia ma TE ens Sen re 3 eh {iene Sn Ln Yan tw Wena Spa a ar pe ‘Saag rin in ata Bo ed of ‘cet compound tnmorarmo tbc hha wh shite bang cote of apeemes de BSG Ie uray oF Nases oF weisusal 2 2 “Asi engl wot tingid Bee remo ats of {Sexpesion sing fry within a perch so-“Hs pent dae sane tal, crn the happines ofl bens hiveeatongr ian cue fea being the get ney oa! ements 3i.-Huepeat des ian ced fen sung te on fn hose ‘rind its hs et woth an ct els he Beet eben of pes wrath 12 “Hinge ass an exe eal, suing al avarice; i ret dee tee pest igh. gand happiness and great plese 18,°0l pst fom and eat dh th Bet color ad rand psi, with Td ane e's ey sl hig a expanse nm 34 “ing th ea ord of nage with ee nk or defemen Tels temo ely four ery cowed thereat He and ead spenor 35. “eaten asin (rahe i wie. scoring he objet {ebb grandson’ Bae whe pete th wand Sidon he anu grand soso 2% ibe in fp eno cad may fm Touch entra pes france beh un ih re eon 37 “Pract need enn ya) a eoceton Gomi, Being the tye get Ii he eat seg Uo eat ea: Ie sesinsin grant an the aos ean pagar). 24 “United nog dns eet compen a mou tet teh pat nat snd gn i, he et meas ith found Performan, 2». Reena a get stengh and phic ower, very iene and very fat snnoing at che power abs are he mane “Great Lad bier ret sea «0. Spter of he st mourn of enn, beng Madar fe ‘nucle Beng ey re ao very oie, ces ee ‘occu 4, -Dony het with mobos Bei he prea: eng ihe with mana hehe gue Haig uotd he pct the ret ice, b hgh tne pace ofthe Gre Vb + mahi, Theo mle pe ie pe. Aon be Tet nae el hen moka see ong ate see be er aa eet la stesso wep ei "Saris tian aa) na pre a 5K mins“ hispanic nd ie mar oh ht hae me agi ra ae ‘Vit han ae fe sone orf word ening ata maa. ‘Ste ee te a rn oe a7 tt a Se Ge tis ‘Stent CF te Toul sangeet of sda ine 4 OSLO Maxson Tuomi erie. eto Be very pare Sit go 4, “Beng Mahivnocana, he Buddha he 2 let sage with profound ‘apes anda he proee bythe seal pace of mona, y tre Sete peat pacer f mana 45. obtained the ten ection (Sami) he she bs an) for the fen pero Beng te pty of the ten perfecto, he the asic ofthe ten pefecion. ‘H.-H the ed of ten sige ati). be the protector ead ‘onthe en stages, Himsl pre withthe fn owls be the pre tare a the fon knows 45 “Hvig en specs his purpose Being he ten referents, es the adr sages Tenponered One an cron. Pefoming sll and ea ‘Set of purpose & peat ith conan en apes" iis eee eee ie See es Sa are RCS oo we eran i a re Seat ech ta ay rca Sesotho amiemerennae Be et ieee tes ce Eee sence nen tegen ma aoa rare ainsi Be theese camer gran See eee tee Soe ee aan eee Heme cable sad ante atas some heer err melee tires [orn eno Fines) oe Rnd 85) te maaan Gh oceeconie ces eae SS aes aoe haa Rice ae en ces Seniors Gite Sic arg toa eames Ea cVachater canes Seance eel Rompaaene sarees) 2 penal tgm meet em prnme ree a ares Sa eae ee ee Te tren oF aes oF wASsESHT 2s 46, “Begiinges and by mate witout sion apap, naturly pore ‘nd ota sshots ood eciming just how id, be YS Site does without ny ther seh 47 "Non dal and prcaiming nda) he anus at heii of sea “ater Wh svar of eplesnss aroma be gens eer that he el ere | Ponerating verre, ah ras amo): wih» speed ie the "Fanhexts though, he i vt ima) hone enemies he congue, {nda congutors a icra rer ith rest eng aba). \9, "Althea of bet» espn iryo of hs od of Poss ae). {nds commander of bss wih pone. he feos tous se ‘Suning power nin) ae withan acl pace mf Be ged by others 50."Rs tendo spech the commande of spesch posed of equenes, fe ie the maser of opech anening in Tene and with Whe Ree he seks the ath, acing the four ws. ‘Nortuming bk rd at skin eth anni bes ike a inact, Dede theseniphened veretay asog ben dled by varus inf of dlnerne pana ete aigue ease the el eens (aki 52 "An Arai wih is impuries an) exaust, ei separated ftom pasion, he snes sabued He hs tine ease and fess, texoming cot and ps 53. “Complssd wisdom tnd pod condt(riharan), Ne i wel-gme| Tie) te sas tun of he worl Walhot me of ah T and ‘inns eae he picts he wo rth ‘4. “Snding a the utero i faa, he eon ths eae, is ay 5 Saeco geen atin nny ieee Sctaeeeee Ee Saisie ve penret aites rey fn reer eer meget a a Soom hance ap meta as pee err tener aca tte en coe tree oat earns Save, yk a ci a ple nn et ch ea en peaeet rama) ae Te Seta tn Se ee ico een a es amas bar ae ae a Fle aun se ag ef 1 otc ro i inn mr eis SE upa hai oramacre seman iicchaactimee ma pele ae ean emi oe na ts ies TS a SLOTS OL Ser haa ee at 26 RONALD M_Bavinson one, Hang ete story kro aatopng). eis te leing ‘eon of ah 5. ith Tre Dhaa. ig of Dharm, sige spree a ainay oF The world A Ted of Dharma king of Dharma he the iatacor s Ie pth ovads wee 56 “Hs"aim sccomplibed and thought (ia) accompliied, be as ‘shandoned thought. Deve of esta, hs pre start he ‘Bomadin, sopreme mpertate 57 "Posse of meth una). With ascamuated mer. He ¢ knowl 1nd eget sues of knowlege: Pome of owen owing ‘land ual heh ceo the en sseumuaone 8 “Eira ft) aver ur, 4 joi, be metation an tobe reid upon. tie lv he intl He sto he pron resi (raat) prime param, es thee boa ‘9 °A'budth in his tre f fie team overlord by his are of foe ‘ypes of shoe”. war dadem whowe nature i fhe Buhne ving Ive ys be maine damit (ope (0 “Tae pointor ofall Buda, bet Buchs sa, sores the bes. ‘Ati fom ete in nh he snares sure te Da Sle be pus ap end eens 61 "ts unite esenceimpeneae,himsel ap, immedi aesen bei the for ofthe mol aren fom the sky aad Farben, bei the lied Te of ish po. (2 -Vavoeana, he peat Tuten. the Hah of nou, Reis the laminator: Ute ofthe wel, the rc of gros, with res splendor he wad Hes Vii. the lt of extent mars, he is manna peering the (yea eu A¥ the Clled Coral Dae (uerns.te macos {Cron Doe. he caches i very nt wa ter af pe (64 “Fovemost as he the pyc! presence" ofa Batdha. mith Bi 8 winging hapins to he worl with mani fom e eth seo (aki reset be worshipped and hore st ssa vies the mo antadxegaton wn he ei (17.82) the ptotve ne manta sean win met Mate dvon es or Then known pao” Varocna Agog, Rauaartva, Ans, ng Apa te jen athe copra be nah te Bele yc ‘heeyeat mig (un tee ote Das arms, ee of the Bodie une “Nfeneengt Send by Ya hfe pre sand, ie te 10 wieraiea madmen ese ite ‘nt Farts Panam SOR Tone MED 0 1: ae Sone se of Cas, Ioan Jal 4909, 883 se ean oF utes oF wassUSeE a 65. “Rearing he ce ami, hei posses of mana. being wp mans he gel vow: bes bei in ain up he tiple em andthe hese {eter ete eh “eng Amopipia, be sicoroo: 3+ Vaasa hea great grabber ‘ee Vaya with» rent mose™ Ton wos pr 8 garter othe mimo gs “The get toe baring Vayda, 6 ingot fri, socal and tere sey and svar a og: heb allen tara fans, hondred headed, Halt 6. “Yamuna, the hing ebrton, th te fre of, he rete ofa. the famous aya, with aa im is hear havang The Slur aaa set bly (0. °4\on with weapon, tose source we, with the esse of aa behets, and faving» ung, moving mode f tas of Bribe nen ering the epantstin garment, ‘With gre teen saying HA Ha, and rein ea ang MEH wh 2 re au eat nip, es Vaasa, the get lama. rhe Vagamtva, the get beng apd Veja h peat Ms Teese vet with let lah he priors the Him of the Vaan ae fotetnta tees te tae apenas fee ee ce ete Sans Sees Secor nae Sua eee rae En anos at unt at Shi ebaeriee ren meres eae st ie Ses ines cere ares onartnan ona amemsiret man erste rk ES STEN Soma 5 ot enna teat eh Tao pn mn Ka eee a St cop aa sees 2S pn Hin 9; Mn mag rye ct ya at a Re mee ha ee i nntroee rome neh aes sl senioee p emumeetogne name ares Siguiente ieee gracmerngcens rie 72 “Taking ae weapon the tow of a ih the sword f ae he sashes Holding he rome rar una psssr of ar, with he ule ‘eRe serious ate ving wrbl ces ban ke = (sap and with ai Maing ike wa, he Vase, eed pouemion, wth hed ee, tyes me 76 Hie sy Rais triting Ie gras unique toy with aaa he ‘in fra he pe of saa. he has shi whch ponte nd i ese ve ete tke get soe an the tere nagh HS Ha adhe sk sylaet dh oe he oa 17% “Genvoed Majeh) witha great at eet withthe sound ‘nue inte wore He sovance far asthe ea of he spare of Space ad he bs of tose poses of Sound Fone wees he ras of indi speci 77 ing Schnes, Stat Saas the tof scaly, and devoid of ‘plutei sng the pees of eps wi our Bath ‘ep a 178 "Aste cont ofthe Dharma be ha gest und, and a he gong of the Dharma be as arent ne’ by hi pone (pane) dna he ‘the drom of te Dhar in he en decor, -p. “ito form ap it form be the fem Sh ius forms made "rom thought Yao Beg the majesty he sing o al fem, te tars he rood agen the i. “ovine distinguishes, he dover he papers, be wel adnan fon the noble pth ei the ct emma the Dhar th rest 1. Hist ny youl in hee word he am le, ol, the - marl, pin Bi wag ri my at tut rather he vetoes of the epithet “Bluzng ie» ball of gtning™” Ts (Etwicy ie ose of he erm in he Cuando p Stine 2 ane 1 Seg es Sr ig he rp mei eh Pagan ihe Vaan ao Vipin, oe a te dor guia for he ejudhth note wl eh meta netivan iy tony Remar ie eS md mie ‘comment om ti ea, but in een iv 16d, he ges these yates a ‘Op Sagar Me GAD) Sv see) str the mata Tan) pats Hae Rene th Var Hin whic tes at ht ine 30h Ma. ‘Shri sean on he N96 258, PTT oe 95 p27 59) Bes Theo ae aacany ama at se es {HE ren OF eames oF watsusat » lordfcrestres pin Berne thio mara th Mapu) ‘charming and harnome nthe tle oid 52."A preceptr Lira) of the gles and Soowlege of the word, wih Confdece e's the precept to be word. He i poser presen troy the re rd elu and he ot dle 18, “Hs ane experience hogs) the exemion of pete the ecan of the Once ons He sits he shel arden he pe of tnoance nt tes the net of eustent 1H. -With he pene! dtlenets ak ly pase. Ne as soe 0 the Tarsoreofsansasocan Wearing the dade he rst cosa, betas for hs ornament the prey avakened 5 “Ensing th ese ofthe thre df sues and binging the thre {oanend hesrendar ped othe pe iberaon” Yarse om all tise ban ped i he nate of equay (man) He pce 4 “Beyond te ih ofa Sftements he ooupy compres te hee ‘nya inelees He the gent snake (maine orl beings Ihe coma of those crowned with ules. ‘7 °Relsned om al rendu be Ht el etabied i the tack of per: tescng th pest wish lling som, Mei be ght of al fuels tbe etre lee the wie wising re and the Het of get good vases: an age etn forthe sae of bg he ees Bene th acon owas 19. "Kong thesia the destructive ha) and aware of ting. he understands the onsen and, posing his vow, inthe veo. acwing the faut bmg and the core oppor, he ke 90. “Poventel af seat, knowing quien and hoowing Dharma, Nes Sospetus arn rom the sspiowus The aunt af al tat “spun he fame and fortare, frown and sons Beng the gest sal the rest este naan), the pnd hapless ‘ryote Gt faa So nS ae steers Tee an ny lata. ing sen coment, Esa es HEE iets hh a iano Se nan a ng ns ee tg ae es Deere ere renee ee Plena ante tee i at ia adage entry at Pan Winn na Blac ose anges sees seen Ra a aeons 0 oNALD 4 AMDBON sets. oi ere. th sisgupare events on PT Si gg tt aes Sp niin ate penta Sinsar ee 11 Satya, ns tt a re in i! wea etiam are nwrteb ot aieahaters Sheen tae vs Rigs tn ve tu ae Teac i tae nae mireeios ieee ss AR me Too tne i ee tm tt ean an Spa te ans twin ‘cpt Tr tae Seeease on Ts Ea ne tt ot pane Soe aera r rage aes « Steers ae aor Eisner maemo aes ZS cn om eo Ses reat sey te ee oes es Sanaa anne vin ign eri fans von an SES leis Se i cet snnda = FE ho rn emt et peril tort erie aes ee Scores eacss santas Seis acer enes Gece eres ewe eet Bait amon et ee pies Soe Rai he ctnare ern SeojaiSn arnt erarecra vet eet, 2A coe cornea nares “te Se RA ow ome meant ar Scie entice Te ‘ce Theta ob ht» Aabuashe, Mab to Snare THE caren oF waues oF wasn? u 101. “Lord of speck the get expound, he hing of spenkr, the cit of| ‘oakers ets spree in en the most xc! among hse aking {be mnt om of esate 12 “Senna recto Satan, th a patand of pedo, haniome, the belved of Si rant lumina, De ht, Wi he endo oF {he saminatoe 1s, Bong the be of eet phys, e espe, and as spon, the oct Rs thee every oto mine, be eet remy Fe ‘cine of decent te. 104 “In oig the Haka marta the tpl wor be penne and ois ‘wha mt cco th unr mansions Exige faa he sky in {he tn detons, he aes igh the hae of the Da. 10s, “Beng te wnue vast umber the word, He te ys ie of Tong Uns aod companion, Ar Fedmanarciara™ he sooo, ‘Soret Ikea joe he reat oer Ite “Beng eae King songs has, he ears he boy main) ‘fal Badia: abe mohvoa>” ofall Buddhas he te onee teaching of al Bash. 107, “Glos ih consecration of Vairaaton, es nd amin al est Tomei Beng ford oer ti Loken. he the moneh ver Vogue 18, “Alte eat ind ofall Buddhas Be preset in the mind of al adh” Having the exalted body of a Badcan, he the Sarasa of si Bases 1. Wayman, ope fe. 1780 arte Rn map tomes Mah emma ‘ayn at was wan cond ppm Map mo, Sih hsm on lh ef Rn a eaarane ots 0» Se he sgn monde Baan mopman tne ep. Tajo. "Soag Psp. > in. ‘ies am, nrc rw tec so ih titeen sve and wi Ne con tt) si Conte Erinn, SV dena clopmen cee nt a. He Ssr “in whe by wih ema tte th Wn nd he eee Sou te aml cmt he Sa (mao he Spt he Vcore aed the Fe Bode of nop Woman the cote ‘Spon epoca snd” nrc ht pl ep ‘Sfp oa ga sean py wp n't oe mow ha Piece ett gp Ae Oop A (MM 88.25, vv 20162, vB 4553. Sv 25840) 2 RONALD avo 108. The sgraie suo the great Hah. with he sins bine of the ‘ure ke moon, and having the ret ee of tensatinn and 3 th Ina he sing gh in every sr of soe 110, “Maing te oss lgped postion ofthe completly awakened, te ‘reerve he Dharm Gusset by the Buddha Artm from he ts [Fe Buca, hes ono wears the teanry ofthe oot pons 11, “Bearing ery sre of son, he 6 hing. and as the holier of he incamations (dha) af he Buds be eid. th 4 gat wor, Be pre withthe bahes sae 112, “Whove gat meapon te Vaart ofthe Great Vee which ats ‘of serge congested, arpa sar wth ie in, ows bj js hey ae 113, “Fuling all be perce, be ears 38 ornaments the lel {ibe eglsse ofthe pure Dharma ih ahs atom the Foon of prec poss 1a Whe eat perevernceof the Maya, becoming he monaco tana. e's sore, Massing every comes pation, he fas ‘er pose buy 1s. “AS Sumatra be very inti, sing Ksiprsspportng he ‘eed asthe gaat wom of al Bian. eeu the wb of tor of ansormtion 116. “Foremst he ropes tre val of al exis ane the oper etre ol sxe By nar ac, twit ey at OF erent he Beat the proper nite of ahr, SS Reade te cur he itl ofthe By Grama Yo the enh, in oer teh ar ken ‘ite et he nominee act ape bce lide ay ht ‘Gee Fom he se op we ert ty ese he ce oe ‘bgaay ang sce pil poss erty emp we a el the (Sct as rar ig ent rh tht Ne he (Seog tah the fed lod ofthe ue dF te ero ‘ores p nfo pt mt a uy ht Sa Py ‘ad yp how bv 0 let Se the es ‘er op i pa pn | app ep S200 ge Bye po me i sab sp ESET Se su ape Bat ah pa‘ mies 0 oe it en i at ‘sols bv sceled = ‘ied the stn tre oth wn ought he Vaya Rohm Sor ny pe ee fo Sted {ue caran OF wanes oF wadsu8e? a U7, “Havinggeatinsigtin octane minis then ompreeson ‘a dhrma, With he elanton foward al arma. apd the pe St heed facta, bes ery sharp tas, Moda. isl wey lets he ea he colina! of the pet Tromp wrahened, et ae wi a as. vig ong toss and rat i Pronto vert othe ema of qs. 119, “AN te acompluber ofthe deed objet, supreme png all vit ‘sens, eng he get of binge ie proto, be ier oF St tsngs tan “Ale the Beso lathe bl with dflemens, be kil the pi of the Stroun manne ind, be Bears form hee and eas 121 “Shaking huni hand-hclabe ning with paige fet, ‘withthe extension ofa hued ios ams Re des he fl xp of ue 12, “Sanding nthe sue the smi ofthe eh which beng vero bythe Bottom of one fol estan a the alo the oa ig te ‘streoming the peat of eg of Bea 123, “Bang te one pial inthe altmate seme of the nomi! Dharm Te isabsue rath, imperial Whi irene bt sein the fr ‘omg epesetation he pire in mind ang sonstouere 124 With pene tonardy ery extent objet ad wth pease ‘tne, be haste frenoe inlet Hawg gone Beyood the dese Sido forth within exec, is arent ewes toward the Tree ds of xen 125, “Whee pure, aan oud and shiig ie te Dams of he au Ton, with the heat of he mst ce of the en enn. Ia fom bis etsy re tag, Hin ne Boeke acca th pints of spire and bearing 8s irre gat sapphire. govous wath the ante of get Jone MS 127, “Staking bundeds of word spheres, be sides wide wih the fet of ‘ele power Beate pea coe he bei. be king ver ‘Br concnation of the for fesallocoas 182 The eo Bis rab) eee es ened i ta NEW 1446 ent te Kn fee he nd Ada ‘seu Sod asp the War poe ate mse na an eri {Sacer oe leet onde predomi apse, ‘eihoup tnd) on eee eh dan espns nmr SETS una Latham dp. 8M Ree Vs ea) a Fray p. no oan suring Sune he pin "ede las thelourmrmania he opin wclon onthe aM soxato H_pavinson 128, “Fragrant om the Mossoms of he as felahenea. being he cin of ais of the Tabet in Kom the pace of Ie {leelimed path he knows he path f the pet compel aes 129, “Gly dering ll Benge heats fo tinge the yen rom te min oa np eb the speed ft aso bg, 120, “Kaowing th vl ofthe aie fa Ngee ape he heart Sa Senge Anowing the rey of theming tthe ve shes, ie eth pre bearer of the ve sonar ™ 1a, “Esler be imi oll modes of everane, eked in al modes ‘of deverance’estubsed on the ph ofall mods of delve Pe 122, “Rooting ut execs in ie weve nb", Ne i the pre baer of ‘wehe spect: wih the aspect of te rate Ofte fu uh Fe ‘unin the eizaton of he ht knowledges 13, Ts ree wath tee ase! bowing he sen aspects of| resi be ttl engened the ely spss awake (Shemini tn Vat Pootcn, esther sep TT calenmen elon anh etnsag compen of chars (arm Fray tenant a7 eth, saming alan) sores Sey eat ae Bt Dir Ba {in erento Cam mp ah tetas and ev Neos Sets ns, ir, Verh eed Spend gman roti MET mia hat hy oe pao os ‘irr £3 dcr tn twee pr pr ae he we pai eae a is ana of Mas hci \noiedurae owe fen of te re (oma stp oe seig et Sal tra Ts i fs on ap anon of Sone bs aad ph ew Vita Sesion VE nv tn cn ees eh ep wach we ‘pce tpn eh amt ma Re a po ‘Fay hn apes no SPB i282) aan the sh pec of ey he ster ids of pina Foran case dion otc pneu Cane Lato Le Te Eire mae i seats Ora 9 ve 4 VM eaten “Addng oar eer owe of ay “rie Lan oF AMES OF AR USHE 3s 134, “Sending forth * tre of emtonng odes of wnmunale Buddhas ‘ecompee lon never momen Anawing he bet fee) 135, “Conmingthe puro of the wond by the meas of pacing te “nowt veil whe dlneed y te tpl seh he seabed Irth ea of the gues" 136, “Him puri from eed nents, he abs be cents af ama {toed ove toon fhe ods es eared the wits of re a7, “Along wih he efaming elements ond) he eas of the deferens ‘eat denen and e gener defen. Beng compassion ning nd cae he aise or the seo he wos a8 “spurge cuing oof aleoneptons amit toward oes of ‘SonelwsnssRe mama sporesion Hisefcte he roa Gin, beeper i the minds ol bigs op, Exablied within the mins a Begs, Be eter nto cst with ‘hor minds sting the minds ofall ings heb he peste ofa beige 40. “Beig he a sateen, rom benement, he exempt om al ‘rn; hiving tee resets hs in ree of ub and Rin bgt naar i thee qualies ai fc eset he fie sho andthe hee times, Me cones enery Inst aning toil awakening fob state the ete fe proper mre al Budi 12, “Maung bis ods, the fremont of Poi, he send fort ore of ‘nas delaying om who econ, ee Ratt he reat om {Fe ssc int fe ee ac of he ire ol Sregiy esl ose pct and he stony ee (or se ey een et ey 9 ha ht thod of pueston among the tet meds of pean De {Sat foun of st forunes andthe very bose apousne of all that SEipsun ies rlie for hove desing + rele ple of est for those Stching a lr fs ven fo hoe wishing haven and Dale Tor ‘howe wut fia ote the te sland of the nec amin he ote rors of we who te stuns an the ta ip hse rang forte otber shore of eabtenc. ip he te get king of teins fo Te ‘Sotston of doce fa isp forthe Sheraton of eemens fo te “Hindoned and seep andthe sey pt of ene rte apelin o al ‘Grimes oferty a nln ewe tthe real wish ranting gem for 1h lig of te fl ngs js 5 the each ined theo teeegossforebag he most Boy of Mair an he rel vion of pare tos forobtaing thence’ es the tre completing thsi pees ‘ruth the gg of ponsstons, of eae an oh gif ne Daa. ehh tie aaioment of he en sage rough ihe complton of so ad the accumuhtons of knoweope and merit ie oo (Gihnathrmat) soe separ oma characteris of a. 1 he (hl foc sane a ano oer than str ray ince ‘Shorted om al ie avert th afc of the tf ata (Qa by being the proper atte ofthe pute Tapas anos Body Ieivin coy eget the acta! at ofthe reat eines ough Gestoing ‘hou the sige ee the pth trough be dear fest of Unaleome Slows Te Lity of Names th he negra form ofl darn, ay Be [Sido th sncucrig light resetono Maas aes fo he ‘Ske of entrant] nonal tl rl. cen ohana rnd of asin ol be “Moreover © Vania Vahars what son Super god fy imploring spt yan of mamas wil-wibo meron te thes cory diy nh jt te vec word na sles Sapp prolai Imus brd apy hind oe cents fh andl ete aes send ef able tut, the ful compete. miber Taper. {Ensen of Manes fhe Weslo he gost ety Maa ho tipo vst he Este by ofa Tapa, aod vtere son 2 oMALD , oxMDHON duper fg Fri wi enh th tenia al suai woes. een one ‘tater a he may eames nd, at som or auger aking he {ont boy of Mans sob of mean lan) wl ecme men Sreyontc. Dueling n he nate of “sca ereryhe™ amontratia) ‘iro nee nts (aon) an tbe appt of hs mind 09 rl. BEG te endoned wth supreme see ih pered rough Ise nd inn ona mar To ya te Bodehar and Bodhi fom ithe ties tmesand timeless Reviogaproiced ad asembed i ) | {Ble mein of te Dhan te ston, thy wl damorstate the pls [rosrce tama) Moreover, the Great Wratll Kings (ares) Fegenine win Mahirradars. eters those ho are ile fo tame sd Shoe the te presewatin of the mri, wal Genonstate the sera of Shy on aplenor, isiobiy, an il meds, maar the ves methods of elation (aaa) tough ti vie rms (rao) petormingeery sof wanfomaton Soo. he Manav stot excption andl he destoyers oF ebsules,ihe enemies of Mira, Nakipnanprs™* a Mahaparjts wil ery inane ay and ie ards prot. and dlend (at son oe dah) inal the four so of ‘Scumspct ckwoe "They wl pode the aratorang ene al he iodchas aed Bodbiatoar and a all ha tos, ves and Wil pve coabho tn hs meni seam Thy wi confer kids ough the [Exdnestol uddhesand Bodiat They ws nde ni toad ‘Sormas eins ad sagas. They wl Soman oi he py Dresene sith the aletnate nteonaiy (ya) the Noble Dna en om all Arh Hearene aed ava dhan Moroer, Sahm Indra, Upenia, Roda, Niriana Sanadumira, Mabou, Krtke Mahi’ Nentoars, Yama, Varna, Kaners, HG ang the gues of "he word's ten detons wll spemely guar prota, and defend him ‘Sosa ay aod owt going or standing, ing ting reaming sting i peak exprence oma ont slid rn cowd f peo ‘Sen thoups town and iy. mtopols and ds. hough Kagem ad ‘non theeto th aplthe open highs. on Man re ora te cy ent on lane or crowds, aan ierction nage in he Somenon markt or peat sop, evens ft as i fst salle and te Imoumtain eave. Whether he approaching 4 er OF wood oF ens foes sThter peal defies or nowt inane oes (they wil rote Fil svaye i vey may. wth ery cane Day and mh hy il cone on "sopra uses Stl ter yoda dg, pra and gon, emis lger hoya and mem hans an onbiman ap tbr pas {Tar angen, dine rors and lds of how at wel asthe Seven Tape The rsa it of on, sang ig ng tad li ion prs ee hs emt re eran oF wanes oF seal 8 Divine Mots, salaries, and pti ll uid and harmonious Shes snd tenants il urd roe nd defend i Sl mae Th) {SH nine ins toy tnd stead tey wal duc inn "he sent of th and the eenson of ie toe obit of he hr fens a ees Moreover, 0 Vajapio, Varebary, (whee son oar of god ‘amy ou of ths nbn underage eet dy heer we (nari Lion of Names of wl mt abou resting incre in fookand in making hs oben of modtton the fom af he bleed ne the poste ey aft, whe eeing and editing on tat fora, and {Shloyng he dnctie of the Dh seven Dele se) Joe tat to ot ‘Grohe wil see Manus) fr in ie vile manfenton puto) rer he wis ecompanying i al he Buddhas an Bodin With "ers ate) perlormag every sor of tnormatin i the sult of ‘pect New wit tha get borg sty tne oro any wa) let a8 eo ‘Mikes or tomer bth. Neher lhe befor sot low fay oe in 3 ‘oer cust Nektar wil he ake brn amy Boing fae ews, 20 ‘rnc born buds dvd of Buddha Never for wl there be the riya a ph due toe) ack of the anaing = Bosdha aod the ‘Dato taught ty sich one. Never wil e be Bor nmoag te ots fond ‘Flog ie Nether il he ake bch in ermedate nows hrateied Wh fie de and weap! mol he he Bo i aes of the Te ‘Earnest for hn whe be tf igs, nee nd thre, tor fr of ay Kind of eee) or poverty Neer nl he fear i eu ‘hde, cna, or dace He wil be of nec aman ice [Atay fing form and esr atractie in cvery may, bel he Beloved, harming. plessant tobe ih abd pean othe Sah of the moni. Hew te spendi, th god fone and eho i rec. In whichever places be Slate eh neah ofthe he il rember Be prevor rehe th gre “hyn nd vst ein, wil etuin simi in oth emer! and ‘etiue Fovemoa stone al benes, he wil be scompecied th the gest ‘Gea Naty bel accompa he qin of he sx perfecto thie dveling inthe four dine sats (rama, Accompanied Dy Feoletion, cry, meats, steph asiaton, and goss, be wil be ogtet Wik feisnes oward al cole moka Ga). Wi sear apeth at Fea te wil be eve, sacs, sorts, si, mith an eed ral 1 Spt Mia vari be mare comn Spa Ma for wh ‘TA, Gopath Rom Bem Hogan (New You Papo sot tp ii Roan 0 he Aerts he the one hrc he pe i as “ier ao ow tn a "ervey Te fe copa or he dean of We (pon (pier uc oot Po hr “ RONALD DAUIDEON fee rom grasping. He wil hive te supreme test of ll Beings and the repels ro). mers apa. and gues ra), Sebati Sens oa got autline peceptin oti ana the arts an ee thous ‘ot peouly heard fy or wal heres erring To the worded Imei, ati seve reesed mages Heil act th mer) pre Sipe ‘etna and anne of snd: ew be el poe fh and wel odin Hesilenainunisace inomnece whe ted mado engennent Inhale where psig ough ean eect We Hearne Arh and Pate Bad, alin obese sh ou of nao ol hos “Thus O Vayapsn. Vagadhara, tat on oF iver of god fal) in apn by me mis wl ei th ‘iow crumertd above Jan toe vary long © Vapapiny Vaca, {ha atlamans men, the pre of hr Lian of Ramet wha os ae {huh hovng welcomed le colton of ee and Koon ad hang ‘threo pertston the qultesothe Buddha wiley andthe Swakeno ter complet preterlgenment The ges teacher of Darn Stem he Dharma the sss ese fal ran he Is empomered| {aah as Dharma. Ns drum of he tue Dhara sounding the Te grange of te manta (ani) Om{0 pure ar howe proper nature the nonenene fal ham, sab) ohihat toy, employing the pu of Mau the gosic dy aa athe, ah, bear up, Bear he eat of il Takats Or Tig Heh 0 Bewod one Lar af Spech whos embodied goa, with [pet spec, O-eniyo ofthe gross of he armada Bie ey pre Pd Stile ie te spatial el fa aaa Pe we. neon. 16. Then the gortusVajrahaa fl and pd. with is bands oe in| onape, towed oh potter te completly avaend the esd oe tie Tato ek ae with may otber Ads of Vapi alo them entre ade Protetor. sed Lng of wrath be ously reps, tus, “We mien © penton it piod ine wall sit, Great ‘eet is done for ws casing sto bain pert enipicnnent. 16, “Ang ao for ths wpproteted word Sng te fu Of Hatin, hs ied pat o welling procaine a the race of Ian» Nev tor, ts ep. aly and een. nih peat esting pertorming eas ‘the world ed, th obec of Know ofthe Bua hs en {aught bythe per complet emake Proaimed by the Ness one, the Tahii Sikyamoni in he Net of Sami cape oz in the maken, he fjomiyale in Steen ‘ows es, ts Loy of Name of the bese one. tbe geste) at, possing absolut sly Bereby complete sme eran oF Mes oF waseser 6 Mays First hinkng. “wil obtain Badehabod fr the ake of al tings" then strough png “a df o ¢ay am oh rye of ab beg the Ih ‘Fons own mind fm the grper nie of emptiness an comer a he See (hand consonants ka) const th base mona Ty dhe eter ‘Tih mol, the mat vias Kon tne ona mano te Sin. ‘Then wi the Nord" Jed naa aha Ra Pun ade ‘ota’ (26a fon he ore] Maniviecans “Samanta (ion sa Visa in (Masvaecen') hea tbe Adbadcha [Ma tthe ew of the Att [th mam omelet Whe of sh (praeeatro) While seg the monras. ‘On Vapanindye 1 namah On ‘ada t nama Ont Proninomioye te nama Or Jehan fenamah Om Vigivarina te nana Om Srapacanta te hana 27) be ‘oll het ses he Whe of nit Aone tht wheel he mat {temples te Brot enty Yamoto) fas he le] a on moon HE {nse the ity theo ring efor of the se aroni (hin) monde He tenets he Lio of Names, being mit th ‘onto bts So epi with “And in nay the lees oe (2 opto" hgh nthe pence of he Great Vee fu 4) toes Thereseion of ths furen vers he stl wots coresponing the mes {ected hon i) ae ram he poste, the lie, These words het farm int the pup of dies Bebagng 0 the manta of the Nese Boancavra Racing pine for they work forthe sake of bes Marini 0298 FT wl 18 DAA? Te x fhe ‘ene at and 1 nu The nln ced ith Cpe 8 ae ‘ered iy V0 Wseay te Moysinndcairna sn ogy aie ‘S'Naatmerss mers rk the mmo Know fail {re Sty he mjr ccs aha he Ups pray wh he some ‘Sung te NS thos be tran pes seo te ese ‘Seinen tn ent ce rg fowl ‘apd a por foe mao, br hat mse by tne i ay ‘eco he ale afro Comat te farina Wl p18) ‘Shek cern dea sence by te owe and Sst Tey cig he se. Pe hl ple di Uwe te on eer a hee sey or he sh mart Yap ee) smn oe ‘El hon as napa emer err Tora dbus ot mained nthe po ie he eine (ert wo 35 piso), and he mami en of he mn rey (aS, fee mana lytA, Sd ams So % RONALD M xvioon ‘uring ey seme pin inthe maya [Fhe mann vies the king ‘her pce sounding Matava, “Toe being wih “Beng Mahivaocaa, he 6 Buddha. ($2) upto “hes Vapuusa with x reat noo 6) thou te recat of ese ‘entrees lesa que, tone hued a igh one yes othe ‘hu words eoreaponing ote rams re proce orth the sos ny inthe ao the Auda) Thy tm i the dts beongng {othe molt of Vocina, apd having worked forthe ke of feng ey ‘eum f bone the date retinue of Mahivaoct, ‘Azan Repnnng with "The pet eror-baring Vaeabnca" 6 8) op to “tebe of hse posses of sound TH rough he station of tae fen wrt plb a quer the las of the vl words cope othe mes rece ane fom tbe posi ent tbe het fo te Ah [Thxy Sesame tumors im the mada of he Bashy Absoboya Proedingforhte ame the hoxous Sgr ofthe mori te fem ‘uns em rung To seups the poston Ine este orton the ret monte ‘Onc an ening with “Being aches. acta plese. 77) up ving etongs af gros ad ad ight 8) though te retain of ths fortwo er the to Bune yin syle he ital mons fovrespendig 1 he axes rected ie fo te goat ty he fe [otthe Adah [The mv] ustlin he pose ohn ns Fred into the mova of th Buddha Ariba hey work forthe et eins ly returning ep the postion tween porno We eat oni Thee Degoning wih “As the accompli of he deed objet, apres" (6-11) up oe Ramah the pet pm, (80) hough the restaton ‘tbat twenty-four vere the one Runde tenures of teva ‘tors corespodig i th umes reed proce rm the go ly Sth earth Abd Tc maton eins hem wana ote Imo the Budd Ratha, and bang worked fo the hn (Sings ey eno ces ther poston In he tn porto ote wet mot aly being wth “To be read by all Bodh, (148) 4p 40 Manji i spre wmeng tose posse of gor" 19) toe te reaton ofthese en ves the mney ses ofthe vl mode “orespndig tothe has reed proce fr om hepsi ety the eat othe Riba. (Fhe mani saz hers anfomes et he moni of he Baha Amoghai and, ng asceiples the thee PSEA epee itu hs Eo iE Annes ae WE Lira oF vawes or waSzest? 9 beings theyre stele and oeupy tr postion inthe norte portion tie pest mote “Thos tl onthe 8 mana. mri sites rm "Ania his way lie ened one (2) upto “Maj aprene among the poe 0" 1 wie ting of poe aa orn Then dec pray 0 ‘ree re mp een tie Foti hat pase pra fr wher abc tay be dese 20d Then tarsfr th vot of Tr the spree eee (oa hig ‘With the mon “Oy Stabe” adn fh he snleny andpre Comers tht al har, eng. ratrly pe end vito ion {ecg tee proper ture of Mate the ty. Thesepon be ‘tay pevoem ter aac re np fein nth mane. By ore f the far (a) fing eter nti sry di thi Tar of Name re as fe to unde and yo vee OF de ‘nc hndred at bong tet on Dent mana" Tere, {hs fe the Lin of Nome of te Budthy nding he sestn on beet Ths Spec ration tp onthe Litany of Rams of Maur wen Uy he Rar Maton hey comple Lamu a sant he a aon ‘lye equi foe Dade Ay ar Te mys gre chin Sheed wen ers nd eo pt mR ge tt eam {hd Wok of Boss sp 0. Te we quan of untae cer ‘Sl pty ih ogo my ea meray roundoff of muta. consign ane ity wea That Ny on eng ie Mein. sre 6 oMALD M_pavnson “The Sanskrit text of the Masiuii@anaatoosa Poramartha Namatargih Intiy my ition was to mtly teste the NS, ating one of the tie ciel! editors mentioned ahve aod ping The ter th Rey ‘Sansom he ther voto uly the eating of the tint. ry gc Ioweve, sm hat ths wou ony Be posse with Minas edton a its be ‘nlyconpse anand Mates mere complicated bye at ht Mina fein an Inperal Rusa putin, very seace and nesber Vite ot Mulia had aos tH Moreover wished 1 alae the varus Tin tratslans ad somanentries for the reson of eo obscure page Eventual Ives forest te concn tht the mest adverts course sale a provides nen eion ofthe NS thous he clation a the three ‘ning etion in conpurnn withthe Tian versa and th comments The oh thatthe text provide ae be ipod pon patty ‘he ama Ther fens aval Ie Cambie and Tokyo Nhs fear eons on NS¥ Tat he arn gen y the the etn, here nearing readings fom te Tian mater hve epi Tal te Ten (OL los banal for vats aly ithe case the dandy due wo the eat fran for tha ton ofthe NS. Eber ave appa the Titeonvansiatons oly wher al that they provided the bes reaigs. Un ths sense my metbodology fas be that cui’ Selizove i i edton ofthe Hea Tana’ and despite bone of aude” thi stl appears Be far and aay the Beat Poseue fe dg ‘th Vaya matora For the pewal tate of the agua, vesetion and so forth of CGthpuanryann et ould eer te rsd othe pesos bustin of Selove, Tul, and George" Sue a sy atthe NS mo ecepom, {times the mete, doers, a soa ae very areplr Some othe ‘most Ny curences appt o he ome with beware ithe em rn fl ef 28, 8 and 16d) Mow of te saa rang hive ben ake fom Minae sinc here apes o ae Deon se ele the partotVirsuné Mather repli te ext. Morovr mio lcs, insu bese he tees fave mx fee di he appr «tee Sten Matani, 4 Cel of te Sout Mags he Tye sg Li nea oon. + SEMEN Fah Soy one” Sed hp Ty: Hoke Pe TGD He Tow so 2 xa Tes, Sande Fore 22, Stier 4G, Pie Cone Tah He Tne Cran oF wanes oF seasusat » Aw Makes ms A wich Ate Say of Heng on 515 ee Har Prod Sot, 4 Deve Cage of So Map the ‘one Cnn nota at Sen 97 pt eae Mee = Tet fhe NS a pri hy Mina Mtg = Te fhe RS a ped by Maer PS Pann othe NS un by Mi Se Jan Fart Cs Fond (ul = Qotingnagrieien of An Kh te 508 Nis vex Towatth Sas poe yi, nding the reds ay ace hy y= Mines, Tape Libary of St Peers Us 2.248, oe ao mofjekumirabhn ath vaca inn dural pm / Tekan vo yar lear (1) ‘thadthapunarikka potphulkamalnana | Droliayan vajavaram atarens mur muha (2) Iirkuurahapramuthie aan vps ‘urdstadamatar vie viabobatarapoh ©) tlyadi ala prasphuratajahvohih/ fesjoptyanahataransgdariatra pari Iesansyar muita hrodhuigraharSpibih/ datayatair thai sida prantanprai 1S) Homage: M Or mim Minis Mic, A Om ume Matt 1 ligesives, Ne pti wsieai amp demo we. Bake aa eparig ibaa Mate 0 osALD 4, AMDB ‘frat ath shud thus thls Teusiipate fou stm ahs thio brat (6) rade mamta anukampiya me vibbo Imani” tht OH Many aba (7) ‘sRinapitaragacin Wears | hij cveatvanam anutaaphlapaye Praksiayssmbustho api S505 endgunh | Fanismayaaonjo indeasayn pr 19) hugsainkinsya maosoase ach ‘jess arama) Seyamba (0) [Gkmahsantutlsnin iment wari 1 stir Dsd bud hsp yang ‘rapa sombodata yam tase puns uns (12) eyiaamabitne 3 elsnin sapeapate raids Mat ameya mana (13) shu enim dyn iy yah 3h Shiny aha ait srcobuaepyadk (1) Prakitayne savy yarhiyaeath ealetaasyaassinehanaye 115 am abe ete oni bean | tina Sha patsy ‘gt (8 desig ose (gi Misamis hago smbudino dipadotamah | fesse spit join amie can (7) ‘pti sandr John apyatgabodhanis 6 ta saat ge 15: Scme soapy ma ithe Mm iB, K. Mle be ib ama” Go sro Nie samen Mater 18: Shatie patpomt. A, wikiamay: (Mae notes a A we BS ‘vim ce wy le ig a THEA mi. « moana «wom mn sini A mah ew Nein ce Aharon a A akipry set tye a {1:8 Mathes sos prin ahd Ve Mute pa th. Destan eA ape Von soe Pity ithe anc mann tin We iran or naues oF waSsesn? 3 tram spcaar tems mache gi Prsyabhntseubendea varapy maa (9) {9h ajachara rd idha we waapoye | Ds am aguddrtipemuhhareana (20 ‘muh earasuygin pic phan mnarisiakayey ary sum samy 20) {at sid delay ee aba te aba Seaham ekigramanis nt ha Dogan (2) praiacanagah st hs sakyamunir Shaan sala anal malt ‘aanandyedarism alka kasi 23) Jatlokotaratua obckaulan mabat ‘ahi char mabey mabs (8) ‘nim sadmantarisinar amysitim aden Shupidadharmim pth thse ta ra pach 23) ‘MlramOctir sham Buddho buddy teyadhvavartisim |) (26) op vajathypadubldachedappijinaniraye Jnieakiynpiarirapicnipe team 2) ‘mislbismboditramagihs sa {sdjathi Shave, bachahsambuidho “irsambi / ‘iba svaraniayo mht parla (28) % 19: M. Ne aoa mn mann im Ne hen, Mr wn Vn ho Miu capaci emerson San Noe he fie on, a fd ss 1 nea bt tte by pn aE Ne: an cath M at AD Neth tuna: Mery reeds mat hoping eed Fendi 2 Aletha ete or ost Dou Mer tne ego asada OSS Mase sjamnsya Met Bima Mut, Ne Heat (oer ig weil T7683. “Sean 11 om nt at) parabubo. {LB Bates swe rooming quay. Rarpamenia Alou) ou tenga ep te cass a end par fhe mat Te ee es eerie PS erat ed Oe Soca ‘tans oft mn, Math 1 an jinn Ura Are, ‘See arth ee mabe ‘Sean Aamo cnt OETA Mmacdaom. ah Be 2 oMLD M_o4MDSON ‘apeicohyanupid vague ‘Shabhipaheragad srvahaeea ‘mahimuhamabtigay sresatvarimiarah inahinunatiieah eabeemataripd / 20) mahimahxmaioho mighadhinohasidana | "ahinahamabalvodho mabikodharpa akin | (0) ‘makinahamutilotb sralobnisidanb | Iahaow mabey maim mani 2) rahiripe mahiklyo mahivaryeo mapa ‘anda maze mbps (3) raipejyudhadharo mask “pai | yat mahibre makati mahadys 4) ‘mairyicharovdvin mbimietsidhakd rahinajratatomabimujendraiaes 05) rahinupat Soho maha “gas Fraaksanidare dive manveaparsums (36) raabighnwaidbitho makpesirdih ( ahial mahopsyapeaniveinssignah Imaisitinyo nyo mabskSnaiko ‘adh | iho ands makopiy mahal | (8) abdtilopo mahi maha ahrdshike maestyo malbaliparheaah (9) mahibhSdesunbhe makiajhar shana Imahakroromahdrssro maha) 6) ‘maistotano ath mimanirotamo pte ‘uhiararayaroghomahayanenyetaa 3) ‘adnan cata rabisircano baddho mah sound) "ahiranyootbuo makimantanayatr 2) “aupitamiiprpw dssiramitiayh | ‘ssipeamiiudiiedtsprastina 5 Neva mara 3: Mater ada Andon 3h ig rt no. Mo ther Serer, Xe. Mah mao, & hae 117. Yn Ms Dion penne Sham we iran or aes oF waSveser 2 Aaubhdovao tho deabomipaita saiinaedtn dja (48) eke distirno mundo dato vib ‘Sesvvirshar dairevas ma) Snir paps Such whats ‘hc yan wahatanarjvak (4) sdeyo “days ea bhaabeiyanasthiad ‘aedtmjninhasstah Autres (7) ‘sontrage ‘noshapats ethestmanojoah | Sino jee way kaart mab 8) anamukhyo gticiyo paso pnapn vt ‘akinabvo chro nancy makina) igo kp vgs cspatic nana tabweak spavadt x cubesopatla (5) vaio hy anit Khas prayekasyaka / ‘ntny2penyto manibhonatrara 3 ina servo kg argo jena oapeipo ‘ayaeap bot hy ania (2) ‘idyctrapaapaea gto havi pa imams isa spayanaye Ma (53) ‘ansinpiraotitah arya shale think Salant passe via 8) snkharao dhrmarig thin okllakara para ‘armen dharani eeomaraopesaah 59) sidhirbab satasamatpa sivasmalpasaith tialpo sao hana Gheahid aro 9yah (8) punyain panatabiro nar nthe mal / nn naan mhiracaymenbta (7) et at seat hl Mma alse poral ¥ neh Cal thes be penta rein crag wR ae BD p Si: Miers te US: site 4, Neat SE SERA 4 hin Mathers en nan rst us, Mathes strmathnp. 1.59. iSeotcum (7) Ne fdnram. Mine, Qua etre, Y maim (sth Gunman Fey se poring ba s noNALD st patDSON ‘Bivato wvrad yop dhyinim dye divin pats ‘rapsimnetyo fy aca prays kaya. (38) poseakystmato bude padcainsimake woh | Povabudthtmerskutah pneacbur angi (39) Junta savabudchiniyboddhapsrs pro saab Pratibhavoattave yon dhrmayone Bama) (0) ‘anailasro vaya acoso aaa {xpinodbhiab seyambith pjyninls mah (6) ‘ican mahi napa ccaab | [Rapeigojnao mahstab pb 62) vide "gamanteso maria mahi ‘fost “ebhuaio wtadast tp (3) ‘apabuddhtinabinigo jpdinandlosnah ‘var ida ex pao mano mahi (6) atatrayadharo man mahisamayamanrsdtk ‘simayadharaysesiastytnotamadka (8) smoghani via apo magaba/ Saitoko mabipo suvsuddhadharmachsteSoagstih pSdorapatcwiniah ‘aati 6) anasto a ‘iy Snail uhntatmand Jamin visi aap spats ‘ions evi majo mak) kalilo vajayonrvarmando abhor alaaeope pncarmapterac (3) kro mahipor Miro Masia ‘Maino mates vant aaa 1 0) ‘agave mative warn minha Sacto rahanodo vaahankiahanir 1) 1S May 8 ina Ma le epi pei 1B Gnd mea eee 5 Sith Monn, ee ibn 15: Nim Mute mane Miu morse Sh nvomuns Vsoauoiohad 16: Mine A pas etree sion se, Dion tie Aa A oat sone ae We Cran oF wanes oF wassesa? 8s ‘ahiniyhadharo vazatiade nikyaarah ‘ictaadhar tj cha aro (2) ‘jean sarapatirnaay Sane hive sige valornah (73) nu vortaaath she saacraanscsh (19 sjumslicira emi vajaramaisiah ihitaiomghow rjaghowd sada (03) usjabors mania raiokyasarao ala aethipanano pow iowa ach / 8) Segitah pdomsirshadas | ‘atacand DAs aah / Snyatssdrabhe eombliodsrapaa (7) ‘Sharman mahi harmagand mahianas fenton dendgdarmundti (8) apo rGpaen agro ripe manomann | ‘Sorardphabhar sayeth 9) Sprdiryo mahesinyse rashieaabevaray ‘Shuctiyarsepo dhamattar maboaah (0) ‘ralyskakonsringah hia ahah pena ‘rtegulsnadbarab fan alokysincea (8) lotaingutcino oko vrs | hr ts elspa rar tt rca (2) [gnnibiopambborsh acvajaiinaipand / bingakotnmieds Shavpasaradtane 3) famigiumAleab samara | [inibhochaahoay smyatassbuadaisarah (4) ‘edubnaabinatamanas (ante "nans wimukigah ‘Sivivarnarimatts ausomatimpaab (5) SHE Mii Nemeth or neh 115: Wom tarabnou Ses Ne pesanan, MoM pra 6) (Mak alone eer) Dion ie; Maney rau dl Mather, Borate, Peps auatye, (a one pein ead ois 118: B pom, Ne Kone, View, Mather pshow % nota patoseN ‘rvatsamalts pad dradhagringah ‘Shasstvamabinig psa 86) ‘sropadhnimakio vycmarint shi focnGmuridhara savanna (87) rabdlaiutaa pho mahibharaghaotamah | ‘Shasta tara hs satan (8) ‘isi Aaja samayata say vida sttvendesbo vee smuktyakonda 9) eau charmaja pate maga / ‘Sreruogslamiagiab tir ai ath Sabha 0) uote mao mabinand ahd | ‘Stir Se Ohh pena aaah (81 aremo sarah Seah Sarasa Srotmd ratibhaynk prinaromiiouayarsimah 02) Sg snedl ntlaj maundKtimin podcSnanh pseihahpubcatsear® (0) hvatadharo mi race wate abiupas posta seauho pane ret (9) Sei ano babs Kn pt ira sth Sn yo itynarsarakah Suhladatabinatn wha voip saab} 08) yo nupumo ‘yak nate ama | aah Sago psn Haw ane (97 arp vito vmal vido simya | SUpaho ibashas suai rt pra 8) ‘iitharmaiito Ria abayaripad | ‘ilps nidstogas eyachenambaadkakeyake | (8) 1 86: A aaa. glia Sits Gig Ne acne, Aa or wna, Baber aloe sete seietiyon B08, 8 Mae Qu naj, aT ‘rm ps chen tw neat meg ep bo pos bran Pwo flows te wh pan pt NO ig, ent ct Twn “46: utero renin mri, Ne antag 6. UF: Asmamaga orem Be Mabe ata USA isha sie pany oF MANES OF waist so ido badd bdo ia ‘rash sale mors ehaptah <0) Signe maa end Srna ‘amantdariprimadyas jon edb Sth supa api Wa Wtsuabaradzat (12) aks esha alyaart sutra ‘Sojelasayatruh isatyahimakarpah (08) traolyaiala Kin tin maytag ‘hindgsompapanio dharmadnjmabecisy 109) akiplo mia acarvin fatto mabavithuh (105) Srabudstanansejs saballRSmabhivayh ‘Shabolshumahiyopsh sraboddushasun (106) “iaaltiekary mrvartndaipaara / ‘uhalokebarspath sanavaadara (107) ‘anahudthamabicitah sarabeddhimanosts Sarabudihemabitaje svabwabasaasat (08) ‘ajeiryo matobo rajenduinalpabiah ‘elbidnahirgewsvovronhapratia 100) ‘amhodahivaparyanio bodShassngiharmadiek | ‘Bachna sin sarang (110) ‘samisssharo es badchaistro mabe ‘itso mahatbagp vida parame (11) dubhtachedamahiyio vacharmamahioetah Sirah varapimblye vajabude thr (112) sanaianiipi arabia ‘Shahacharmanairmyar ssagatnenda ab (11) 10: Mae alone spring anda tm eb ert ro 104 Melber nas Bm Baas: A hom 108 Babe le repre Serene, Vu BAe Toe Mathes. AB Uw Nemo BS IW irs oii Tee: Maker Asana Nera Hom May aro a Tin i gst whos bo {in ier, tome 1 Ai ii ane: sn i ated by MM, YM TEI Wa endnote Bh, Chad, Ne-mstemenmg ‘ues nse te 8 onato m_pavson ‘niyamahodyogih sanatnrpah pra SSwtieaparatho miSoaankspaet 1 (114) Samarubhadasumati tet jpn ‘Sivaboldhamanigartne rvaamacieahe (115) sanvabhivasabhinspryan srvsbaianabhiasik Supidacharma vitro savathureasathadhe (18) aksanahiprata savadhaenivaboghad / ‘Sadho Beant grad 117) Sumi soz simaksarbuahoshide ‘aks radar jarrah suebssarh (18) eapaseisijnagth cde ‘jrhaldhalab pd srvpyavisodhakah ‘Srasrvoram psa sovacmapamnestsh 119 esnsmrinsGats Sarna | ‘hh Srgiacara sed viet pad (30) udundaisepahpasonigepanartaad Ssimacsatabogthope papnitoparsanah (21) ‘hapddsatsrararahimangtl shah brahndstharitiniapaegusanaie shia (12) cinho ‘dyadlurmseia parmiho naa andvjapirparths ctansartan (38) aisabhinrtaratis Snyatratir agai Taveras cx Shaatrayamih (124) Suadaieabtradhsalatrssncrmsuapeatind Felftamamlachiy mahiriganekhaprah (129) ‘ndrantgrasiso mabiiskacgradirk | "ahiranayoxhastbucarimsabhisesh (126) Inkaghituathang dihnidarahstrsmh / ‘ahistiaes ats extabtasd (127) {Il Sale Sesotho, Teo 1 fies oe epering aath Dancin ater neta, Basha: (Mkt alo eerie vipa Tb sade ih 1 Mater soe repring arin 3-10: BagmieY darputeh Mates sun Mater ees ea vo Mar asi ial Nae Ne heute, Yeah B (Mute soe reine sansa: Neabionnee” TT, ete rao. Vie mai pried by Ti tan ba by out coors Mutha startin Blais ‘TB i ne eering Oued can, IR Metter SES Marble 1 ran oF wanes oF wasuset 2 ‘odhjmpshosunsiodsthapstagunoadhih ‘Sedogumipiasane imgatmbaddhamaep (18) ‘svasatamahasgynisago azinopama Strastemanostaysastvamanea (19) sarautvendriitaah sarasatamsnotir | ‘arava srveninytakovtah / Sraniyanumdrpstohsvanyaqidsaka (8!) ‘ridtingsbhavnite evssstaratuddbad ridsikrastyiha yogurts Saytkaramboue boda srt para (139 mesabaldhanseioaiyabtubvaba | ‘Srakgaabhamaya sarvactagaortai (1 ‘iniyianayopsyeagdarbithatak ‘Sirtiayanyaa saya shah (139) ‘essdhiteiaddhiems karmachitlaayemtrah | ‘ophodadhiamtiy ypshanaransta 13) esopalesamklessuprainsaasia rardvamahakarandamopaagacrbat (17) ‘srsniniprabiniro wiininho nother ‘Sraatvamanovaya stvastmanog (18) serastvamans nts acktasamatmgr ‘Shastvananehislsarssatemanar (39) isdn vibramipeah ivablrtarjtah | ianaigshomans ara sah gota (4) ‘Shakjandbubuddn sarabaddssabhadh (14) anaigaiyahAdygya Kyahotvbbiaka | ‘Sovrdpsandan asker ahaa (82) (00 14: Bae aloe eer Bal Y odd 1 Bestia: ia pom ¥ si Sm det. ¥ panto, Ne snabdchamanoeat TE Vine Mine “init, Medien go amen ‘slamtpan. er sarong rimipesh nage ARTI an Sore seca ear and ve any. Fin ‘ined MLE WMS cnc Nene pacha fer eerie Tie So som el Mines, Melis i ahem) ob Gud a8 tht SD 2 Tg Mek. Bs ond smokey, « owaLo 4 oxvosox ssmntingihs caren Sanasanbudihareddnayo busted anata ‘sramanirithjnato mahbing aaah eta masonyo bndsany taba (8) ‘anakio night sodaedhardhabdusre Slants estrthadyarakt (88) ‘sraghsinaahhitab aetdhigoit ‘Study Kiyigrohsarvesambhopakayrt (146) riemanakayo kayapo Suldhanieanvasad dgvisaimo yathiinpaanat (1) evtid deena uence dna Sarena sara pram rsa (1) ergbhvaltra ah jandgu| Frabiyte daaplotadhrmadiniate makin (0) Firemans karuniarmsvaray | PrahthadphanertonayMensranamh (10) Wi map vk ctu ‘Samtacemaje samba Ilaria (81) {Scant mayo ums prem guru (52) ‘okyehakramagate wonagananavieamah Trad ura pak yatta yadanusnh (18) A eau. ound bah TE Nase Mae hans ta A, Qa ae te for oar renga i wba Sa. {U7 Mina, Mater. Vir simak dna rT pn pak oa fat Miner anc Ne dente ed 118.1 thay slow per) sabe BL (ex aloe ceo) ish ee i mnie tonsa 10 Bhutto ring ane oranda. A Ldhrma MSN! Miner dpe, eich a Tih. a nt and Bs Soe WS a NTS a eat ne “rue Lian oF Maes OF MASUSEE a todo mahstho okie mahardaitak eaipramiingtah peta Spx (159) seat pura rb aro by egrapuzl ‘Sropunim ahanio eyo Jsnidhp para 159) harmadinapath enh csuraudrithadshah supine py isiatsyayspine | (15) havnt traolganbhago mahi | ‘Esasampatara sean man sma vara (57) ee amas fe vida vg Hab amo at | amar fe Sinsatgarta Sudabod amo t (58) udahargn namaste se bade namo arab hart paras tbr thao man mana 05%) ‘tates mamas tubioa busthasa mame nama ‘edhe sus ts boda aro nam (160) avis mami "sama baddhsaman | ‘esnodttava mamas tbhyaen mus fe nner (61) nal mas adam mamas baba asf ava seb jaan (162) ‘0 pakathdguytanstigatth pea inary erpn astern ee rie et ies cra geen cae tet ome wiimote pen vane ine Teteseemnceer ay al tas Soh tae oo SETAE, meat nines TEES om es EE EATS cm tt He ht : Fee emma fe 2 a em meee “yam o oman a6 avioHon rattumiskranéyam ana tpi Gaba mar param! sapige vate jam. simaaegiih_seinddhqana Sidiusnnayebiomatogunysh satesini da Fedhihsamatmeuddhingm stim saatathiprtim anstar™ ‘Surmadhstgsn vamarupinin® | armiblpasjy ea Fattals® svadaalsnan sana savajaya sininsn dra ‘srabuidhadrndgim” | somudiganab® arabuddhiea imasunarioe ‘Supuneninesmbbarapapes” sarstattotsstn sn" pas Sasvakapapetsbuddhndm' | oar sanadesmaneyscampsth Prlsths makiynanys mbhg Fodheatoncnyayi6 | nah magn ‘Birpsya | oukaso™ vinvkinn'© put naysnumaegana amused {Siestvamtane | prvddhe wahihodhsatvaksaperye"© 1 mabey SSrapurprvadinsm nanan sanatirhiknin para cura ‘lasimiseriaim'” mga nnd Syurppuripa st Sineyissjaynam | amish ‘cryehmaviarvhiency dyna {grctanim ! yop Kiyaniimano hpubana tahoe Jann rahsnam sanaiisopallesinim | paianah'" sanvarenie| Smutty sinabundheniay | moka sanopaahim / nth rato bovanan Sharh serasmpatas parbanib-sarauipatnon" 2 Mus soda pri (for eet Mia's apart uk. Any ome ea. ear Beppu ha ad : Natta i me eo a so pu ee et gen pot Pf cam a en “oh ham ca, i VV G22 Stns shh os Pe dia 4 et Pa 1 oy der "ET methine es dot Sait "Ate pris Ts tte, at YY (2225) ie» coe ° Mmaey sepa br 2 Aan Nt deine ed Mabe cana wa Spine Males pe, se tran oF Sas oF waSsUSeE 6 pitunantMaripiyadhinsm | stpatbo vimakuparsa®? wash [Smirseskrama | pvaranas® dharcabasa | schetuchaadhe {Gkis" tihipiutuinann | adbthinay sratharmadeasyab" igre hie muntamtkaacayisirinsn bodhaatvinie | Saiansgamad pr ‘fparaouathyukaney Sanya avapapaeshananshyak ‘nim’ ssatib sarapicemtunbhaesy | pasiddi srvhumips "niperpanes”™gethedhib imyaketrinasnam | mrchrmeis Supechedha catsenetoupahininim sat parmmapuh saab Stenson un somecegth hasan ania audi Spates nar apa ssiapine wjadhara 9am, aiminamgihsanasasanen “Nowtyaiomaoabsimdicirapipapataman (sarsatanin sry ‘adhan= / sinatra savalarmSvarunin sami” Unieinaoasmtpadnlnstadstae™asamahibhayangopasmanakar Shaduhyapranmasn/ seadurneitayupahinaant sagan Vpinevupunnoiar® /snandrartaradariar araeslamalpun [SSouplcjaar” snavorsonanesrayanapedunakat™ arcmin {npalamiraniehtunahart )sinadsbibadsurmnaspantpainaan” Stuthgutna fegyabhae”sarabedhsatdnsn uly! Sara {Aupenystateddhanar rhb sramacrmentasoa | saat Inteabipyevcinam trisunpeyjnssana! /snaarapasedhika 2 Aatgudgen py Maes etion da akg she SES) Fan es me 38 he nein es Nhe apnd vibiim wdn pa 2 Ti and WV reeds srvapinaviodtan, 6am a0 thine id am par soe "SF td WV ead a Sarnia pe ams cad ee ps 00 + Pasar 2st Tirana WV rx a pomp ge 43 ah td a has cod ett ph nar ep ‘ian sedan kine hams ml syed Kynar 1 fa pe ie va 6 ost M4. oxnDHON Sopstaliarysanpttar /éubhanitalysprvardhandkr | jabo= {arstutampatasanakarsarveedhiahdbtajapasamanahar* paar platinum paar pviveuranam | hamotunscharataanam Fiano svamaspsetamsam'> ' Saapay Sarasa asta Iananbioan's ana sini param aparyecdn ‘pai dprhnam grkinimanaaapa anh anupsabHal Shrasmadnpingimnay | mhibhasaparjanhod svasysdaer da" | prtsbhod.Reopideabaivavivaniya™ Janactatha sare ‘inrhdhkivasjapenayane nino wrth Prjuparparntya"“araiNnabha miburinakaprtlanbye Porsndoaytinedasunabhaw pubcielsubpatimsiy | gsamtaps Dinthou Smisbhyadharsseotsrnsa" | dashing tianbhathis ‘upaitznnanttismdhparpiesand advayedhurmas dajtdhrma [tat atiropstnayacharntidhyropaigtatat™ | House farsodchatthgrabinkapastbhiataasavchiramahStrapts ‘Sahusigahaapanendanstys | sanadherminaaspyerapea sung ad udveyadharnatiry simasimdhirnape amet 1 8 stwsupaamantar TH atic eb er ed _) Fane egy W G84 a ® ewan nh ages ih VV 2234) di mm ba ‘peri cur ug dp len me rs "eae ah pry Tin snd V2 7) oop ma bi gi «utr p',Ntommen ren Magn sec PL Val as edna: dds Sess Tens Sete 4 (acne: Mi Iss ‘eb ye iene ase Te Nes pibunay . e pr pe Pos wea an Mar sahara Hh am pr foe BC sh. vie pong on, ee ol Ma St 6 ue on SBR 9 From Mine pure oi esp pro nt 1S 2s ep ate parent. pmo Th PM th TH ned med pr rs WOR thd oS Mime an Mk, by VY 2212) Bat Tree a bm 1 eran oF Maes oF abuse 6 trihacemyto anes pang put rar sara’ vaeptnevarahars ya Sasi puto vi Kuladahi 3 nim Bhagat mascara sata ee cpap wpe aes reo he Fun pantera lula dro sa ane enact tn sehen eae ae grant lagd maven dapsone 7 Sie ate neta igen eigen ana stag tat Smamrieeais rede Set anion eoptomth enn sees Pathan aneiabohiaray name Se atta wasnt tien ede a eee ee seein tartrate gehen pest ste eines woasciinn | cee tot eee nae ceximngtgriasenah ok SS a ey i by 218d 383 sen wt ogee a gat eva es SERS sto Mato aa, vide NSD p28 and cece ee ae ahora saad cere oe ae a on a a a ae Feet ere graeme rer ‘Seeman fa ean ei rene Te ramen eae pn Se Se ee eee oe rent nn oo se oe son Bas aoa 6 RONALD M. oxMDSON \wendvam pethonan saveryipatiescasiarispupin hrbyon sa ‘aboddhabodhiatvachsthin lary sinelajavdamaoobhin a ‘ininesimagadhishssyatsavabuddhabodhsutvanupahee cant dant /avvadhrmavaradyepeainioan”cpsantarnyant stricta “alarranelabudanadharuprensnatndsrbinan sipecrsyan ct hemendopenrrudaniepanantlamirmabesratlsjraha ‘iiankevarayatnvarumainahatigasigokaa ca tats inde wichaas shah Semana santa” maple jah ‘snshinsbumtita co ekzkinetajanamadhagaanya co 9d prime _Pranipimainsodnasrarsadhininadhsepaneedeakoalyaprhgars rwemavargdtahansgainurigutaparailimadyagtaya ya ‘shan Sanapikandsraadvangahanopgatasa™ ucla mat ‘aie prmaiana sieadd suvathssaqrlaram’” ce pars rlaiearion tpn faint atcha” para wasbayenay Aotgeaeae ‘Sant gaucandardpregaredatinmsanshrag amsonatsy oy singe gahanabaramirginapunyo yas cf ape mero yc alsa taints" th sarah sash smapab stn sare ne ‘aksvaranagpir Rajan! params haya Aye ooh pecpseas Sopstalim fy dahons sSpwcmnbarsyat ‘cturacarsjjam anata atpanyekonvint Dana saram vjapie vaca ya inn nirmsaminnimscinan fpatyahan athandamidinatas hapa Langa’ Saray | pase atm pthuranahpewaryiat | Dgavto mating ‘Sum Hanbsyannanceyare ipa sayin ta er op ges {Fg ev Shurmavinayam upidia Grkyat" | papas Sra Ddehabedistannisanimiyaipatsat ahaa dala | tye logo it / an motes pu che po ame ed. Th oy Br St eun e mae ys my Via i omen echo ha ad ys Se SPIN ove aa prt ol 2 Pomin ugar (? Minus appt uae oom " 2 Eka, Paya gtd K wnat rb Th sem re ven pa tat eal tnt cen a esa oft Soe adc nee 21S Femi sou W mes br uranel gavin ae Ie tray oF sues oF wasuser o mahiainasy ftw adic tthamaps darpoupvaputnam eb ealulopuptirra bhava pratyantjnapaopeputr Pav nena Rha iyat a alent mt mayan uviyat/mipaddnou budihljeweruptes na buhoipadde ‘udhrsamakfaparo\ets Matt anc dghivike eee ‘8 drbhikeropsastnratalpesippatsae™ | nce puesta paige" act stsaarahhayam Mavs save evinjom / ta cloksbyathyanningyas Kraan shnenat su Ubsligoesimpunat ca bhava | simunapessiargarese deo ‘vial pj mansipsuthonnSapesdarnea® colina Haeviet ‘babyy ca sat” Bhat |r traps tua uta atau Stau ytmro. at ahoge” mneprere "spam “hayapararo basins pan arietinum sto" shinai" pakrog ea sipdamiagunah simanato Sha {aturteshmavharavhiet ea aya anrarpasm opel ‘ah"ammamagats ca" hawt unaired gsc ra Sratavigyapatnas Bvt dso "sinh sate aba Su" cr Daya param ex sivas Shas aye. Pldhyapotiy ca smo" Bet neuspare, ce hoy pes Shiniainastae"* clita ch pratibhisan gamsya® 7 ‘pwnSiditsisvsamadiciecin” co Dowie sprays ‘ames ex thavinatapramonsrsivaatioarsbodhesat chavs ha {Bi Scavakieaepsyelabadshunssmetatenigtat™ Bate “ee ha mt yet te Pane ioe Ti reads as arapunidhaiibawa 'Sepaion fom the egg sh pai Maar rr Ta WV a its Minas atm Tan G31) ep aro 4 omits, ts WY ee G35 om oe Nien Eh tl W332 and sa ase oy rasp sain th NY C259) sp 2 ia ya, ol Ta VY (25.16) fs pve Moot 8 os osALD oAMDHON udcamacarépam anoamslipny capaci" vam safopice vadhare apameyagnisimanvgat ‘as! mantranuthe Siniein iat! ata cipamesie ampere amas jana sumarvageo teva acrid en hurapioe sadhrs pre ‘ninhanirasmgisandhiraaparuipompvay? suambbrtapinsinaan thitab*Iopataram bucdhapiin sumucinyenataran smyobsenbodhn aitiantheate/sapaalymupravdnachamah asta we fahurmadsako Uhisthte diudiaditarmadundobic demure ‘uhacahnydnatme apdiny apramean” ‘om savadharnathicaabhicaviuddionja! 43" am ah) rghit ‘Shadiarmi jo ote savatihageabipamstaspahin® apis 20" 2a Sanatithigatnaspa ara ara oe) Hb. Whiptan™ Mnamortigivara” maken” saradhamagnenimausipunssdcdoar ‘nadhtuAiagarina 3 th vajadara ity Nxt jis Prana asthar stub Pavan taht (169) nya ea hahaa nti gubyendraie wand '2'cham bedharginn proviral ay Wah (168) eas i ae ede nt 2 Nae empana iri Sea a Bitmap, Vw outa i ape 1 Mia otal mento) sre, Mies, ° Meer sng lt Ye tien Ne en. Y smh M sin Mine se eran oF sates oF asuset ® snamediabe lta sich shu uth itt "snitay main atah smaksimbodprpub (185) jest cipy antsy vinkcphalakise | ‘ome ved am migaoayosiah (16) fmbbiodieeaialo mahirtbo partake / ‘shini sajo Aycn ayatsambudhadsta 167) ‘uy upsambdragiah pte Ayamivailt soda hijognninbpitamidhjalapaie upmatathgstbyamumbhinss biagesto matasnsinnthase par ‘sath asmasamgih psa HS Ne in, ig Matte 8 ntitiona L1G. Meteo Mae aoe epee epuye, se Mia bh oinpon iscsi Bdge Mate Ap fe Moga) | eb bapa fr thapnat)he-aeaipamant Sie Banyan 8 Suri Plott pon Man: ere a mcs Se ce ‘tte awh ad ied asm. Thi con ns appa veloped {name tadn ahh oid he npr Sten fei ond he odo nar mY and Mato’ Coe, 9-312

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