Flower Pillow: Recipe For Front

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Flower Pillow

The pillow front features a square that is knit in

the round beginning in the middle and increasing
to the outer edges. The garter stitch ridges are a
prominent design element. The fabric for the
back section is knit using the linen stitch which
produces a dense woven texture. The pillow is
punctuated with a curly flower motif. Front is
joined to back with single crochet.
Sample Project: Debbie Bliss Pure Cotton, 100% cotton, 50 gr, 90 yds, 3 balls; Sugar ‘n Cream, 100%
cotton, 70.9 gr, 120 yds, 5 balls; Louet Euroflax Lt Worsted, 100% linen, 100 gr, 190 yds, 1 skein; US 9 dpns,
US 9 24”-circ, US 9 40”-circ, US 7 24”-circ, US 5 24”-circ; 5.5 mm crochet hook; stitch markers. Dimension:
18” knit square to fit a 20” pillow form. Gauge: 3 sts/in, US 9, in garter; 5.3 sts/in, US 7, in linen stitch.
Note: Pillow front was knit with 1 strand Debbie Bliss and 1 strand Sugar ‘n Cream held together in order to achieve
desired density. For a sub, knit with a single strand of a heavier weight yarn or hold 2 strands of a dk weight yarn.

Substitute Yarn: Front – approximately 270 yds worsted weight (knit single strand) OR
approximately 540 yds dk weight (knit dbl strand); Back – approximately 400 yds dk weight
(knit single strand); Flower – approximately 65 yds Lt worsted weight (knit single strand);
Join – approximately 45 yds worsted weight (knit single strand)

Recipe for Front

 CO 8 and divide evenly on 4 US 9 dpns. (If using a dk weight yarn, use 2 strands held
together.) Join to work in the round. When the dpns are full of stitches, switch to US
9 24”-circ. Then switch to the US 9 40”-circ to accommodate increased stitch number.
 Follow the stitch pattern in the M1 Garter Square round counter included in these
instructions. Continue increasing the square until you have completed 52 rounds
and have 216 stitches on the needle. See notes for stitch marker placement.
 BO. Weave in the ends.

Recipe for Back

 CO 95 with US 7 24”-circ needle. Linen Stitch Pattern
 Work rows 1 and 2 of the Linen
Row 1(RS): K1, *sl 1 wyif, K1; rep from *.
Stitch Pattern until piece is
Row 2: K1, P1, *sl 1 wyib, P1; rep from *,
approximately the same size as the
end K1.
pillow front. (Back fabric will have Glossary
less elasticity due to dense st patt.) wyif – with yarn in front
 BO in patt. Weave in the ends. wyib – with yarn in back

Content of this pattern and design including text, project, photography, illustrations is copyrighted material under the copyright laws of the United States. Commercial
reproduction, distribution, or editing is prohibited. Pattern and/or project not for resale. ©2013 KTstudio, LLC. All rights reserved. thektstudio.com
M1 Garter Square Round Counter
Rnd Stitch Pattern Sts Complete Rnd Stitch Pattern Sts Complete
1 Purl 8 27 Purl 112
2 *K1, M1* around 16 28 *K1, M1, K27, M1* around 120
3 Purl 16 29 Purl 120
4 *K1, M1, K3, M1* around 24 30 *K1, M1, K29, M1* around 128
5 Purl 24 31 Purl 128
6 *K1, M1, K5, M1* around 32 32 *K1, M1, K31, M1* around 136
7 Purl 32 33 Purl 136
8 *K1, M1, K7, M1* around 40 34 *K1, M1, K33, M1* around 144
9 Purl 40 35 Purl 144
10 *K1, M1, K9, M1* around 48 36 *K1, M1, K35, M1* around 152
11 Purl 48 37 Purl 152
12 *K1, M1, K11, M1* around 56 38 *K1, M1, K37, M1* around 160
13 Purl 56 39 Purl 160
14 *K1, M1, K13, M1* around 64 40 *K1, M1, K39, M1* around 168
15 Purl 64 41 Purl 168
16 *K1, M1, K15, M1* around 72 42 *K1, M1, K41, M1* around 176
17 Purl 72 43 Purl 176
18 *K1, M1, K17, M1* around 80 44 *K1, M1, K43, M1* around 184
19 Purl 80 45 Purl 184
20 *K1, M1, K19, M1* around 88 46 *K1, M1, K45, M1* around 192
21 Purl 88 47 Purl 192
22 *K1, M1, K21, M1* around 96 48 *K1, M1, K47, M1* around 200
23 Purl 96 49 Purl 200
24 *K1, M1, K23, M1* around 104 50 *K1, M1, K49, M1* around 208
25 Purl 104 51 Purl 208
26 *K1, M1, K25, M1* around 112 52 *K1, M1, K51, M1* around 216

M1: make one – insert left needle into front of the strand between the sts and place on the left needle (front-leg-
leading); then knit this stitch through the back loop. (this increases one stitch)
Recipe for Flower
 CO 110 with US 5 24”-circ needle
 Work the increase pattern as follows:
 Row 1: Knit all sts.
 Row 2: Kfb of all sts. (220 sts)
 Row 3: Purl all sts.
 Row 4: Knit all sts.
 Row 5: Purl all sts.
 Row 6: Kfb of all sts. (440 sts)
 Row 7: Purl all sts.
 Row 8: Knit all sts.
 BO and allow to curl.

Kfb – Knit through the front and back of the stitch.

Content of this pattern and design including text, project, photography, illustrations is copyrighted material under the copyright laws of the United States. Commercial
reproduction, distribution, or editing is prohibited. Pattern and/or project not for resale. ©2013 KTstudio, LLC. All rights reserved. thektstudio.com
 Join Front and Back wrong sides facing as follows: Pin together 3
sides (ease to fit). Start 2 inches from a corner (corner left of starting point)
and begin working a single crochet into both edges. Work single crochet
from right to left and make 3-4 single crochet sts into each corner. DO NOT
join the 4th side until after you insert pillow form. After inserting pillow form,
join 4th side with single crochet. Fasten the last single crochet to the first
single crochet. Cut yarn and weave in the ends.
 Using a whip stitch, tapestry needle, and a piece of the flower yarn
approximately 2 yds in length, attach one end of the finished curly flower to the center of the Front.
Continue placing the curly strip in a spiral motion, attaching at approximately ½-inch intervals. As you shape
the circle, place the “petals” in layers. When attachment is complete knot the end and weave in the tail.

Notes regarding stitch marker placement for the M1 Garter Square:

1. Marker placement is important for this square so that all the M1 stitches are in alignment.
2. Use a different color st marker to mark the beginning of the round. After work is joined to work in the
round, place this marker 1 stitch in from the beginning of the round on the left needle. Therefore to
complete all the sts in a round, work all the sts to one st before the “beg of rnd” marker. The st that is
before this marker is the 1st st of the rnd.
3. Corner stitch markers are not necessary until the dpns are full of sts. Until then each of the four dpns holds
one quadrant of the square. Use the same color st marker for the other 3 corners.
4. For corners 2, 3, and 4 the stitch marker is the start of the next quadrant. Therefore, M1 before the marker,
move the marker, K1, M1, Kxx, M1. (Kxx is the number of knits on the M1 Garter Square rnd counter.)

Content of this pattern and design including text, project, photography, illustrations is copyrighted material under the copyright laws of the United States. Commercial
reproduction, distribution, or editing is prohibited. Pattern and/or project not for resale. ©2013 KTstudio, LLC. All rights reserved. thektstudio.com

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