Second Report Emotions in Modern Society English Iii Group 17 Tasks

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Arnold Estiven Aguilera Rodriguez

Paula Stephany Palacios Castillo

Sandra Liliana Gordo Huertas


Time organizer and Sub-topics dealer: Sandra Liliana Gordo Huertas
Design evaluator: Arnold Estiven Aguilera Rodriguez
Reporter: Paula Stephany Palacios Castillo


This report includes the management of emotional problems associated with

different populations and possible Solutions to improve emotional intelligence in
times of pandemic where each member took a specific population:

Children: Arnold
young people: Paula
Adults: Sandra

In this way, in the respective meetings scheduled at the beginning of October, each
one investigated, read and wrote the part that I consider would be informative and of
interest in the magazine.

In the last meetings we tried to structure and design a bit of how we wanted to see
our ideas reflected in the magazine in a creative and attractive way.


1. Problems and solutions associated with infants

How to cope with this situation?

Tony Schwartz, owner of The Energy Project and Emily Pines, managing director of
content development of the same consultancy, assure that negative emotions such
as stress, fatigue, and panic can be as contagious as the new coronavirus.

After several months without going out on the street, without having physical contact
and resuming our social life it can be quite challenging for everyone, especially for
Arnold Estiven Aguilera Rodriguez
Paula Stephany Palacios Castillo
Sandra Liliana Gordo Huertas

our children. There is a lot of information in their minds about the virus, how to
prevent it, its symptoms, treatment, and so on, and this over information can create
insecurity in children about returning to their old routine.
Within the management of the coexistence of young people with others, one of the
main aspects to take into account is emotional education, with which they can
strengthen and provide adequate interpersonal interaction of children with their
parents, friends and others members of the family.

Therefore, it is important that educational institutions provide support to students and

parents to alleviate emotions of fear and uncertainty, which are being frequent during
this period of pandemic and can affect healthy coexistence. For this, it is necessary
to implement an educational approach both physical and mental that allows
strengthening self-esteem, sense of identity and autonomy.

What can you do?

strategies for better emotional intelligence in children:

● They must be taught to identify what they feel and what others feel.
● When children ask us: Mom, what's wrong? Let us respond clearly and
express our emotions.
● It is not necessary to provide extensive fundamentals, but coherent between
the verbal response and the non-verbal expression or communication that we
● You can use the stories we have in the house to identify the emotions of the
● Use children's literature on the web where we find titles such as: The Color
Monster, by Anna Llenas, for the little ones (+1 year); The bestiary of
emotions, from 2 years old, where they will find funny and expressive animals
to identify and name emotions with the little ones and Nacho's emotions, from
3 years old.
● Use the game to teach them how to maintain good hygiene and of course
explain what coronavirus is and how it can affect us. Also tell them about the
symptoms and especially what we do to avoid contagion.

2. Problems and solutions associated with adolescents

the problems of youth in Pandemic

Arnold Estiven Aguilera Rodriguez
Paula Stephany Palacios Castillo
Sandra Liliana Gordo Huertas

According to various sources and research, the problems of youth in a Pandemic are
manifested by presenting: stress, fear, uncertainty. This can mainly generate states
of depression and anxiety in young people.

How to cope with this situation?

Talk to your teen often to find out how she is feeling and coping, and watch for any
signs of trouble. It is normal for adolescents to manifest:

● Changes in mood
● Changes in behavior
● Lack of interest in activities you previously enjoyed.
● You have trouble sleeping or staying asleep, or you are sleeping all the time.
● Weight changes or eating patterns
● Memory, reasoning or concentration problems.
● Changes in appearance, such as poor basic hygiene
● An increase in risky or reckless behaviors, such as drug or alcohol use.
● Thoughts about death or suicide

What can you do?

Being a teenager is difficult in any circumstance, but the coronavirus disease

(COVID-19) is making it even more difficult. For this reason it is important to try to
focus on the following parameters
1. Recognize that anxiety is normal
2. Think about what you can do to distract yourself
3. Think of new ways to connect with your friends
4. Focus on yourself
5. Feel your emotions
6. Be kind to yourself and others
Arnold Estiven Aguilera Rodriguez
Paula Stephany Palacios Castillo
Sandra Liliana Gordo Huertas

3. Problems and solutions associated with adults

In adults, especially older adults, studies show that for they are separated from their
families and friends, change their routine, which includes outings from home, the
false information and the excess of this, the new technologies can cause the
following symptoms in them:

● Anxiety
● Stress
● Rrritability
● Insomnia
● Lack of concentration
● Irritability
● Constant mood swings
● To feel down

… But ¿what can we from help they?

This pandemic brought many changes to our lives, however, we cannot forget our
beloved grandparents, to help them we can communicate with them through video
Arnold Estiven Aguilera Rodriguez
Paula Stephany Palacios Castillo
Sandra Liliana Gordo Huertas

calls to make a more familiar environment, also be aware of the news they see and
verify the source, advise them with the use of technology.



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