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23rd International Conference of the

TOC Practitioners Alliance - TOCPA 21-22 March, 2016, Tennessee, USA

Fast TOC
How to Implement CCPM & DBR
In One-Third of the Time
With Team Buy-In

Gerry Kendall & John Zahora, TOC International, USA

March, 2016
Gerry Kendall / John Zahora

• 22 years successfully implementing TOC

worldwide after 25 year business career
• Author of 5 TOC books;
• Married to Jackie;
• 5 Children & 7 Grandchildren, so far!
• TOC, Lean, Six Sigma Expert;
• Extensive experience implementing all
TOC applications
• 25+ years success with focused system
• Lead singer in a Rock Band! 23rd International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance - TOCPA
The Premise

Assumption: We have enough application knowledge to last

the next 20 years.
The constraint of any TOC implementation is the speed:
• To fully implement
• To get top management and implementation team buy-
• For the organization to absorb knowledge
All of the above impacts the time needed to get bottom line
results 23rd International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance - TOCPA

CCPM – Pre-work

1. Data Gathering: Prove the benefits, get ammunition for

top management.
2. Top Management Buy-In: 4 hours, I use a combination of
Vision (based on past results), Statistics (Exepron
Simulators) and Multitasking Exercise.
3. CCPM Training: Maximum 1 Day. Don’t kill them with
everything you know, just enough to get started.
4. Homework for top executive:
• Set the Goal Statement in terms of T, I, OE, Project metrics
• Define the implementation team and free up 33% capacity for 8
weeks 23rd International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance - TOCPA

CCPM – Rapid S&T

Overlapped Teams Working in Parallel

Technical Team

• Project Networks & templates • Synchronization • Resource Pools

• Schedule analysis / compression • Software • What if Analysis
• Buffering • Software updates • Software reporting

Organization Team

• Fast Track Issue Resolution • Daily Updating • Full Kit

• Project Recovery • Freeze • Task time estimating
• Synchronization control • Training & Audits • Task assignment
• Resourcing of projects • Single Priority System • Long term resourcing

Full Rapid S&T Available – Request from 23rd International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance - TOCPA

CCPM – Day 1

1. 4-8 Hours Network Building First Project: They are

already implementing their first project on Day 1!
2. Activate the project in Exepron.
3. If the Project Manager is not on the implementation team,
train them to do the daily updates and provide feedback
(30 minutes).
4. Both the Technical and Organization Teams participate,
since the first step of Network Building requires “Full Kit”,
stakeholder goals, scope and tangible success criteria,
impact on T, I, OE.
See Advanced Multi-Project Management – Kendall & Austin 23rd International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance - TOCPA

CCPM – Day 2 → Go Live

1. Set ‘Go Live’ Date.

2. Technical Team does Technical Work – split and
allocated to team members. If there are many projects,
train more team members in Network Building
3. Organization Team does Organization Work – split
policies between team members.
4. Reconvene joint meetings every few days to share and
get feedback.
5. Full Go Live, with all projects and policies activated -
Maximum 2 months after kick-off.
Implementation Team is engaged from the beginning. 23rd International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance - TOCPA

CCPM – Results

1. 1998 – My First CCPM Implementation – 8 months, half

the time struggling with software.
2. 2009 - Many implementations later – 4 months, painful
S&T, still struggling with software, batch updates, all
technical work done by consultants for first 3 months.
3. 2016 – Live on Day 2 with one project, big learning curve
starts on Day 2 and builds, Client does all the software
work from Day 1 with no formal software training, Full
Live within 2 months. 23rd International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance - TOCPA

CCPM – Results

“Thanks for the great recap and what I believe has been a great
growth and learning experience for the Project Team at Helion.
Your commitment to our successful implementation is inspiring.
Knowing the team, I am sure that they have all thanked you for
bringing this new way of operating to us. However, let me thank
you as well on behalf of all of us – you have most certainly
exceeded our expectations.”
Erik Nachbar, President, Helion Technologies
February 2016 23rd International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance - TOCPA

DBR – Fast and Good

Whole Parts Whole

Pain/Purpose $/
Base / Plan / Plan Plan/
Process/Metrics/ Approval/ Scary
Buy-In Date/ Audit/
Improve 23rd International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance - TOCPA

Whole Whole
Pain/Purpose $ -
Parts Approval/ Scary
Base - Go/ Team Plan Plan/ Process/ Date/
Buy-In / Plan Metrics/ R&R’s Audit/Improve

Understand the Purpose $-

Team Buy-In training/ Implementation Plan- review
Pain Base- Go

HELP !! • High Level DBR • DBR training- simulator

overview • relate to “our” system
• T ; I ; OE • Review implementation plan
• “block”, “adds” for us
The predicted impact • Duration thoughts
if we implement DBR
• Rough outline high level current state flow/policies
• how things flow , under what rules
Logic- Root Cause = DBR

• Look at operation as a “system” • Base understanding of DBR and • Gain understanding of DBR and “T” Acct. and how it applies to us.
• 1st time, global view “T” Acct. • Production Mgr’s; production Control; Floor leaders start to
• scratch their heads on some understand how the system will work and how certain policies are
• Understand what is driving issues killing flow. They start thinking about T;I;OE measures and look
decisions, now and future, might
• stop hurtful “symptom” chasing very hard at: Batching rules; need for immediate lean mfg help
hold off or change some
decisions immediately THINGS START TO CHANGE
Understand the Pain
Purpose/ go Team Buy-In/ Plan
Phone calls
with ops
1 Day
leader; ½ day 3 Days
with Staff
visit (maybe) 23rd International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance - TOCPA

Whole Whole
Pain/Purpose $/
Parts Approval/ Scary
Plan Plan/Process /
Plan/ Buy-In Date/ Audit /

Metrics/R&R’s Sustain Audits/
State/As-IS Design Approval Design "Turn on"
/ IT Improve
Current System

Clear roadmap for implementation

Plan Plan/Process / Metrics/R&R

1 Week 1 Week 1 Week 1 Week 2 days 23rd International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance - TOCPA

Whole Whole
Pain/Purpose $/
Parts Approval/ Scary
Plan Plan/Process /
Plan/ Buy-In Date/ Audit /

Metrics/R&R’s Sustain Audits/
Base Training State/As-IS Design Approval Design "Turn on"
/ IT Improve
Current System

FAST alignment:
DBR Process Swim Lane Very clear Roles and
Responsibilities to sustain to-
be system, who does what,
when, in the DBR operating
Many times the 1st time ever
the “System” has been
( does it matter ?)
• Catch “holes “ in implementation (people, documentation, IT needs, ect.)
• “Thinking” shifts even more
• “How do I fit” ( that’s all I really care about) 23rd International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance - TOCPA

Whole Whole
Pain/Purpose $ - Parts Approval/ Scary
Base - Go/ Team Plan Plan/ Process/ Date/
Buy-In / Plan Metrics/ R&R’s Audit/Improve

Current Future/To-Be
Base State/As-IS Metrics/R&R’s Design Design Sustain Audits/
Training Current / IT Approval "Turn on" Improve

Step 1;2;3….
T + 30%; I- (25%); OE- (0)
Go LIVE 4/26

• Design approved
• Additional training
• Future state documented • Metrics changed
• Impact estimated • Policies; R&R’s updated Focused…Sustainable…
• “Go Live” date agreed upon • IT / support working
Bottom Line impact
• Valium script filled
Approval/ Date

3-4 Days
3-6 weeks 2 days 23rd International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance - TOCPA

DBR – Summary- so how long?

No piecemeal, NO false starts. Plan upfront, implement as planned---- go big or go home 23rd International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance - TOCPA

DBR – Typical Results

We all know,
Question is why more
companies aren’t taking
this path to great results

After a successful implementation, what next ? 23rd International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance - TOCPA

Celebrate with a good band…. 23rd International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance - TOCPA

Questions 23rd International Conference of the TOC Practitioners Alliance - TOCPA

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