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Session ID: BPI209

SAP Business Workflow

Case Studies at Nestle
Ram Chintamaneni, Module Configurer -
SAP Workflow
Material Master Workflow
COPA/ZMAT and Automatic Batch creation
Customer Master Workflow
Purchase Order Approval workflow
What Workshop Encompasses

History of why workflows at Nestle USA

„ Understanding Material creation and change process

‹ Material creation
‹ Material extensions (Plants, Dist. Channels and Storage locations)
‹ Material activation
‹ Material change requests and approvals

„ Seeing how COPA/ZMAT and Batch Creation process are

incorporated into Material workflow
‹ Automatic updates to the ZMAT tables through workflow
‹ Automatic population of Material Master (Accounting view)
‹ Automatic Batch creation through workflow at the time of material

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What Workshop Encompasses continued

„ Understand Customer workflow process

‹ Customer creation and Blocking
‹ Customer extension
‹ Customer unblocking (activation)
‹ Customer change workflow

„ The PO Approval workflow process

‹ PO Creation/ PO Change
‹ PO Approval (Acknowledgement or Release)

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Material Master Workflow – Before workflow solution

„ In the beginning -- if a material number was needed – a PIN form (excel

spread sheet) was initiated and passed to four different groups for data
collection, then sent to Central Master Data (MD) for data entry.
‹ Hard copy passed by hand to each person – bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and
time consuming
„ The MD Team would then manually create the record in Opera
‹ Multiple keying of the same data, many errors, bottleneck
„ If a change was needed, the user simply sent an email to MD Team and
the change would be entered.
‹ Accountability and traceability were poor due the system recorded the ID of
the Master Data user making the change, not that of the user requesting the
„ Change requests were made via e-mails to the Master Data Group, who
then manually entered the change requested.
‹ Storage of PIN forms / Change requests – much paper and storage space
‹ Supporting documentation was difficult to maintain and access.
‹ Held on Share point – access limited to one person at a time
„ In 1998, Nestle (USA) began implementation of SAP with the Finance and
Master Data modules.

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Material Master Workflow – Before workflow solution

„ Mid 1999 implemented SAP Master Data and Finance complete.

„ The SAP implementation, added more requirements and attributes to the
material master and needed to be populated
‹ From 30-40 to Over 150
‹ 4 groups climbed to 14 groups that needed to supplied information.

„ Scaling-up the existing PIN Form process would be much too

complicated and complex.
‹ Maintaining the integrity of the spreadsheets
‹ Routing spreadsheet to so many users -- almost impossible.
‹ Processing times – new SAP requirements
‹ Central Master Data the single data entry point -- Traceability non-existing
‹ Ownership still a problem -- if data owners were entering data themselves,
accuracy and accountability would soon follow
‹ Data accuracy -- downstream impact further costs in operations with errors
‹ Costs – more people would have been needed to perform the as task

„ An effective and efficient process would be critical

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Material Master Workflow – Approach

„ Interviews conducted with many users of the existing processes;

including customers, material, vendors master data and purchase order
„ The broad scope, of the SAP implementation
„ 14 different groups had some responsibility for master data, of these
‹8 or 9 (i.e. Finance, Marketing, Packaging) were within the six Divisions
‹ the others (i.e. Supply Chain) were corporate level.
„ Ownership of the data continues to be the biggest problem.
„ Everyone wants it to be correct but no one want to own it.
„ Some attribute ownership is straightforward
‹ Quality -- owner of shelf-life – and they wanted to own it.
‹ Finance -- the obvious owner for Standard Price.
„ The Business did not understand the how the SAP attributes were used
nor what was “workflow”.
„ New requirements emerged – understand the data, exactly how the
attributes worked and the downstream impacts – ownership changed.
„ One attribute, the apparently simple ‘Net weight’, changed ownership four times! The
current owner is Regulatory Affairs, although Marketing, Finance and Packaging are all
effected by it.

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Material Master Workflow – Approach continued

„ SAP had many more new attributes then before -- Advanced

Planner and Optimizer APO, was driving (new) MRP functions;
‹ planning time
‹ Procurement
‹ purchasing value key

„ 2001 - The current workflow was designed and implemented

„ Further refinement and enhancements developed and

‹ 2005 automatic batch creation and full material activation across
required locations
‹ 2004 automatic creation of Accounting views with COPA/ZMAT

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Material Master Workflow – Results

The PIN FORM processes was not a fit with SAP, the results -- Workflow.
Precise comparison between the new and old process is difficult, as along
with the new workflow process many new groups and attributes were
added, which significantly increasing the workload and number of groups
What can be noted though is;
„ Efficiency overall increased by decentralizing Master data
‹ Workload is assigned to the appropriate users – single data entry
‹ Decreased headcount (central vs. decentralized) 12 to 4
‹ Single point contact 'master data lead' within each division
z 4 leads for 6 division.

„ Accountability and traceability strengthened

‹ ErrorRates using the PIN form was so high that it required additional data
checking procedures -- taking as much as 2 weeks.
‹ Error Rate using workflows have dropped considerably
z from 98% first time error to less the 2%.
‹ Firsttime quality by eliminated double entry by a non data owner
‹ Auditing and tracking of workflows reducing bottlenecks
‹ Ownership of data

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Material Master Workflow – Results continued

„ Cycle time improved from 4-6 weeks to 2-4 weeks

„ This may not seem an improvement, but remember there are more
attributes and groups now -- However using the old Excel process
with the current complexity of SAP the material master would
have resulted in significantly increased the cycle time.
‹ It is important to note -- lack of understanding and knowledge of the
attributes will increase the cycle time
‹ The process is still very dependent on the availability and
accessibility of users processing the workflow.
‹ Overall the workflow process is about 30% faster and more accurate

„ Supporting documentation for a material is now all in one place.

‹ SAP reports can be run to monitor and track workflows.

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Material Master Workflow – Learning’s

„ Before Workflows material creation and activation took 3-4 weeks.

„ Using workflow this can now take as little as 3 days .
„ Ensure data being managed is actually necessary -- At first the Nestle
SAP implementation team identified about 250 fields but two thirds of
these were not needed.
„ Clear business definitions of each attribute is crucial -- Define each field
„ Ensure that you understand what the tool will be able to do for you.
„ Involve Security in workflow definition.
„ Define the flows to minimize delays and manual handling of the data.
„ Define data ownership before creating workflows -- As ownership
changes based on requirements.
„ Train people in functional, not divisional, groups.
Bottom Line:
Establishing business definition and ownership of the material attributes
required for SAP was the key in implementing an effective data
management processes and minimizing error rates

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Material Master Workflow

Material Creation process after workflow solution:

„ 2-step -- semi-automated process.
„ MCR (Material Creation Request)
‹ MCR is an add-on form to SAP
‹ Initiating
the MCR and preliminary data collection is done by the data owners
onto MCR form -- strengthens data ownership and accountability
‹ MCR tracking and visibility all within SAP
‹ Progress reports can be run to monitor/identify
z Process improvements -- Cycle times -- Bottlenecks
‹ Materialnumber assignment, logic check and triggering main workflow is
done by division leads
„ Main Workflow
‹ Pre-activematerials are routed electronically to the appropriate user at the
appropriate time for data input.
‹ Data owner enters the relevant data directly into SAP through workflow items
z Duplicate Data entry eliminated -- Keying error are reduced

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Material Master Workflow continued

Master Data Divisional Lead assist with expediting a material

through the MCR and in workflow processes.
„ Visibility of the MCR and Main workflow while routing
‹ Identify bottlenecks
‹ Control when a material is activated
‹ Create reports
„ Outlook reminders for the past due workflow items

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Material Creation Request (MCR) Workflow

MCR routing Process

Notification of
Master Data Assignment
Division Lead
Approved MCR

Lead creates pre-

active material record
in SAP

SUPPLY PLANNER System automatically

extends material to all
locations listed on MCR
View Create to be
SUPPLY CHAIN triggered?

View Creation

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Material Creation Request (MCR) Form – Initiation

Finished Goods (FERT) MCR Consumer unit (ZCSU) MCR

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Material Creation Request (MCR) Form - Routing

Marketing role initiates the MCR, completes assigned information

and starts the routing process.

Data owner validation is check at each step in the MCR before

routing is allowed.

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Material Creation Request (MCR) Form - Routing

Once data is validated the MCR is allowed to route to the next step
(Finance role)

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Material Creation Request (MCR) Form - Submitting

All steps are validated before the MCR workflow can be routed.
Routing continues through all the assignments on the the workflow
diagram.The packaging role submits the MCR, which then routes to
the Master Data lead to review and approval.

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Master Data Lead - MCR Validation and Approval

Master Data Lead does a validity check, assigns the material

number, approves the MCR and Triggers the main workflow.

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Triggering Main Workflow

After the MCR approval, Basic data and Classification views will be
automatically populated with MCR data and from the default tables.
Master Data lead completes these two views in the dialog mode by
completing the workflow item.

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Workflow Dashboard

After the material is created the status is Pre-active and ready for view
routing. At this time, most of the material views like Sales, MRP,
Purchasing, Work scheduling, Forecasting, Quality management and
Storage views will be completed in the background with the values from the
MCR and from the default tables.
The main workflow is triggered

Storage view
Accounting view

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Material Master Main Workflow

Material View routing process

Basic Data &
Extras Views MARKETING eBusiness Dashboard
Lead PLANNER Master Data
Divisional Lead
SALES material

Forecasting, Quality Mgt., Work

Scheduling, MRP and Purchasing Views
extends the
material to the
Storage &
QUALITY PRODUCT distribution
Extras Views PACKAGING channels and
storage locations

Lead FINANCE prompts system
to activate the
Accounting Views material at all
Divisional Finance
ZMAT/COPA Form Accounting Views - Background levels (material,
•Standard price breakdown plant, distribution
• Standard price • Valuation Class

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Main Workflow View Routing

When the views are routed to the data owner the populated values
entered came from the the MCR, the data owner validate this
information or corrects it.
e.g. Storage view shelf life – Data Owner Quality - values will be
validated or corrected.

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Accounting view -- COPA/ZMAT Workflow

Accounting view – Data Owner Manufacturing Finance (FM) –

The work item is sent to the FM role to enter the standard cost components
on the form and to update the ZMAT* tables.
When creating this view the COPA/ZMAT form is presented for population.

Note: Accounting view

has not been created

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Accounting view -- COPA/ZMAT Workflow

After updating the COPA/ZMAT form, the total standard cost will be
updated in the accounting view for all the plants on the MCR .

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Master Data Lead – Material Extension

Master Data lead receives the 2nd Dash board step after all the
views were maintained during Material view routing workflow. After
completion of the dash board step, distribution channel and storage
location extensions will be done automatically for all the locations
on the MCR.

Other Dist. Channel


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Master Data Lead – Material Extension

Other Storage Location extensions

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Master Data Lead – Material Activation

After activating the material by the Master data lead, all the statuses(X-Plant status,
X-Dist. Chain status, Dchain-spec status and Plant spec material status) on the
material will be automatically updated along with the valid from date being changed
to the date on which the material got activated.
After the material activation, MCR initiator receives the SAP Office message with
the MCR and Material number information.

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Batch Creation

After the material activation, automatic batch creation will be done

in the background for batches ‘UNKNOWNRES’ and

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Material Master Change Workflow

Requestor creates a
change request by
entering transaction
code CC01 into SAP

The “Valid on” date should be

specified, or set at one year from
current date for immediate changes
Requestor executes
change request from
their SAP Inbox and
enters changes on
SAP view.

Master Data Divisional

Lead reviews request
for dependencies and
releases change

Check date =
current date + Is the Is the
System waits for
1 year “Valid on” date no “Valid on” date no the actual date to
equal to the equal to the
match current date
check date? current date?


System activates

System notifies Steps in the shaded area are

requestor that the automatically performed by
change has been SAP in the background


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Creating a Change Request using CC01

Valid from date

Enter the material number

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Change Request Workflow – MM12

e.g. user would like to change the material group

Workflow inbox Planned change (MM12)

View selection

Change requester
Workflow inbox

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Change Request Workflow – MM12

Changing the Material group

Using MM12, changing the

material group from 0027 to

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Change Request Workflow – Lead Approval

The change request flows to the Master Data leads to review the
material change and approve the request

Approve the request

Master Data lead reviews

the requested changes

Material group changed

Verify the material changes from 0027 to 0020
after workflow completion
using MM03
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Customer Master Create Workflow

Customer Master Create Workflow Creating a Bill-

Bill-to (B.1)
CREDIT creates or AOC transfers information from the
Broker/Sales Rep form and creates a request by
completing Customer Master Request (CMR)
• Sales org. • City • Postal c ode • APC number
• Dist. Channel
Notif ication
• P.O. box city • Region (US Only) • CSC number
• Division • Telephone #s • Countr y • Planning Act number
sent to AOC
• Title • Telebox (Team #) • Int’net adrs • Attribut e 5
• Name1 • Search Term • Fax number
• Name 2,3,4 • PO box • PO box Pc ode
• District • Language • Customer Group 4

Address Data
Reject INITIATOR approves • Title Credit
CMR Billing • Name 1 • Search ter m • Telebox • City • Countr y
(1st level approval) Credit • Name 2 • Language • Fax number • Postal c ode • PO Box
• Name 3 • Telephone 1 • Internet address • District • PO Box City
• Payment ter ms • Pay m guar pr oc • Name 4 • Telephone 2 • Street • Region (US Only) • PO Box Pcode

Approv e
Account Management
Reject Credit
• Sort key • Last i nt. c alc. • Previous a/c no.
• Recon. Account • Last k ey date • Int. c alc. Freq
Reject • Interes t indicator
Credit enters data on
CMR and approves if not Contact Person
a duplicate customer Credit
(2nd level approval) • Function • Telephone # • Fax • Region • District • Title
• Recon account • First Name • Department • Street • Postal C ode • City • Comm. ty pe
• Credit Entit y (in • Last N ame • PO Box • Language k eys • PO Box Pcode • Country k ey • Name (1,2,3)
Alt Payer field) • For m of address • Time Zone • Sort fiel d • PO Box City
• Acctg clerk

Notif ication Control Data

sent to AOC Credit
• Vendor • Industry
Reject Approv e

Correspondence System reviews all

Credit dependencies and
• Accounting cler k • Leg Dunn Pr ocess • Groupi ng k ey • Dunn block activates the General
• Last dunned • Dunni ng cl erk • Clerk’s internet • Dunni ng procedur e
• Customer us er • Dunn l evel addr ess • Account st atement Bill-To record
• Dunni ng reci pient • Clerk’s fax • Account at cus tomer
Corp Sales MD enters
data on CMR and
creates the general Bill-to record
(3rd level approval)
Payment Transactions Billing
• Payment ter ms • Next payee • House bank • Selecti on rul e
• Toleranc e group • Rsn code c onv • Credit memo t er ms • Indiv. Pay ment
• Loc kbox • Pay ment method • Pay ment bl ock • Groupi ng k ey
Approv e • Rec. Pmnt History suppl ement • Pay ment methods • EDI Pmnt advic e

Corp SalesMDMDextends
record Credit Maintenance SubRecord
Corp otherSales
Sales Sales Areas(as
MD Areas
extends (as many
many Credit (NOTE: This is a separ ate wor k item, not a view)
Corp Sales
to other MDnecessary)
Sales creates
Areas (asand
as necessary)
extends record to other Sales • Customer acc ount number
as necessary)
Areas (as many as necessary)

Corp Sales MD routes

view s for input *
Italicized attributes are optional
* Please see Diag. B.2

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Customer Master Extension Workflow

Extending a Sold-
Sold-To to Sales Areas (S.2)
Customer Master
AOC approves CMR Notif ication per
(1st level approval) Sales Area
sent to AOC
• Customer group • Customer Group 2

Approv e Sales Areas

Reject 02, 03 & 05

Inventory Control enters

data on CMR All Other Sales Areas
(3rd lev el approv al) & EDI button is YES
• Customer Group 2
Notif ication
sent to AOC Reject Sales Areas 02
Approv e 03, & 05 & EDI
Reject button is Y ES

All Other Sales Areas

EDI approves Data on CMR & EDI button is NO
(3rd lev el approv al)
Sales Areas 02, 03
& 05 & EDI button
is NO
Approv e

Corp Sales MD
approves/rejects based
on Bill-to status or if it is
a duplicate
(4th lev el approv al)
• District Sales System reviews all
Sales Support System reviews
Sales Operations Sales Support dependencies andallall
System reviews
Sales Operations dependencies
activates and
the General
• Price groupOperations Support dependencies
activates the and
Approv e • Price group Sold-To record
• Price group activates
Sold-Toeach Sold-To
Sales Area record
Corp Sales MD creates
general record and extends
record to other Sales Areas
(as many as necessary)

Corp Sales MD routes

views for input

Note: System cannot activate, by Sales Area, Sold-to until

its Bill-to and Ship-to are complete.
Italicized attributes are optional

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Customer Master Changing a Bill-to Workflow

C h a n g in g a B i ll - t o

C R E D IT o r A O C in it ia t e s t h e B ill- to c h a n g e r e q u e s t. N o t if ic a t io n
b y c o m p le tin g C u s t o m e r M a s te r R e q u e s t ( C M R ) s e n t t o AO C

R e je c t

I N IT I A T O R a p p r o v es
Ch a n g e Re q u e s t
( 1 s t lev e l a p p r ov a l)

A p p ro v e
R e je c t

C re d
C it
R EaDpI prT oa vp esp r ocvheasn g e
C h a nr eg qe uRe es qt u e s t
(2 n d lev
leveel laapppprroovvaal)l)

R e je c t

A p p ro v e

A O C a p p r ov e s
Ch a n g e Re q u e s t
R e je c t ( 3 rd le v e l a p p r ov a l)
C o m p le t e ly
A p p ro v e

C o r p S a le s M D a p p r ov e s C M R
( 4 t h le v e l a p pr o v a l)

A p p ro v e

S y s te m u p d ate s th e
s t a tu s o f c u s t o m e r r e co r d

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AOC initiates CMR process

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AOC submits and approves the CMR

7 8

Workflow items displayed in

1 Credit’s Inbox

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Credit selects CMR to process

Workflow items displayed in Corp Sales

MD’s Inbox

Corp Sales MD selects CMR to

2 process

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Corp Sales MD runs BDC

4 session to create Customer

Corp Sales MD selects
specific Dist Channel to
extend the customer
record to

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Corp Sales MD runs BDC
3 session to extend Customer
record to dist. Channel “01”
2 Corp Sales MD approved CMR for extension

Views routed to Functional


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Credit view

Credit maintenance View

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Billing and Payment view maintenance

Payment view

Billing view

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Workflow History for the CMR

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Workflow log before Customer activation

Workflow will in the wait mode after completing all the views.
Customer gets activated after running the activation program after
all the account group dependencies were met.

Following flow shows wait step before the activation program


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Workflow log after Customer activation

After the execution of the activation program , the blocks on the

customer got removed and the customer is ready for use.

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Customer activated

Customer activation status reflects on the CMR

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Purchase Order Approval Workflow


PO Created, Forward
Subject to PO Need Higher
Changed, Yes Workitem to Release? Yes No PO Released
Release? Release?
Un-released Approver


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Purchase Order Approval Workflow

After creating the PO, the PO creator gets a workflow item to specify
an approver to release the PO.

Specify the user who should approve the PO.

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Purchase Order Approval Workflow

Approver receives the work item to release the PO. Based on the
release authorization, the approver can acknowledge/approve the

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Purchase Order Approval Workflow

This PO requires additional approval(s).

Specify the user who should approve the PO.

This user will not be able to approve this PO.

Send for acknowledgement anyways?

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„ Workflows has improved

‹ Efficiencies
‹ Accountability/Traceability
‹ Cycle time
‹ Documentation storage and retrieval

„ The workflows have been designed for flexibility and modifiable

to meet the business needs.

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Further Information

Î Public Web:
SAP NetWeaver Developer‘s Guide:

Î Americas’ SAP Users’ Group (ASUG)

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