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Vol. 20 1/3/2021 No.

News & Notes Sunday School 9:30AM Worship 10:30AM Worship 6:00PM
Please remember these in your prayers: Donna Malnati, Don and Wed Bible Study 6:00PM
Sharron Cawood, Brandie’s parents George & Roxann Klinebriel; friend of
Tabitha Jenkins, Joyce Cox stage 4 cancer, Debbie Miller knee problems,
Nicholas Ravenborg, Midge Naiper’s grandson Desmond Napier, Brad
Napier, Roy Newsome, Ace Freeman, Melia Freeman, Tom Griffith cousin A Dark Night & a Darker Day
of Carolyn, the Dr. James & Mary Walker family, Quinten Christian, Jasper
Dempsey, Grayson Dillon, Tracy Dempsey, Kendal Watts, Misty Part 2 -Allen Webster
Browning, Geneva Baisden, Della Faulkner, Larry Faulkner, Pops Faulkner,
Regina Vance, Patty Browning, Tammi Stollings, Audrey Gilpin John’s
Soldier’s Mocking, Pilate next had Jesus scourged, perhaps
brother Eddie Snowden, the family of Luke Snowden, John’s mother hoping to play upon the sympathies of the people. He again
Kathryn Snowden, Larry Lucas, Chris Flemming, Bud Jones, Kona Manns, tried to release Jesus, but to no avail (Lk. 23:22, 23). While the
Mariah Mullins, Rose Mullins; Rose’s parents Elsie, Kinsler, and Dock last details of crucifixion were arranged, & while the cross
Potter; Miranda Burton and daughter Kinley Burton; Roses’ uncle Martin itself was prepared, Jesus was handed over to the soldiers.
Mullins; Parker Burton, Caleigh Sumpter, Keisha Sumpter; Nikki Evans,
Lana Jo Napier (cancer), Melinda (Janice’s friend), Steve Miller (neighbor
These men – Pilate’s bodyguard- eventually took Him to their
of the Malnati’s), Brother Sam Moore, Sister Valerie, Corbin Harris, Butch barracks in the governor’s headquarters. Amused that this
Johnson, & Jonathan Purkey. If you have anyone that you would like to add weakened man had claimed to be a king, they began to mock
to the prayer list please do so to Nathan in writing. Him. One fashioned a robe out of some purple material
Weekly: Words of Life radio program. WJFC 1480 AM, 102.9 FM; (perhaps left over from the trip to Herod’s palace), another ran
8:30 AM Sundays Sunday mornings: Good News Today. out to a thorn bush & gathered some prickly limbs to form into
a tight, pointed circle, & another found a rod or stout stick of
January Birthdays: 8- Brandi Ferguson, 18- John Snowden, 29- Brad some kind to use as a scepter.
Napier, 31- David Bugg
Continue inside
Find us on the Web. wpchurchofchrist.weebly.com Pray
for each other.

White Pine Proclaimer Just about the time the bleeding from the scourging stopped,
they ripped His clothes off & placed on Him the robe.
Remember His clothes had been placed directly on the open, people. Picture, if you can, Pilate leading this purple-clad
bleeding wounds some time before. The blood must have Man, with scepter in hand, & bloody crown on His head, out
soaked in & dried. Thus removing them opened the wounds all for these sick people to view. Pilate simply said, “Behold the
over again. Imagine the pain! (Even a cut small enough to be man!” (Jn. 19:5). He must have thought that surely this would
covered by a Band-Aid hurts terribly if it adheres to the Band- satisfy their hatred. But he underestimated them. They were
Aid). Once soldier grabbed His head & forced the thorns down so more satisfied than a shark that first gets the scent of blood.
into His scalp. Think of the sharp thorns piercing His skin in They wanted more. They wanted murder.
dozens of places! Another took the reed & hit Him over the
head thus driving the thorns in deeper. How He must have
bled! (So much blood goes to the brain that a small cut on the
face or head bleeds profusely.) Despite their cruelty, of all
parties involved perhaps these were least to be blamed. They
had no idea who Jesus was. They were not Jews, for Jews
were the only nation in the Roman Empire exempt from
military service. Nonetheless, their rough horse-play further
agonized our Lord’s body. When people make fun of us, it
helps to remember that they first did it to Jesus in a way that is
worse than anything likely to happen to us.

PRESENTATION. The soldiers finally had all the fun they

wanted & took Him back to Pilate. Pilate presented Him to the

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