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msn00 Page2 ‘impetansite goopleseroonent com tance S465, THE MAP Tedop Paget we msn00 Theap Pages Colette Baron-Reid MAGICAL DISCOVERY TRIP TO THE MEANING OF LIFE Pages ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, 238 Tedop (©2011 by Cala Baton Reid righ tie: The Map (Onigial publisher: Hay Hous Ie USA Fox te Duck Inguage ne: (©2011 Alnmin Pubes, PO Bax 3172000 AEE, (emai pst@zormernd) Publisher Amman is aot the Gomer Uigeves Giep BV “Tanstton: Waa Wadan Cove: Sado inde Boer BNO, Anse, Imot design: wow nee ond Punting nd icing: HocibugBasbeok, Mepel eISBN 978 940130026 1 URS Subject tothe exepionsin x puswnt wo th Copyright Actof 1912, nothing maybe wptaduced fom this pblntion ‘std ina automated dabase, or made pubic in any form orb any mens, wheter election ‘mechanically, by photocopying, eculing cotawisn, witout the pot wuiten pennision ofthe pusher To the exeet at ‘he making of eprogupic duplications fom this pubieation speed Wy virus of Arle 16 hf the Copyright Act 1912 ‘to py sary fees fo this tothe Sting Reprnecht (PO Box 3060, 2130 KB Hato, .wwutwuechtl) Fo copying pum() af his publication int antoloies, dens and oer compilation wots (rll 16 Copyright Act 1912) ne can tum he PRO Foundation (Roundaton fot Publication and Repofuction Rights Oxgzation, PO Bas 3060, 2190 KB Hoafidop, wwruceda nln), wewalaninal weudamugrtinend wuubyyhowsndiocon ‘wu coletebaonteid con Pages This book is dedicated to all the remarkable people that allow me suggested to see their magic, read their story and read their map ‘impetansite goopleseroonent com tance S465, msn00 to draw. Pageé Content Preface by Denise Linn ieface Inttodution You Magic Map PART I: ORIENT ON YOUR FOLDER Chapter 1: Where are you? Chapter 2: When will yoube there? ‘impetansite goopleseroonent com tance S465, Tedop ane msn00 Theap (Chapter 3: Lost in the Dusk areas PART Il: NAVIGATION AID ON YOUR FOLDER, Chapter 4: Who is your Guide? Chapter 5: You Magical Allies (Chapter 6: Conversations and Magical Transformations Chapter 7: Treaswes, Talismans and Medicine Bags PART II: THE MAGIC AND MEANING OF THIS ADVENTURE Chapter 8. Why did youembarkon this adventure? (Chapter 9: Finding Ma; Chapter 10: Working with the Magic PART IV. MAGIC REALIZATION (Chapter 11: Traveling companions Chapter 12: What next? Listof Mapioal Places Bibliopephy Thankyou Page? ro . BY NaNer Leva from this conscious state ‘we are reborn on the threshold between worlds through foggy patches presents amap amap for another way ‘we see - inaflash- how life can be ‘we canzetum to what is familiax and sorenewit that we see the mystery in comfort or should we ventize together ‘wpeutonsive googleusetoontent commas £65, msn00 Theap On digging up adventwwe surenier to the acceleration of discovering owselves ‘which only happens as your domant powers encowages to show up if youembrace the premise and the pasta memory being late this breather between past and present isalochemy that will awalen ws unlock Pagetwosform there is hardly a moment notevenat dawn that I don't remember that change is taking place Tam a light in the harbor that the weight of it past leave at sea change is my anchor deep inside peace is so near ‘impetansite goopleseroonent com tance S465, msn00 Theap Pages Forewerde Early this morning I finished reading this remarkable arel moving book by Colette Baron-Reid. I felt ‘wisdom of her words still in the depths of my being. She captizes and describes the foroes that the presoribe circumstances of our lives in an impressive way. The Map provides for everyone from us of a roadmap to discover new and exciting roads to the future | oamtied the essence of her words as I climbed a high hill to see the sum stand up. In the motionless silence of the early moming I watched the datlmess recede seoretly ‘the misty valleys and the light of dawm crept over the distant mountains to the east. I like this landscape; whatever I look at the silhovette of a lonely oak silhouetted against the rising sun, the long, golden grass that bends in the wind, the serrated ridge against the red sky- itclings to the earth I feel my roots go deep into the ground and Imow that I am only one seedling of the old roots of my Indian ancestors. At the same time, this enrwes earthly refuge for my mind tofly to heaven, which makes me realize that ] am pat of what my anvestors called the Great Mystery . Here my soul listens to what my. ‘mind can not bees. Here | am called to remember the vast inner lansisoape of the soul that Colette speaks so expressively about Most of us tale a lifetime to understand the meaning of our lives. We are locking for it in the circumstances of our youth, the cbstacles we encountered, the ‘tials we have endured and the triumphs we celebrated. We are looking for guidelines and spititual systems fora strategy to deal with the outbwusts in ow lives and to understand and understand the greater meaning of all this. We are looking for amap which shows us a way to unlerstand the past and which can lead us to the futwze, which is our one paints a picture of our place in the bigger picture, Ineaulier days, seored maps describing the paths through the generations had their origin ‘the outer landscape of the natural environment. The myths and stories of thase people who wed to be one ‘wpetonsive googleusetoontent commas £465, m8 msn00 Theap gave an idea of their origins and origins, and where they belonged in the great life cyele always wondering against a natwal background, But these paths to the deepest comers of the soul have since been obliterated and replaced by our modem and chaotically fast time that does not feed the soul neither does the heart warm, Now that the natwal environment around ws is disappearing, we have also lost track of the ‘wildemess within us. The fertile soi of the sou! is slowly becoming exhausted, bixdsong is drowned out by traffic noise and the lovely floral scents are dispelled by exhaust gases. Something in us is dying as the gap between man and the natwwal world continues to grow ‘wider. We feel discormected from the world around us and experience an increasing age4ertion of heart and soul. Itis high time to remember who we are an the bridge that leads to restore an animated world For yeaus I have talon people on vision quests to explore the deep connection with natwe to recover. On those tours, patticipants were able to express their intense desire for a viable comection ‘with the mountains, the tees, the sea, the air and the sacred of life. Inthe silence of nature on their joumey they felt a renewed connection with the sacred places within them. That experiences in natwe were very powerful and transforming ona deep level. The energy of ‘the natural world was a catalyst for the courageous joumey to the authentic self. But not everyone has the time or the opportunity for a vision quest in nature. Colette Inher remarlable book, Barom-Reid takes you on an inner vision quest and gives you one ‘mystical map that offers just as much clarity and insight as if you were to spend this time in silenoe ‘under the stany sky. The Map is a magical toushstone that gives you insight into the deepest powers of your being core. You embatk ona heroic joumey around the expropriated, denied or hurt parts of you ‘to Imow you innermost being and integrate these aspects into the larger whole that you are Colette shows you how to navigate your own inner landscapes around the messages to understand the natwal insights that are present in you The enommous wisdom she has acquired in the work she did with thousands of people uniquely males her the designated person- perhaps more than anyone else in the world - to show you the way ... and to be your spiritual guide on ‘the joumey ahead ‘impetansite goopleseroonent com tance S465, ene msn00 Theap Page tt Preface When I started giving clairvoyant readings about 2° yeais ago, I soon became interested gape that looking at individual events in people's lives was not enough for them. help out I could see a major change coming @ new job or maybe the name of one new lover - all kins of events that the person had already experienced or was about to experience in ‘the futtme. But | mew the real story was the inner process of how the person involved got it ‘meet another person or go into those specific cireumstannes. | thought it made more sense if my clients could see some kind of map ( map ) of their life in front of them. instead of blindly staring at individual events together. If could show them where they came from and how they got to where they were now their life story would be much more profound and gain meaning and they would better understand themselves. If provided them with the unforeseen, comecting elements of fate and their destination in what at frst sight seem to be isolated experiences Jaymen, I could empower them to make better decisions in their lives. For that reason started to consider myself as a kind of ‘destination cartographer’ (cartography is the ‘teoknique of making and drawing maps). So you could say that am a "life map" autist ‘am; I am the one who, through my intuition, enters the landscape of the distinctive events Jnuman lives and then coloring in the finer details of the Map that express their emotional and reveal existential areas. Hopefully that information will awaken something in them that they will do without Folder could not see yet. Using this Folder, the person I am reading for says, “Oh, yes, now see it There wes all this time, I veacted then, that's why! started my jowmey and now I'm here! Now! see the so-called coinoidences and my part init! I can determine my destination and I am not at the whim of fate! " Itreminds me of those giant jigsaw puzzles I made ‘when I was little and they covered the whole dining table. Piece by piece, always starting from the comers, I discovered how all puzzle pieces ft together. | started using the term intuitive coach to desoribe what I do because my job developed into more than just giving readings. My gift as a clairvoyant sets me up allows you to see events, names and places visited that foun the rough outlines or chapter titles of the lives of my clients. As an intuitive coach I lock unler the surface of things and see the complicated reality behind the stories of the people - the motives, unnoticed patterns, ‘the hidden agendas and anvestral legecies. This is how the Map is colored and that is howit comes to life. (Of course I had to master this transforming process of creating a Map myself to get I had to work my way through my own story to find hope, to make the change wagexgnce and discover the magic and meaning of it all. Myown joumey became the mold, the mold plate ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, on3s rane enbp fesse nowrandderauty mp ebork Dieta gs os eee This books tased on experience, not theory, ‘Alot of material comes ftom my own experiences, Ihave had to eal from the many tials in my life cowmlife, which I described eater in my book Remembering the Future: The Path to Recovering ition As the child of @ Holocast survivor who Imows te th about her family history. grew wp witha specif, alienating suavivel issues that were only weersood when my mother cleaned the ship ani said she ves Ind raised ws Cristian for seuty reasons when we were atielly Jewish That I'm on eight yeas old to become a Catholic mim mest have been much harder on he than wes at he time could realize. Looking back would say we were quite conse T oes clairvoyent as child and that wes quite overotelming because I did! Imow how wes Ind tose limits, was show secrets that I should have lnowm yet, foresaw things hd yet totale place, Time ae space were completly different for me than for otter people That plus the suspicion of seme abuse bya babysitter meant that! didnot grow wp normally Tt goes without saying that I found it very difcut to ti My teenage yeas were tough -n0 one to blame, because my parents did their test They were loving people who were perfect and imperfect atthe same time, They hd their own complex life stories that were ifiuenced by ther parents, whose stories in tm affected mine My reaction to life was intense. I got bulimia when I wes fourteen and a year later I drank ‘me for the fist time ina coma, Then ended up ina maelstrom of self-destrwtion and shame resulted ina group rape on my nineteenth. From nineteenth to mine ‘Twenty-seventh I exchanged one painful 1elationship for another, in which cheating sexually violence, aggression, drug and alcohol addiction were the order of the day I learned to deal with trauma do as nomal and howto freebase cocaine . Only someone who has kicked an addiction can ‘understand how grateful I am today for the demoralizing way in which I end up bottom of the well. I always like to tell that I had to tale the express train to hell to to actully awalen spiritually. On Jamary?, 1986, I woke up clean and sober - the inesistible urge to drink and take drugs to we had mysteriously disappeared - and has remained so ever sinne. The fist few years from my abstinence, I threw myself into the 1?-step recovery and intensive psychotherapy. Slowly but certainly I regained self-esteem and self-esteem and was able to swenier to forgiveness ‘That surrender was erveial for letting go of the victim consoiousness that until then diving force in my life. Becoming whole again tooka long time, but I was very hungry for leather and wented the ‘udlerstand the psychology of healing. How about me and others who have this kind of problem ‘were confiwed? Why do terrible things happen to nice people, and how is it possible nice people do such bad things? would rather change than faithful to my old ideas stay In addition, I wanted to realize my dieam of becoming a singer-songwriter PagBus I set out to become a "pop star," the Spirit tuned out to have other plans for me. ‘Very frustrating Iinow but today I am extremely grateful for the serendipity (the gift to accidentally discover valvable things) that made me end up here. My accidental cateer as a clairvoyant started when, pending my breakthrough in the music world, tied to make a living with aromatherapy and massage. Whenever I touched people, new i like things about them. I told what I saw and before I knew it, nobody wanted to be massaged anymore - ‘they just wanted a reading, The end of my musio career! ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, on3s msn00 Theap I didrit want to be a clairvoyent at all, because that name bothered me, as did the stereotype I did introdueed me to it. (Only recently, after 22 yeans, that word has become my own) Moreover, fit itis notin my vision of a down-to-earth singer-songuniter who plays life songs for rultitudes of adoring fans. But could make a living with it and | felt strongly involved in my clients, so my career as a clairvoyant got off to aflying start. The dream to be a singing sensation, itfell apaxt although I did male a deal with EMI Musio at the last minute. I did get it the press, but success failed to materialize. It was a good lesson in Inmility. As aclairvoyent I am naturally interested in the modem use of oracles - ald, simple ones forms of spiritual questions that are very common among indigenous peoples, but also the ‘more complex systems sch as the I Ching Norwegian or Celtic nmes and the Tarot. These systems lean all heavy on symbols and archetypes that tell of the condition humaine . Symbolism, archetypes and metaphors have been wsed as one since the beginning of recorded history Ikind of therapeutic language for guidance. I myself have two very accurate Oracle systems made available as maps and computer applications and derived from the old ones ‘uadlitions. The use of metaphors as a self-analysis tool is one of the reasons ‘main components of this book: The Map is essentially a metaphor for your life and all azeas, allies and challengers you encounter symbolize your deepest experiences Another important part of this book was the result ofthe personal work did heal my lnat ego. The psyobologist Car] Jung called this unhealed ego the shadow - it contains the parts of the self that we reftse to recognize, that we deny or suppress. Only when! did that could name and accept parts of me related to my injuries ‘become the person I wanted to be ‘This painful work of self-examination and recognition of those arduovs aspects of myself formed the biggest obstacle on my way but also led to the greatest personal result. It inspired ‘me to look for the shadow in the readings I did and I saw the pattems of it suffering repeated itself endlessly when the shadow was ignored. Creating reality has ‘much more to do with what is unseen and denied in the psyche than with positive intentions ‘The Goblin entered. This character coowred to me during a guided meditation that meant ‘was to get acquainted witha mental form of my ego. This to help me understand that my ego is one strong, complete entity. In meditation | had to invite my ego to take a step forward, and talk to me.I expected to see the image of a sleek beautiful, confident, smart, somewhat self-centered prinvess, but instead got an ugly, smelly hairy creature that left farmers and ‘that had a sign around his neck with Dilzalcon it Page? 50 shocked I didn't Imaw how to react So I followed the diteetions and invited this representative of my ego to tallt to me. The imaginary being ‘ueated me witha litany of invults and oriticism, shame and accusation that was overwhelming vsed to be, But suddenly I saw my pink baby blanket that I then draped around the creature. I cried my eyes out of my head and realized that I had to enter into a relationship with this being, that for me injuries. The shadow had now taken a shape: that of an ugly little Goblin Seeing this complex, self-destructive, active part of myself as a unique and separate character that seemed to be outride of myzelfand therefore not my whole self alone personalizing it was so powerful that I could trade it in for ten years. A few years later a friend introdwed me to the process developed by the psyohologists Hal and Sidra Stone and called Voice Dialogue , which greatly enhanced my research and stuly. Why should I buy the Kobold not give the voice of the injwzy from which he arose? decided the Goblin character as Jy element in my seminars and the Kobold also tumed out to be very specific ‘wrpetonshe googleusetoonten commas £465, nnss msn00 Theap coaching tool to help people break fiee from their inner eritic and a healthier, take a more neutral position in themselves. | Sigued if there's a challenger in all of vs, a negative voice we're listening to, there also had to be allies or more positive aspeots to relate to, and that insight led again until the discovery of other characters with different qualities. It is nota brand new concept and my specific characters are taken from myths and fairy tales. Telling stories as a means for self-discovery is an essential part of my workshop material. We are our own fairytales; we are all heroes on our quests. (The standard work of Joseph Campbell - The Hero with the ‘Thousand Faces - contvibuted immensely to the creation of this book) Eventually developed an original system that combined elements of Voice Dialogue ‘with elements fiom a technique of eotive dreaming’ - a powerful form of visvalizing that the imagination stimulates to describe the hidden, unconscious pattems or stories that are not always bbe available to the conseious, reasoning mind. This resulted in the In-Vizion® process, on which. all exercises in this bock are based. In Sedona Arizona, I have given numerous workshops based on it of this material. I witnessed the enoowaging change processes that almost all pavtioipants underwent. ‘The arguably most important part of the book came from a question | asked myself when! was ‘thought about the archetypes of the heroic joumey. Ifthe hero has a thousand faces and if he (who has us represents) is involved in this adventure, would he travel through a thousand different places ? Could those places an environments symbolize ow inner environment? If only I take the focus on the self, fiom the position of an inner witness, would let go to focus on symbolic places that could tela story? Could it be possible that now that we are comnecting to are losing ow outer environment maybe we can find our way back through contact, ‘with our imver environment, as if it were a living world that we populate? Earthbound religions and indigenous traditions view the planet asa living, consoious entity ‘we have a sacted, mutually dependent relationship with it rather than as an inanimate round thing that we can abuse and dominate, Itis my personal spiritual belief that its to warship migetee is a prerequisite for connection to a living, Divine consoiowsmness. I believe that ‘we honor that sacred comnection to the natwal world that surounds us and of which we are a part need to recover. ‘The restoration of that connection can also take place within ws, if we have ow inner explore landscapes. As above so below, so outside, so inside. And that completes the citole of making a map magically When looking at our lives like a joumey through peycho-spiritual places instead of archetypal personas, our perspective changes diastically. Instead of always keeping a minor to owselves, we watch, paradoxically to find the deeper meaning of our lives there. We remember soagain the mystical and mysterious magie of the environment. Inmy book Messages from Spirit | describe in detail how the natural world serves as intuitive connection with the Divine. In natwe, oracles abound and if we are a saint enter into a relationship with all living things, we will see and hear them. But when we travel with the Map we can also put our araeles and wisdom in ow inner self ‘Snel landscapes. We ignore logic and reason and enter the magical ‘world of intuition, where we find encouraging answers that are respectful, hopeful and meaningful tobe ‘The process and concepts that I describe in this bookhave been tried and true. Youneed ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, 2n3s msn00 Theap just step into the Map and let the magic reveal itself. while it reveals you ‘May this book give you wistlom, peace and joy! Love, Colette Page 16 Knowledge. Where are you now? Close your eyes and desoribe witere youeel youate. Are youina Field of Dreams, ‘where you plant the seeds of your intention and are curious about the results? Wander around lost the Arid Desert, where abuniiance slips away? Are you wandering through the Valley of Loss? ‘The inmer landscape may resemble where you actually are in time ‘and space. You might be ina sunfilled room and look out over a pretty harbor, but ‘you feel trapped in an irreconvilable and hash landsoape that is within you. Wimp believes greatly infivences where you find youself when youlook inside Do you believe that life is more than what you have come to expect fiom it, or are you in doubt because ‘youdortt Imow how to create something better? You may think youte doing everything you can but fall the results against; or you look around at the problems others have to face and feel ‘you powerless, because youcannot make their lives less stressful or painful. ‘Are you longing for fulfillment, meaning - or perhaps for magic? I suspect that you are willing to work hard andi will do anything to come ‘where you want to go; that beautiful place on the Map that beckons you with promises of abundance, aamony and Brightness. But you only have to look baok on the path that brought you to this point ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, 13n3s msn00 Theap mowing that the joumey is never as predictable or manageable as you would like. So we candoa bit vse magic, dontt you think? ‘When I waite about magio, I am not talking about the ticks, illusions or manipulations that belong in it ‘a Magic Show’. What | am aiming for is living proof of the intelligent and dynamic, mysterious essence fiom which all matter is created, formed and recteated. The magic in this book ‘unfolds through your own ability to notice and through your willingness to work wath ‘both your imagination and the Spinit. ‘This magical energy has always been there, is now and will be forever. You can do it with your mind neither contain nor logically reason and analyze, but at the heart and soul level you can use it get to know your intuition indepth This magic is creative and supports life. Youcait do it ‘but you can tune in and go witht, even swimming witht like dolphins doif they mimic your swimming movements in the sea. When you are willing to collaborate to engage with the Spit and allow your imagination to be “ignited” and inspired, you will ‘amazed at the results. You will be able to connect with magic personally if you ate out of the linear, left-brain-driven thinking steps and the creative realm of intuition and the imagination enters. BUgefreh a figuative ficor plar’? Symbal language gives you access to layers of experience that are within you suboonsoious are stored and often withdraw from your daily consciousness. In your suboonsoious are the beliefs and assumptions that determine what youare attracted to ‘and what you manifest in your life. You decipher metaphors using your intuition, because it is the soul and. rot the mind that fathoms their more precise ane multilayered meaning, Imagery helps ‘to escape from the superficiality of things and to enter a deeper reality. ‘Within us are psychological landsoapes created by ow feelings and ‘thoughts - the Stormfields that we retreat to when we're having a hard time, or the Swampy Marsh where we get stuck when we are burdened by our obligations IfLask you "Where are you™ you may instinotively answer "Lost!* or Caught om the bottom of a deep well, " Stuckin the mu Sinking in quicksand, ‘or Wandering through a bbavten, barren no man’s land. * Such images describe the intensity and depth of your experience alot ‘more powerful than listing you living conditions (One youhave awakened in your imer landsoape, you will be able to consoiously shape your world ‘by making changes to that landscape. When you manage to get the davk clous inside you ‘you will Gna that your inner sense of seowrity and calm now becomes mirrored by the extemal ciroumstanves. You also start to recognize the events in your life as part of a bigger pictwe. At that moment you will ind the real magio and meaning in the story of your life - and the cowage, strength and wisdom to male autonomous choices You have a map, a Map, and it is magical! Imagine you were born witha magical map that serves as a guide fiom your first breath, ‘until the time has come to leave your body and retum to the Spirit. On ‘this Map contains all the places that you are likely to experience. Youcan use it to youself to find your way when you are lost, to map out a path to a chosen one destination or to show you the way home. The Map depicts battlefields, resting places, mountains to climbing oceans to crass, quicksand to avoid cautiously and new areas to to discover. He points out possible destinations and likely events ‘The Map is unlike anything you've ever seen. Mast maps are two-dimensional and made of paper. They [wnpeutonsive googleusetoonten commas £465, ans rsnezo nensp lieflat and are covered with drawings that represent the natural location of the land. They do not change when youlookatit. When new aiess are discovered, the map has tobe redone drawn and the new and previously unknown places added. You can have such card fold on but youcant dive in. well youcould ty, but then tips paper and it gives youa bump an your bead! ‘The Map is completely different. Itis a multidimensional map made of thoughts, feelings, beliefs, memories and intentions. Its made from the essence ofthe sou. fom creativity and of imagination Step ino the Map and it wll just take you to the country you have chosen to explore. You aske ‘wonder where you aie? Sinsalabim! ‘Youare ina laniscape, discovering things about your circumstances that you could nt see then (Bape ve engulfed in emotional experiences that repressed your objectivity ‘The Magic Map also changes automatically with you A new perspective and ane change in pereeption can already change it Its history an be rewritten and youcen create new roads and newasees, asthe map imfolds to your fitae On the Map you are continuously moving, youcan overcame your limitations and another plane investigate when you went. Once you get to knowa place, it becomes pat of you experience and is therefore partof the Map. Youare familiar with this terein and you will when you doit revisited, no longer feeling so lost an disoriented, It wll quickly come to your nd that seathave a compass to help you a allies thet wll appear fo yout ‘Your inner landscape oan shift wien you least expect it bat if youtry to sayin tne with your environment youcan develop the ability to hnlle feel when the ground is about to shift under your feet. Then you can instinctively do so roving that you dart tumble into a ravine or garge cr slide over sharp rocks into a crevice. ‘When youmove blindly and automatically, the Map unfolds differently than it does ‘when youare awalle and aware. So if something ‘something says to you triggers youand you now rot immediately what itis, te a moment to describe the laniscape using imagery and symbals. Thats how you find the wisdom to move on without responding. Always be aware of you ability to respond tothe Map. Remind yourself "Today Iam notin the land of disasters [dott have to petsist in this wey of thinking feeling and believing. 'm going tofnd the oracle and it wll give mea way ut * ‘Your Map is unique and no one other than you will ever have access tt because it tells you personal story. No two souls have the same Map, even the areas and landscapes because no ane experiences events in the same wey as anyone else. Two people cansitsde by side, one feeling lost ina desert and the oer feeling himself ‘works ona beautiful oasis Stil anyone who hee visited the Valley of Loss Inu whatits lke to ston the growl om, lookang up at mowntain sides that seem too steep to lim to wonder how you getin for heaverts sake escape. We have all been at the base ofthe Unyielding Berg feoe to fece with an obstacle that seems to blockcour way. Everything youare, vere and ever willbe is revealed on this Map. You just need to mow how youmust we itt te you through all the adventurous twists and inns of your unique life journey topilot ‘The Map becomes visible to you when yostconsciotsly choose toaualoen, to become aware become something bigger than youself. When youembrace the possibility ofa pattem passing through the Spirit is created and you don't alueys have a view of where you ae. You have to be prepared ‘pest gone coma 5 wie msn00 Theap axe to see the Spirit in all things, to accept that there are millions of invisible comections hhide behind the events in your life. They are changeable, set in motion by one intelligence that you will never fully understand, but still have to trust, ‘When you suender to the Spirit and ask for enlightenment, your Magic Map reveals all of it, glory and yourealize that you are camying a compass that always points to true noth; to the Spinit, who wall never fail to be your guide and whose interference with you well-being will never diminish paijetlgr you notice this or not Embrace the magical adventure [believe that in order to find magie and meaning in your life you must first leam to be in harmony with ‘whatever landscape youare in The more you try to escape it the more you try to escape it is suoked back There may be a treasize hidden in the landscape that you wil only find when you investigate, if you find the message by understanding its essence. In every landscape is an oracle and i will teach you in this book: how to consult thase oracles. Ate you frustrated or unhappy with where you are right now? This ‘place’ is no more than. aspoton the Map. Youcan stay there and find all the hidden treaswres or listen to the stories ‘who tell the rocks ina whisper to the wind, or youcan move towends a new place ‘Youcan see where youve been and even revisit those places with a visit, but - like it [proverb goes - you cant step into the same river twice. And this place, or any other is only temporary, because the Map is constantly changing ‘There are seacons and oyeles for everything. No stom rages in the same place, so even when youare in raging sea and afraid that your boat will capsize, the wind will drop again, just like it always does. By exploring this lansisoape you have a chance to find its hidden treaswes; you will, ‘inal that there is nothing youneed to "do" to esoape it. It changes because you axe transformed. Experience this and you will realize that your life really does not have to be swha difficult struggle tobe ‘We will all have to reconsile with the paradox that change is the only constant. Animals drawy the wind blows, the earth revolves around its axis and the planets revolve around the sun. You too are in. ‘movement, aze on the way. By simply adapting to your perception, you can tum that joumey into one mystical, magical adventure Since this is an adventure, you will experience some drama along the way, dangers, intrigues, romance and celebrations. Everything happens. There will be rocky trails, steep slopes and crystal clear lakes. The epic fantasy story in the Lord of the Rings, by IRR Tolkien stats at the friendly safety of the Shire ( Shire ) and from there goes to the fiery, hellish area from Mordor. The Hany Potter series places the youthful wizard ina dark and unfriendly English home, to then have the story set in Hogwarts School of Witchoraft and Soroery, ‘where stairs can suddenly collapse under the young sorcerer's apprentice. The Wizard of Oz performs Dorothy leaves her Kansas home for the magical land of Oz, where a path of yellow vowels is located ‘meanders through Munchicnland, through the magic to the Emerald City. Each great story covers different areas; each will bring its own challenges, are secrets and treaswes that reflect our own imer landscape. These stories are about ordinary people who, like many of us, feel uncomfortable and wonder if they are belong where they are. Nevertheless, they defy all dangers and temptations, ‘while trying to achieve wat we all want a feeling of being at home, at ease and in state of joy that can be shaved with close friends and companions. The adventuwers in all ‘these stories are looking for meaning, for proof that their suffering and struggles have been good for samething ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, 1633 msn00 Theap Bige 20 ‘We too will always fini people offering love, encowagement and their own special gifts on crucial moments in ow lives; a helpline to rescue us fiom the snake pit, or a lantem carrying it, path will luninate when darlmess falls. We too can find meaning, magio, and a balance between the desire to create something better for ovuselves and the desixe for respite, for procrastination Life is necessary notan exhaustive, non-stop hunting ground. We dontt need eternity in a jungle full of hostile monkeys to stay Even Indiana Jones cocasionally retuned to civilization to tale archeology lessons to give. ‘Your inner allies and challengers ‘When youstast working with your Map, you will have to face parts of youself that are painful or frightening, because you find them hideous or because you feel you dort deserve it to embrace something beautiful and valvable. These are the "shadow figures" that Jung described because they hiding in the shadows of your subconscious. Ihave created mythological, imaginary characters that allow you to enter your inner landscape so that youcan get to know an accept these forgotten or repressed parts of yourself. Itis ‘much easier to encounter a mythical Goblin that represents the part of you that is convinced that you are unsympathetic and worthless, and that you relate to it then that you ae the takes persona fiom someone who is unloved and insignificant, and then tues to be ‘self aocept ‘Working with shadow figures - with the parts of yourself you would most like to get rid of - takes courage, but! want you to try to imagine that you have the stiength to undermine this tame oreatwe we call Goblin. You will find that youcan have compassion for him, despite his disgust that you can love him, his value andl importance in your life visible. The Goblins, like all other imaginary creatures you see on these pages ‘will encounter only metaphor for a part of you that has been laut and needs mumturing no conviction: that needs acceptance and not reprimand. Each of us has one or two Goblins in them who need and deserve love. When the compassion for these aspects of owselves lets itdown there is still the Spirit that can do us fulfilling love and acceptance Inzecent years I have found the Goblin character I created incredibly wseful is to help people heal at a deep level. (If you are not yet familiar with my worl 1 introdweed the Kobold's metaphor in my book Remembering the Future. Youshould know ‘where youare and dare to face your Goblin as you begin to tale contol of your life ‘because itis that part of you that males yourush through the one disturbing emotional landscape to the next, with hardly a breather ‘You are not at the merey of this scammer, who liltes to be himself as a driver cows. But you have to stop thwarting, denying or ignoring him, because that only creates mare problems for you (Youll learn a lot about your relationship later in this book ‘with this tricky guy and with the other archetypal characters in you) Pagilief the magical creatures you encounter are symbols brought to life by your imagination ‘and represent those aspeots of your psyoke. They act as powerful metaphors for you inner wisdom and for the wisdom of the Spint that is always available to you. You will be amazed of how instructive it is to converse with them inwardly, because you probably often, ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, nse msn00 Theap uunelerestimate how wise youare when you tum off the buzz of you etemally busy mind and gain access to you intuition and imer Inowing, Sometimes what you learn is painful and sometimes it is inspiring. But whether an imaginary creatuwe is a challenger seems to bring bad news or an ally that gives you insight: Imow this part of youself in the end is always a helper for you as long as youreally work with him, her or it ‘You can consult your magical compass as you travel through ordinary and familiar landsoapes that feel intimate as well as universal, al receive guidance from allies and challengers ‘this Map that Imows the location of the country and all its secrets. If youre confronted with soarcity then the oracle that belongs to the landscape - the Place spit - reveal its secret gifts. Trust your ability to create this Magic Map and axe living parts to read’... and you will realize that you are never stuck or alone at all. ‘Wherever youare, whatever emotional crisis you are going through: you can learn to be there for as long as youcan itis necessary and no longer. Questions and discoveries will have to be answered in every country done, and all of that will stengthen you inwardly and male youa magical mapmaker. Call the Folder and know what your place is init, and you will ind the courage to be fully present in you living conditions and leam to rely on your budding ability to reach in'higher' places send, In this way your soul leams to get used to your strength and use it for the benefit of others. How to use this book ‘The jouney you will make through these pages tales you away from feay, despaix, worry, hurt cr frustration and empowers you to be a magical mapmaker Inpart I. you will investigate the answer to the question "Where are you Your inner world becomes represented by a laneisoape that you relate to and that you can influence. Here you will eam that the super-reliable Compass of the Spit can guide youmuch better than mere logic ‘which can. This compass shakes you up ard puts you in towsh with your ability to co-create magic init your life. ‘You will recognize that when you stop ruming you tale a deep breath and begin to tale in this landsoape explore, begin to free yourself fiom the feeling of being dragged back and forth from one disturbing and disorienting landsoape to another. You will discover how to deal with more self-confidence can get through the Stonmfields, the Valley of Loss and the Swampy Marsh; Which, ‘youcan relax under the Relaxboom or on the Gemalstraat, or enjoy the great views con the Pealks of Joy that you will find at the limit of all landscapes that form a challenge. ‘Wherever youare, you are always somewhere in time. Youcan think about the past and dlusions cherish about the future, and itis up to you to recognize how to male effective time travel! so that ‘youdo not feel lost on the Map of your life. In this section of the book you will also discover what you payeiaip if you stay to the Dusk Areas beoause you have been wandering around for too long nostalgic feelings or dreams, instead of focusing on what to donext on ‘this moment. In Part II you wil be familiasized with your Map. You will have the infuence ofthe deceptive Goblin toxepresent your hurt ego, and also leam to reoognize his voioe so that you can keep him from manipulating you again and again. You will also leam how this sharpened creature redles in your ime dialogues about ordinary everytay things - the dialogues ofthe Babble Box, that the personification is of your healthy unblemished ego. You wall meet the magical allies that the populate landscapes of your immer Map, and you will disoover how they ean help you I wall ‘pean gogieurcouentcom/tanse 65 wie msn00 Theap provide enough exercises so youcan we your unconscious wisdom to leam more about you fined out past, present and future and how to reduce your suffering and wounds canheal, Visualisations are important for these dialogues, but there is always a descriptive component ‘The exercises will be more effective if you make the effort to record your experienves in a notebook as wellas the details of your "enchanting" conversations with the magical creatures. It can be huge bbe belpful in looking baokeat such waitings in the futre and determining how far you already have and what you have leamed. Remember that when | ask you to "wite" about you experiences and impressions, youare fiee to draw them instead. In these exercises you will collaborate with the Wizard of Consciousness, the observing self watching with ‘the neutral eyes of the soul. You will tallcto the deceptive Goblin and you will tame him, even though Ihe drags you into shocking landscapes where you get the chance to grow and leam wisdom gather. You will follow the Bone Collector if she beckons you to wnup what is due or what ‘youare remembered, then greet her twin sister, the Tender Gardener. This kind Mother Earth character will show you how to sow the seeds of your intention in the Field of Dreams, where she will help you to grow everything you wish for. ‘You will also collaborate with the Place Spirits: these living natwe spitits occu in ancient myths ‘and I edited them to help you figure out what to knowin any situation. The Place Spitits ‘will make the light and dauimess visible in every emotional lanisoape, the treasures in this country shine ‘and teach you howto forge a talisman that gives you cowage and strength and that youcan always have with you to wear InPart III you will aobieve a less exciting patt of your joumey and catch your breath, emotionally complicated ups and downs (Gnally!). Here you will calmly look backat the meaning and the ‘magic you've been looking for and realize that you just like any other human being ona beroio quest; a quest for healing, a quest for abundance, joy and safety. You will leam how the magic automatically unfolds in your life and provides you with the determination you long for and you eam how to work with this magic. Ultimately in Part IV, youare going to look at how your Map compares to others and you are going to do everything ‘you've leamed to apply so youcan start forging better relationships with it gins helpful traveling companions and saying goodbye to people whose journeys do not end immediately ‘with yous. All people's Maps weave new pattems every time they overlap, which cccows at crossroads of providence and at encounters with those I Magio ‘Map Shifters and they often give our couse a radical tum. ‘You will find allies and challengers in your life, because they too are there to be a better mapmaler to make of you. As you workon your Map to tun your life into a mystical, wondrous adventure ‘make you impact on the world and the world affects you. There will be new people and offer oppartinities. Where are you going now that youare a consoious mapmaleer? You will find out init last chapter of this book Inall chapters you will nd notes for travelers , summatizing the main points of ‘what you just read, If you loolka litle like most people, you probably wall to tend to rush through life, to ignove her wistiom, not to stop plocess everything you experience. If youve ever kepta travel diary, you know how itis valuable to tale notes in the places you visit about the people you meet, the ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, 9n3s msn00 Theap Se SLRS A a I encowage you to izep going backto the Traveler Notes, to study them and to record in your notebookcevery thought, impression or feeling they produce accompanied by your own newly acquired wisdom Feel free to if youste going to work with the conzepts offered here, other by your intuition generate magical landscapes thet put you in contact with you in an emotionally safe way feelings, thoughts and beliefs. Atthe backcof the tools you will finda list of magical places, ike reminder for the areas you got to know when reading, Youcan also be inpized by the familias fantasy areas and fairy tales. Movies nx bools suchas The Wizard of On, the Harry Potter series, Avatar and Lord ofthe Rings, have bad incredible sweess around the world because they show beautifd landscapes with archetypal stories that have something to do wath people do ‘We immerse oxselves in these stories with their sucden twists that wll save you the hair but ae softened and guided by the magic present creating a lite boy if Hany is able to werd off evil That magic illuminates the pathof the Avatar in one forest that at fast seems dangerows, but which appears to be muting as soon as he imagines a new way to live and peroeive. The magio we enjoy in such movies ad books is also ‘working in ow own daly life, although we may not have noticed it yet By working withthe technique of traveling to enchanting inner lanscapes an of the talling to mystical ereatzes, youcan rediscover the magio that is right next to ondinaxy realty justas the world of Hogwarts and the magicians in Hay Potter coexists with that of the ordinary Muggles. But you will have to tum off your logical ming for it. Only then wll you discover the hidden wonders that unfold when you sit inthe chair that belongs tothe Wizard of conscioumess and uiten the eyes of your soul open. Agaretive joumey ‘You are not alone on this joumey nor are you feeling lost on the Map of your life. Many people nowadays think that itis not easy to see the meaning of their life ‘There is an umatwal, non-syneluonow: relationship between reality that we all experience and the reality we long for. In these times of lnige changes and increasing ‘Too many people still feel worldwide about how we are comected powerless, ansiows, confiwed an tense. Nevertheless, we are also excited about the positive changes that announce themselves. What we do mow for sue is that the changes are happening quickly submit, Nowadays there is a lot of talle about 2012 and what it mayor may not mean The end of the times? The Apooalypse? Many experts have studied the ancient Maya calendar. the Hopi prophecies andl other comments on our present day. Although the conclusions and details differ, ‘the ways of thinking amount to the same thing; we leave an old way of being and enter one new, great era. Many scholars, both ancient and modem, speak of the evolution of inmanity, about end and new beginning. They all point to this orveial time in our planetary history as a time of tremendous transformations. But what Ikind of change will ‘we undergo? ‘Without a doubt, we will all be called to live the old ways of living it no longer serve ws, let go and enter unmown teritory. We will do that beoause ‘we recognize that it is no longer possible to derive our seowrity from the extemal forms in which ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, 2on38 msn00 Theap Be Pewy leameed jp tt whether they arp economic systems ox national bars. We have to End arew way of onenting 50 that we do not feel loot or suurensiered to ‘vagaties of fate, when the institutions and the systems and the circumstances in our lives are profound staxt to change ‘We change the woild fiom the inside out that's why I waote this book I would like to be your guide in Giving inmer peace, no matter what is going on in your life. You will leam proven methods ‘to change your consciousness so youcan do whatever it tales to make the outsitle world a better place for yourself and for all of us ‘Where are we going? When we are called into the unknown we will have to leam our own, to be anoracle . Anoracle connects with the greater, divine wisdom that our petty ideas is beyond personal survival and ow limited awareness of the possibilities that arise submit. The Spirit endows us with a new view that is open to potential. We cando the embrace the destiny of our soul, no matter how much difficulties may arise in the passing extemal ciroumstanves of ow lives In this transition time, in Which we are heading for a new consciousness, we all long for one ‘Map so we can see where we are going. It has been a long joumey and we still are con the way. Each of us can chose to consciously work with his Map, to be a magical one become a mapmaker and change couse. This is how we can bring healing to this world, and at the same time find the meaning we are looking for BUgilogve may be longing for a reliable 'shortout to an idyllic spot, we find ‘we rately if ever. You cannot avoid the suffering and painful lessons by cizoling movements to make. All of us will have to put on these datker spots, because its part of it advente. But we dont have to hang around for long or retum to it again and again. We have a choice - but only if we claim it for ourselves. Then we will notice that we have the strength have to retum home, to the place within us whee we feel safe, secure and loved to feel. ‘And what is amazing: every time we find a comfortable place to rest, we will notice that we after a while longing to continue, because without movement there is no life! ‘You are human and therefore it is in your nature to travel, to discover what you are looking for are all around you Often the green patch of grass is right under your feet. You only need to awaken to the Imowledge that withiraws from your onscioumess ‘Yes, you wear ruby slippers and can retun home whenever you went. But embrace this great one adventure now fist, Step into your own Magic Map ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, 238 msn00 Tedop ‘gates's Note: Most of the stories in this boolkare true accounts in which person names and ‘uaceable details have changed for privacy reasons, and a number of stories have been compiled and distilled from years of working with thousands of clients. The latter stories breathe the spitit of it passing on a wise lesson and cannot be traed back to the experience of a particular person. ‘impetansite goopleseroonent com tance S465, one Tedop Page 29 Chapter One Where are you? "You will have to exchange the city of your comfort for the wildemess of your intuition ... and what you discovered there will be wonderful. What you discover, youare yourself! * = ALANALDA “Bach of us has an as yet undiscovered continent. Blessed is he who is the Columbus of his own soul! ~ aNowyMous (Once upona time there was a woman who had a blood-curdling adventure on her Magic Map. This is dramatic story took place over a period of several years and it shifted from one landsoape to the other others pushed because she was soared and unwilling to figure out what to leam on each of those spots: verywhere vennd me there was a eae ithe ai Ten Boough the dk felis, oking for sheer and ght, and was ‘hud of he ser. The hander erected end shook Be earth, wile flashes of igh split pen the sty and ery brihy lonseape. Bverthng started to cath re and I atched the rai pope wall of my hence brat on emer ent np. had Been thre fo lng and il dnt now what End of place i asus ine wanted 30,901 did ‘Suddenly ound myself oa ld of red poples etching as far asthe ee con see. Icon hear them eganstme vwhiper: “uy, 20 sleep, dream ours and oly ors "Relieved and evansted, I sbeched ext soft ed of wears and float caing sleep Very bre Thad a flashback: fom where Deore lghong sch. twas a barren desert tering and desolate place where none of seeds ‘ew and the parched sol yearned or col ran that ever came. Life had Ben ch «strap pe, 20 ufa Who sole my water? Who had taken my deans om me? {jell tothe deep she of devil asocated with alcohol and adienon. Abuse, alcohol. food, one ran? Wasting money alcohol, ngs, tarvation,exting np, anew sondnate?Abse...over and over agin. ‘Tad crated. was back th Storm Feds and ran desperately. In my pani elt the frusoation smcreased when remembered haw many tines had been here. we when tipped on 4 carota on rok ‘fel, apne) realizing thatthe dry earth beneath m feet asthe land of despair I had spent years in. The rain ‘ated wo ramble on me and was afd at my confi and anger. Why me? ened my sare ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, s3n38 msn00 Theap ‘ou she land sailing 0am to Boa ftom 205 id ated ar or My sce sets angry. Ldn Detog here. 1 deserved something beter! Who soe the si The Poppy fed where was the envence? ON yes, now I Bnew again. Tard iy the flowers again. AIT had 8 do was rin th magic mitre ad then oul sin ace ee, arte sober Payesthat unfortunate traveler who felt her life had gone off the mals. This is my history and it ‘took years before I saw the meaning of my suffering or the magic of how everything wifolded. ‘What about you? Have you visited thase countries that I described? Are you in one now? Close up eyes and ask youself: Where am I? Can youname the country? If youname the place youare, the wind will drop and ‘the ground under you feet feels firmer. When you view your inner landscape as the Valley of Lass ‘you will notice that you are not lost at all. This is just one country on your Map life. Once you have identified where youare, you will access your power of observation - whichis, as you vill notice, quite magical, Diop you fear and view your swroundings. You will have the power to change how you experience that environment and you will actually be able to change it. That part of your psyohe that you know experiences are not the sum of who youare, will wale up instantly. Once you have made a mental separation between you and the one who wells through the Valley of Loss or who climb the path of the Unyielding Mountain, you will recognize that you only stay there temporarily regardless ‘what happens. Youexist outside of drama and suffering. The "you" who says, "Ah, here I am," noting the Map is your soul ‘The 'you who is the mapmaler and the adventuer has the power to take you to a better place, ‘but that no longer has to happen immediately, like when you are ina blind panic. Youcan explore this magic landscape and see what you can find out about it ‘Your inner lansisoape refieots your feelings and the thoughts assooiated with them. The ground ‘under your feet and the atmosphere around you can instantly change if you eact to what is going on in your life. Now that you have been dropped into a new landseape by a powerful emotional reaction and do not nowt ‘where youended up, you will find that your eyes are blinded by fear, disgust of yourself or to care. Youonly have one simple and crazy thought: Get me out of this! But what if you decide to stay there? What hidden treaswes might you find? Perhaps you would at least wmlerstand its purpose and eventually understand its meaning is from the suffering you have endwed. What if you lnew that you have the power to control youself each. to visit any country and never get caught in any emotional experience? Itis very natural that when your heat starts pounding and your breathing goes shallow and fast, gets angry, feels betrayed or victim of the cirumstances, and that you are desperate for one resting point or clinging to a rock for safety, when you are in danger of being swept away bya swelling sea. Staying in that situation seems unimaginable when your emotions are so intense and painful to be, But always when you feel threatened or engulfed in anger, sadness or the feeling that you are not good enough you can take a step back the whole scene fiom the safety of your mind (with his infinite potential of imagination) and you Compass of the Spirit pull out Atswh moments, magio can find a starting point, Places you've been ‘Where have you been in your life? Which emotional landscapes have you crossed? You grew ina peaceful grassland, where the weather was mild and predictable, or in a raging sea where you feel plyea'p 2 patch of an imaginary boet? Wash your fst day of school like visiting one ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, 24138 msn00 Theap amusement park or did it seem like a net closed around youat dusk? ‘When yottlook back at your experiences you will be able to see all thase different places that you have in you adventure. Maybe you enced up at the bottom of a deep well and found a teaswe chest full of diamonas in the mud. Maybe you spent most of your life in Had-I-but City, where you enjoyed others at the expense of yourself, You may have been wandering around for years Axid Desert, until one day you suendered and found your way to a real oasis. ‘There are many places on you Map ... some are very familiar to you and others you rarely visit, some ae delicious and others are disturbing. In the exercise that follows, you will lear how to do this recognize places by certain characteristics. You will see how it goes in these landsoapes and discem how youcan move from one laneiseape to another, EXERCISE: WHERE WERE YOU? In this eacie you nla tp though you if, whet youoeusoe a caper at was spec tthe tine lada snong enotional cage, but which you hve now sufcentiy distance ftom; a pin belyp O12 Jas, tne of gueatcomnton a saky sure new advent octet ode youate going hough Jad. Choose a exptience fiom the pst at was very shocking athe tne, but evnnally paved th way fora more postive art otyou fe In you notebook, wut short fetal por ef what you went though Baphin what append, which xe ‘oughts and feelings then laussed you nd what you dil Mile sue you so wute down th belies you hd hen ‘Wen youre dove, revue he sory, bing itdown na list event and you ‘emotion espouses it Now, lokng atthe is, agine ech event ndvidally as ndsrape, The feeling of bing Yetayed ‘taowgh yout loved one he cou Leonean the pun gue serwatds and no longer waning © Sar whichis anther ‘An eapla nov follows, wih the hndseapes tat my cnt could beng home pdm bald Nove tat she deseued ow ste di tehed wevch and how tay loked ad ow they ange ‘Maggie was a very stecessful stocknoker who lost her job and was employed for over a year Has been She had applied a few times, but that had ereied in nothing. Looking beok she vrote " Iwas very concerned about my prospects and was scared because I didn't know where or when I would find a job again. I wanviered though a dry desert in which I found myself couldiit hide anywhere, without water or shelter and unswe if I could find whatI was needed. Every morning I woke up with a constrained mind. I looked like a mountain against the new day. As sconas I opened my eyes, it was like sitting on a raft that was about to ‘to tip over the edge of a huge waterfall, but somehow mine remained put it smoothly. I was swrounded by water, but it was not drinking water. As soonas I got up, | found myself in the desert again and stumbled on afraid that | would never reach my destination to achieve, I applied without success. Those jobs were like mizages that were an illusion of Pagesty. Then I met Dave, who was making pretty good money, and we started dating to go. I told myself that the relationship had potential, while deep down I knew that it was not true - that it was a diversion that seduced me with it prospect of financial security. I felt like I had found an casis, but ‘whenever | tried to drinke from the well it started to fade, Before he could do it at all disappeared, then] tookca step backand convinced myself that I would do it for a while ‘wpeutonsive googleusetoonent commas £65, 2538 msn00 Theap could broadeast - that the water was really there - but if| tried to drink it again lates, it tumed out to be a mirage. Fearfully, I clumg to the illusion of the misty oasis Thad the feeling that I would eventually suffer if was not sure got my life - a job, or a sign that my relationship was solid. So I went on yoga, joined a prayer group, took countless walls, took time to xead books, started to feel humble and provided hand and tension services to friends, helped where I was ‘ut could. I started to wonder if I really still have that job I was looking for ‘wanted to, I felt the sand changing wvler my feet and noticed it there raindrops fell on my face. It started to rain steadily and I saw the desert alive come. I regained confidence and undlerstocd that this jouney through the desert taught me to be patient ‘piaotice, bounce back and be resouroeful. I started to sleep better, felt less stressed and regained hope. When Dave said ‘that he didn't want to continue the relationship, I felt relieved and wished him very best. The weather changed. It was no longer so hot and dry, but rather pleasant and moderate Eventually I was offered another job. I oantt desoribe it other than that, (Ona winding mountain path, after a bend, I suddenly saw a meadow full of blooming flowers. I felt that the mountain wes good to me and that be said to me, "Do yousee now? have more surprises in store for you Climb on! " I reached the top and Imew could do something else going todo. The view was stunning! After I reached the top of the mountain, I changed jobs. [left the financial world, moved to the countryside and started a cake shop there! I am init Adventuue Land, have a great time antl am curious about what each new one day brings me." Ifyou lookat what you wrote down yousee how the landscape changed every now and then choices youmade, and sometimes because of circumstances you no longer had contiol over ~ events, emotional impulses, ideas that suddenly came to mind or opportunities that arose presented? Do you see how yourelated to your Map? You always relate to it, but now youcando it conseiowly todo Where are you today? Which emotional landscape do you inhabit? Is it where you like to stay? Do you have the feeling that you belong there? ‘Pipe sgliable Compass of the Spirit Whenever we feel lost or out of place, we can asi the Spirit to guide us help vs orient owselves on ow Map. ‘The Spinitis a force comparable to the magnetism of the North Pole. It is the Spirit ‘true north the souce of all stength and wisdom, and he will never deceive you The Divine is always evenif youare completely off track. You are a spiritual being who leams lessons with ‘with the help of human form, and that alone makes you attracted to the Spirit Somewhere ‘within you there is a natural desize for the Spirit that will always show you the right way. You need just slow doum and bring out your compass. When you are silent, the Spinit speaks to you ‘through your intuition, so youcan orient yourself and take the next conect action or canleam soul lesson It is your personal GPS! Consult him .. and then, as yousigh with relief, you will realize that you are not alone ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, 26n38 msn00 Theap are lost or lost in the woods. You will see that you are somewhere on the Magic Map and that youare have the power to influence what you are experiencing to enswre that youdo not sink into it Swampy Swamp, or feeling guilty and paralyzed in Had-I-ButCity. ‘You will also discover that taking out your compass has summoned the magical beings you have ‘will serve as mentors, allies and challengers. These personified aspects of your psyche will always tell you what you need to mow, and that can be something completely different than you would like to hea! However, if you ignore their wise lessons and ignore their presence, you will completely forgotten and even lost compass. You will laut your brain asking what is wrong gone and how to avoid pain to get what you want fiom life. Your adventure wall then feel more like a nightmare and you will stat to believe that you are powerless when you are one have enarmots potential to set your own cowse For example, imagine your mother-in-law calling youat the crack of dawn and calling you one addresses guilt. She is always quite negative and normally you can get out of that feet, but your husband has just lost his job and now you will have to find work youself, your house ‘maybe be sold and your two kids are stulying and asking for mare and more money Youare a spiritual person, right? You know all the metaphysical answers and affirmations, but at that moment shoot ‘you have nothing at all and your reaction pushes you over the edge Bring out your compass and focus on true north, along with the Spirit and you will see where ‘youare you. Youmay feel like youare in Had-I-But-City or in that ternifying one landscape also Inown as The Stomfields, Maybe it's like youre stuokin the mud ‘the jungle, where the air is moist and where youare pelted with feces by monkeys that are hhiding in the tees, but shouting at you when you try to hide from them. projectiles. As disgusting as this ‘place' may be, you dont have to get stuck there. Those monkeys are yours and youcan stop them fiom bothering you .. and when youda, you will notice ‘that the landscape miraculowly ttuns into a more peaceful place How do youdo that? By using the magical techniques of the cartographer described in this took ‘that can help you stop being reactive and get creative instead, ‘This way youchange your inner landsoape and as a result also your outer. You look around you hijdyasle, infested with monkeys, reminds you what to do to esoape; you consoiowsly decide not to value your mother-inlaws words and you tell her simply. “I hear what youare saying nice that you wanted to share it with me, ends the phone call and points ‘your attention again on what you really want to do ‘You will find that swoh transformations from the emotional drama to calm waters are real to be possible. When you bring out your Compass of the Spirit, you have all the power to do so change reaction of anger, fivstration and helplessness Faulty Logic Compass ‘And what about logic? How does the analytical mine ft into all this? After al, facts are take feots and youstill have to do things that are reasonable when the world ends and people tum to you push the limit! Logic has its advantages, but when you wse it as your only grip, in instead of being guided by the Spitit your thinking is mechanical; then you have a mechanistic view con life that keeps you from experiencing magic and mystery. You then limit your magic foroes. ‘A logical brain tries to understand everything, which in itself is a noble aim, but which none of it get us done! We dont have the ability to hanzle everything that happens in life ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, 238 edb SRE ORASP GSAS SAR URI SR AEN WR a OF OES ‘thousands of people are dying as a result, or what we can personally do about it to "Bsc" overwhelming problems of the human condition. We can drive owselves crazy with ‘wonying about what we may have done to ‘pickpooket that stole ow wallet or the clzonie illness with no known cause, or the family member who does not limit ows appeaus to be able to respect Some things just happen. Only apply logic to the disparate events to understand life, youean tell how things came about and information that can help you avoid future disasters. But you cant do the logic showing underlying causal powers cannot reveal the mystery or magie and cannot answer the question: Why? ‘The Compass of the Spirit mings you that you can trast your heart very Llkely ‘wall continue to beat, the air wall continue to fll your limgs ani your life, if you make the right choices ani hard work will not be as heavy as if you were malting bad choices and all the hassle leaves someone else. Evenif you still want to believe that youcan get amsoyance, frustration, pain an somow avoid; that just wontt happen and it males the logical mind go crazy. ‘Youcannat figue out how you can organize your life inswh a way that you will experience nothing bad or mexpected happen to you But youcan choose to embrace a mystical joumey, to work wath the symbols that serve as the language of the mystery and of the Spirit, to live a richer, fuller Ife cammot be planned in detail ‘When youindulge inthe adventure and trust your Compass of the Spit the Map will aze becoming increasingly clear to you andl new paths will emerge. PagGlesSpitit is an antidote to any suffering we create owselves. Working with one imaginary Compass of the Spirit can remind ws of the loving, comforting power of it, Divine, helps us realize that whenever we feel lost itis just an illusion, because the Spinitis also there wath ws. ‘The following exercise will help you become aware of the power ari presence of the Divine. Exercise: Orient yourself using the Magio Compass Sst ike witha wa compas you will wok with he out enna detins NZ, Oand W Betinstad of tase ees ‘ocnoth, sth et and west they epson ential experiences and anctons (4s 700 wil 28) Daw a compas ona pice of ppet (wa or inaginay), male sue the pines amtng up, owas N sate and one down, eZ, on the ugh, othe O and one he eft, he W Unde the you we: Wire ‘ort nde he © you wut Fz; wade the W you vite Wiper and under th Z you wie Separation Phce the compass on thon wit he acing wp, justi ona map Sand wp staight clase you eyes nd bathe slouly mand out Fel yout coco withthe Spt The Nae Noth never congas es, doesnot move. Thats lays ughtin tonto you Now make «90 dager tthe ightin the tection of Ego Medio on what ago means to yOu ‘Whntimages, thoughts feings or ansitons comet wind when you tink of tis wou? Bspetince you eke of memodesof une when you wee driven by you ego.2 moment when ou ltt pay the rla? Tanlkaboutit cxeasions whee you di nt foe ead and wapptcited vise? Do you fel ashamed ot undeserving? ‘Even f you thoughts, ais or memouts ate confusing ot pin: stay awa it, say sent Allow youself cegess yout enonons using you body. Bes muck tne 2s you eed © ndesund what the egos experiencing ‘When youte done, tum 90 dgiees ick 50 yout icing theZ of Sepuntion Pete he 2 moment {oceson the word an ook atthe images, feelings, thoughts ot arson it evokes ow dows fe tw experience seclusion ? Wat memoues cone © wind? Do you fel ney? Cr you see how youate 4 you bast pene ota t be allovedt belong © hit soup? Do you member high schol and he ep formation, te evens there? ‘hex youse done, ture you body gun oat you ae fing Wilgower What does this meant you? What ind do yougeta feeling? Wiatimages come tomind when you expeince a conection with willpower ? Bogle epoud, ou ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, 2338 msn00 The ap sw stong wilt on you te way you want he spond to you? Do te chewastaces of you hfe meet you executions? gosteway oun ealgoen wax yor tnaeyon Ne ‘Ter tackin the dtecton of Tee Now Fel how youconect withthe power af he wnconitonal love of te Spit fr you Imagine whit ight tat sunouds you nd fulils powctve,nowishing love. You fel fe, bented and eoungeous ejoy this experince fora few minutes No ater which deeton youu, te Spits wit ou, as you wile below. ‘Gab you compass nd wplice go, Sepaatin and Wilpover with Etfortss, Smender tothe Holy, and We. Repeat the practice, rum n any dneeton and medinte on thisercouaging, loving expecince. Eu by becoming wvate gun ‘hom the Te Noth Tan gua notsiok and derube the images howehts, eas feelings and uemonies atime tomind ‘The directions on this Compass of the Mine change when yousee the transforming power of it Divine (t) recognizes. ‘Younno longer have to feel separated ani can instead enjoy the feeling of being part to create We, a larger community of people and beings on Earth ‘Youcan bypass your ego's need to be impoxtant an to be recognized and heard surrender to the Holy . You will nd protection lowing thatthe Spirit is always on your side Jookout, always before you start working, Youcen rely on his loving guidance and you ages his wisdom, ‘You can replace your willpower and effortlessness while waiting patiently for the mireoles of the Spirit that wall split the sea that stretohes out before youas an obstacle, which will give you wings to trantcend you problems. That will offer you possibilities that you would never have thought of yourself ‘and though which people and situations appear in you life that reflect your inner peace anel acceptance reflect. ‘Youcan choose the compass that connects youto the invisible force of the True Noxth at any time ‘bring outa moment, orient yourself ina place that has confused you that you sad, frightened or frustrated, and observe your experience. Then the real magi goes from you life starts and youremember how you got here ‘When youcome tothe places were your emotions arise and threaten to engulf you, realize that you at the crossroads of two worlds, where the invisible forms and informs the visible. If you can tale alittle distance fiom youself and accept that youare here, ina place marked with across {is marked, and you will remember that you ave not your immer landscape. Youve not the Stomfelds that rage within you, the Arid Desert that makes you feel lost and needy. Youare not that Raging River that drags you into its violent cwsrent If youtuavel through all those different landscapes, you can always consider youself a special one participant, Youare not desperate, but someone who tavels temporal through the Valley of Loss, through one area youcen leave for election (Although youmay retum there at some point, ‘You must be a cowageous explorer who realizes that e is not where he would like to be andi who has the strength to lead himself to another place Confused about our place Recently, dwzing a seminar, I asked 150 participants, “Which one of youis feeling right now lost lost?" Almost everyone raised their hands. Ithappens to all of us. We may lnow where our seats are, but we still feel lostina strange environment. And if that's true, where are we at? ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, 29n38 msn00 Theap voi PRARPE RES BUR APES SPURL SERRE IBLR thd Hass because we have our revive and imagine the future. We can experience a different reality than the present ‘moment, azeality which we call our subjective experience and whichis often at odds with the events that take place outside our heads. No wonder we are disoriented. Our emotions and ow thoughts take us into adesert, while we are ina hotel room or in one disevssion ‘We all have a ‘place’ in the world and in the great web of life. Knowing this place gives ws a sense of seowity and meaning. The problem is that we give so mush weight to ow ‘own inner experienves, that our true nature completely escapes us and then we can go home, to where we belong cannot be foul. We feel like we are wandering aimlessly on ‘winding paths to wino Inows where. We forget that we are adventers on a Magio Map an pagdayte magical att of co-creation with our fellow travelers and with the Spitit. We cannot go home until we know where we are at the moment. 1 felt Jost and confused, and wandered for years through the Arid Desert and Storm Fields to the hypnotic Poppy fields, until | finally reached the bottom of the well and had to acknowledge it ‘that I was an alcoholic who had absolutely no control over her drinking. I was asleep so many times fallen into that dangerous, alluring Poppy feld that is a big part of life and of opportunity to develop, to become whole and to embrace my life purpose, were up to me passed. I had done nothing more than vegetate and respond to what was happening around me. I was, Ihave been unable to listen to the voice of my soul, who knew where I belonged and how! had to get there oould:t take my role in co-creating the events in my life, because I was alone all that thought was too painful to let me get through. My inner lansisoape delivered feeling uncomfortable and I was desperate for a place of rest that would keep slipping away from me. Like somuch alocholics I had a moment of insight when one day I saw myself with completely different eyes looked at the mizror. I really saw myself for the frst time in my life ‘The mirror never lies People often claim that a photo of themselves or a video clip or an image in the mirror wales them up shales from sleep and confronts what they are and what they do. They see themselves as they are and not how they like to remember themselves or how they remember they were. They manage to do this because they have stepped out of their objective, emotional experience and have become aware of them observing self, observing with great clasity. The wizard who can change the Map is ‘woke up! The soul speals for itself! Newoscience shows that when your nervous system panic reacts alleged danger, blood flow and electrical activity increase in the part of your brain that you emble tofiee or fight At the same time, the pait of your brain that makes you cansefiect, control your impulses, plans and dreams inactive and, as azesult, you cannot think more clearly. ‘This males it seem as if youare ‘blinded! by jealousy or anger, ot overcome’ by grief. You ccalm, perceiving self has disappeared, because these powerful emotions are blocking your access to that att of your brain that can make yourise above the pain of the moment. But when youdo that ‘youcan activate the landscape of your thoughts, feelings and beliefs. You can look at yourself and determine that there are two selves’ the 'you' who experience the laneiseape and the "you" who perceives that this is happening ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, sons msn00 Theap Although the awakening of our perceiving self - the consciousness that does not feel confused, has been lost or overwhelmed - can happen in afiash, you may have alieadly developed the ability to be outside yourself steps, Everyone bas the inmer strength for the ability to excite this observing self ‘that can reflect to develop. Have you forgotten that you have this ability?Do youcatch youself sometimes on perceiving you emotional experience and you hear yourself say, "Hmm, Im going all out ‘my sphere. Am Texaggerating a litle? * Pag¥lague often not used to listening to that inner voice. Ow attention is drawn ‘uough the drama or through ow landscape, and we forget that itis we ouselves who oreate it. Have youever dreamed that you had the feeling that you were being chased or that you were in real danger ‘wrong and that part of your psyche stridenly realizes that youare sleeping and thenawake is going to be? (Ow minds are construeted in swh a way that they protect themselves, but sometimes we have to feel the pain to be able to heal. We also have to search the dark places. You cant do the shadow lands bypassing, not making a detow. But imagine that you have the power to wele up whenever you want to you ‘to demanel perception an to piok up the wand that is connected to all your inner self ‘wisdom, as well as the wealth of wisdom that the Divine can give us. Imagine before you have the courage to face al the challenges and that you can tum to your immediate partner all the magic beings in this country to assist you in the magical joumey to a better place. You can do it. And you will get help Observation and filters Wherever youare: youare ‘here!. Youare where you perceive youself ‘Your thoughts, feelings and beliefs create the landscape in your psyche, This isthe place that you ‘truly occupies, and it can be completely different from the place you physically inhabit. This place was created by your perception. You see what you expect to see, even if you are not even in the have gaps that youexpect it. The ming is equipped for what you have leamed or experienced in the past very efficiently apply to what you see happening right before your eyes. This ability becomes ‘wed to notice the signs of danger and possible suffering. That is why itis so difficult to find the to break through behavioral and thought pattems that onve served to protect you but not now serve longer Your mind, like that of others, is always filtering out fects that conflict ‘with your beliefs ‘We all need to outgrow this limited way of looking at our lives. We have to be alert now filters ani leam how to change them. In this way we ensue that we make different choices and create new pattems, anew story that will be visible on the map ‘This is how perception works: your brain attaches meaning and structure to everything you see rake it understandable and simplify any confusing and contradictory information you does. Your consciousness blocks many of the sensory impressions the brain receives, and for good reason: if youletit all in you would go crazy. Youcantt do everything around you Experienced happens without becoming completely disoriented, Scientists agiee that the human mind contains no more than about 5 percent can tale from what he is exposed! to, ani this fragment is created by our subconscious selected and ordered in the prefrontal cortex of the brain Inthe information age, the mind makes a habit of simplifying everything so that you are not there is overwhelmed. Filters are fine, but sit backcan let them decide which one ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, sus msn00 Theap information is important and what can be ignored is to let yourself down in the Poppy field Bagbisgleepy country there is no question of evolution, nor of healing. Youreally have to wake up ‘and experience attention and openness of mind in order to grow. Just like a flower you will love youself should open to the rain and sunlight You will have to replace the filters in your mind and new ones letting in new awareness ‘Whenever I do a readling for a client I see the process on the basis of which they make their choices. Patterns repeat and become ground. People tend to be sleepwalking from one end up in the other and deny the true sowee of their suffering; disturbed them beliefs that cause inmer chaos and affect their outer reality. ‘You can use your magical power to see how you prefer to see; through the eyes of compassion with yourself and with others . What you will discover about youself is occasionally revolting, so you will must be gentle, loving, and forgiving to youself. Fortunately the Always mind it with ts infinite love for you, and remind you to do just as much about yourself love if youare loved by the Divine: unconditionally ‘The only way to see yourself clearly is to step back from what you are experiencing and notice what youare do youself. Itis not someone or something, but your mind that tales you to the Stormfields or to it Soggy Swamp where you feel overwhelmed. Your adventuze always tales place bchind the lens where you looks through. Step back and trust that the Spitit is there to ill you compassion for youself, to give you the courage to see what you have to see. ‘The awakening of your consciousness Although sometimes we try to avoid looking at ourselves because we fear it too is painful, we often do not lookat ourselves and our patterns, because we simply click on the ‘autopilot. We respond to the events in our lives and the emotions and thoughts that ‘we have, without imagining how we could oreate something new from ow ewrent one experience. ‘The only way to tum off your autopilot that is causing your emotional responses if you have fear, doubt, anger or nervousness, itis developing the habit of observing the observer within youself ‘wake up. This inner witness is a tremendously powerful manifestation of your higher self or your soul. He is like a great wizard of consciousness with a wand that gives him aocess to all Inowdedge. This imer Wizard of Consciousness is the part of you that recognizes that logio and reason are not always the ‘most effective means are to escape from an emotional area and retwn to a county of joy. The wizard in youean calm your thoughts and help you transoend the gloom is caused by strong emotions. Itis as if with his magic wand he is the river of consciousness ‘touch and restore the conection with the wistlom of the universe itself. There is anentizely new language at your disposal. The Spirit can spealk to you through natwal symbols and invite you to something create news; new thoughts, beliefs, behavior .. new ideas and insights ‘When you change, the way you view the world and begin magically ‘to change everything around you Your Magic Map has changed. People lookat you differently. Yousee itno longer looks the same, it no longer runs the same, you move around the world very differently than you are used to todo. Because you are comnected to everything that lives, the light and consciousness that flows you igageperiemes the people aroun youand influence them. So wake up that sleepy wizard now. Once that has happened, you will see the lansiscape a lot shaxper and youzealize where youare ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, suse ansro20 Tedap Places you could visit ‘There are countless countries on the Map. In this section, a few ate mentioned that you may like ‘will encounter. You will nad a longer list at the end of this took: Maybe there are areas that are not that you discover when you start working with your card. When you visit those countries, ‘then watch wit they look like and try to find their wisdom with the help of the Spot Spitits. As you gain more confidence in your ability the Map, to work with the Spirit and to work with you Relate to your magical allies and the traveling companions you encounter along the way, you wall nd yourself are willing to visit some of the more exciting landscapes to fully express your feelings experience and leam your lessons. Each country bas a dark side and a light side. Get to Imow them and work with them. Nobody ever wants to change something if everything goes smoothly, but if you spend too much time in the happy azeas, youmay find youself asleep in the Poppy fields or wandering immaterially in one Duskcarea so youneed to make sure to continue the journey. Tencowage you to develop a list of countries that are only yours. What do you have experienced? What adventures await you on the road ahead? Can you imagine your landscapes get the ghost you would like to visit? Can you imagine places you can enjoy? Places where youcan find salvation, take courage or take risks? Can you imagine a landscape recall that yousend prayers and intentions into the world? ‘Your feelings, thoughts and beliefs are the roots of your Home Tree. By entering the Map ‘and tale in the environment created by these ever-changing impressions, you wall find that youare not your feelings, but rather the one who feels them . Because of this technique of working ‘by making landscapes on the Magic Map your own, you give youself a very original gift; you are a magical adventwer who males the joumey to his destination. In Greg Bradents inspiting book Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer , he wnites: " Feeling is Prayer + old traditions remind vs that the world around us is nothing more is nothing less than the misror of what has become of us in ow lives; what we think of the relationship that we have with ouselves, witheach other and, ultimately, with God. Scientific evidence is emerging the same down what we feel inside becomes manifest in the outside world. " Remember that you can enter all of these places within you. Immerse youself in that joumey of discovery and never forget that the Spirit is there to guide you. You will never be lost and you can hit the road always find home. The Swampy Swamp ‘The swamp is like the ‘primordial soup’ in which liquids mixed and expectedly new life and living conditions were formed. Youcan ena up in the Swampy Marsh if life is one to you ‘now the effect ball and for example you have to tale care of both your parents and your young obildren Or pagedAyou get the workof a departed colleagve, or youare in the midst of a health crisis. You ray end up when youhave not prioritized the things to do or for you extended, now youare feoed with such huge pile of work that youdo not remember where to start ‘The ml here is so thiccand absorbent thatt looks like you are caught in the Swampy Soamp. But cone you stop struggling an see itas the creative soup of potency ant ideas tha raise your awareness you wal be stzprised by the lage amount of opportunities that come up foat. The feeling that you have too many things to doin too lite time and that you are doing so badly getting your life in order that you are going wer wil disappear like sow inthe sin ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, s3n38 msn00 Theap (PRAY leaps lesson of the Swampy Swamp: that you should relax and stop trying ‘After keeping quiet for a while, the Spirit of the Swamp will guide you to the next cartect action. And soon everything will be all ight again. Time will even make room for youand you wall have hous ina day to do everything you need to do. There is anld saying that comes of Norwegian rmmes: We do without doing and everything is done The Valley of Loss There isa place that none of ws want to travel to; a place of pain tears, rage, sadness and rejection. Butin the Valley of Loss, we can be broken open o realize that we axe belong tothe soul of the world. Modem Wester oultie does not fly understand the importance of this place, the power we can fi there and the depths we leam to understand when we ave inthis valley Since itis sucha peinfl place, you should allows yourself to stay theve fora wile. When! both mine lost parents I failed to allow myself to heal, but when my dogs died | wanslered fora long time through the Valley of Loss. 1 gave myself permission to stay there fora while facing tougher pars of my life. Losing my fimry companions who loved me unconditionally and taught me howto be seliesly sesponsible and compessionate ‘yes inoredibly hard on me. But to experience how their loss had broken my heat rade me open enough to make the long and winding journey backcto my death parents. What had seemed lke a painful journey o me, I could handle once I made my way to healing 1 os really liberated when I consciously retumed to this Valley of Loss to truly experience the sccept Inman weelaesses in my family face my own pact nthe coxfict and eventually forgive all of us (although t tookca wile). The Valley of Loss introduned me then abe to heal from the tragedies that had dispersed One day this place will call you oo, When you try o avoid him ort leave the area as soonas possible, something will really be lost because the Valley of Loss isthe place were youleam hunility gratitude, appreciation and deeper access to your heat, The Arid Desert Inthe Arid Desert you feel exhausted and as if your stock of oreativity has dried up. Maybe you have Hage given away all your water and sounded youself with empty springs that give you the feeling that youre filling them ‘must Itseems as if nothing can grow on the withered earth. When you get to the Arid Desert being called, it seems like nothing will ever grow or flowish in your life again. This place seems inesoapable, although you will eventually leave him again ‘The Spot Spitit of the Arid Desert will teach you to keep what you have instead of thinking it thoughtlessly ‘waste, find food in the hidden places and dig deep to find water. Discover here ‘your ingenuity and resilience in tough times. Youalso lea to deal with your latent desizes, your habbies and creative activities to lool for inspiration When your compass points to the Spinit, the inspiration, but sometimes the idea is that you only do things relaxed until the flash of insight ‘anew path opens. Suddenly you see green appeating on what was once bare, dry earth. Co-dependency country ‘You end up in Co-dependeney country when you start a relationship with an addict or alocholio, or you became so entangled with the lives of others that you feel your sense of independence and lose self-esteem. Here you will notice that youare wearing a crown on your head and a misplaced one ‘inpstanshte googluserconent com tans 465, sane msn00 Theap have a sense of power because you believe that you are somehow responsible for other people's behavior But you dont see it that way because you want to believe that youare only trying to help or love the other person in swha way that be gets better. ‘You do mot realize that youare driven by your need to feel important when you others try to'fixt. When you lookin the distorting misvors that hang everywhere in Mede- dependency country, you feel that if you squeeze youself just a little bit more, everything will be fine and that person other than healthy. happy and responsible .. but thatis anillusion The mote you try to arrange things for others, the more likely you are in the ‘tap kicks or gets lost in the maze made of thomy shrub branches dotted with sticky spider webs that wrap around you like tentacles In Co-deperdency country the Plekcspirit asks you to think about putting healthy ones limits, adhere to a rule of love and compassionate detachment and teach you your anxiety incheck The only way out of this place is to practice radioal acceptance and life life. Just like the mantra that helped Dorothy get out of the Land of Oz, you will have one to belp youescape from Co-Dependency Country: “I diditt cause it I can't ‘and I cant contol it " ‘You will find yourself in ll Ikinds of different landscapes - some beautiful and others quite disturbing. Remember that the frst thing to do ina disruptive place is to breathe calmly calmly and look around to see where youate. The next step is to ask youself if you are already there Ihave been before and if so, when? Where are youin time? Yourelive it past? Does it make sense to do that? Why did you have to return here? Only by it landscape, youcan find the answer Page 43 Notes for travelers * Your thoughts, feelings and beliefs form an inner landsoape. + Your conditioning ensues that your mind Alters information and searches for coherence between your inner world and your outer world * Tt is important to change your beliefs and develop new pattems to see the world ina new light * Youcan leam something from your inner lansisoapes by describing them as magic areas where your emotions tale properties of the weather or topographic aspects of the natural world - suchas the Swampy Marsh the Valley of Loss, The Bottom of the Well and soon + Any landscape can serve as an oracle and give you access to the hidden wisdom that comes from the Divine and will teach you to stand up for yourself + Youmust be willing to stay in your inner landsoape, no matter how tricky the terrain is, if ‘you want to learn the lessons of this plaoe + You can always leave a landscape if thete is no point in being there anymore, because you have the have uvderstood the lesson. ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, ssn38 msn00 Theap + Youcan always retum voluntarily to lear something new. Page 44 Chapter Two When will you be there? “The past is a guide place, not an anchorage." Asnibutd tL, Thomas Holt “The difference between past, present and future is no more thana stubbom illusion * Albert Eine Now that youkmow where youare, the question is: When will you be there? Does the emotional landscape youare in right now feel familias? Have you been there before? When? Staying somewhere else than in the present moment prevents your progress until you stop reconciles with your inner environment; with your mindret ‘The mind has the need to always wander to the past and to the fue. We humans ccando that well, thanks to ow imagination that allows us to live our lives from a different perspective, to escape the limited vision of the moment It's not about it ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, 36n38 msn00 Theap to be constantly in the now and not to avoid it completely but to be where we are at Ihave to be ata Certain pout in ume, so we dant get lost. (Our culture foroes us to multitask and eventually we lose track of where we are bbe precise in time; we thoughtlessly do ow shopping and fuléll our obligations, ‘while ow mind waners to past hassle, potential problems, nostalgic landscapes and happy or terrifying visions of what awaits ws How many times have you not practiced the future as an actor, or were you brooding during a meeting ‘about the conversation you had with your loved one the previous day? There is a moment for each of these experiences, but that's not when youtre doing something else that requires your full attention - like driving or talling to someone you care about and want to disowss something important. You do not always want to find yourself ‘absent, lost and apparently unable to reach the place ‘where you should be. In this chapter you will leam howto apply mindfulness to travel in time. To begin | want to remind you what todo if youretum to an unpleasant place on your Map and the ‘tend to hide in the past or the future, rather than the emotions you have init, rages moment to face. You tale a deep breath take out your compass, describe it Taniscape and asic: ‘Is this still true for me now, or am I shadow boxing with it, past? It may be that you only have a temporary fall in time, but the lansisoape will still be there look very real, until you find a way to switch to the present Oh, no, not that place again! Howmany times have you found youself ina vicious circle that you cart break? Are you bbackin the same old situation, in which you feel powerless and miserable? Itis simple to yourself strongly condemn and think: What happened? After all that working on myself and my regular resolution to change my life, am There again? ‘You shouldntt be ashamed if you have a relapse to an old area. That happens to all of us as ‘we are "triggered", or on the birthdays of lost loved ones, or through events that affect us have nat, Remember that we are all involved in an adventure characterized by intense moments ‘You can!t avoid thse repeating lansisoapes, because of dire cizcumstances and challenges are patt of the experience of being human. Every Map has fixed features that you cannot places you have to visit- perhaps several times. It would be great if you never had to retum to the Valley of Lass once you have been there and have your lesson Jeamed. But if youflee for the present moment because it is too painful, your Map wall show your route contect as if it is an autopilot. The deceptive creatue called Kobold will Ieep luting you into these problematic landsoapes. ‘There is no esoape from any area of the Map other than by swrender to it curent moment and the acceptance that you are init, however exciting and confusing it may be Denial will take you to the Poppy Field, where the same event will occur over and over repeat until youchange it Be present in the here and now and watoh the magio unfold ‘unfolds as the Spinit shows you the shadow and light of this land, providing you with wisdom and insights that give you strength during this adventwe. Of couse it is very hard to surender to the present moment as your emotional experience violent or if it feels like nothing will ever change. Onoe youare able to step back from the Soggy Swamp or the Valley of Loss and you remember that you have the power to ‘you will mow that no feeling is forever and that you are not your emotions. Even someone ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, sms msn00 Theap ‘who in you view is anevil person is not evil every minute ofthe day Itis not that Jour enuan can suas Uonsclves nnebintehy but nes so bet youegersrte them contimoxsly ‘You cannot erase the disturbing landsoapes from you Map, but mindfulness wll help you grounds in the now, in the present moment in which you have to embrace your emotions. For most of ws, mindfulness - the ability to determine your thoughts to the present ‘moment - to be taught, because itis not self-evident for us. When first time I started doing mindfulness meditation I found it very difficult My mind loves to get excited to shoot inall directions, but I was determined to leam how to calm my mind bring. Frankly I hated itat frst, because ‘now seemed to be the last place where my Pagelgented to go | found myself good at roaming aroun! areas that had something to do with ‘finished relationships from the pest and anticipating my futuze business sunoesses or potential felines. Facing this time-consuming habit of mine felt ike one liberation and made it posible for me to develop mindfuines. I had tostiokto it ‘work but eventually, by prcticing regularly I became more mindful and that made a huge difference difference. I believe itis very important that we remain present inthe present wey leaming, given the hysteria associated with the collective ‘shift we ave all going through together this time of upheaval ona global scale The paradox is that youonly have to recognize that your mind is somewhere else’ tobe able to choore where you went to be. Feeling compassion for youself because you are not here and now wl bring you beciinto it cumtent moment, And as youleam to workcbetter with you Map. your stiength to ep growing there, to leave a complicated landscape when the time is right and not before, and unnecessary tips to avoid countries of worry and suffering. Youcen stop feeling lost init pastor in the futne, and nmaway from what youbave to face Synchronicities and Time When you map out the emotional landsoape you inhabit and realize itis more than Inown, ‘temainis a sign that you still havertt really taken the lesson of this place to heart While you may think this is the ease, there may still be wisdom that you have have been overlocked. ‘Why are youalways thrown baoketo the traumatic emotional landscapes of you past? This is because a large part of your interaction with the Map takes place unconsciously. You will become aware of where you are, when youare there an, as you will see, who is guiding you How the more mindful youare, the more you will notice the synchronicities in your life. And then it becomes a lot easier to remember that you have the power to tale those repeating landscapes where you are alone ‘but buts to tum your beok: ‘Thece synolnonicities are pavt of the cleverly designed Spirit alarm system that lmeps you alert con the nate of time itself, so you remember how to work with it properly and be anefficient time traveler. The point is to be in the present as much as possible, but not continuously. You need it to dream every now and then reminisce, leam fiom it past and prepare for a fue that always has umexpeoted things in store for you. Inorder to stay in the now, you wall have to learn to look to the futwe without worrying about the details of what is to come andi without trying to control it (I give people therefore do not have a predictive reading more than twice a year, because I iow youare very can easily become obsessed with what could happen, instead of focusing on the day of today . I elaborated on this in my book Messages from Spirit, in the seotion about it ‘wpetonshve googleusetoontent com tans £465, sans Insno20 Tedap abuse of oracles, Itis very important not to get ahead of youself. Youalso serve youself fst solve past problems so that youdont traumatize youself or keep wondering if ‘you shouldnt have done things differently. Paghtpizitual beings who are temporarily gaining a human experience, we have chosen to be in one live time / space reality... to notice that there is a past, a present and a futuze. This one experience categories can help you uaierstand your life ani heal youself, but itis also helpful to understand the true nature and form of time ‘The shape of time Although we all leamed in school to draw timelines from left to right ‘with the events of long ago on the left and the more recent further to the right, time is not organized ina straight line. Even on the smallest soale of reality we can determine, the quantum scale, itis not linear or even logical, because the linear time is one construotion of our rational mind, The true nature of time is completely different, Let go of the mental image of a timeline and imagine time as acoil or ‘thuee-dimensional spiral that starts with the past and moves on to the future as you travel ‘moves. A spiral is a cwve that revolves aroun a certain paint and is getting closer or closer to this paint get fither from it, Imagine the historical timeline you leamed at school ina coil without ‘begining or end changes. Then you see that conditions for war keep retuming, just like those for social movements. History repeats itself and everything old becomes new again That's how time works, Inhis fasoinating book Fractal Time , Gregg Braden describes in detail how certain states are repeat themselves in a fractal pattern in ow lives, both collectively and on a personal level. A fraotal is a shape that contains smaller versions of the same shape, suchas a square made up of other smaller squares. Everywhere in natwe you can find fractals, from the arrangement of petals up to the structure of ice orystals. Fractal time repeats previous states. So the seasons have a cyele and although one spring is never exeotly the same as the previous, every spring meets a muber of conditions that you can assume. Beoawse time is a spiral or a fractal and we ttn back to previous states, we become re-invited to an event we missed the frst time. This puts us in the opportunity to ‘put it right anyway. Itexplains way certain circumstances in vs life eps repeating itself and why we, when we peroeive ow way of perceiving and our behavior bbe able to experience these states this time without too mush pain We dontt have to ‘accept the invitation to once again enter into an unsatisfying relationship witha partner who is never there for you or to rekindle the same old conflict witha sibling In fizotal time, every particle reflects the whole, just like the twigs ofa tree ‘mimic the branches, which in tum mimie the trunk In fractal time, an end refieots stant. Gregg refers to the terrible prediction that will end on December 21, 2012 to aera of Inman existence, yet that day also marks the beginning of a new era. tis not the fst time that our planet is undergoing a major change. From scientific data on the age of the eavth shows that we have experienced something like this before and it survived! The civilization of Atlantis may have been lost, but we now have mote information and have the ability and insight to make this monumental change that life ‘ill ultimately benefit, endwe. pagBlagking with fractal time causes us to recognize that death has new possibilities for it ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, sons msn00 Theap ‘brings withit life; from loss comes profit. When we have this truth about the natue of time ‘we ale going to feel lost because then we are creating the cybles, the patterns and the hope of creating xno longer see something better. Remember, we are a microoosmio version of what is bigger collective, so we dant have to be so impressed with world history at all. We can tum owr attention to our responsibility to be mineiful in our own lives. Gandhi said, “We must be the change we went to see in the world." A person, conviction, thought, prayer and action ata time. We cannot change the cycles, but we can change ows responses to it In nature, the seasons and cycles teach us about predictability, about trust in what is in the ‘winter dies, will be reborn and what is planted in spring will bear fat init, autumn Therefore, if you find yourself in the Frozen Land, you can be swe that in the end everything wall to melt. But something must die frst and you will have the opportinity to use this time in this comtry to to ‘cold’ your anger or corflict and, eventually to let go of what no longer serves The Frozen Land Sometimes our emotional reality is so hard that we shut owselves off and became dull. Wee going Frozen Land inside, where time seems to stand still and the heat of our anger, fear, jealousy or grief is cooled. We ‘put things on ice! and have the opportunity to rest. ‘At fist, the Frozen Land seems rather merciless, but at some point you touch the used to cold. When you wall around it, you notice the beauty of the place; how it gets light ‘tapped in the icicles hanging from the twigs and branches of the trees. Everything is quiet and calm and ‘your raging thoughts seem to settle down. And yet, like mast of us, you feel strong resistance to enter the country. You would much rather "do" something to fx the situation - now take action ‘The Spirit of the Frozen Land is always available to show youaround, She wall explain that to you ‘winter is a season that inevitably tums into spring. The Frozen Land will then appear to be disappear but only in your teality, because this is a magical and eternal place to which many wall visit, ‘The Frozen Land is not a place to stay long. but youdontt want that at all. Only it cracle that belongs to this landscape, the Spit ofthis frigid place, cam live in this icy environment They ‘will guide you to a cold, daricerystal cave where youcan doa long hibernation and new dreams can dream for your life. She will explain to you that there is nothing you should be right now ‘because it is time for everything and everyone to go to sleep, but that your emotions in the end ‘will reappear andl you will be somewhere else. In the meantime she will ask youif there is anything in it your life is here to die, so that spring can come again. Although this country still looks so unapproachable, you will notice that it oan be very refieshing, because it restores your self-esteem and brings you back into your body. Whatever it is you worry about makes: youcan defiost it later. Now go to sleep first. Helen Regenerate. And dreams ‘The Frozen Land is a place of surrender. One day you will consoiowsly make the choice to go there and allow time to stand stil, igus down over time ‘The oyeles of nature also teach us to be patient. Youcan not buelding buds in the spring to chase. They will bist open and bloom when the time is right and nota moment before, so it ‘there's no point trying to rush things. Infect, when you relax in the seasons of your life, you take pleasure in it live as an individual, at the pealc of your caveer or as a parent of young children. You take the ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, ans msn00 Theap ‘things as they come, instead of twisting around to &t your schedule. Thenitis much less frustrating when the same old situation recurs and yourealize you have the power to magically transform it Taking it slower actually gives you more access to time. I notice it when | am in the Swampy ‘Swamp is sitting there is no hole in my diary to do anything; my target list will be ‘a monster that threatens to swallow me. When I prepave for my radio show, I have ‘the feeling that I should enroll inan intemet covrse and enroll inane intemet covase, I remember that | had to cancel an appointment with friends and that | now have plamed this Thusday, so will never get the project I'm working enon time bla bla bla... Time seems to be bursting at the seams as my mind of the past moves through the present to the futue tiple jump and then I feel lost. When am I there? But if I meditate on the present moment for twenty minutes and count my breath, which is my favorite practice in mindfulness, I use my magic to stietch the time with which I create space for the spiritual worl! do. Back in my daily consoiousness I Jmow all the work that I do dois spiritual and that there is time and space for everything now that I have calmed down Maybe it's one illusion but very convincing! Somehow it seems like Iam able to to go from the twig to the branch fiom the small square to the big one, and everything that needs to be done, also happens. And what docin' happen will wony me ‘When you jump hop fiom past to future and back again time seems to be in one fast train passing. You get next to nothing because you waste time worrying instead of being in the present and making things happen. Then time seems to go faster and faster to pull together. The more you confirm that there is no time, the less time there is. Slow down the time ani youll fre the brightness to see that you can get out of the Swampy Marsh through calm down by prioritizing and then doing something practical and simple. ‘Multitasking is great but not when it becomes an addiction and you even consider texting ‘while driving or something else ridiculous. If youare in too much of a luury, youdont have time to be fully in the now at whatever task you perform, putting you in that difficult, emotional landscapes eneis up. You ignore all wauning signs that say this person has not been determined energetic, because you went to continue, you want to huy-- and yes, what you did not want to pay attention ta, you go now costs much more time and energy. Changing the Map of the Past Slow down your pace and allow your perception to change. You will soon notice that you past and also the Map has changed. You will look beckon your interactions with someone you once have agdepned and may remember what it felt like to hang fiom a cliff above sharp rocks, ‘unable to defend against the accusations and abuse, afiaid of the last bit of grip to lose. At the time, you wished you had the monstrously strong creature that had driven you into that comer bypass. But now that youare starting to feel the beliefs that put you in those precarious eiroumstances ‘you will no longer remember those corfliots in the same way. Instead youmay feel that atthe time it was like standing on the edge of the Raging River screaming for it person on the other side, who didnt even see you and couldnt hear you let you know how you feel felt. The atmosphere of danger that you always felt around that person often initated or made you ‘yousad, especially when you thought how hopeless your attempts were, how much energy you wasted with, ‘uy to get dough to him or her. (One day you wall visit that time of your life and you will see the banks of the Raging River ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, aus msn00 Theap enter without frustration because you no longer feel comered. You will realize that ‘youare only there temporarily Or maybe you always ene up in the Crystal Gorge of the Echoes when you do remembers the past, and you can take the opportunity to shave your observations and beliefs change by bringing out a new message and making it sing around Often the people who leave my weekend meetings in Sedona have a new vision of the futue, which magically changes their viewpoint as they joumey though life. Sucha weekend staxts witha ritual on Friday evening in which the participants are guided ina new way of looking at oneself: entering a magical area of self-examination. All weekend is like one sacred ceremony, starting with anointing oils, a water ritual with special bath salts and a meditation to mutwe a dream that will help them embarion the new jowney ‘The next two days I guide the participants through a mmber of powerful processes that are intended ‘to orient them on their personal Map and help them discover who they've been to so far have listened andl what it tales for them to change on and in themselves to grow. We look carefully at what the repeating landscapes, allies and challengers have to'say regarding their past beliefs and behaviors andi how they get in the way of their ability Ihave stood to find the meaning of their lives, to succeed an to express themselves creatively. ‘Then! guide everyone ina profound and transformative process of changing pperoeption, ‘When they retun home they notice that their history has been rewritten, now that their hearts have been given space to heal. They discover that new opportunities suidenly arise as they recognize that swrender "what wes' changes the present ane opens up new paths to the futwe. ‘The knowledge that you have the power to choose your way of perceiving is like one ‘wand in your hand that lets you change the time. Memories that change or reappear ‘Strangely when your perception changes, nat only your memories of the countries change ‘that you magically visited years ago, but newmemories are also popping up now peroeives otherwise. Pag@ bmn was much younger, I saw myself as my mother's victim. I sawlher as someone whose show or vote alone landed me directly ona battlefield. There I was tenified and enraged around me, blinded by the smoke from cannons rising around me Now that I am older and have worked pretty hard on myself, I can look backon my mom and see her behavior in a completely different light I know that, as a survivor of the Holocaust she is in pain and fear ‘that her thoughts tumed darlcand kept her from being kind to me, show affection and compassion I now see how difficult the intrusive quality of my talent is ‘must have been her ([ saote about this in my first book, Remembering the Future ) and bow painful it was for ber to watch my self-destruetion through alechol. There was absolutely nothing she could do about it have restored the relationship with my mother, even though she is no longer there, because I have much mote respect now and appreciation for her. As a result, I have regained old memories that keep my mind whole Jong tucked away ina dark drawer, memories that did not correspond to myself as viotim of a mother who did not treat me well. I espeet and understand her now and I love hair without barriers I uerstand mymom when she tookme to the hospital after I was raped and put me ont heart pressed to be silent that did to protect me, not to silence me shame for the family. She went through something similar during the war and tried to help me ‘wpetonshve googleusetoonen comune S465, ens8 msn00 Theap to be strong and not give my strength to the pain and shame of what had happened to me. They held my band at the emergency room and cried. She didiit just ery for herself, I mow now, it ‘was also about me, Her anger was dizeoted at the homific situation and she was rightly afraid of one painful, petsonal memory. At the time I couldnt see anything other than that she was ashamed of me, because I was so wuestrainedly focwsed on myself. So mush so that I had myself ina position, ‘maneuvered that had led to the rape ‘This memory and the subsequent new insights could only come to mind after me had given up my story of ‘Poor Beleaguered Me, and I couldnt give it up until then after I re-entered that arena and learned the lessons from the plaoe. Only then did I see that ‘the smoke had cleared and I did rit even see her on this scene; i was my own, ‘opponent. So lad absolutely no more need to waste energy fighting my mom and weighed down go under the painful weight of that heavy armor It is very sad that I did not see all that when she wes alive. I only managed it years after she did ied in order to understand my part in the dynamics. And then I started the past with see other eyes. (Our memories are remailably selective. For example, feuds oan arise when a brother or sister ‘mom and dad, the childhood in the parental home or experienced a certain event completely different than everyone else. Even while an event is talking place, ow mize can change ow peroeption, drastically distort it to fit our beliefs about ourselves, others and the world vs, Add to this the passage of time and you will understand how waxeliable memories are ‘We can get completely lost inthe details of ow memories, but when we delve deeper in the Map, we recognize the emotional experience and we can Jeam as muchas possible from it, so we can leave it where itis, in the past. Otherwise we name every detail of it Haydssape in which we are stuskand we risk getting stuck in this rugged terrain in which ‘we relive painful memories ari emotions over and over again. Step into a new past, present and future When youstait noticing the cycles that seem to be repeating in your life, youcan think of them as invitations to do things differently this time. You need the magio of mindfulness for free being reactive and giving in to your old, comfortable habits; even the greatest magicians have to lkeep training their magic. The following exeroise will help you get started with your Map, Exercise: Where am I and when will I be there? ‘Thsexmtiseconsos of to pus 1 the I Viton yocess to szover what you cunt andaae sand 2 puncte meping notes abou you ndings and ela tonship with this oun. whee ae you Why ate yu thee and whether you ete in he eset ‘Me pastor the fer Sup 1: The Is Vizio Prceess ‘ory ditecet rom gid viculizston, the pce one in which you Rave tls yout sul poe yout sbonsions 0 ep to ning oxt at enviomtentand yout motional eeuinces Thsieactve dieing, Youask yout sal othe stoves tat at deep waitin you ae locked wp anche, stnuting you agitation embellish the sty with symbals Gowsy stand et the thoughts tox burn yout Hed, whe focusing yous tention on yout ethng, The ply youself Where au? (Ge you ine obsever pension fo show youth ndscape nalts capctes Jest be the vitout psn judgment Dow'st dows and aaljze the pace, Justice whee youste nd how you eel Sep? Keep notes ‘a otek you wut he ansuers tase questions: ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, sn38 Tedop ‘Where ne you ow? What does yout inet andsrape Jo i? ave you been thet befoe? © When will yout thee? Ave you tein th ute, thinking about wintit could be ike? Or ate you teen the ast in you * Do,you sel postive enctionsin fis ndeeape, x negate ons? Ie thee eso you shoudl? tothe any beet ws this phew? Have you ben thew ater? + Doesit fe ite you leepetring it foro son? 1 How xn the expesnce of saying in his specie ndsenpe hap youin you al ie? ‘When yout goof te bite ein ftom yout curent emotion sate, you Sn the counge 0 dos0 fee diftcut ments ofthe pst nd the av wali of he fue at you ee, en the mimtionsof you pasoml hisexy Inthe following capes you wil lan moe about the {lbs whoa help youon You journey. as wellas the magical tals such as liomans and medicine bags youTave ‘ean suppnt But fist you need w lum about th dangers of enetng te Tigh Zones allot ws Tappms when wenger tolong in he pastor inthe ftee, And the sects tatean Rly you get out scape as you wills. Page 53 Notes for travelers * We feel lost because we think too much about the pastor the future, in instead of the present moment + Especially when we find ouselves in an emotionally unsettling situation, we ignore it, the present moment, + When we try to avoid ow emotions, we find owselves again and again the same old emotional place. + When we consciously work with the Map itis less obvious that we end up in disturbing emotional landscapes, and when we enter them, ‘we realize that we are not caught in it and we manage to leave them much eaulier * Time is a fractal or a spizal. Whatever itis that youare experiencing it will be somehow retum form. + The Frozen Land is a place to go if you need to'let things cool down! and think before you tale action * Slowing down and becoming mindful actually creates time for you + When you change your perception of the past, the Map also changes; you will you even remember things you had long since forgotten beoause they were not in agreement ‘with the story you always told about your life ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, a3 msn00 Theap Page 54 Chapter Three Lost in the Dusk areas “In the equation thatis life on Barth your future gets shorter every year and your past expands expands, swells up... evena past can feel safer than the present moment because you have the atleast lnows past woes - it envelops itself ina warm, slightly wmseal glow We caxtt spice up the present " + Anne Rafts “After spending most of my life trying to relive the past or the ‘To experience the futwe ahead of me, I have come to understand that there is peace between these two extremes is located. " + Anonymons Have youever let yourself be carried away by your wishes, in the mist of an imagined future in which images youmouth water, but reftse to become reality? Any country can become a Twilight Zone if youstay there too long. Ina Twilight Zone oocws ‘no emotional growth or healing for. You fieeze time instead of traversing this landscape ‘and enter the following. Because itis only your mind that is holding you here and not your te emotional state, the colors, texture and reality of the place have faded. Everything is ‘transparent and without substance - including yourself - beoause youare ina spooky place. You wander there round, confused and lost and out of time, until you know how to snatch youself out and you feel painful dares to feel emotions Dusk areas of the past ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, sn38 msn00 Theap When youare asked the question: When are you there? answers : Jn my past - then yousstill have the opportunity to leam the lessons of the country. The powerful emotions you feel in this traumatie plave can affect you inspite to do the work of learning and development no matter how painful that transformation may be tobe, When youstay there and look around you you will slowly but swely discover the wisdom that you next time will help you escape when you get there. Buta Twilight Zone is nota place of strong true emotions; itis a place of pabjession. where you artificially revive old emotions and relive something already to it past belongs Is there anything in your past that you are fixated on, although you are not getting any wiser from it Jeep talling and thinking about t7[s there an event or relationship that you constantly worry about? ‘Youotice thatthe attraction between you and your ex-partner has long sine disappeared, but that your anger about how he should have done this or that eps popping up when you have in your mind the scenario of your relationship replay? Regret for what you have lost s cathartic ane you will experience its you passthrough the Valley of Loss bot regret inthe Duskeaeas, like the county itself, is without substance. You dont fel sincere repentance, there is noel pain thatdrives growth You thinkand thincand thinkabout wat you could have done differently and thus create emotions as a result of you obsession Youcreate resistances, like the shadows of old Inst to keep youcompany- three ghosts to be exact that haunt you persistently Their names are Hadl-I-but Did-L-but and Could I-but I am convinced that you have met them in their Goblin form; not quite ral, but not to be underestimated either ‘As long as youkeep ruminating on past events hoping to get something out of it distilling value, you wll not geta grain of new information Instead, the thoughts thet you fom with regard to this experience are very vague and spocigy axl somewhat round instead of being rooted in youas wisdom Perhaps ina Dusicazea fiom the past youonze came to understand: [don't have to listen to people who tryto mvolve me in their cynicism. Those ave wise weds, but in one Tealight zone ae mere words, without form. They need substance to male you fel like it Jnep traumatizing youself again and again. They must be consoiotsly embedded in your hast and not just keep spinning around in you head. That ean only bappen'f yousllow youself your tue to feel emotions, to go back to'an authentic landscape on the Map and do the work. st happen: leering the lesson equires that you observe it Nostalgia and romance Romance canalso tale you to a Dusk area fiom the past. Giving ino nostalgia every now and thenis healthy It gives you feelings of happiness again and when you feel you ina challenging place, itis good to send youself ona mini trip to the wonderful areas, ‘youever visited. Nostalgia fills you with joy and entluusiasm, and that becomes part of you today if youallow it. Close your eyes and recall one of your favorite memories. Relive it Do you feel how its magic fills the here and now? Nostalgia makes you think of how you present youself here and now ‘make it happier in the future - or so itis. Its Kind of like when the Ghost of Early Christmas took Scrooge's han and him the scenes showed from his childhood. The waole performance of moody old Scrooge changed completely at the seeing his beloved sister, young and alive again But then he was reminded of his cousin, whose Jkind proposal he had tumed down that day. You can relive the happy scenes from the past and enjoy the wonderful emotions that will breathe new life into your nostalgia but you cannot be there ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, 46138 msn00 Theap live Pagéiseromanticize something by making you memory work selectively and the suffering the shadow that it light always accompanies, for convenience to forget. Youno longer think about how you live your life today day more satisfying, but instead basicin a past that tales you through a pink: looking at glasses. The good old days were never as good as yout like to believe Romanticizing can become addictive. In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone , the orphan discovered ‘wizard apprentice a magic mirror in which he oan see what he craves: his parents in person ‘who laugh and beckon at him. Albert Dumbledore must save Hany from this dangerous magic ‘thing, He explains that even a wizard can get lost by staring blindly at him for years desize, Time stands still when you become obsessed and ina romanticized Twalight Zone ‘wandering around. Living in the past does not give you any emotional nourishment or sense of purpose in the present. ‘The longer youstay there, the more time elapses and you feel lost and without control over your life. Slowly but surely, the essence seeps out of your being core and you become a shadowy person youself appearance. So while it takes courage to surrender to the present it isthe only way stant witha better future. The magie is restored when youaske Carries this substantially contribute to today? Dusk areas of the future When youstare blimey at what is yet to come, youcan find youself ina sedutive Diskarea that beckons you with both lots of shouting’ and little wooll. Remember that the future is not is certain Clients often tell me that they heard something from a clairvoyant duwing a reading ‘that upset them, and now they want to know if they have the strength to tale a different path. Of course they have! Intuition and foresight on what is yet to happen should empower people, and certainly not afiaid. I believe that the future can be changed if only beoatse of its potential and ‘to explore possibilities. When! was drinking, a clairvoyant told me that I had years and years of toubles and that would never many. Well, the year after I quit dink and I am happily mamtied! But still if had lingered in the landscape in which I wes then and had not made any changes in my life, her prediction would be whole probably came te. Even without aseer's prediction people can tallcto themselves about fear, anger, al sadness if they think something terzible is hanging over them. To avoid those feelings, they will ‘ty to convince themselves that the future only has something good in store for them and that ‘they can face the challenges they will face because they are prepared for anything ‘You could waite a waole story about how your life will unfold as a result of the one or other. But you cannot lead the future into jobs; youcan only change your 'now to which, futwe is sown. If you really think you have everything under control, you will be ina Twalight Zone end. Consider possible problems and allow youself to feel how terrible they oan be for you Unpacking could be a useful exeroise if youare doing it conseiowsly and wondering what to do next pagag#lo. The challenge is that you try not to get upset or you will end up in one problematic lanisoape like that of the Unyieldiing Mountain that blocks your way, or the Valley of Loss. Then at least you have a chance to learn something from it. Nothing happens ina Twilight Zone; no Jeaming, no actions, no emotion. You are overwhelmed by gloomy thoughts and you try one ‘wrpetonsive googleusetoonent commas £65, ams msn00 Theap ‘Snel a way to avoid the pain or youare fixated on reaching the magical destination ‘where there are no more problems to salve. ‘The mind is so silly as to think that the more information it collects, the easier it will be ‘to avoid anything unpleasant or any danger ahead, He is also fine think of reasons why something might never work You decide there is no point in doing anything change and ina way tale comfort in the belief that you dont have to risk getting Int. After thinking about the many ways to avoid a disaster decide do nothing at all, hoping that everything stays the same. You wander through the Duskareas to life tums everything upside down andl you are still sent to a painfully emotional landscape At this time in the evolution of ou planet itis especially important to recognize that stability and ‘peace must come from within now that so many things that are changing in the world are affecting each of them Ihave us. All this is part of the evolution we are going though. Using youself Jeeping mindfulness mindful and alert enswes that you enter a new landscape and that you experience the areas without substance. You feel lost in the Duskareas. But in the here and now youcan always find the teanue that youate If youasked the Spot Spinit of a Twilight Zone what gift to find it would answer are simple, There is one question to asic yourself to have a magical moment of insight experience: Js that what I keep thinking about really substantial? When youcautt have proof ‘Snel in the here and now to legitimize your brooding, you should try to esoape it Avoidance or escape from a Twilight Zone ‘To escape a Twilight Zone, you have to go between two pills: surrender and creative action ‘You accept that youare not the only mapmaler and that there are restrictions for each Magic Map apply. You position youself as a co-creator and designer of your life, in collaboration with the Spinit. You ‘accepts that the past is the past and that you are not alone in shaping yourself futue. You accept responsibility for making changes, rather than too ‘wait for someone to come and save you By walking between these two pillars, you bring yourself back to where you should be in time: in the here and now. You will no longer waste countless hows figuring out how to do the heart conquer the man you desire. Instead, you surender to what is tue now. You dont wait longer until your perfect life presents itself, the life that meets your requirements; you live your best life here and now. Youlet go of your resistances once you have seen how you maintain them, It is possible to avoid the Dusk areas if you are able to be mindful and healthy think about the past and the futwe. If you like nostalgia enjoy it every now and then ‘your memories, but quickly retum to the present. Are you curently new and better create memories? If not, how can youdo that? The best way to deal with the future ages is to visualize how full your life is of abundance, safety, love and all good things are true ‘youlong for, and act in the here ane now. Pretend the future you envision is already there, as if that soene is really true, Assert your right to the highest attainable in the now, not later time of day. Imagine youself ina state of peace and tranquility joy or excitement, Using the power of your imagination, youcan train your brain to get used to you feels good... which, if youre used to feeling bad, can already be a miraculous change appear ‘You tale pleasure in basking in the positive emotions that your imagination generates, and you get inspired to make the future happen now. The main environment you stay in, ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, a3 msn00 Theap ig Ut of your thoughts, feelings and beliefs, but youzeally only expenienee the present Batsoml lowe Seating with ican boas and pictaes nfl esey damngit” as if everything I would like to achieve is already happening in my daily lif. That is quite inspiring energizing and making me feel elated andi hopeful - and it delivers results on. The more attention you pay to your intention, the mare it will show in you outside world My clients often ask me, “What is my goal in life? How can! contribute and what ‘will weally make me happy?" When you imagine the future and what the reason for your life is, what you objectives, you will come into contact with the variety of emotions you would experience ‘when that futiwe was alzeady real today. You may find out that you have your beacons ‘must, for example, if you aspize to a specific cazeer, but not to one ‘want to move to another part of the country or give up something you value in your current circumstances ‘You can also look: to the future and imagine how you will achieve your goal. This is important, for it seldom happens that you see the things you went accompanied by the hard work or the sacrifices that must be brought before it, Would you like to be a ‘waiter’ or do you actually want to put your penon_ put the paper and start uniting a book? Want to be a healer if it means a very long one apprenticeship stansis for? Regardless of the goal, you will have to create within yourself the emotional reality for that future circumstances, so that the outside world can begin to reflect that new inner reality. ‘Then you must open up to the way the dream manifests Dreams can become obsessions wien you have all the other options that present themselves about it because youare too attached to your own ideas. You may think you have sowed star flowers in you Field of Dreams, but what do youdo whenit tus out to be surfiowers, to be? To cherish these flowers, youmay have to give up your original dream, but what you inits place can supass you wildest dreams. Say, "I am experiencing the best part of my life now and allow the Divine plan to unfold in fiont of me perfectly. "and open up to what, the Spirit brings you. ‘When you spend too much time fantasizing about the futwe, two things can happen: 1 ‘you get stuck between a twilight zone of the futwe that you keep slipping away and alansisoape of suffering caused by your attachment to a well-defined outeome; an 2 ‘youdorit pay attention to the things you could do today to male that futwe possible PagW/bgn I stil had the ambition to release a record, I desperately wented a record deal to save me fiom the gray matter and give me self-esteem and importance (that's how! imagined atleast for that) and I fet frustrated and aggrieved wien it didnt happen on it the moment! wented it. Looking tack, I should have stopped wonying about how was that deal could close and focus on improving my guitar playing and vooal technique Dve to my obsession with securing a record deal, I wes unable to complete to be in the nowand the painful truth was obvious. But still I could not enter my imagination align with what was really going on Inthe end I goteverything I wanted, vp to and including the name of the record company put on my dream board, but no sooner after I gave up my elentless ambition and committed myself tothe path that tookme from day to day ‘ustl day wes revealed Ina reading I could tell you that I see you on stage ane day for something teach valuable to others, but that never becomes zeality when yousit down dreaming about how greatt will be and does nothing else to make it practicable. Dreams make you blind tothe possibilities that today offers you ‘pease gogieucouentcom/tanse 65 ons Theap So imagine the futue, but start today. Be patient and ‘uy to getand stay ina state of detachment; leave the proverbial arrow on its own ‘ying through the air. Youave not the wind that carries him to the target, but the one wino carries it shoot You dream may contain some suprising elements with which youdo nat have been taleen into account. You may have to wonder what it would be like to experience the ciroumstanves you want to recall. The following exercise can help you understand the Twilight Areas of your dreams and better manage your time travel to the future Exereise: male a picture of the fue Leto ofthe fines you cent for youself nowt Gb yout nthe an ak yous he lowing questions to fn ont ‘whee youste x weiton to where you wold et be. Theis an entice fd oxt someting and it shone al tobe approached to cea Self examination shoud aay be done with compassion * What ismy goal when Tse my bet DoT actully aendy now om [stil tying tb ad the answer? Te ave Loud oxtyet? 1 Donsst fel ie he Spit has pias with me that dont want tolmow boat? How can aru tis fein? How dol ge to ‘hind a? + Am Table w ting meaningful pio ofthe fete int the now by making a surton te way ee? ‘Am Tuessing ts tip bere [eel more comforabe with deans? + Am Isometmes afl of chinving this goal and lvng te fe Thave imagined Isitfut me old bck? And ifs, viatexely me Tafaid of) + Dot ave wuconcile myself wit his fats that it diminishes, shou I ok fur? What els est? * StouIsurseonching wht this epesence might menn cmd of guesing? How can at waves ‘Tam Ssaed on the fre and focus onthe emis nstad of ling th eat oy to get? Wiatean do tony make thispcomance away? + Am Iunowe about wiat todo? Should I medio, sens tthe Spitand we the est ep Jerthe path evel vel? Page 60 When youre obsessed with the ideal future, you miss today's opportunities. Youhave to be patient ‘practice and wait for them to present themselves again Otherwise you keep struggling to enforce them, ‘because youare not working with the Divine timing. The Spirit has the boat and the oars on the jetty ‘but youdidit get in because you were too busy daydieaming about how great it would be to r0w with the current to the Golden Palace of Weelde on the Abyss, the Relaxboom, Convenience Street or any other landsoape you would love to visit. Now the sunis already setting, it ‘water becomes restless andl you will have to wait. ‘When you stay in your head and avoid talking action or experiencing the difficult emotions g0 hand in hand with taking risks, tum the places you would like to visit into Duskcareas. Youcan see them, but not touch them... because they are all illusions One of my clients, Joel, was ona business deal witha friend and he was told me he was frvstrated and unhappy. He explained to me that he and his friend over hhad enough great plans to launch an innovative product, but the project did not belong to the ground beoause they were gnawing about the proverbial dividing of the cal. I asked imagine that he and his partner were famous researchers anal that they were a business met about a new ventize. I kmew that if I lefthim the setting. he would determine an have the patticipants replaced by nonexistent figures, could see what eluwled him ‘when his emotions played tricks on him ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, sonss msn00 Theap A week later, Joel called me and told me the story he made up. He was Chtistopher Columbus and his business partner were his first mate, and they were sitting ina pub fantasizing about what they were doing in the New World. ([ admit the real Columbus didnt Imow he was the New World would discover, let alone what it would find, but your inventions dont have to be historical to be conect) They sat ina separate section of the pub bent over rough sketches of cards and whispered excitedly about the areas they would conquer and the gold they would fn ‘While looking forward to their swecess, they steadily got drunkon alechol and dreams about great wealth that went to their heads. They argued over who would own the property for acettain piece of land, went to blows and the pub was thrown into the pouring rain The two men had no money and could not pay their bills. They also had no boat, no crew and no queen willing to pay for their tip. Imagine that they are nothing ‘would have done anything other than drink and plan and fantasize, and never found away trad to do all the preliminary work to actually make the trip? After inventing this story, which ran parallel to his cuent situation, Joel managed to overcome his frustration regarding his partner and face his own role in them etemal squabbling. He managed to change taok with his partner through the shift attention from the future to the present and by worlering what he could do differently to do. By wsing his imagination to outline a scenario that comesponded to his emotions, he noted that it was possible to be honest with himself about the role he played in this earflict lge i and he saw what would happen if he had persisted init Just think of the many plans made by armchair cosmonauts who never really tale off, If you want to reach for the stars, you should at least leave your home! Confidence in what is to come Grownd your dreams by planting seeds in the Field of Dreams and by popping them and keeping them wet They "blow away every time you lead a life without attention or self-reflection They come down in fertile soil... or on the rocks ?Do you know what you have planted and what youate taking care of? And ‘what about the quality of the soil? Your emotions ard unconscious beliefs will provide for the nutzition for you seeds. How can you ever grow something in soil consisting of fear or one overtiding need for control? The quality of what you create will be strongly influenced by the envionment in which your dreams are rooted. And you may be afraid to sow a seed witha certain intention, because you are afiaid of it ‘will not grow- or perhaps if will grow and you will experience the difficulties or cantt hanzle responsibilities that go with it? Of couse, you cant know exactly why some things grow and others don't Youonly have to ‘but surrender to the mystery and trust. There is a certain order in the world, to0 although it sometimes seems chaos. The universe is aware and aware, creative and continuously changing, Actas if you trust the Spirit and you will see evidence of Divine intelligence and arder everywhere Tlmow its not easy, but trust your compass and remember the Spirit will be with you always ‘When I had just stopped drinking I had no idea how] wes going to function, much less if I did ‘would be happy without aleohol. I couldzit imagine what my life would be like. I not only gave up my favorite addiction, I also gave up friends who didn't went to be around me if I didnt drink plus the chance to catch up with someone fiom the record business after a bottle of wine. Who ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, suse rresn20 Temp Haid dfyoelPand Piinig Gar tatioatny Spon] oe be aiwansed Gumarestag Ne leftout and unloved Looking back I can see how rational my feats were. My drinking bad made my life one ress made. OF eotase things would get better and I was someone other than the Colette who slips a glass of tequila in one gulp and swipes through the night. But saw thaton that moment in Tad to reach the bottom of the well to fn the eowage to solve the mystery embrace and leave to God the details of how! was going to reach a place of peace an joy. Thad to rely on the possibilities that still had to be presented. They were seedlings of which I was not yet awave of existence; I had overlooked them when I desperately looked aver one ‘bare wasteland and cried, “Is something going o grow at last™ {had to find the willingness to let the Spirit decide which seeds would grow I there wes nowhere to go. I coud live the same way an bad no idea what to expect, so completely swrendered and fowe my compass. By relying on the opportunity ‘Hat the Spirit had plans with me that were as yet wnimaginable, I opened myself to it Pagday do you build trust? You have to dare to see youself as youare, honestly confess to youself what ‘your cizeumstanoes are breaking free fiom denial. No matter what the temporary capacities of you life, even if youare convinced that they are permanent, you will have to respect what you put on this ‘moment and be thankful for it. Gratitude and Inmility open doors of opportunity. ‘You dont have to fall over or collapse frst to put your trust in the Spirit, You canalready do that to do! Then you get an idea of what your life could be like if you were intensely happy with your new one circumstances, whatever they may be. ‘You have to heal youself in the present and find the beauty in your life today. no matter how ugly or you fall cwrent landsoape may also look. I now look back at that Arid Desert in which I so often sailed ‘when I was still drinking and I now lookat that area with very different eyes. I see the potential for lif, the seedlings I could have talon care of if I had not been so foowsed on the cracked earth and ‘the juioy fruit that I thought should "grow* there for me. And there is resilience and survival and the need to be resourceful, even if it means that ‘youhave to dig so deep to find water that your hands bleed, The magie of life is everywhere even in places youcant imagine. Leam to navigate better and you will know your standing in umnily landscapes, so that youdontt wander to the Twilight Zone and beyond time cout off from the healing and growth you have to go through Notes for travelers ‘When your thoughts are continuously focused on the past or on the future instead of at present, youare sanded ina Tualight Zone + Ina Twilight Zone youcannot leam or develop because you are stuckin your head. * The only way to get out of a Twilight Zone is to feel and feel your emotions indicate + An obsession with the past can tale the form of fruitless nostalgia you have eps fiom experiencing joy in the moment and planning something better for the future. ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, sense msn00 Theap + In the past linger often has to do with a sense of regret about what should insted of being a ley to diewang a veltable lesfon from the experience + An obsession with the future often inches dreams that keep you from fulfilling discover what youcan do today to make your dream come true... and thendo it. + Speoulating about the future can involve fear and reluctance. You have to sumrersier to the Spirit to get out of this Twilight Zone Page 64 Chapter Four Who is your Guide? “Ttis not what you are holding you back, it is what you think you are not " ~ DENIS WAITLEY “If you hear a voice inside yousay, You cant paint at all, please go painting... and that voice will never be heard again = VINCENT VAN GoGHt Who are youlistening to? Is it the voice of you emotions? You thoughts? Is it your intuition that tallss to you? Is ita wise voice... or does it sound bitter? Tam swe youhave heard that you have to listen to your inner mowing, but that falls not count if that wise input is easily drowned out by other voices that you definitely don't guides fiom your joumey. It's up to you to find out what those voices are, which ones messages they give, what is the quality of their advice. Youcan learn to distinguish between the voice of the truth and that of the impostor and rejoice in the help of the allies within you ‘who are always there for you and eager to turn your jouney into a wonderful and wonderful one adventure. ‘The loudest voices inside you ‘The voices of your thoughts and beliefs, which can be very animated, sometimes sound so lov and persistently drowning out the softer voices in you. The greatest wisdom and most valuable insights and advice are whispered, are barely audible in the cacophony of your ego. ‘You have probably been told not to listen to the ego, because if youdo, you will be in trouble ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, ssnss msn00 Theap Seti coal EE SERPS AS eRe UP SE DEBE Ce voter OF to protect [tis also the voice of your personality and individuality, the self that is unique expression of your Divine soul. You love your partner's sense of nmor and his ability ageresin hopeful in the toughest of tials, from your best friend's sinvere dedication to her craft of artist and also of her loyalty. You like how the ‘ego’ shows in others, so why should you be aftaid, or dislike, or want to pant with your own ego? ‘There is a very healthy part of the ego and perhaps also a part that has been nat, Love youself and appreciating how youare as an individual on your Map is psychologically healthy. And when you face ‘with real danger youneed a survival mechanism , an awareness of youself as something valvable that should be protected, This instinct is an important part of the ego. ‘The problem arises when your ego convinces you that only youare worth it, survive as an individual human being, [tis this feeling that males you believe that the world is one temifying place that does not contribute to your well-being, so you better express you beliefs push onothers and grab what you can grab - quioldy~ before someone else does. Allof us get hut once, get sick, get betrayed by someone, lose a loved one and at some point will experience the death of the physical body. Understandably the ego wants it deny painful reality. If it fails to do so, it will misjudge the situation, because itis constantly looking for evidence of teat ar danger. The ego reasons that one bad relationship is it ‘proof is that all relationships wall fail and cause you suffering, so you better stop doing it can venture. You begin to expect, perhaps without being aware, that the world will be filled axe repetitive experienves, ‘When you mainly identify with you etemal, sacred natwe, yousee yourself as a magical one soul entwined with the Divine matrix. Then you will be able to understand the more confusing aspects of lnman nature and see your loss and betrayal no longer as proof that youare in danger is about to be destroyed. Then you operate fom a higher level than through fear and defense dominated ego. When youdo not Inow about this higher nature, you see this planet as one temifying place. No wonder youcan become overly alert about protecting yourself. It is not easy to surender to the mystery of the Map and the unlmown areas, nit. Of course you wish you were the only map male, that you were in control and that you could do yourself relief from pain. Your ego is aftaid of being hunt, pushed aside or even completely ignored. ‘when you identify with your soul itself, a co-creator who can swrender to the Spisit It ego has the feeling of having to Kick lot of moise to get your attention. And screams ‘your intuition, which allows you to hear the voice of your soul Fortunately, you can Jeam to adjust the volume of these distracting voices. Youcan go to the voice listen to your ego and leam from it, but dav let it get so loud that you become ‘can no longer hear intuition, Itis very exciting to work with our egos. They are very sensitive. In fect itis often the case that it ‘the word ego alone males people defend. ‘What do yousay?I have no ego at all! " ‘The Goblin and the Babble Bax are imaginary personalities that I've come up with for the overcome the understandable resistance you have to listening to your ego's messages. Think to the Goblin as to an impostor who has the most complicated and the most laut aspect of your ego and the Babble Box as the benign aspect that distracts you witha lot of useless ‘thoughts. They both need to be tamed or calmed down so that youcan find the hidden wisdom is revealed who will be your guide, Leam to work with them and you become your own oracle, PagEAI to the wisdom in the Divine matrix of which youare a part ‘wnpeitonsive googleusetoonent commas £65, sans msn00 Theap ‘The Goblin Gobtins ae a distinct somevhat grotesque variety of promes. They are Inawn jo hr lays, but are on tine end slo malicious and ther pranks cam cane seriou harm people. A Kobol's nile males yon feel ood eles and when they se, the mE tars sour ed he rfl om the ees. They rent people many ways: they ide mal bees, bi the mil and move the direction indicators. They have no Rome and ive ty mosy crevices and root of ancient ner, eho they never stay in the same place fr long Micka F Lindenans,Eneyclpedia Mythic We fear the dark creatwzes that hide in the forests and in ow closets. Those are Goblins, who are bom fiom our moments of pain and develop into possessive ones hostage tales. They are cumning tricksters who promise safety and secwity, power, love and happiness ‘urge us to respond to their messages of worthlessness and to be abandoned. And then they beokmn us to an endlessly repetitive, problematio, relentless inner self lansiscapes. ‘You always run into the same Ikind of complicated person - sameone who shows up in you life as ‘was there black magio? Do you have the feeling that you are being tested again and again for what ‘the same themes, even though you think youve worked so hard on youself? Struggle with it ‘behavior that stems fiom your low self-esteem? Do you keep condemning others sharply? You act compulsive, even though you know that what youdo is not healthy? When this is the case, youare below influence of the impostor within you known as the Goblin. ‘The Goblin is a denied pact of yourself that hides in the darkest shadows within you He is the sowce of your fear, your pride, anger, lust, lust, procrastination and other difficult parts of you character. He represents the shadow, an archetypal qualification used by the Swiss psychologist Cail G. Jung was used. This shadow represents the universal experienoe of what we have suppress and deny within owselves, because those parts of the self make vs feel womfortable to give. ‘Your Kobold is your hunt, fearful ego, the dark piece of self that is somewhere on your Map, that pranks lashes out or does real damage, while you squeeze to hide what is unsightly, painful ovis embarrassing. The Goblin represents the primary sowce of fear and all that goes withit side effects such as anger, jealousy defensive behavior and desite. He also stands for the psychological issues that you created when you were not learning from your pain because the pain was so severe that youleft fled from that landscape. He is the embodied voice of separation in all its forms ‘Think of the Goblinas a goblin who ‘doestit want to be good’. The alchemist Paracelsus as earlyas the 16th centiny, the Goblin described as a mythical creatwwe that the element of Earth. and whose job it was to guaud an underground hidden tease. Goblins symbolized the energy that protected the still unformed potential in the world and in yourself, According to tradition, gnomes could not appear above ground, because as sconas they came into contact came with sunlight they would tum to stone. It was their job to get things under it to serve and protect the earth's surface, so they watohed aver seedlings and possible gems Bageebe mined But imagine that such a now homeless goblin has emerged and mutated ‘making him a very active and shreval Goblin The litle guy is not atall has became petrified above the ground, but makes itself Inown and can be unpleasant in any way landscape - and it will also show up in pleasant places where it will take you ‘uy to persuade to leave. Deprived, unloved and unwanted, he will wreak havoc ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, sss msn00 Theap wreak imagine your inner landscape. Where could this deformed, sad rioter hide to keep? Is ita place you would rather not enter, a dark shadow of your consciousness? You wall never find the Goblin ina clearing. He dances around at the roots of your Howse Tree in which your oldest memories of your pain shame, worthlessness, suppressed desires, anger and sooial limitations are stored. Maybe youcan not find it immediately, but the consequences of ‘youcan easily identify his actions in your strong, negative reactions to other people; in your inflated ego, your lust desite, pride and egocentuism; in your fears and your anger. You find the Kobold, in the dark comers of your addition and in the depths of hypocrisy. You can find it everywhere ‘where something is kept seotet. His voice is also your negative emotions and you lack of self-esteem. The Goblin's voice Do youever womer if you hear the voice of your intuition or that of your fearful ego? The Kobold lies in wait in your landsoape and is he trying to mislead you? An intuitive intuition has a completely different quality than the claims that the Goblin makes. It is relentlessly driven by fear, so its voice will awelten painful emotions in you His voice wall insist that you hunry, that you aot quicldy before it finally goes wrong or you have control over everything. otherwise you will be expased as ‘worthless. Intuition, on the other hand, never calls for panic or drama. It encourages you to take it easy to tale another good look and consider the situation mindfully In addition intuitive thoughts never have a harsh jurlgmental tone. The Goblin will say things like, "You cant, Youdontt have that at home!', While your intuition which is comected to the Divine steam of consciousness, will say “This is not the right time for you please wait patiently for you axe ready. " Your intuition says, 'Watch out! This is dangerous tein. Tele it easy and pay attention, and listen ‘to your imer allies, who offer you their wisdom and good advice. " The Goblin shouts, "Just pass con! Youtte not good enough, not smart enough, not competent enough! * And he urges you seek out powerful allies outside of youself ‘When that financial adviser seems a bit suspicious or that that possibly romantic partner does seem a bit too charming and slimy says the Kobold: 'You get everything in your head. Orphan glad you got to know this person." Or worse, he admits that they are not quite right, but ‘that youcan tale advantage of that. (The Goblin loves to confise his needs ‘with yous) "Youcan change them; you can let them be wino you want them to be! You will be one are great healers and they will owe you something and love you forever! " says the Goblin, ‘who gets off to a good start with his quicksales talls. If you hesitate, he wall be harder staxt using sales methods. pagéaiecannot rely on the warnings and opinions of the Kobold, because he is the ultimate heater. Listen to him and you will travel to anarea of fears, anger, friction or worry The origin and intention of the Kobold Every Kobold has a birthday. He was bon the day you were hut, When he shot from your pain he grabbed one of your bones and left. Maybe that was blunt ‘your imocence, or your ability to trust others. But itean also be your confidence or your self-esteem or your ability to speak the truth ‘Whatever it was that you lost on that day: Think of it as a bone buried on the Island of Dreams that fell in Duigen. You will not be the wound that was formed wien the Goblin was bom heal rather than demansling your bone back and incorporating it back into youself. The Goblin will be ‘wpetonshve googleusetcontent commas £65, sense msn00 Theap do your best to keep you fiom this, but the Spirit will assist you. ‘While the Goblin seems like a villain be really isntt. He is mainly afiaid of being lose existence, to become powerless and homeless again, after being in you found shelter. Unfortunately he is confsed about wino 'you are, Because his birthday is the day you ‘was hurt and be is completely identified wath that trauma. That's why he can be yous too do not recognize the higher self, because that is not traumatized and has other priorities than that of the Int ego. The targets of the Goblin corflict with yous. He wall ‘se resourceful tricks to put you in situations that tear open the wound, ‘As undermining as the Goblins, he bas one zeal talent: impersonation. He will talkto you witha voice that you mistale for the voice of your inner Imowing. Get to know that voice well - its timbre, ‘way of speaking favorite expressions - and you will recognize when the Goblin is awake, himself ‘manifests and ties to influence you Give him a name, call itout and you will tale itaway his power. This is the lesson of the fairy tale Rumpelstiltskin In the story, a miller boasted to the king that his daughter could spin gold from straw. Beoause of her father not to lose face, the girl does not deny the ridiculous claim and agrees instead join in to go to the palace and prove the bragging rights. Tentified her lie and her father's come to light, she goes full of straw at the spinning wheel in the room sitand start orying ‘Thats wen the Goblin appears in this fairy tale, Rumpelstiltslon He finds out what the gi is on the neck and offers her to spin gold from the straw- but there is something opposite, For thee days he keeps her seoret and spins gold from straw in exchange for a necklace, a ing ‘and finally the promise that she will give him her fastborn son, Pagbypking Gally releases the miller’s daughter from her promise and asks her to may him. A ‘years later, with the baby in her arms, the Queen has completely forgotten her promise to the Goblin as he was suddenly stands in fiont of her. He claims the baby uiless she can guess his name ‘What is so significant about this key point in the story is that the Kobold, when we name him zo longer has power over ws. We realize the origin of our laut and there cour healing begins. Inthe fairy tale, the poor mother tries to name all the names she Inows, ‘while Rumpelstiltsien rubbing his hands at the prospect of wining his prize Eventually she sneaks to the Toverbos at night and catches the Kobold, who dances triumphantly and hhis name sings. The next day, she manages to bluff him and send him away by saying his name so that he no longer has power over her It is precisely this way that we usurp our strength and break: the spell of vietimhood as ‘we can tell the truth about ow Goblin. We then no longer live ina lie and need owselves zo longer to be ashamed and to hide from the truth ‘This deceptive Goblin is born with the intention of protecting something but onve he's homeless he no longer serves a purpose and is busy hiding things that you would rather not is confionted with it Instead of protecting the hidden teasure, what wes his job when he did ‘was still an ordinary earth man, protecting and stengthening what is deformed and twisted; thoughts ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, sms mn oo Tedap WAI LCH HR "E ich LO YER SSR OS HERE SSE EO the Every Kobold is a transport expert. When you Sind youself ina difficult Ianiscape and you ‘wonering how you got theve its beoause he dragged you there when you werent paying attention, When, ‘you get lost and seared wandering in the Swampy Marsh he will insist everything in your agenda is about to do - and perfect too - otherwise something bad will happen. And he reassures you by saying that fe stays with you He asswes you that youdo not need your Compass ofthe Spirit and that time is remiing out ani hey of couse be Imous the shortest way to the Gemalstraat The Kobold measwed you very cleverly, so that youlet him be the bus driver, the captain of the boat; he controls your psyche. Try to chase away a Goblin and it wall tu with renewed vigor. The only ‘way to get rid of him isto tame him and to do that you have to listen to him fst, Dbeoause he can give you insight into the nate of your injury. But dort put too much value on what he says Justasichim, "Whatis your name and when were you bom?" ‘Then askchim which bone he stole from you Unmasked as iteally is - a cheater - he will bow his head and admit that he has indeed stolen that bone. He will tell you which bone it was and confess that youcan find it on the Island of Dreams that fell in Duigen, a place ‘where youcan goon your own, without his help. Every injury eonems one Joss of something veltable. What did you lose in that pain spot in your past? ‘Thank the Kobold for his help (even if you would like to strangle him) and tell im that he is looks like he could use some rest. By putting the Goblin at ease with this dialogue, eventually suspen him asleep. Encourage him to stretch out on the forest floor and put a blanket over him. He will soon start to snare and you can continue your jowney unhindered. On this Inthis way the Goblin fails to identify you with your injwy over and over. You gotit onthe other hard, tamed an his power diminished - at leastas long as he stays asleep, beoause he wakes up witha start agoRR es youate triggered by events that reveal the past. AGoblin called Bulimia Dwing my weekend workshops in Sedona we have intensive conversations with our Goblins. The pavtioipants find out how to call their imer Goblins andl leam a neutral place locate themselves, where they can observe what they have long denied. Describing events is a erwiel part of the work. This is a story about my bulimia, which I have long since conquered: (ne of my Goblins i called Bulimia ad he was born when was Hear old. remember the eect moment when Dis ply lite ereatare ude me set seeaming.1 felt before T heard hin scream, ut supose hath experience of 04g Bt the mer wor suse the onterword The fling of eng defred and ents of mbearebe pin reminds eof rel Barth when you reat the merey of rutre However, this delivery was the der reverse: gave Both his part of ef a tae ow, being fist Innis beath retin ‘Thad justhad my period end was confsedabont my newly ener eminntyIanted be ee and myself» Int advaysgotthe messge w press my wad mane. Ivepuey remembered at Tos assented when Tes iby aig hbor who ocd afer sand we ha shached me deeply It started Daye lookatme, but! war aad of eo rjected Deceased a nathan, ict iy end a afraid hey won ee how imperfect was, war comonced Iwas diy and unloved and was ashamed ne deep always had he felng hat was sued no a shape I didn’ ft. Iwentont of my way accommodate ‘he expectations people hed ofme, bu the harder I Wid, he more cy and hs el ‘The feng of alg short wes my secret shame. On that day, the rece was igh that! broke. sttnded class athe German schol my mothe forced me zo 50 that would speaher mother tongue ‘eLearn Although profred walt home wth he ee is, my mother nisted om picking me wp and binging me. They tty oried me that she dint went met azzociate wth people she di iow ated it 0 there and ut before cats started decided I needed relation 9 way. went ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, sense msn00 The Map ‘op rhe sete te ingen fled my ba Wath coos ad chocolate ar Naver bread “Tvaled pst the claszoem tthe adore, ston chat and ate al the candy. My heart was ponding ard end wa eating nse Then got down on my ees end forced ysl vonit. Iwas anactof dance repeated this behavior every tine hat 0 shoo. Although he fret tine Iida reveng action wa apn my mather, [hen nonced hat couldn't sp Tad the fang tat someting ‘ferent made the diference 1 ad noida thatthe il id ths oat hs havior had arate bain nervosa. Itong ht had the ‘he only one wo behaved so embarrassingly made me fel even worse abont myit ‘Many women identify wath this type of goblin now eating disorders suchas anorexia, bulimia ot compulsive stuffing is mote common under presswe fiom the media that has a particular beauty ideal ‘propagate. It took years before I stopped abusing my body by stuffing myself and laxate and swallow my anger, and by then I had some new Goblins in life called. I call them my Kobold village. I iow have a lot of them because I got addicted narooties and drink: Nowadays I consider myself free, because I have leamed to love them all .. per Afterall, they have made me who I am now sober for years and also cwed of it for a long time the bulimia, But every time I get triggered they stir and I have to love them every twisted ways they try to protect me. Paghgestral Goblins Sometimes we dontt even Imow the name or bsthiay of a Goblin, because its an ancestral one ‘we have been passed on by our parents, graniparents or great-grandiparents Aclient of mine, Alice, has an overly protective mother - her family lost everything in World War II - wich always urged her to be careful. Her mother Ihoarding Inge stooks of food in the basement for'younever Imow and hiding money in old socks that Alice sometimes fourd when she helped her mom with the laundry. Her mother wes always afraid of it cone day "something" could happen Alice could still remember the tangible fear in her childhood home, altaough everyone did made good and there wes no ral threat. She grew up with the senseless fear of being a homeless person to become a vagrant. No matter how swcoessful she became, she was always concemed and believed everything just like that could be lost Listening to this merited voioe had created real problems for her. The Alice's choices reflected her fear that nothing would ever be enough to keep ber safe set ThenI asked her to lookcat this vooe as a chaecter separate from her. one ‘anpestral Goblin she had inherited fiom her mother, and she was shocked to see how muh her life was determined by imagined financial worries that had made it impossible for her to to be present in the here ani now ‘We needl to become auave ofthis frightened little oreatue inside us andi teach him a warm one heart to bear. By creating this character ane] observing it, we can be ounselves to escape fiom his grip on us and to male fiee choices from a higher place in us. But to getit quiokly tame, we need to bypass the analytical part of our brain and enter the creative realm. Only then we can avoid being overnm by unreasonable fears about disasters that make that ‘we deny ow problems. ‘What are your Goblins? What are their dates of birth? When did they see the light of day? The next practice will help youfigure that out Exeroise: Discover the origin of you Kobold ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, sonse Tedop ‘Letyou imagination rn wid when yu coe this wera logue. When you st laying Kobold an ‘emphatoilyehims hat you canot les anything fiom this eae, py clos anion ohn and wie down what hea In.your notebook, wuts te wportfa punt nent a yout psy, sift wee he nyo he ih of you ‘Gob. + Witch how te Goin wns tom hat day Wat does he on ik? + How do you‘el wen you aki he ees of you Kota? 1 What does tel you bout bine? #1 Gotta you me lokng twas tor fiom an njuy fom yout pst conser im one snooent being?Can yous itasa product of your en and defensive ate? ‘Can yu aloud fel compsion fon? + How would it ef, by eng fr him and ndetstunding hin, you tak waters ine yout ove bas gun? hg Fadbeldoos ‘The Babble Box has a voice as distracting as the Goblins. The difference is that the (Chat box doesnt tale you toa place of self-criticism or Int. He just tals to you ‘your head and waste your time. Still, you will have to leam to dim itso that youcan continue to achieve your goals and embrace the adventure of a lifetime, instead of being immersed in being ‘word flow that is not about anything ‘You lmow the voice of the Babbeldoos. He keeps on clucking are appoints every moment of your busy day. "Oh the phone tings. Who is it? Telephone sales, do not answer - gosh forget the ‘tum on the dishwasher, let me do that fist. Yeah, that omelette this moming wes delicious, me still have to get eggs... blah blah blah ” Sometimes the Babbeldcas has something valvable to say, maybe you really need to buy eggs and tumon the dishwasher. But too often the Chat box your mind so busy with its deluge of thoughts that you can no longer pay attention give to what is really important to you ‘When was the last time you watched a television show to suedenly realize it was you no one cared what the presenter claimed, even though you had already wasted ten minutes listening to him? A taller like that is in your head and it keeps you from listening to your imer wisdom, ‘The best way to silence the Chatterbox is to practice meditation If youre not good insitting still and meditating, do a yoga exercise, go for a well or make annther activity your own meditation. It's about finding an exercise that calms your busy mind and awakens that part of you that observes without judging: Gosh, my Babbeldoos is very busy today. Iturn the volume alittle lower, Because Idon't feel like listening to it at all. Work with a target list and then it will "youstill have to do this and still have to! decrease that part of the caclding significantly. Exervise: Give the Babbeldoos something to hand Since the Babble Besa ptt you tates toch non-op, youcan get this wet be the most postive se wowing! Affimations ae very ouefl and they mabe the Babbelios uk aboatessental things ‘Ainge Whi te postive afimationsin your nook and teen the al day orto weeks You wil oie haw son yout able ba wl eva thu them paxtomataly These aw my en voi: 1 Tv he best ptf my ie now! 2 Bveything Ine comes tome easy and fortes 2 Goa the souce at provides me with everthing and fat poco inte “4 Tam only given what Lean handle ny daly fe 5. My fe is geting beer everyday in every way ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, eons Tedop 6. What ssdue wal nt pene by “Taste he Way am 8 Tam only acted fod tats god forme 9. The Spstalvays guides mew my highst good 10. Theightin me cesar mincles in my cement ie! Dont forget to repeat these, or your ow7t ten favorites, as often as you can and all day long Bilge 73 Pay close attention to your emotions when you hear the Babble Box rattle on. If you feel bad about yourself, scared or depressed, itis probably because the cunning Kobold himself pretens to be the Babbeldoos and if you look closely youcan see wier the lid the beady eyes and big mouth with tiling teeth that say to you “Haventt youdone what you should do? What are you one disheveled. No wonder your life is sucha mess... blah blah blah... ” It is not difficult to leam to distinguish these two voices from your ego. Your thoughts would like this seenario can roughly follow. "Hey, cheesecake. Idon' take too much, because it is bursting with calories, but a small piece is allowed. Hmmm, lovely... my girlfriend is talking - she doesn't look very happy; Iwonder what is going on. Interesting what she says there. " This is the Chatterbox. The inner dialogue is benign but continves uninterrupted. The Goblin is ‘the voice that interferes with this and says, "Cheesecake? You eat cheesecake, fat bag youare? Youe already like this very thiokand you will always stay fat! All you can do well is eat. Nobody cares about you: do you have to look at that fat tripe of yours. Youre sucha biteh Feel fiee to take another piece so that youdont go to it anymore her bas to listen. Go ahead " That is the Goblin who has crawled into the Babbeldoos. You start to rot feel powerless, and instead of enjoying the cheesecake you feel guilty and caught. Inthe end, you hear nothing more than that horrible enailess inner monologue By becoming awae of the voices of the Goblin and the Babble Box you have the power to make them to slut up. The Goblin will no longer be able to craw into the Babbeldoos if you are positive repeat statements for yourself. Only then does the most fantastic magic begin: if you become aware that there are other voices, other magical creatures that can help you in this adventure. Exeroise: Retraining Goblin Talk ae itn you notoak of ings that you tt sed wepertng to youselfand at you underaine certe negiive And nex pach lsed itm, youchage the sateen the oppsie Every te you whe the Kobo ‘male negative cin, ten thes scond and tre tniowad A few examples: Goblin ak: s4m soft Lam digested Rerained : Cove myst ad aioe of ysl, what size have! Gob atk Noone willevet love me Do damaged Retrained At doaset waver what append tome i the past Lam woth w te loved, fencty asian! Gobo Ta: "Why dons he sxe me? Whatcan change about myself gat is stention?* Retraned “{tis man dotatlove me, he cnt be the ne fore Tam naw ging tnd pater Whos etch sstheightone for ne! (Gob Tt: stil gong m9 bea homeless bum wil never faa goad job. * ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, ous msn00 Theap trained Tam open tothe ght jb coming nt my puthat the ght te. ts wonder atl PAGE TH ve been sven he option of nothing © woukfora whe I villalnays ese wat ned, anyway. Notes for travelers * The voice of your ego distracts you from your intuition. * The voice of your ego.can be helpfull, good-natured or difficult. He is often diffiowt. + Tt is helpful to imagine the voice of your ego as a mythological creatue with which youcan late: aclever, deceptive Goblin or a good-natured, distracting Chat box. * Goblins who are not yet tamed will try to get you emotionally draining landlsoapes * Untamed Goblins wall also make you believe that your ego's needs are most important. + An untamed Goblin will immerse youn fear. * You cannot silenve your ego's voice, but youcan do its inflvenpe on you decrease. * Youcalm your ego by listening to it and feeling compassion for the parts of yourself that not easy to identify with. + Every Goblin who represents an injwwy to the ego has a birthday and one * Youcan inherit a Kobold fiom your parents, grandparents or great- grandparents + When you uamaska Goblin that is, when youname it and are ‘aves origin decreases the power he has over you. + The Goblin stole a bone from you that you must demand back on the Island of Dreams Staves fell. Youlost a quality when you were tueatened and Int + Meditating and slowing down your thinking helps to calm a busy Babble box so that it no longer dominates your consciousness * The Babble Box can be trained in repeating positive affirmations that make it Making goblin virtually impossible to get info and bother you with his talle Page 75 Chapter Five ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, ons msn00 Theap Your Magic Allies ‘That inner voice sounds both friendly and clear. To achieve authenticity. you really have to go to 0 blunt to the honesty and inevitability of something. * ~ Maadith Monk "Wisdom stants in wonder." ~ Amabued Scone When you decide to be mindful and become aware and mindful, something happens great: youstart to recognize where youare, when youare there ane who youate listening to. Youean awelen inner Wizard of Mind, who will help youcomnect with your intuition your inner mowing and the wisdom of the great consciousness that is aocessible to everyone. How do I Inow when I doa reading what really happens in the life of someone I dontt at all Imow? How can I tell you that you will have a profound change in six months? Which, is because I sit in the wizard!s seat and have access to the mind-boggling wistom of it ‘universe. I am disconnected fiom myself, as it were, and travel in the vastness of consciousness, ‘then "see" the paths that form in countless magical ways ‘As soonas you bring out the Compass of the Spirit, you summon this wizard out of his sumy meditation zoom, the quiet place where he can hear you calling. He will declare himself willing to be your guide to be, The Consciousness Wizard does not spealc because be is an observer. But dont be fooled misrepresent silence. He has inoredible powers. Follow him to his ‘magio chair that stands ona locket above the landscape and notice that it beokeons you when it sits down. ‘Youcan really sit in exactly the same place as he is, because he is ethereal and part of you. ‘As yousit om his seat, take his wand and see your name anit. Youstietoh ‘your arm out and the light at the end of the stick shows an aifiow that is up to that point ‘view was hidden. You feel that this stream is an inexhaustible supply of wisdom that always is is present if you lnow where to find it, Because you sit in his seat, you have an objective perspective, because ‘youare no longer caught in your emotions and beliefs. Your field of vision is much wider, your view much ‘brighter. Possibilities you never thought of and never imagined, begin to reveal when yousit in the wizards seat, pagtietip your wend in the stream andi then you begin to hear the whisper. Your intuition and the Big ‘The subconscious speaks to you through your allies. Look carefully and you will see them appear. ‘When you prefer not to call the Wizard of Consciousness because you are mesmerized by the incessant banter of the Babble Box or the Goblin's Dirt Buster, the friendly old wizard will get impatient and give youa Kole wider your butt or one tap your head with his magic wand. When you are suddenly awekened by the voice of your intuition you have ‘two choices: youoan become very calm and discover the wisdom that will guide youn this past of the joumey or youcan continue to browse through your landscape and react uneonsoiowsly to the events around you ‘while wondering why your butt and your bead Int ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, osn38 msn00 Theap If yousit in the wizards seat, you will see allies appear in the landscape - the ‘Tender Gardener and the Plekgeest. You will also have the opportunity to become the twin sister of the Tender Gardener ‘meet, the Bone Collector who lives on the Isle of Dreams that fell in Duigen and who you ccan bring back to a state of wholeness and well-being. Bring the Goblin and the Babble Box now be silent and get ready to meet these special oreatwzes that populate your Map. Be verystill and become aware of these allies within you the voices of your intuition Ihave access to deep wisdom. It doesn't matter how traumatized the laneisoape is; this one supervisors are there for you. They eagerly wait until youare ready to receive their wisdom and are prepared to tale immediate action if they are allowed into your consciousness ‘When youre too mesmerized by the Goblin's voice to even remember your compass or tossit in the wizard's seat, the Wizard of Consciousness will make you remember ‘what you should do - and the allies too wall come to your resoue. They are concemed about you ‘well-being and always aim for your well-being But sometimes these allies look like challengers. They now they have the harsh light of the truth on you have to shine life to pull youout of your grief or misery. Trust them because they are ‘will never nat you unless there is nothing else to encowage you to grow. Remember that youare never imprisoned. Bring out your Compass of the Spirit and tnst in you ability to read! your Map. ‘The twin sisters ‘As the Goblin is the representative of the shadow the twin sisters - the Bone Collector and the Tender Gardener - personifications of light They are light caztiers that ae light coast in the davkest comers. They both carry a lantern wer their cape to track the terrain lights. The Bone Collector uses him to recover what is lost, while the Tensier Gardener uses it to show you the land, to show you where the soil is most fertile to grow to plant seeds of your intention and to remind you of waat you have already sown. Are you willing to see ‘what they would like to show you? Picture these two sisters as timeless creatures, embodiments of ancient wisdom that are always there even before you tookon you Inman form. Together they personify the mowing, etemal part of the self that is always present, but which youcan easily overlook until the moment ‘where you have to go through trials an a radical change so that youcan birth, eye 2 new you The Bone Collector ‘The Bone Collector is an old woman who lives on the Isle of Dreams that fell in Duigen- one place that you can zeach when you go through the Valley of Lass or the Violated Howse. When you being abused andl in the Violated Home, where you feel vulnerable and hut, it's like someone stole your strength, but itis not Its true that the person who violates you affected, has made your strength invisible and you have willingly accepted this illusion. ‘The Bone Collector lmows this. Every time youare bettayed, mistreated or abused, you lose something of value. Youcan imnovenpe or your ability to tust someone. It ean be your dignity and your sense of self esteem ‘After I was raped, I could think of the waong choices I bad made in my intoxicated state not tolerate; I had wamings from my frieneis about the bar and the men ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, ans msn00 Theap ‘SRR SRG Saas SSR TG ad RS SUP BORE WEEE len sto came to see me later L was not only too afraid to defend myself, butalso to report it afterwards ‘To suppress my feelings of shame and guilt I eroticized the situation and bonded. even with those men. The trauma tied me to them beoause I couldrit accept being raped. I started living out of the deep, dark belief that | was no good. I traumatized myself ‘hus again and again by making wong choices with regard to dangerous men, drinking and risky situations If only had known that I could visit the land of the Bone Collector, who would accept me and ‘would take cave of me. I had no idea that all of my bones were lost ‘were kept by this meek soul who would male suze they were all there when I finished ‘was to claim them. The git] who needed so much to be invulnerable that she was in the ‘most dangetous situation and kept returning to that place, I had to Jeam to forgive and tolove. ‘The Bone Collector who tales care of everything we fear has been lost is one aspect from Mother Earth Like La Loba and other creatwes from the native myths by Clarissa Pinkola Estes were retold in her book Women Who Rin with the Wolves ( The Indomitable Women), is the Bone Collector the aspect of natue that enrures that nothing is ever really lost. Nature is the great recycler; she finds an application for everything. What we lost may have changed shape, Dutitis still there. As Estés writes: ‘Inthe archetypal doctrine of symbols, bones remesnt the indestructible force. They arent easy to break down. Their structure mean het they can hardly and are vray pb to uerce. In myths and stores they represent the indestructible sul spirit We new tha he sen prt canbe igred, even matined, ut ‘tisvmally impossible hither 2B con den and bend the snl can read mat her, bu ca leave he ipso estonia the sorches fon fear But she desde becense she is rotected inthe nderuorld by La Lob, whe is bok finders ike nub forthe bones. ‘RjyjeHgne Collector has a sacred garbage heap in which there is no trash, but only what they ave in. has brought safety because she Imows it is of value. Others only see brittle and dead ‘bones. But she sees their potential and can breathe new life into them. She does that through the bone to her Jeep lips and sing a magical song. Then she hands over the revived bone ‘youso you can bring it back into your body It wall strengthen your skeleton and your spine, the structures that leep you together and that you can move forward in this adventire ‘Whenever you doubt your strength, think about which bone you may have lost or ‘may never have claimed; you can find it on the Island of Dreams that fell in Duigen, where it, left by the Goblin who wes bom out of your pain. Youcan ask the Bone Collector for it ‘to deliver you back She will happily sing it to life and celebrate his retum wath you But ‘you have to ask for it because it only comes to life if you are willing to tell the truth about it facing the past. With the bone back in your body youcan become whole again The Tender Gardener ‘The Bone Collector's twin sister is the Tender Gardener. She is also an aspect of Mother Soil. She expresses love and cares about everything that matters to you. Withits green ‘Angers she can make everything grow, because she infuses everything with life farce ‘What do you want her to bring to life? Is it your anger or are it your dreams? Think carefully about what you plant The Tender Gardener will not juige, but will use her skills for whatever you choose plants - be it an apple tree, a scented rose bush or prickly plants and weeds - and before it ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, osn38 msn00 Theap ‘make it grow. She won't discriminate unless you asicher to, because all the seeds are equally dear to her, even the seeds that will bear poisonous fiuit, She knows everything that grows in the garden has a value that you dortt give up at first sight, ‘The Tender Gardener is aided by the garden gnomes who live underground and ‘watch over what is stil a seed, is only potential. The Tender Gardener Imows exactly where each one seed is planted, which soil is 1ocky and whichis extremely fertile. She Inows which tenzain which [Kind of operation to make flowers bloom. In the harvesting land. the Tender Gardener ensures that the leaves color properly and in the summer meadow she direots the sun and the rain She mows when the carpet of violets will appear comes at the base of the maple and she sends the gentle breezes that the seeds of the blooming one dandelions. The Tender Gardener represents patience and acceptance, because she knows that ‘what slumbers will come back to life, and that which is vital and supple dies one day, becomes brittle and disintegrates into food for the soil, Lie her sister, the Bone Collector the Tender Gardener doesnt let anything go to waste. Inevery. landscape, from the Frozen Land to the Stormfields, she oan find something weful for her garden She always manages to find a place for you to plant your seeds, because she Imows that grass can germinate in the crack of a wall and life can thrive in the hollows of a dead tree lying on the forest oor ‘The Tender Gardener will mane to gently put your feet down because there is undler it Eauthis surface is still unformed, She Imows the potential of every laneiseape and knows what you went must be cherished and protected ‘You can confide in her about your secret desize to make money by following your passion Pages vill smile unerstandingly and point out a small seedling you had overlooked. They ‘will tell you that she muted the plant while you were wandering from one place to another, looking for the support that has always been there. She Imows how to we dance and movement to express your ability to express youself because you can adjust the image of your body as a damaged or treacherous thing. They reminds her she can beoause she has a sister who loved that lost part of you skin, of your belly, of your physical form that is an integral paut of who youare, protected and preserved tras. ‘The wisdom of the Tender Gardener is immeasurable and she wants you to beat the rhythm of the seasons explain and teach you how to feel them in your blood and bones so that you dont resist the changes. Look out for her if you are lost or womted, if you ave under pressuwe or everything all the time ‘but keeps procrastinating. She wall listen to everything you have to say and share her insights with you However, dont askher to change the elements of the lansiscape, because she is the one who guarantees stands for its integrity. She knows thata desert must be hot and full of priokdy cacti and all that the jungle needs moistwe and a thick green foliage. She will help you find peace and wisdom in this country but she will not go with you in your denial of it ‘The Tender Gardener and the Field of Dreams ‘The Field of Dreams is actually a magical garden, a living system where the seeds of your thoughts, germinate feelings and beliefs. Here life grows above the ground, where we cansee it and underground, where itis invisibly comected by complex root systems. ‘Your thoughts and wishes are like seeds soattered aroun the eaxth or growing up in the wild or ‘being cared for by an invisible hand. The Tender Gardener can teach you how to shoot the fragile shoots she needs to matwe and take cave of the earth and she will uge you not to sit aimlessly ‘wait forthe plants to grow. Listen to her and you will experience the twilight and nostalgia ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, sn38 msn00 Theap can avoid the dreams ‘The Tender Gardener can determine what weeds are and what a flowering plant, herb or vegetable will be. If you want to lnow something about the relationship you have just started or a situation in which you have recently ‘youcanaskber about its nate and qualities. When you want the seeds of your intention cherish, asicher what to do. She will emerge the lantem fiom wer her cape ani let her shine lightly on the seedlings. Are you walling to do the work youthave to do? Are you willing to meet the conditions of your Map? ‘When you planta seed, its growth wall be determined by both the conditions ofthe envionment if youpay attention to his well-being. There is an invisible exchange of energy that is always behind the soreens to suppant the seedling’s path of life. For the ideas you have about who ‘youaze in the wenld (end where you think: you should go) isthe same. Harvesting tales place ‘when the plants in the feld are ripe and ready to bear fiuit, You cannot go through the seasons of growth accelerate effort, or because you want to be served, You plant the seed, focus onit other things an let life go its beautiful mysterious way. Behind the soenes and wlerground alotis going on pagdiifatter always said that if put the seed of every thought of every dream, in the ground of mine life would plant andl water, it will often develop into strong, rooted deeds and ideas. He said such seeds contain pure energy that can grow and thrive, strengthened by an addition belonging conviction, until it becomes visible in my outside world. "You will reap what you sow." is a Biblical saying that contains much wisdom. Being in our subconscious ‘many seeds stored and we plant them wmaoticed next to the ones we deliberately put in the ground. Sometimes we only harvest weeds, because the seeds we have consciously planted are not strong enough. bleaching - and sometimes ow Map determines what can andi cannot grow in ow Field of Dreams The Place Spirit ‘The ancient Romans believed in magical creatwes called genius loci, the Spot Spits. Angry. ghosts, nymphs, good fairies, elves and gnomes are all examples of the ways people symbolized the spiritual landsoape or gave ita natwal appearance. Inmyths, many of these creatizes perhaps presented as imposters - you will be surprised how unpleasant that beautiful one is little elves can belave in the old Ewopean folltales - but on the Map they show the ‘uoubles to the Goblins. They are quietly waiting for you to contact the Asvareness wizard. Tale a seat on their seat and they will suddenly show up Every Place Spirit is a tow guide in the country where he or she usually resides, and they point you to all, features, fiom the slope of the mountains to the number of leaves an the tees. The Place Spinit Jnow that this country like any other, has both shadow and light spots. He or she can show you how ‘beautiful itis there and where the magio tools are hidden that youcan we to do everything discover what this country has to offer, but also to escape it when the time comes Let's meet some magical allies - The Ice Fairy . This beautiful princess with her investigative orystal eyes lives in the Frozen. Country. She will wrap you ina magical white cape that will keep you warm even if you put what you put on ice ‘angers and frustrates. She will teach you to be patient and to let go of what should die. The lee Fairy ‘will also inspire you with the hopeful confidence of the winter solstice and the gradval rebirth of the sun that will lengthen the days, which is beneficial for planting, She wall be you tell us that youare in this Frozen Land because here you can quietly plan your next steps and let go of what no longer needs to be ‘wpetonsive googleusetoontent commas 65, ome msn00 Theap - The Man in the Unyielding Mountain . How much you like the obstacle that the Unyielding Mountain ‘would also like to get rd of it youdo not have enough dynamite to achieve that, Calm down and ask the Man in the Mountain why youended up bere. Youshould leam differently deal wath challenges and trials? You may have your own role in placing obstacles on. eam to see your path? The Man in the Mountain has many wonderful secrets to let you overcome this great hurdle bypass. He will show you the way to a winding path that leads you to the other side of the Mountain, rit gives you beautiful wings that make you fly over the mountain like a bird. He also knows a thing or two about mastery, perseverance and the pride that lies in hard work Bagelieve a goal - The Ogre in the Swampy Marsh . This guy looks very wild but is actually one Jind and gentle being. Like the movie hero Shue; he can show you the delights of mud and ‘mess, from pests and beetles show This ghost sprit awaits you if you no longer now what to do because you have taken on way too much hay and have so many ideas that it makes your head spin. He Jeeps you from drowning and keeps you focused if you get too attached to the feeling of presswe and being distracted, He Imows the importance of slowing down and doing things one by one - and the downside of being in love with your own importance as a 'very busy person. He will like you too ‘wam about the distractions that can hold you here. - The Evi Forest Spirit. De Boze Bosgeest knows where the group of trees you are looking for and how easily you can no longer see the forest through the trees... or the trees through the forest, because she understanis something perspective. She Jmows every twig and leaf, all the pattems of this complex environment. She will be you show that where the road gets dark you are very close toa breakthrough. She warns you take a good lock where you wall: but also lookat the sky where the constellations help you remember where youare and that you are connected to the Spirit, - The Fairy of the Raging River . The Raging River can drag you into its strong cwrent and you cany a tenifying stetch downstream, Should this happen, call the Fairy of the Raging River She will asswe you that there is a branch somewhere to cling to, but you must be willing to accept that the river will send you to another place on its bank She cando you tell how to reach the place on the river where you want to go. She can also give you the valuable lesson, eam to go with the fiow and aocept that you cannot always build a bridge between youself and the one youlove. - The Thunder Spirit of the Storm Fields. His voice is lout, yet its difficult to understand ‘what he says, unless you let go of your fear and listen very carefully. This Ghost Spit will help you shelter and show you why you sometimes need to get into this stormy environment come. He will emphasize your role in generating those flashes of light that soare youso much, and show you how to make your anger mate productive: with new ideas, impulses, stimulus. He knows that all storms clear the air and that the seeds of the trees are blown by the strong wind taken to faraway places, where they create new forests. He also knows that the rain is it parched, barren land. Lighting destroys the wong foundations and draws the dead trees so that they oan serve life ina new way by providing a refuge for inseots and other small creatwes. ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, oanss msn00 Theap - The Good Fairy at the Relasboom. Busy, busy, busy- sometimes as an adventwer on the Map you have one need a little rest, The Good Fee at the Relascboom can teach you how important itis to relax: and become quiet, She will make you werstand that the world just keeps on tuning when you just step in and let the gnomes tale care of those tasks that you think no one else can do. The pagddgontimes as you tale a rest Everything will be done without you doing anything - The Nymph of the Calm Lake. The Nymph of the Calm Lake will show you the importance of reflection Team to see, and how to look deep inside youself. She wall wam you not to become like Narcissus, ‘who, according to Greek mythology, fell in love with his own reflection in the still water. The Nymph will encourage you to look at youself with compassion so that you learn to see yourself as youdo axe seal and can thereby find acceptance andi peace - The Ruthless Balance Artist. The realm of this Spirit of Mind is the Land of Dishonesty. When youare in survival mode, the Ruthless Balance Artist teaches you to throw away bones like those of fiagility and softness. He explains that to be smoother itis necessary that you lose some bones. If you complain that life is not fair, be will ‘ell that natwe has a balance that transcensis Inman comprehension and that youhave it, ‘will have to do wath that truth. He can even show youa virus discovered in the Amazon and that can only destroy one species of ant responsible for destroying one particular flower fertilize. This virus ensures a perfect balance between the ants, the flowers and the ecosystem. In the poor, separate ant the virus causes a tenible condition, but from one ‘broader perspective is needed and it is part of the fabric of the rainforest. We also have to eam to unlerstand that if life sometimes seems cruel, we may go through something to restore balance in our lives and our world. Cooperation balance, unity and changeability require this animals destioy other animals in the life cyole. The Ruthless Balance Artist lnows that the Indians were grateful to the spitit of the bison they had killed for his sacrifice and balance respected natwe. When we are crvel owselves, we disturb the balance. And if we are a victim. cruelty, we must restore our own balance and the Ruthless Balance artist can teach ws how to do that. We must tale life as itis, and tust this Plekgeest. Like the Biblical f gue of Job, you can lose anything and everything ‘win mare, but you have to be willing to let go of what you have. Maybe you will temporarily ‘must trade in health to regain you spiritual strength or dissolve a marriage around you voice. The Ruthless Balance Artist creates order out of chaos and gives meaning suffering. He inspires you to trust ina higher order ‘These are just a few Place Spitits, you wall mdoubtedly encounter more on your journey. Your soul will love you encowage imagination to discover your own team of magical personalities. These magic beings that formed in you own mind oan provide you with information about yow relationship with the landsoape and ‘how youccan pull through faster and differently and do not linger longer than is strictly necessary. But fist you need to find out who they are, because recognizing them helps you understand your lesson, emotional experience that shaped this landsoape. The following exercise is intensied to do them perceive .In the next chapter you will play a more aotive role in the landseape and actually start a conversation with who you find in the hills, forests and rivers of yours inner world, Exercise: Discover you imer lanslsoape and its inhabitants ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, eons mn noo Theap Page Wray te I Vison pocess (ne ClayerTwo) discover you curent emotion] hndsrape tuough you subeonsioes mind ‘>be tevened to you usng your imagition Do ths by foresng yout tenton on yout bething an hie ‘weuthe nnd oetslovly and slowly, ntl yout towed ind las cael down Lethe andzape eyes You inner emcsions ‘eptearnts looming befoe yout winds eye Use yout senses perceive how it oaks, Row itsmelisand sounds ‘Ask yousel Wanna phew sts? * Watdotse? ‘ Wiatam doing het? How do Teh fis lind banging, swimming, climbing or otereie? ‘When am Lew? Have Teen thee before? Do now why Tam hte nd what do? * Dot now tow wo getannay? Am Trendy to leave x vndy turn? What an I suposed tobe? ‘Obanve whats going on ata you The close lok Chane you imaginy cntues moving tagh the hnscape ‘o move? See who they end what they do Law you will lk them, butfornow you wil rte fxitquely ‘pobanve You inet vision willing the and ako colo the dels ofthe win nd you whtioship it ‘When you lave Sie conse tis comtty ad the cunts hata hee, you cin wae everything dow in our note In the next chapter you will talk to a Place Spitit, the Tender Gardener ot the Bone Collector. “You will find that thoe conversations can change you as can an honest exchange with those deceitful Goblin can. Whatever setting you are in- if youcan desoribe it and you have one imagination, the Spirit Spin will appear witha message for you You will be revealed when you fathom the properties of the place. Then the Ghost Spirit becomes a sacred creole ‘you who are always there to assist you! Notes for travelers + It is helpful to introdwee your magical allies who reside in your Map and you can help + The magical allies are fabrications and aspeots of your own psyohe, so they are there always in front of you and will always answer your questions and help you further. + Allies sometimes look: like challengers because they have the harsh light of truth on you life but they are there to guide you and share the wisdom with you on this moment has been withdrawn from your conscious mind. + If youimagine your mindful self to be a Wizard of Consciousness, you can when you Dut want to sit in that seat lift the wand and tune in to your own, suibeonsciows, as well as on the Divine river of consoiousness itself, + Thete are twin sisters who personify your inner Imowing’ the Bone Collector, wo any quality that you have not yet claimed or lost due to your emotional lovingly collects and watches over injuies; and the Tender Gardener who tales care Page 84 forall thoughts, feelings and beliefs that you have planted in your mind + Just askeand the Bone Collector will breathe new life into wikat youdo lost and give it back to you + It is up to you whether youlet the Tender Gardener Inow which plants you prefer not to grow and choose the elements for your life garden carefully, because it takes care of everything in it is planted, ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, ron38 msn00 Theap » EvEp ap eeu ionaL parece Re te URES Rat esas UR PEMD PSR accept. + A Place Spirtis an imagined, magioal aly that serves as an oracle and always does pops up when you recognize your emotions as an inner landscape and map its chavaeteistios ‘ings, Observe this landscape arl you will giedually discover its wisdom Page 85 Chapter Six Conversations and Magical Transformations "Fear is a question: What are you afraid of and why? Just as the seed of health resides in the illness, because illness contains information our fears contain wealthof self-Imowledge when we do them to research! = Malyn Pegason ‘impetansite goopleseroonent com tance S465, nase msn00 Theap ‘Justas the sun activates the world by rising, so awareness of yourself changes ‘tigger in the mina. In the light of calm and balanced self-awareness, inmer energies become awakened and miracles come to pass without any effort on your pat. " > Suttinaaita Malan} Do you feel that youare alone in your struggle? Youdantt, Are located on your Map auchetypal, imaginary personalities that represent aspeots of your psyohe. This one ‘magical allies and challengers can be wed to avcess your imer wisdom thateludes your conscious mind, thinks too much and blocks your intuition. In part you owe this wisdom to your life experience, but another part comes to you fiom one higher source: the Spisit that gives you insight when you feel that youn longer have a grip on the situation. Your intuition serves as the vehicle of His promptings, for the Spirit wants nothing more than with you staxt a conversation The tool to relate to the magical allies on your Map makes exchange with the Spirit and with your subconscious. With this youcan get out of the limitations that your logical mind oreates and the illusions that your deceptive Goblin or Ist ego you dishes ‘The Spirit knows that we are not our behavior, that we are changeable beings and that there is always potential is for growth, for new possibilities and great changes. Using the Map, ‘we can mare easily remember that we can tum ow backs on disturbing landscapes entering ow past and a more sacred area. We will disouss this earlier if we enter into a conversation with our magical allies and challengers ‘You can experience the return emotionally of any quality you think you have lost as a result of the events in you life. If you dont rely enough on your ability to heal yourself, on you agbange beliefs and opinions or to brealk free from old, destructive pattems, tum around to the Spirit. Bring out the Compass that points to true north and release the magic beings fiom you psyche enter your imagination, where you can imagine that they talk to you guide you and you help transform These dialogues can be very emotional, because just outside your consciousness are often the ‘truths that you find most painful. By having a conversation with imagined aspeots of your psyohe ‘youmay find it easier to accept what you need to leam about yourself and your life than youare only uses your logical mind to find out what is "empty" ‘Your magical allies can show you the light or shadow of any quality and any situation, and help you to exploit the possibilities. Conversations with them will open your mind so ‘you feel wonderful and hopeful, rather than stunted, lost and trapped in your emotional experiences and the limitations you experience. These beings will connect youto the magio of the Spirit ‘that can male the impossible possible and shine light in the datlest comers Teach goblin tall: ‘The first ally to start a conversation with is the deceptive Goblin, who has never been before ‘will keep quiet then that you listen to what he has to say. And even though his voice is so annoying, remember ‘wnpeutonsive googleusetconent commas 165, mens mn noo Theap that itis worth listening to him, because he is always awave of the origin of ow injuries. ‘When the Goblin says something youmust first of all be able to distinguish that it is his voice, and not the ‘yours, who shows you the way. Then you have to filter out all misleading information to get to the core from what he would like to tell you If youdo, he will be greatly relieved because you Ihave listened and really heard what he has to say. You will also be relieved because you have mare gained insight into your feelings, beliefs and actions Inorder to ignote his chatter, you will have to leaun to interpret Goblin Talle He speak your language, but speak very fast like any cheater. Once youare in the seat of the Consciousness wizard sits down, you will slow the goblin!s chatter like magic. Only then can you ‘youlisten carefully to what he says and determine what his message is. ‘The next two exeroises, "A Portrait of You Goblin" and "A Dialogue with Your Goblin" will help you help to reveal the wisdom hidden in the shadows of your subconseious. The work the archetype of the Kobold will make youdo that in an emotionally safe way. I suggest youstart with the first exeroise, taking notes, and then the something ‘more demanding second: a guided visualization You could also have a simple conversation with the Kobold in the incorporate guided visualization using the questions fiom the frst exercise, which I oftendo in my workshops. If you have no idea what to write down, use the visualization to open the door to the thoughts and emotions that are painful to access, and let the imaginary Goblin talk to you Exercise: A portrait of you Kobold Pet you nooak in font of you so you can write down you answets the questions fom the execise (at 7X cn Page 8 astequestions is ptf the visaliatin that follows and wute down the mows ated) ‘Dhesiwit ty wimagine ta thee sa deceptively all curt ise you thats teense fx all the negative kin you had, the nits youseasamed af and he beliefs aboet youself that ‘wake you ave lov sl-eteem_Thitkof i as1n ugly line man who env hut you wales you ‘ello web advice and hut youu You the bor cf the Gobi, although he wal vet adit Get deep Twente an fice this myrica aspect of yous. © wars the ume of you Kota? + Wen wie bom? ‘ Whatdees you Gotti ave wy you? teste whathe says, ot ies belt hate mene to nephin basy and imporan? (On te day his bith, the Goins oe of you bows, animporant pte you tat you edt be whale gu ‘amino What ete fom you? What sud you ci orem bck? Can you give the Goblin what he wants and express love and compassion for him 71f not, ‘can you transform him into a creatwe you can caress, cherish and comfort? If your Goblin scares you or is repulsive, youmay want to consider him one less ‘temfying looks - like a troll or a character like Mogwai from the movie Gremlins ‘You may want to drawa pictue of your Kobold as part of the exeroise. What does he look like? Exercise: A dialogue with you Kobold Sitquily whee you wil wot be disturbed and when you dow el the presse f yout chal ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, 3038 Tedop ‘abe the tne fd out what you Gobi as w wll you Breathe in and ont deeply, paying attention only to our breathing what fees w Breathe in sly and breathe ot slowly. Yu thin when yon Breathe and out when you Beate out, Sy fonsed onthe present moment, the curent experince. Mak te ‘ought and sensaons at mabe hemsches inva, but dwt put weiphton thm. They ae superficial, pat of he clonds and th wind st et thm pass by. Dow let he aft you. They wl disappear it he distance, outside oft {focns of you atenton Ishi oute of mindfdness end not judgment, yous listen your Robe. uae about chaf to separate th corn, a thy cali the widom of the nonsense. [Note thatthe Kobo's speech ha owed considerably See his wos ar thy were projected omaseeen Pay tention w ther guy Ii gh with an emtion or wih «far or sadness? Wha do you fel? Wark you feng and outs ise end fall slowony and decreasing ‘Noe that a particule thnghtir very soon. Ider nat decreace, but Bees coming back. Wat Kind of ong ht that? ‘Ask one I ths corect for me? ‘And? It sometines are of ol conditioning ignored dees at contaminate your ght processes, he dirt ‘wots rusting? Is this Bong that sould Be relegted wo the Crystal Gort of he Echoes, where he en borne of the wall wnindered wit fades andi mo Longer held your heart and your headend your bods? Wave tay wth owing of your aod. WRI fade end deepper When titan By the wd the Crystal Gorge th Foes, far away. When the ought or bei se or you, low yrrself tefl the pain of you emationsSee how heeing sobs endanger come xp in ou ‘The Kobold has given yon a valuable lane of sight Yu hae w hd thin, even fou se hi spin fet end he steam coming out of hs eas tox le ndulget, Becnsethe Goblin cat understand that you ae not hin, le hs he protect yo, ty eaiy he forces you to enti with your hart stfand you hee lend) made the decision oto age 8s todo. Ye nti. bw are not our yee. {Bu Inv that thee el «lt of wort Be done that yon have to do your beso hesl rte. Tell the Goblin is name and when ews orm Allow ths Inowledget penetrate youre bu see how his showers hang when yon doth ont ond inform hie “wave right arse, “he sys. Now you have power over hin, becense en ew his mame and hs vin. He sihs deep ‘Thank he Kobold for his mestge. Notice Row hs fest, shallow breathing slows down and stony deepens ss going Be He cals down. His tests are no lenge eleching. His yes begat Lower. Bu ast w speak xt Arh in he soft rats near the root of your tee zs hm on he forehead and pall one ‘aby Dlantet over hin. Rw waite moment. and he tarts mering. Sitti withthe wand in your hand Recopnite you aby w dra fem the Source. No mater Row had he andcape yon wal ep this power and you wale bu wl Be fine. ue fn A conversation with the Bone Collector ‘The Bone Collector and the Tender Gardener, the sisters who serve youas magical allies, can support you help youclaim you bot and start creating something new for youself. To summon them ‘youonly have to take your place in the seat of the Wizard of Consciousness. They will be up to you appear and let you know what to do, ‘The Bone Collector Imows what you have lost or stored incomeotly beoause she has it Jrept for you on her Island of Dreams that fell in Duigen. Your negative beliefs about yourself ‘make it difficult for you to reach that magical landscape. Aversion to youself, shame, a feeling that “[ dontt deserve to reclaim that bone" or the belief that youze not good enough to get over that Ihaving qualities youlong for will keep you from going to the island. Moon the Goblin to silence andi summon the Bore Collector... and she will show you that you can leam again ‘trust. Youcan regain you dignity or the wonder youstill had as a child, One of my clients, Charlotte, was 15 years old and almost no longer a child when she found out about her father had a bunch of mistresses on it, and faced with this, he and her mother decided to leave, Charlotte lost a bone that day- the bone of confidence in men - and for many for yeaus she had relationships with partners who cheated on her She could claim the bone she was about to claim - the belief that she was worth taking ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, ra38 Theap respect and loyelty to be treated bya man she loved - not yet absorbed. They had seen how her mother had done her best to be a good wife and yet trough her husband pushed aside, so Charlotte coulditt get herself to believe she was that bone could claim her dignity Although she had planned never to end up like her ‘mother, another message had been planted in the comers of her spirit garden. Deep inside Chazlotte didrit feel that dignity was a "bone" reserved for other women for her. It was important for her to claim the bones ina way she could find); to hold onto the valuable lessons she had learned about trust, but to open up suggest talting risks in relationships .. To feel good about herself as a woman who hhad made mistakes and didrit see themselves as a cast-off. ‘The Goblin ties to convince you that you are not entitled to what youneed and what youwish The Bone Colleotor knows better. She will show you that forgotten bone and love it, age fyouor grind it into fertile fertilizer that youcan we to create a new dream cultivate. Imagine that the Bone Collector has a bone in front of you that you want to be back in iginal form. It looks parched and lifeless, but she can change that ‘by infusing it with Spirit. What words does she use for her vitalizing song? Sing them with her along! Exercise: Listen to the Song of the Bone Collector ‘Wen youre wady to chim a bot gab yout notebock and wie down the words of the song ‘Bowe collet: What Ines vets ne in yout es wha you lent et pnivewaize? Ifyou fel frit youens sing het song outloud. What pling, ejemating wou ome to mind? “Te the woud in your hat and bebeve thn. you Sd ttc eth woud of the Bone Calc, dowt wony aoxtit Tt hat ‘ha they athe, een if you camotimmedinely stages hem. Maybe next te you wil hea them, ‘Wen you ea the woade. open your eit Do note that rath Filaie yoxuselt wih thse words Sicha ‘eempe il as tget ed wo hx developing oly, mile aged woman tthe ‘met changes tata evident on het fice and vast, you ned the w expecince he changes youe gain thowgh sccept New beliefs bot yous wil notin matnely li old Allow yout be that you ave demanded tack, kings pice again Unie wiht Own it Catone wine tat ometines we no longer ene the bone ‘want toincoonte ws In tatease, we jst eed tasione it with he help of the Boxe Calcot Exercise: Transforming a lost bone with the help of the Bone collector ‘Yous we tis visulization to chim a quliy, een if you woud Ike wo cange at guiy hit, sottattbeter sus whoyouate now (ox example, you demand the bly to tis, accompanied Dy ruece, snseid of lost inmooence’) Sina quet pace for fey minutes befowe meditng he magical ate af the ‘Map went. and imagine tis meeting and dialogue wih the Bowe Collect Desrube you expeuince in you fervards otal Bu found ito he send of Dreams that fll Digen:a Bone hat yo lost a gual abeedy ‘hat had’ ben art of on for Years tom he dy ou were art and tl. Along h e308 st becomes very weary, because ou see at thi bone is gray, tl and less ow yours fel sud ta fal about how neglected ti bones. Bu feel Row the Bone Caleta exresses her condolences you. Yu feet her atconditonal lve, while yo ta the Bone haere played font of 0m 1 Learn you bhi commy and you remeber an inport Tess that rare ght on: what os deed can Devry be wellatrest. The black Branches of the meen wnt the rele vines, the dred stow. everything ‘We orceis hidden. The Bone Collector is pert of ae. She can sng ie acinar old be sustas pring Deaths ne feito the old. Her Lndnes comforts you, but you sal Restate ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, 15138 msn00 The ap "one cole you ofr is gonerens you sey, ut Te nat eI want lai his bone I want he slow Dat do Teaseot ae ated as eae how pts Gat hase aequted How can appropriate ne, 40 ta itl yve me npportand srengh? The Bone Cllerter wl gve you a clear and wise ensue. Yu nod, Decanse you elite ‘hat she trip. can clam the Bonen different shape, «shape that beter it who you are tdey The Bone collector ubes you ware atraches end sparks towards tars, where night ene thne tubes wp, She arg puts the bone the fie, where it sows ed, then Bn ten seen thn it Pachenedw ash enabling. The res lows end exngtshes, we the no ries end rises above Be ses bu ol tony end bey imagine what your hfe wll ook tke You have clad squat in form ‘hat works for yon ou consider what on want to lent the Feld of Drea. ‘The Bone Collector opens a vet pouch and bepins wo with he sacred ashes. they do tat ey she closes tand hands it ver you bu cam spread the ashes across the Pl of Dreams wherever you gt there @ wnt grow al bef by it Camp the pouch w you heart. Fel he power of it Bu are now vthn you ‘eld of Dreams bu ae read to sunt planang. What de you wae 7? How wil his bone burned ashes help you ge the fern seeds of yorr dreams? Page A gardening lesson from the Tender Gardener ‘You gradually Imow how the Tender Gardener works, together with her twin sister the Bone collector. She will help you plant the seeds in the Field of Dreams and show you how the axis of the bones can spread over the earth so that ‘what was! can be transformed into! what ‘will be, while providing fertile food for the growl on wich your dreams will rest. ‘The Tender Gardener will also show you what youhave already planted. Guard the ground of you Field for it Dreams not to curse because it yielded an unsatisfactory, poor harvest. It may seem as if nothing is growing ard as if youare ina barren desert, But the Tender Gardener always tales care for the garden and has some wise advice for you: Imow what youare planning. Choose rich soil and tale your time ‘to edit. Be careful not to disperse the seeds of the weeds that tale the sum out whenit starts to grow. Male sue that the Tender Gardener does not waste your resowoes by using the wild vegetation ‘while your swecess plant struggles to stay alive and desperately tries some more ‘to catoh the sunshine among the overgrowing weeds. ‘The Tender Gardener does her best with what you have given her. It's up to you to stant planning better and plants ‘When you start priming the trees and let go of those relationships that no longer work and situations that are too demanding and do not deliver what is of value to you be proud that you rolled up your sleeves and got your hands dirty: This is soul work and youcan praise youself for the cowage to make changes. But fist take a good look at the weeds that you have with roots and branches ‘want to exterminate Not every situation is as you would like it to be and your relationships can undoubtedly be whole ‘be complicated. Yet there is something youcan leam from it. You may not want to break the band with someone who is difficult to deal with, because that person is important to you or because of you health (for example, a doctor who is very good, but an incredible elm). That "weed" in your yard may be your relationship witha sibling married relatives, one older or an ld friend who has many problems and does not give the impression of picking them up in the short term unload. However, itis important to maintain your connection with this person and to push your boundaties ‘beacon. The Tensier Gardener will tell you that weeds can sometimes mean something to youina way that youdo not immediately abandon suchas catnip that chases some insects, or dandelion ‘whose bitter leaves are edible andl nutritious, She is convinved of the right to exist of all plants ‘The Tender Gardener also Imows how to prime - from a creeper that loves it all. growin sides, cut away what is not functional, so that the plant becomes stronger. She will do this work however dottt do it for you You will have to consciously choose where to prine. When a ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, ren38 Theap situation or relationship is a "weed" you want to keep, asicher for help. Tallcto her, with pajgate following exercise. Exercise: A conversation with the Tender Gardener (Clos you eyes Bunt in nd ot lowly and deeply Let you thoughts alm down and dinyparino the elgiownd When you at wad fel what tie ie tobe in yout Feld of Deans ‘Look athe pens around you. bu see how the Tender Gardener, the Spit of Meter Barth, enltates he pltof land. Wheres she doing exacts? How does she ok ike? Wat wp 0 her end ast er tel yon whch plant are weeds and what hey ve clled Wha does she chow you? What des she say yon? ‘Takes yo0d lot around her garden ‘bu might asthe, “When di I ponte seed Dat has spel weed Ted? "and, “Does is serve any propose in ay Wie? ‘The Tender Gardener il ive ou the answers you are oling for. ‘Bu cam weed ths weed and throw ito dhe compost ile, where itcomes to {ferle marae wal be broken down and wed fed other plants. Or you can prune thm erownd then. row within ints ad nett our gern verte: Consider ergy what very weed you dover yon want do wth it Are you pling stout ord you want Ke it? What do ou need tte itont of our Be? Which you must setlist ene Bathe eter pens dona get caught torr weeds, that he opt does not pas rough te taken ay and hy can conto to po? ‘The compost pile is apical Its rich in muritona value of the weeds you have abedy vow ait Yu cn de frtle te frie feed hse plant on Won Uiet s0e fowish nour Fld of Deas, Tal the Tender Gardener wick plants on wand prefer to grow well. What re your favorites? Ast her, "Do you have amy advice forme? I there any I should ow abe his plato enna it rows out a power plow? * Leno her answer ‘The Tender Gardener will always appear to youn that sacred place - in the garden in your mind where you are with her comes together. You can always connect with her wisdom, trust her ability as gardener and planta seed that infuses you with your intention. Fomulating an intention is the beginning. Than ‘youcan always asicher later, "What is the next step I could take to enswre the integrity of to seowe my dream seed?" ‘The Tender Gardener in me taught me a lot about the weeds andi the valuable plants in my garden. When! lookat my own recovery fiom compulsive eating and my unhealthy relationship with food, I can I see that both the twin sisters helped me wath that. nee I suceeded the lost tones were of a healthy relationship with food and one a healthy relationship with my body and I couldnt find what! was really lumgry for, a profound change occured in me. Nowadays I have better health more feeling self-esteem and, more importantly, I have dignity and accept myself. Conversations with the Plekgeest When youdo Goblin work and tallcto the Bone Collector and her sister, the Tender Gardener, it will be easier for you to avoid problematic lansisoapes. But when you If youdo end up in one of these troubling areas, Inow that youare a hidden ally BigeyD be invoked when yousit inthe seat of the Wizard of Consciousness: the Ghost spirit a male or female archetype that is the essential energy of the landscape represents ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, m8 msn00 Theap This Place Spirit Inows everything about what swrounds you light and dak all secrets and hidden treasures. And what is very important he or she mows how to esoape fiom this terrain. Unlike the ‘light strategy of the Kobold, the plan of the Plekgeest will work If you like the wisdom of this place ‘this ally will help you get out But first he or she needs you to feel it, ‘being imprisoned and in danger of appeasing. ‘The illusion of fear created by the Goblin makes you jump aside for the flashes of light in the darlawss of the Stommfields and struggling to keep your head above water in the switls of the Raging River. You may feel something pressing on you stuekin the mud or at the bottom of a well and you think you will never get out. ‘What relationship do you have with this landsoape and why do you feel that you are being threatened” Drive youself helpless around and longing for the safety of the ground under your feet? Dangle from a branch of one ‘uee that hangs over the Raging River and beg youto be pulled aside? Search diligently for shelter, exhausted by the uphill climb and heavy load, ‘but afraid to take off your knapsack, because you think there is no food and water in the desert? ‘You will need to have a conversation with the Plelegeest, whose secrets are very revealing, The Spot spirit can show you where to find refuge in the Stomfelds ane magically ‘tum into an eagle that can fly over the Unyielding Mountain and a new what ‘more innovent land. Be patient, because the Ghost Spirit knows that you will get away as soon as you know the secret to getout, and he may not be quite ready to let you go. There may be something you still have must leam, Tale it easy and talkto the Plekgeest. Agree not to nm right away ane youdo feels firm ground under your feet or fly away as soonas your wings are extended. Exercise: Dialogue with the Plek Spinit, ces on yout ben hing and tis slow, dep esth tl ox fel ed nd you bey thoughts aid ‘Came Leta ndsepe ha pcan your nme enictone ppea efte your mins eye Let your sna in vweou how itloas, sues nd sounds Ask yous ‘waa he mame ofthis pace? ‘+ urarawe the canes ofthis nsrape? How doe w this nse? mat uine iit Have Ibees thew Dafne? DoTlnow why Lan hve and what am doing the? * *# Dollmow how tesape it? Am I abort tolkive Oram Tuendy lena? What should do? ‘Now inte th Spit Spit I you imagination, conc wth he consrousnss of the being ats th essential lemons his hoe ist ‘Waste ot he and what doe tis Spt on Ml? ‘Ask he Poe Spat: Page 93 ‘+ woratean this norape tach me ‘ sinatstou Ido + Hive Hauned what] ned naw? ts ene anything lo you cane me ‘Cant gonou™™ “Die he ne wisn ‘Was n you nowtoak what answets youteeived ftom the Pakgest ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, ran38 msn00 Theap Sam was very uwomfortable when he took part in my workshop. He was fired from a company for which he had worked sinee his school exam. He had lost his income and his identity felt that be wes being swept away by a Raging River, under presswe from circumstances he was not into hand. He was very concerned about his Snanoes and prospects and tried desperate to keep his head above water. He chmg to an overhanging branch again and again - an ‘informal! application that a fiierd of his had arranged or some other sparicof hope - but hhad to let it go again and again. Sam had never been here before are felt like he was in great danger and alone to be self-appointed. The Plekgeest showed Sam that he, by meditating and using all his qualities appoint - not only those on his resume, but his personal traits - and by mindfulness practice, manage his concerns and open himself up to creativity and for confidence in the futwwe Although he didn't imow how he was going to make it Sam left when he left my workshop inner solid ground again found wmlerfoot. Sams Map was recomiled ‘with the Spirit and he now knew that he was going to walla different way, out of fear and into the ‘towards new possibilities. He Imew there would be allies and companions on the road now he bad changed his card, He went home swe he could do something new for himself and accepted that he had an ever-changing adventure. ‘The same goes forall of ws Notes for travelers + When you lack confidense in your ability to heal yourself, to you to change beliefs and chatter in your head or to change your destruotive pattems break through then tum to the Spirit, + Imagine talking to the magical creatures on your Map and you will comect with you inner wisdom and that of the Spirit, Page s4 * The voice of the Goblin, your huxt ego, is full of fear or anger andl has one agent tone. + If youlisten to the voice of the Kobold youcan distinguish whether youcando something about it light up. You can discover the hidden themes to work with and the origin of you injwy. + If youave scared to imagine that youare talling to a Kobold, and Impossibly unable to feel compassion for him, imagine a more benign one (though stil, always ugly) being personify your hunt ego. * The only way to "tame" the voice of the lnut ego is to examine what to do tell. Ignoring it, and your unconscious thoughts, only gives you more power about you * Youcan have any quality or belief about youself that you lost or that youdidn't previowly daved to claim appropriation due to an injury. Talleto the Bone collector and she will find this lost tone and breathe life into it, ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, ron38 msn00 Theap + Youcanrestyle this quality or belief, making it easier to add it baok to oper fr youds Sot weal he bobs wiskimn wie ongual shape Bone collector help youchange it so that you feel mare comfortable when you do it, gives a place in your being + Tallcto the Tender Gardener and you will nd out which seeds you have planted in your Field of Dreaming and why some of you ambitions have not led to the outcome hoped. + Feel fice to growsome 'weeds' in your garden- the results of relationships and cizcumstances that you chose to be part of - as long as you realize you are there chose to make 1oom for these difficult people and situations in your life, because there are also positive aspects + Tallcto the Place Spirit in any emotional laneisoape on the map ard you will learn the lessons Jeam fiom that experience, as well as how to change your perception and emotions Page 95 Chapter Seven Treasures, Talismans and Medicine Bags ". Youcan find teaswe wherever youstumble." = iseph Cmpbel, "Courage and perseverance have a magical talisman that makes difficulties and obstacles disappear like snow in the sw" + Jokn Quncy Adams Now that you know how to handle the Map, its time to tell you about an exeptional one ‘impetansite goopleseroonent com tance S465, msn00 Theap instrument that youcan always use to get out of a landscape faster. It is an instrument ‘that you aoquite through experience or suffering and it reminds you of the magic and meaning of things in you life. Know during your hardest moments that youare working onswch a special magical object such talisman to be forged. ‘The word talisman comes from a term meaning "initiation into the Mysteries." Various ‘moments in you life are initiations, such as when you face death - whether it is true or not ‘manner of spealdng. Although everything seems dark to you then, you will have to let go of your fear and it, embrace the unimown, trusting that the Spirit is your guitle. When youdo that, you will have the courage in you feel coming up that will allow you to stay with what is happening, to investigate what ‘youcan leam fiom it and find the buried treasure in even the most stressful landsoape This treasure is the lesson youcan learn from any experience that makes you deeply desperate, fwwious, or ‘temified. An initiation ensues that youare reborn ina new self that can cope toa bad diagnosis, to betrayal and loss, in the assurance that I “with divine help always do available is also able to withetand this. ' In the Map you will find many teaswes that oan become forged into a magical talisman. ‘A talisman serves as a touchstone; rub the smooth swface and you wall remember what you leamed and ended. He will glow and revive your courage, while you remember one too Inmble, simple stone is comected to All That Is, and that your courage is a result of you mind and. of the Great Spirit, ‘While we think of talismans as something belonging to ancient, indigenous peoples, many hold of us cling to it umoticed in the form of a daily object. It can be an impoxtant letter ‘Hlglewe. received years ago and that has become almost transparent fiom opening ard opening again and again fold, read and reread, thinking back to a victory ar a great lesson or to the grief and loss that gave us the desized Inumility. It can be a zing. ancbject ot a piece of clothing that represents the challenge we faced and that we endwed. Talismans can embody wistiom, svchas, "l cantt say no when it comes to love" or "I deserve to be respected ' At the AA, alcoholics receive a badge stating how much days they are already dry and marked with the inscription: ‘Every day there is one! and is infused with the cowage of their promise ‘When youare stuckin the Stomfields and close your eyes to see where youare going ‘must and what odo, or when you wander in the Wallways of Uncertainty, one provide talisman insight and answer questions. Whatever disturbing landscape you find yourself in ‘the talisman is there for you is always in your pocket and will warn you f you leam the lesson from this one eared place. Towht and you will find the cowage to face old issues and find youself getrid of the undermining thoughts that previowly kept youat bay. After that you will find the way out of this ‘ind lanisoape ‘You get the talisman of the Plekgeest who mows everything about the shadows and the light in the landscape and ‘who can show you where the hidden treasure is - which is equivalent to the wise words that the talisman has surounded. Hidden treasures No suffering is unecessary if you eam something from it. Your talisman is the crystallized form of the lesson that hides in every landscape. The Plekgeest will be happy to give you this valvable gift. But you will not be able to receive it when youush through the landsoape and your swroundings ‘worthy of a glance eight ‘The greatest treasures are hidden andi can only be discovered if you are patient and ‘inpstanshte googluserconent com tans 465, suse msn00 Theap is investigative. In the Swampy Marsh you have to tale it easy, let things go slowiy tickle down, delegate to others and give up your need to ‘get everything done’. Only then wall the treaswre rise above the mud surface and glisten towards you You can not events fore. Whether you like it or not: you have to do it with this landseape and in every nook and cranny peeking walking around boulders, wading through rivers or a tickety life cross suspension bridge to get to the other side, where youcan tell te story of your powerlessness shales off and embarks ona heroic jowney It tales time to get to know landscape and, as I said, to be patient. When you are traumatized, of couse you want to escape the pain and not dwell on it too long or even more risk pain by looking at the role you inadvertently played in creating the scenatio. Perhaps you are not yet emotionally ready to see wat is ummistakable as the Tender Gardener hher shaup light shines on the Field of Dreams that you planted and points out the ugly weeds that's yours too. ‘When there is shame and aversion in youself when you look at your garden it is because the Goblin whispers in your ear, "Do you see what youve done? Its all your own fault! " He tales care of you age symming away fiom it and you will exhaust youself trying to escape the science that you head already Inows, but your heatt is not yet ready to accept Feel the support of the Spirit and love of the Tender Gardener, while you open youself to class. Your courage is ready for you, just need to are claimed. Exploring the landscape ‘What do you have to do in your tricky landscape to find the tease? Stop nmming or justin ‘move? Maybe you should like the mythioal heroes Odysseus, Perseus, Heroules and Psyohe ~ who all had a list of assignments that only a divine prineipal can come up with- action Doing business and allowing your emotions in, gradually making you feel the nature of this emotionally distusbing get to know the landscape, Do youhave to cross treacherous waters, like Odysseus did? Or, like Perseus, do you need one Jill a monstrovs creature that thneatens to tun you ito stone, preventing you fiom moving forward? Maybe youshould climb a mountain, wade through the mur, muck out stables, a potion ‘inal or dig for water. You may have to go to the figurative local pub to look for ‘anol woman who can help you with her wisdom, but only in exchange for a story that you never told anyone before. Enter your own inmer landscape, let your imagination captuwe the details of your magical jouney explain and leam from the symbols that come to mind. The answer is within you and you wall not bbe remembered. Use your talent to actively dream and your soul will show youeverything you need to mow. Discover the Lesson of Wisdom ‘The lesson of the place is always infused with the essence of cowage. Only words are unable to create a powerful talisman only wnierstood that when I ran past myself, instead of living from day to day, and I realized that ‘byzumning toward the futwe, I failed to notice the luiking dangers that withdrew me to drinking abuse. Day to day sounds like an easy way of life, but itis not yet simple. For example, these wisdom lessons are much more powerful and valuable than they were initially and you only learn them if you talee the words to heart. Allan attended one of my seminars where I explained this process and invited the participants to ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, ese msn00 Theap to look for a symbolic talisman in their landsoape. He registered because he was having problems ‘with his work and knew that he should aotually take a different path But he failed connect with his feelings, so he was confused and unsure of wit to do. He desoribed an amazing landsoape to me and the other participants. I always give people three ‘inntes before the In-Vizion exercise, then ask them to share their experience with others. Active dreaming is much easier than you might think Allan did not expect to "see" anything. but experienced one deep change He saw himself ina barren desert chased by wild dogs and running toward one (Canyon. On the other side of a wide gorge he saw a beautiful, lush green landsoape with frvit-bearing trees. When he gave his imagination the freedom to play around with this statue, he asked agbsy what he wes missing. How could he get tothe other side? He welled tothe edge, looked at belowand sana ledge with beautiful stane steps leading tothe botiom of the gorge and to the up the other side. Eagles appeased above his bead, dropping botles of water He ventured ‘All symbols ze universal and because dogs represent loyelty the wild represented dogs chasing him were indanger of wil, tauestsined loyalty, a form of dependence on each other. The binds were messengers of the sou. It was his talisman confident they would bring the life-saving water for him if he was willing to go over climb the ledge tothe ledge. The steps meant that be had to take a fst stp inthe joumey step by step Beckat hme, Allan agreed with his employer about a part-time position and took stes in the direction of setting up a new business; a company that wes rooted in his passion and that he ‘would eventually lead to the lush green area he chase to inkabit Alley of Resignation ‘The Goblincan make you believe inany kind of landsoape that he Imows the magic words ‘what the hidden treasure consists of. You may think the lesson is, "At my age, I never find ‘mote the partner I wish for, so I accept that I will always be alone or together with someone ‘who doesnt teat me the way I want to be treated. * Or, ‘I'm just not attractive enough so I dontt try again. That is easier than that my hopes ep bottoming is smashed. * Those are not wise words, but the words of the Goblin and they wall take you to the Alley of Resignation There youare limited to a small space, sandwiched between high wells and large ones ‘buildings that you cannot enter. In the Alley of Resignation you have to gather your food from garbage bins and the only water you can find there is a filthy brown stream from a rusty one crane. It stinks homibly and youstart to think that al lf stinks, so youhave to take what youcan get and settle for less than you deserve Itseems impossible to get out of the Alley of Resignation, because the Goblin gives the illusion that ‘youare looked up there. He does that because he doesn!t want you to notice that you can just leave this place andl then ends up on the Island of Dreams that fell in Duigen, where you express your hope and feeling canolaim self-esteem. Remember that the Goblin has a deceptive nate and can only go sleep if youname him, if youname him. This means that you can put it in your toughest landscapes must catch, because he exercises the most power there. ‘We all have to compromise every now and then because of the limitations of our Map, however if we exaggerate and betray what is important to us, or when we see reality not went to understand ow situation, we end up in difficult terrain. Thete we experience ow pain or ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, ssn38 msn00 Theap srepaiptmuan ane fivetatinn, huge also have a chance to lear wint oer avemtes we could take My working groups incliele many women for whom this place is their main landscape. My client Carsiace started the couse with a lot of repressed anger about her life. She had long ‘tapped in an unhappy mariage with her first boyfriend. She wes pregnant when she wes nineteen reRjeygtied and mamtied, after which she had three more children. When she was forty-two, she felt tapped and tapped. Her husband, a successful businessman, wes addicted to it, pain ellers, marijuana and pom. Although the threat of a divoree made him do his best and they went to marriage counseling together, she now realized ber initial compromise to be at home to stay, have children and indulge his behavior was no longer acceptable for her. ‘Without education, financially dependent on her husband and devoted to her children Candace was came to this working group because she didn't Inow which way to go. She wented a career, but shrank from going back to school. She felt angry and bitter and the walls of the Alley of Resignation threatened to inelude her. She described her inner landsoape as an island filled with houses and swxouded by endless water. She went on to describe half-finished and broken paintings crockery spread along a rook road leading to a prison. I asked her spontaneously imagining a landscape that could show her what Kin of place would be best. ‘to represent what her life would look like if she was happy with her eixcumstanves. I suggested she look no fuuther than the temporary boundaties of her "island." Candace said this new place looked very different. There was space between the houses and on the ‘ues on the island hung all kinds of works of ait, such as Christmas balls on a Christmas tree. There was a big one ‘boat at the endl of the pier and her children were in that boat; they wore clothes that you wear with it Jhanding out your school diploma and they waved are waved at her. She said seeing this place told her exactly what she wanted to mow. Over the years she is skilled in crafts and pottery: She didnt have to go back to school at all! She would to set up company in the design and sale of Christmas decorations. She had that option never considered before and felt that something had been revealed to her. She would still be like that can become independent, She also wlerstood that ber anger had made her feel trapped tossit She wes not there yet but at least now new where to stant to wrestle herself to ber emotional prison and her mazital status ‘When you come across a hidden treastwe and have the wisdom in your heast, you are still there not, You wil have to create new beliefs that are consistent with those gained. ‘wisdom and strengthen it through repetition. Otherwise, itis very easy for the Goblin to be inside you ‘to enlighten awareness and lure you back to the kind of thinking you did before you leamed your lesson and forged your cowage and wisdom into a talisman. The Kobold is a pickpocket wino loves talismans, so be wamed and do your best to replace your old habitval beliefs ‘You don't have to put your talisman around your neck ‘You may see your talisman as an amulet that repels danger. [tis valuable, but you don't need it always to do. To'wear' a talisman is to identify yourself with your experienoes, youself ‘to consider as a survivor of the Raging River, is your limited notions regarding have youself hanging around your neck Be proved of your victories, but dont let the weight of an incomplete definition of who you are be you ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, sans msn00 Theap down, Youare not your experiences. You incorparate them into who youare, but Ren go uid SoMBthINg amt POLY SEO yee I dont visit my past, although I refer to myself as a recovering one alcoholic and rape survivor. But that's related to my job, to leave others see that itis possible to change. I am proud to have swvived such experiences and ‘that | have outgrown the limited ideas about myself, but I don't ‘wear’ them as a mark or trophy None of those things are rooted in my cwrent laneiscape. There is no vietim weed to weed. My cowage and wisdom have now orystallized and I can camry the talisman or in my pocket lieep it. My experiences dontt define who I am, so I don't want me to have the reputation of me ‘survivor! or ‘vietim! accompanies when I enter somewhere. I bring out my talisman as {need to commit with my courage to shave it with others so that they can male their own to Gnd cowage, ‘A talisman should never beoome a fetish. Each of us has more than one story and more than one identity. Platstad (On your Map is a country called Platstad. The buildings have no ficars and all people are two-dimensional, like paper dolls; this guy here is a bad guy and that woman there is a saint and that poor child is never left alone. Everyone in Platstad spealss monosyilabio words. They think they understand each other, but that is not so, because nobody ever really says anything. They write and project simple, superficial stories onafiat screen TV that you find everywiere. The people of Platstad love television because itis everything simplifies into a familiar story that makes them feel good. ‘You will end up in Platstad if youdo not want to feel the discomfort you experience when you are more precise looks at people or events, or because your own insecurities put you to sleep. In Platstad youcan ‘workaround painful emotions and carflicts. Nobody will contradict you because here youare always right what ‘youalso claim, as long as youstick to your story, An yes, itis at the end of the city Poppy field. You will often be drawn there, ‘Youend up in Platstad because you are afraid, because you have listened to the Goblin who says: "You see ‘well? said you cant trust anyone? " Or: ‘All those people stick together and let them go fusther ‘they dont care about anyone, so dont expect them to help you. " Youalso step there inside when youlresist exploring who you might be outside of the role you are playing in you life stories. You walk through Platstad and tell others about your past and never find out who you are could be even more than the person you wsed to be ‘The danger of the mambiguos story is also that it so easily redwes everyone to one stereotype, that it obs you of your stratification and of your humanity. How often do you have prejurlices heard like “Blondes ae mote stupid, * “Arabs are terrorists," "Psychics ate scammers, "Africans are poor * "Negroes have more sense of rhythm, " “Lawyers lie" and "Germans are cold-blooded." Sometimes the stories fiom Platstad are more personal, but they remain flat such as: ‘My mother was cold and ‘mean and my father violent and inaccessible. " When I describe pattems in readings from the Biaje Afpeople. [tell them that the complexity of a human ina shont period of time is not enough can be expressed, so that every statement I make is a simplification, From Platstad youare so an the Duskateas of nostalgia, unless you start a conversation with, the Plekgeest, which will show you where to find 3D glasses. As soon as you stait to see that your mother is her id your best and talking into account her own disappointments and lack of self-esteem, youalso realize how hard and insensitive you were to her. The story becomes more complex, ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, ssn38 msn00 Theap ‘With this new 3D image you will see that your ex was not sucha monster and that you were not the perfect prince or princess. Then you know that you can leave Platstad, because you have gathered the courage to tum into three dimensions, with compassion for everyone, including youself Fora long time without compassion for youself, you ty to avoid unpleasant truths and leave Platstad only to enter another gloomy area It tales a lot of self-love to wateh to the role you played in those painful situations in your life. You may need it to Reach the bottom of the Well to find out what youre missing, because that dark hole of despair is one place where humility opens the heart to the light of the Spinit and of God, to the unconditional love ‘The Bottom of the Well At the Bottom of the Well, yousurrender to the Spirit and face the fact that you dont have it all only even if youdo your best, that you are a co-creator, together with the Spirit and that you are not. Ihave control aver every part of the joumey, Youmay not reach the Bottom of the Well until after youhave wandered though many traumatic landscapes. You have probably tried them in vain and do your best to spend all your time in the relaxing and enriching landscapes bring. Butif youre in pain, you!l find yourself there one day. As painful as it is to confess that you are powerless: itis also a liberation By loosening and to give your stiength to the Spirit to Divine guidance, you will find your tw strength courage and self-esteem. That jewel of wisdom - to surensier to a Higher Power - is a preoiovs gem that youcan claim at any time, but many of us must rst get the Reaching the bottom of the Well to be able to do so and sinoerely accept that the Spitit isin charge, and that we are not Onre you have surrendered to the Spirit, your magical allies will appear. I Imow they did that to me when quit drinking, drugs and fiee sex and finally accepted that like Frodo fiom Lord of the Rings, Toould not master the ting of power. The Plek Spirit helped me ‘to find wisdom and to forge a talisman and I regained my dignity. I wes the Bone collector so grateful she gave me back what I thought I lost forever | offered to pay for her kindness. I showed her the Inuge diamond that I now have in my sack remembered that would never have to fall so deep again But the friendly old lady shook ber head. She told me she didrit want anything from me beoause it was just her job to give beck want was rightfully mine, ‘Again, youdontt have to walk the path of addiction, like I did, to the Bottom of it to reach de Put, For example, my client Diana was so upside down from the Gulf of Oil spill ‘Mexico that she ended up on the Bottom of the Well and was forced to live her way of life Bagere2 Diana was ambitious and hoped that her dream of becoming an actress would make her rich and famous Although it may sound like a cliché, she moved from a small Mimesota town to Los Angeles to be ‘discovered. After several failed opportunities and disastrous castings, she meta man in one hotel bar. He was handsome, rich, married, and violent The relationship with him lasted seven years, during which she hoped he would change and tried to be the woman of his dreams. He was not at all plan to leave his wife and always bought expensive gifts for Diana if he ever had her again beaten. Her auditions never yielded anything. so she clung to him on the assumption that he could offer her the life she thought she deserved; afterall, he was a powerful one man and she moved with him in ich circles. She sat with velvet in her own accord hantcuffed ina prison never felt like she was getting enough and dreamed continuously ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, s6n38 msn00 Theap Of Pa CA PRAUL RE SRM EEABRE of the oil spill were still serious after months that she looked at her life and realized that her pursuit of fame, power, money and status had alienated her from everything had meaning. Her lover would never leave his wife and no matter how much money he gave her, Diana stayed feeling bitter about her circumstances and her failed career as an actress She had just tuned 42, One day she woke up andi knew she couldn't go on like this. They ended her relationship, flew to Florida and ulerwent special training with oil to clean covered birds. I now hear fiom various sides that she is not yet living her life had previously found it so worthwhile. Maybe her talisman is the oiled T-shirt she's wearing on the beach with the otter helpers. | have several talismans that connect me with my courage and with my wisdom. You too can do the experience the magic of a talisman and create an object that reminds youof your strength by the following prectice Exeroise: Create you own talisman Doyoulnow few vise wouds- 1 quoe, x ayiag, 2 powebor song. Hatinsie yout counge when you hat he? ‘Wate how wous dows ina nowboak and fn out why tho wous mene so much © you What ety ot do tey evoke past veto you? Wit emotions do you expetence when you ay them ont od? (Close you eyes nd imagine th ype of olect you coud wake and these wouds andthe counge hey Vou give ou symbolize Hee a0 few tens hatred lionan tender no wy wodshow: + A sone withone or note wosdeengaved ont * A feather tat press he Help gels * A wekexsol at gies ety and press the esence of wat has ben are * A tarot felt orenudboud tat epesents love md counge * Colo rope oboe hat peso the connection with loved one + A pce of siny men with gol eck, swh as yu, that epesets the and work toed the mens Wats the eson above togetatt te gown Be as wsoueflas you want when choosing 2 syul Whawver tis tat you cite willbe oucstone of you ‘acome wis. Pagdawspowerful is this exercise? A sturly in Singapore recently showed that people who are difficult entristed emotions to the paper and entrusted their writing in an envelope that they licked shu felt more liberated fiom those painful emotions than the group who did it story only waote ona few sheets held together witha paper clip, Apparently, just writing down your emotions is not nearly as powerful as itis followed by the symbolic sealing of the emotional toxins + Create a tangible representation of your remarlably brave jouney, keep it close at hand and jot down in you diary what this exeroise has done for you The medicine bag A talismanis like a Get out of jail without paying’ card that fiees you from your emotional prison, but a medicine bag will help you play that card. In the pouch of old Native medicine women had herbs and roots that she could wse if she had her healing powers ‘wanted to bet for himself or for others. Your medioine bag is symbolio. It's your ‘bag of ticks! ‘which also includes the means and teclmiques to free you fiom your fea, so that youare your talisman and you ‘nd cowage have leamed fiom experience that when I am hungry angry, lonely or tied, I am more sensitive to it ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, sms mn nao Temp the lind of thoughts that lead to destuetive behavior, such as excessive eating so in my'medlcine bag resi bas, deep breaths, conversations with my friends and have naps. In yous perhaps the powerful balm of meditation or the magie potion of doing exercises Cognitive therapy keeping a journal, using orecle cards, mindful eating - all ofthese teclmiques can help you recognize the Goblints voice and resist the fear ‘Hat he evoles, the anger and the sedness, so that you dontt end up in heavily loaded landscape. A A lite bit of dely preventative medication will also help you s0 doxt forget to tale your medicine bag with you and make swe to take some elixir of life every day for you emotional and spiritual Dealt Sometimes I say “Goblin* to myself to remind me thatthe voice of this being seduces me and that have to wateh my cout. My husband loves it and likes to peticipate in mine self-examination soe sometimes asks me witha big smile: “Goblin™ if tend to give into insecurities and old beliefs about myself Then its so much easier for me to say “Hmm, Im combative for no reason. It is almost impossible if my Kobold has escaped my attention and behind the wheel of my bus cravded. " Then] go for a wellcor go for a swim (also a piece of medicine) and consider it ‘whether the words of the Goblin contain any valve before I completely memorize them. Or asie tomyself "Am [lumgry angry lonely or tued™ Becatse I mowif itis and I immerse myself init the reasons for that, my Kobold leeps quiet ‘A daily self-examination or inventory is also a powrerfil, healing medicine that you tale when you tale it bout prefers to balance. In the 12-step program, step 1D is: (We) kept busy with cow personal inventory and if we were wiong we admitted it franidy. * ‘When you male you inventory, you tale a ctitical lookcat your thoughts, feelings and behaviors to male stwe tobe cazefil not to unt others or youself Doing a'spot soar! duwing the day i great Baye rippce to keep your imer peace and to make sure that your reactions to life are not the reactions of you Goblin Any question or activity that slows down your emotional response pattem and helps you clear and to stick to the lesson is a medicine in itself ‘Which medicine is in your medicine bag? Sometimes we forget how many resowees serve ws stand. The following exercise will help you remember what medicine you have up for grabs. Exercise: Put together a medicine bag ‘Thnk of al te welnigues hat youve succesly applied tan aveomate napntvewicton suchas inwase anger deep void dinypanmentand yessinion,melnebaly, jc ot fen All ese moods disupt yout emotional ‘welling, Wha rug coud she sceesuly endo? Male cin yout notable ay opis 4 cn ‘aterm come up wit including meds that you lave wot yet ed, but at you ave exe may be good ‘oul be foryox Ae you wing to hy xtsome new weebignts? aye you medicine isa wy to beter stints Do youquiety walkout «com ox gently beak the comacton when someone sus cutsng you? Tank few wouds hat wil bing you bck nt a postive mint You nay ay, esa go" “This x something beter wuts me“ Thea deep buh it wll be alight," Lone other atfimation ot phase tat eps you with bt eet onthe foot inswad of being ted trough the ait bythe (Goin who hs anton gipon you aris and evenly nds you ina stating landscape I hs does ape, then wie it down andy ito ond ‘Youu als make a cud tat you ey with yound wlatyou avein you medicine Ing, Hews one ‘eanple thtaerveasaninsantmetizine Thee ae the words he Cal Payer, ks the ower iving And eins chine Gol give me th pace to aceept the things Teuet ange, the counge change what! do ceanclange nd the wiskom 0 male the disintion ‘wpetonshve googleuetoontent commas £165, san38

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