Batch-07 GRD101 1 PDF

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Hands-on Exercise No.

1 Total Marks: 10
Graphic Design Due Date: 18/06/2020

Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting this Hands-on Exercise:
 Use MS Word to submit the exercise solution.
 You may consult tutorials and videos if the concept is not clear.
 Your submitted exercise will not be considered/counted if:
 It is submitted after due date.
 It is not in the required format (.doc or .docx)
 It does not open, or file is corrupt.
 It is copied (partial or full) from any source (websites, forums, students, etc.)

Learning Outcome:

After completing this exercise, you shall be able to:

 Draw different objects/icons or characters using basic elements of design.

 Express and communicate using basic shapes and elements of design.
Problem Statement

Use basic shapes i.e. circle, square, triangle and spiral, etc. to design a variety of objects, icons and
characters by combining, overlapping or intersecting these basic shapes to create something
meaningful out of it.

Important Instructions:

 You can make these shapes on a chart paper with black color pointer or a sketch pencil.

 You can use any drawing instrument as scale, set square, compass etc.

 You can also use any computer software (if you are good at operating any design software) to
draw these shapes.

 Examples and guidelines are given below for your inspiration but please do not copy these

 Also add the names of the object that you will create.


 Minimum four objects/icons are mandatory to draw but you can make as many objects as you

 After completing the task, take screenshots of your designs, insert them in a word file and upload
the MS Word file on the LMS.
Guidelines how to create:

Example no.1
Using two circles and one triangle you can create a heart shape symbol.

Example no.2
Using six circles and one circle in different color you can create a flower object.

How to submit solution file on LMS?

Please perform the following steps for submitting your solution using LMS:

1) Login to the LMS

2) Click on the Exercises button within the My Activities section

3) Click on the submit button to upload your Solution.

4) Keep in mind to upload your Solution in .doc or .docx format

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