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475. Who started Ganesh Festival?

• Lokmanya Tilak
476. Which is the first newspaper of India?
• Begal Gazette

472. Who built Gateway of India?

• British Government
473. National Anthem was adopted by Constituent Assembly
• 24 January 1950
474. World war 2 started in the year
• 1939
475. Who started Ganesh Festival?
• Lokmanya Tilak
476. Which is the first newspaper of India?
• Begal Gazette
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937. Laser is a device to produce
• Coherent light
938. What was
478. Jamini Roy distinguished himself in the field of
• Painting
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479. The famous activist Medha Patakar is associated
with936. If cream is removed from milk, its density
• Increases
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937. Laser is a device to produce
• Coherent light
938. What was the earlier name of Uttar Pradesh?
• United Provinces
939. Indian Economy is a
• mixed Economy
940. What is the nature of Detergent solution?
• Alkaline (Basic)
941. DVD is:
• ( "digital versatile disc"or "digital video disc")
942. Which mauryan empire was killed by pushyamitra
shunga, his own commander in chief?
• Brihadratha
943. Who among the following gave monistic theory of
• Austin
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944. Which world heritage site comprises of the tomb of
• Qutub Minar
943. Who among the following gave monistic theory of
• Austin
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944. Which world heritage site comprises of the tomb of
• Qutub Minar
945. Harsha moved his capital from ________ to ________
• Thanesar, Kanauj
946. Name the Graveyard of RBC
• Spleen
947. Who discovered Chromosomes?
• Karl Wilhelm von Nägeli
948. Name the largest part of Human Brain
• Cerebrum
• George Curzon
472. Who built Gateway of India?
• British Government
473. National Anthem was adopted by Constituent Assembly
• 24 January 1950
474. World war 2 started in the year
• 1939
475. Who started Ganesh Festival?
• Lokmanya Tilak
476. Which is the first newspaper of India?
• Begal Gazette
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937. Laser is a device to produce
• Coherent light
938. What was Which Freedom Fighter from Bengal died at
the age of
• Khudiram Bosepollution in Bengal Basin?To Join With us on Telegram
Channel-Click Here
924. Where d936. If cream is removed from milk, its density
• Increases477. Which Freedom Fighter from Bengal died at
the age of
• Khudiram Bose
478. Jamini Roy distinguished himself in the field of
• Painting
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479. The famous activist Medha Patakar is associated
with936. If cream is removed from milk, its density
• Increases
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937. Laser is a device to produce
• Coherent light
938. What was the earlier name of Uttar Pradesh?

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