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which planet is nearest to the sun

• mercury
383. which star is nearest to the sun
• Alpha Centauri
384. which star is nearest to the earth
• Proxima Centauri
385. brightest planet
386. brightest star
• Sirius (Dog Star)
387. why is the drop of liquid spherical
• surface tension
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388. Which is used to produce artificial rain?
• silver iodide
389. The term PVC used in the plastic industry stands for
• polyvinyl chloride
390. The acid present in lemon is
• citric acid
391. Oil of vitriol is
• sulfuric acid
392. Bauxite is an ore of
• Aluminium
393. Periodic table was given by
• Mendeleev
394. This disease caused by a deficiency of protein
• Kwashiorkor
395. The number of Union Territories in India is
396. The maximum duration for which the President’s office
can remain vacant is
• 6 months
397. Shakyamuni is another name of
• Gautama Buddha
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398. The first secretary-general of the United Nations was
• Trygve Lie
399. The highest producer of milk in the world is
• India
400. The first woman chief justice of the high court of India
• Leila Seth
401. The Battle of Waterloo was fought in the year
• 1815
402. In which year America got independence
• 1776
403. Who is known as the Artist of the world-famous painting
'Mona Lisa'
• Leonardo da Vinci
404. 'Boston Tea Party' protest was associated with the
revolution of
• America
405. Which is considered as the oldest civilization of the
• Mesopotamian Civilization
406. Which among following is called "Gift of the Nile”?
• Egypt
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407. When ancient Olympic games first held?
• 776 BC
408. Who is known as the father of Modern Medicine?
• Hippocrates
409. who is known as Bismark of India
• sardar vallabhbhai patel

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