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Analytica Chimica Acta, 192 (1987) 267-275

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands




Department of Analytical Chemistry, Free University, De Boelelaan 1083, 1081 HV
Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
(Received 18th September 1986)


Sandwich phase separators with various groove dimensions were constructed and
tested as part of a post-column extraction detector for liquid chromatography and for a
flow-injection system. The construction materials are stainless steel and PTFE, no mem-
branes are used. The groove volumes vary between 8 and 43 ~1; the dimensions of the
groove are not critical. Several aqueous (acetonitrile/water and methanol/water mixtures)
and organic (1,2-dichloroethane and n-heptane) phases were successfully separated by
gravity as well as by wetting. Measurement of statistical second moments showed the
total dispersion of the extraction system to be 2.5-4 s at the optimum separation
efficiency (organic flow through detector/total organic flow) of 0.3-0.4.

Post-column extraction detectors are widely applied in liquid chroma-

tography (l.c.) [l-5] and in flow-injection methods [6--81 for the enhance-
ment of sensitivity and selectivity. A disadvantage of post-column extractors
is the additional band broadening caused; the design of the phase separator
is critical in this respect [9]. During the past few years, various new designs
for phase separators have appeared in the literature [6--8, 10-151. In gen-
eral, many of these novel designs consist of a manifold, through which a
segmented flow comes into contact with a hydrophobic (PTFE) membrane.
A major drawback of membrane phase separators is the fact that the mem-
branes are rapidly destroyed when samples of biological origin, especially
serum and plasma, are involved. Up till now, only a few applications have
been described. Burguera and Burguera [13] developed a method for the
determination of cadmium in urine. The lifetime of their hydrophilic and
hydrophobic phase-separating paper (Whatman cellulose and silica-treated
Whatman paper, respectively) was 1.5 h. Apffel et al. [14] described a
method for the determination of the anti-neoplastic agents VP-16 and
VM-26 in urine, using a post-column extraction system, suitable for minia-
turized l.c. The lifetime of their PTFE membrane was claimed to be several
days, but routine analysis of urine samples was not reported. In preliminary
experiments here, rapid destruction of membranes was observed on treat-
ment with plasma samples.
In the present work, an evaluation of a sandwich phase separator is

0003-2670/87/$03.50 o 1987 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.


described, which has already been used in a post-column extraction detector

for the determination of drugs in plasma and urine, without any problem of
lifetime [16]. A single phase-separator design is used, because it was the aim
of this study to establish the influence of the groove dimensions on the
separation efficiency (defined as the ratio of the organic flow through the
detector to the total organic flow) and the dispersion produced. Another
goal was to decrease the groove dimensions to obtain separators suitable for
miniaturized l.c.


Figure 1 shows a diagram of the sandwich phase separator. The phase
separator unit consists of two stainless steel blocks, one with (A) and one
without (B) a groove, and a PTFE disc with a groove (C). These are held
together by four screws. The inlets and outlets are machined into the blocks
to accommodate l/16&. Valco male fittings. The aqueous outlet is connec-
ted to a MCV-50 micro needle valve (Scientific Glass Engineering, Mel-
bourne, Australia) to allow the application of back-pressure to adjust the
organic flow through the detector. The various groove dimensions investi-
gated are summarized in Table 1. Figure 2 shows a diagram of the flow-
injection system used. The aqueous and organic phase were delivered by
using Kontron (Zurich, Switzerland) Model 414 l.c. pumps. In conjunction
with these pumps, a Kontron pulse damper as well as a 100 X 4.6 mm i.d.

Fig. 1. Design of the sandwich phase separator. For explanation, see text.


Groove dimensions of the phase separators investigated

Separator Groove 1.d. of inlet Distance between:

Length Width Depth Volume and out1ets
(mm) Centres of Centres of
(mm) (mm) (mm) (Pi) inlet and outlets
outlets and
(mm) groove
end (mm)

I 12.5 3.5 0.8 35 0.8 10.0 1.25

II 13.5 4.0 0.8 43 0.8 10.0 2.25
III 11.6 1.6 1.6 30 0.8 10.0 0.8
IV 13.1 2.0 1.6 42 0.8 9.8 2.4
V 8.3 1.4 0.7 8 0.6 7.0 0.8

Fig. 2. Diagram of the flow-injection system: (1) aqueous phase pump; (2) organic phase
pump; (3) pulse damper; (4) column ; (5) micro injection valve; (6) T-piece; (7) extraction
coil; (8) sandwich phase separator; (9) needle valve; (10) fluorescence detector; (11)

column, packed with lo-pm (&-bonded material, were used to obtain

optimal pulse damping. Samples were introduced via a Valco (Houston, TX)
six-port valve, equipped with a lo-p1 loop, or a home-made microvalve
which can inject either 0.06 or 0.56 ~1. The organic phase was added to the
aqueous phase stream via a Valco T-piece with a 0.25mm bore. The extrac-
tion took place in a 1.5 m X 0.8 mm i.d. stainless steel coil (helix diameter,
40 mm). After separation of the phases, the analyte was detected in the
organic phase either with a Kratos (Ramsey, NJ) FS-970-LC fluorimeter
(h,* = 386 nm, X,, > 415 nm), equipped with a 5-~1 flow cell, or a Perkin-
Elmer LS-4 fluorimeter (X,, = 386 nm, h,, = 465 nm), equipped with a
3-~1 flow cell. The recorder used was a Kipp and Zonen (Delft, The Nether-
lands) multirange BD-8 instrument.

Acetonitrile and methanol were h.p.1.c. grade, and 1,2-dichloroethane and
n-heptane were of analytical grade. All solvents were from J. T. Baker. The
water used was demineralized water, treated in a Milli-Q (Millipore) ultra-
filtration system. Analytical-grade disodium phosphate was also obtained
from Baker. Perylene (99.99%) was purchased from Metron (Panther Valley
Mall, Allamuchy, NJ, U.S.A.). All chemicals were used without further purifi-

Two band-broadening studies were done. In the first, the influence of
different injection volumes on the total band broadening was investigated.
The injectors used were the above-mentioned Valco six-port valve and the
home-made microvalve. Injections of 5 ng of perylene were made. In the
second study, separators I-V were tested. Injections of 50 ng of perylene
in 0.56 ~1 of acetonitrile were made (ten times more perylene was used, to
provide a more stable baseline for accurate peak measurements). Perylene
was used as the test compound because it is strongly fluorescent and highly
Statistical second moments can be calculated by the method of Foley
and Dorsey [17], which is based on the measurement of peak width and
peak asymmetry at 10% peak height. However, because peak asymmetry
repeatedly exceeded the value of 2.76, which is the upper limit for the
utility of their equations, the modified Foley and Dorsey equation [18] was
used, which covers a much wider range of peak asymmetry:
M2 = (W,.1)2/[7.35 + 22.6 exp(-9.708 - (B/A),,,)]
where M2 is the statistical second moment (s2), Wo.l is the peak width (s)
at 10% peak height, and (B/A),, is the peak asymmetry at 10% peak height.


Efficiency of the phase separators

In preliminary experiments, the separators were tested with respect to
their separation efficiency, by using various aqueous and organic phases.
Although it is possible to isolate the aqueous phase for detection by connect-
ing the micro needle valve to the organic outlet of the phase separator, in all
these experiments the organic phase was passed through the detector, as
occurs in most applications.
Heptane/aqueous systems. With acetonitrile/aqueous 50 mM sodium
phosphate buffer pH 7 (20:80, v/v) as the aqueous phase and n-heptane
(density 0.68 g ml-‘) as the organic phase, both at a flow rate of 1.0 ml
min-‘, maximum separation efficiencies of 0.4-0.5 were obtained for the
separators with groove volumes of 30-43 ~1 (separators I-IV). The maxi-
mum separation efficiency is the highest obtainable ratio of the organic

flow through the detector to the total organic flow, where no leakage of
aqueous phase segments to the organic outlet is observed. Under these con-
ditions, phase separation could not be achieved with the miniaturized separ-
ator V, which has a groove volume of only 8 ~1. At lower flow rates, i.e.,
0.2 or 0.5 ml min-’ for both aqueous and organic phase, maximum separ-
ation efficiencies for the miniaturized separator were 0.2 and 0.06, respec-
tively. No influence of the orientation of the phase separator (organic phase
flowing either below or above the aqueous phase) on the maximum separ-
ation efficiency was observed. Therefore, it can be concluded that in the
n-heptane/aqueous system phase separation is primarily based on wetting.
Dichloroethane/uqueous systems. With acetonitrile/aqueous 50 mM sodi-
um phosphate buffer pH 7 (20.80, v/v) and 1,2dichloroethane (density
1.25 g ml-‘), both at a flow rate of 1.0 ml min-‘, maximum separation
efficiencies were much higher than in the n-heptanelaqueous system. For
separators I-III, values of 1.0-1.1 were obtained and a value of 0.9 was
obtained for separator IV (V was not tested). Values above 1.0 are possible
because part of the acetonitrile present in the aqueous phase will dissolve in
the organic phase [19]. Changing the aqueous phase to acetonitrilelwater
(20:80, v/v), resulted in a decrease in maximum separation efficiency from
1.0-1.1 to 0.9 for separators I-III and from 0.9 to 0.6 for separator IV. For
the miniaturized separator V, a value of 0.3 was measured. However, when
the aqueous and organic phase flow rates were changed from 1.0 to 0.2 ml
min-’ in separator V, a maximum separation efficiency of 1.0 was obtained,
which indicates that the miniaturized separator has potential use in microbore
l.c. In the two-phase system with 1,2-dichloroethane, it was found that the
orientation of the phase separator was important. Phase separation could
only be achieved when the organic phase was flowing below the aqueous
phase. This suggests that in addition to wetting, gravity also plays an impor-
tant role in the separation process.
With all five separators, and for all two-phase systems tested, problems
tended to occur when the aqueous-phase flow rate was greater than that of
the organic phase. Typically, at ratios of over 1.6, occasional leakage of
aqueous phase segments to the organic outlet was observed. Conventionally,
experiments were done at a phase ratio of 1.0. However, when the organic-
phase flow rate exceeds the aqueous-phase flow rate, large ratios can be used
without any problem.
Phase-separating tests ,with the widely applied l.c. mobile phase methanol/
water as the aqueous phase in both two-phase systems, with either n-heptane
or 1,2-dichloroethane as the organic phase, showed good phase separation
up to methanol/water ratios of 80:20 (v/v) in the n-heptane system and up
to ratios of 70:30 (v/v) in the 1,2-dichloroethane system. At higher metha-
nol concentrations, the aqueous and organic phases become miscible.

Band broadening
It is not possible to evaluate the individual contribution to band broaden-
ing of all the different parts of the flow-injection system shown in Fig. 2, i.e.,

T-piece, coil and phase separator. Therefore, information about the contri-
bution to band broadening of phase separators I-V was obtained by measur-
ing the statistical second moments of the total system as a function of the
separation efficiency.
In order to observe small differences in band broadening for the various
separators, contributions from the other parts of the system must be small.
A micro injection valve (0.56 ~1) was used instead of the lo-111 valve, because
the latter gave a major contribution to band broadening, as demonstrated
in Fig. 3. From this figure, it is also clear that a further decrease in the
injection volume from 0.56 to 0.06 ~1 did not result in a significant decrease
in the total band broadening. In addition, a detector with a 39~1 cell was
used. The results of the experiments are summarized in Fig. 4. Apart from
the maximum separation efficiencies mentioned above, only minor differ-
ences in total band broadening are observed with the various phase separa-
tors. When the phase separators are used near their maximum separation
efficiency, the lowest dispersion is observed, i.e., 1-2 s. However, working
under that condition is not recommended, because small disturbances in the
system can lead to leakage of aqueous phase segments to the organic outlet,

0 02 04 06 06 10
flow rote (ml mm-‘)

Fig. 3. Dependence of band broadening on the flow for the injector plus Kratos FS-970
fluorimeter with 5-/A flow cell: (0) macro injection valve with a 10-/A injection volume;
(0) micro injection valve with a 0.56q.d injection volume; (A) micro injection valve with a
0.06-/A injection volume. Each point represents the mean and s.d. of 8 measurements.
I I , , , ,
I ..I

0 02 04 06 08 10 0 02 04 06 08 10
- se!aantlo"efmency - separatlmcmce"cy

Fig. 4. Total band broadening in the flow-injection system including a phase separator
as a function of the separation efficiency, with acetonitrile/water (2030, v/v) as the
aqueous phase and 1,2dichloroethane as the organic phase, both at a flow rate of 1.0
ml min-’ . The detector was a PE LS-4 fluorimeter with a 3-/A flow cell. Separator used:
(0) I; (0) II; (A) III; (0) IV; (+) V. Each point represents the mean and s.d. of five

Fig. 5. Dependence of relative peak height (peak height at certain separation efficiency/
peak height at maximum separation efficiency) on the separation efficiency in the two-
phase system described in Fig. 4. Flow-injection system with phase separator: (0) I; (0) II;
(A) III; (0) IV. Each point represents the mean and s.d. of 5 measurements. Standard
deviations are relatively large as a result of the poor reproducibility of measurements at
maximum separation efficiency.

which will cause major detection problems. Another important observation

is that the curves for separators I-III, which can be operated at high separ-
ation efficiencies, show a region (separation efficiency 0.4~-0.7), where no
further decrease in band broadening is achieved with increasing separation
efficiency. During the work in this range, it was observed that the aqueous
outlet stream changed from a solvent-segmented type to an emulsion, prob-
ably as a result of eddies being formed in the separator groove under these
conditions. The presence of eddies can cause mixing of the aqueous and
organic phases and can contribute to band broadening. In addition, peak
asymmetry increased markedly. Thus, it is not recommended to use separ-
ators I-III at phase separation efficiencies above 0.4. This is also true for
separator IV, because values above 0.4 approach too closely the critical
maximum separation efficiency of about 0.6. For the flow rates investi-
gated, i.e., 1.0 ml min-’ for both aqueous and organic phases, the miniatur-
ized separator V can only be used at a separation efficiency of 0.25 or less.

Peak heights
In order to evaluate in more detail the separation efficiency at which opti-
mal results can be achieved, relative peak heights (defined as the ratio of
the peak height obtained at a certain separation efficiency to the peak
height at maximum separation efficiency) are plotted against separation
efficiency for each of the separators I-IV (Fig. 5). It is interesting that even
at separation efficiencies of 0.3-0.4, 55-80% of the maximum peak height
is obtained. No further gain occurs until the separation efficiency reaches
values of 0.6-0.7 with, self-evidently, a final increase to 100%. However,
for the reasons outlined above, it is not recommended to operate at separ-
ation efficiencies above 0.4. Because the noise in the system used was almost
constant over the entire separation efficiency range, it is clear that the phase
separators I-IV with groove volumes of 30-43 ~1, under normal l.c. con-
ditions give optimal performance at separation efficiencies of 0.3-0.4. These
findings are supported by earlier observations that in a post-column extrac-
tion detector, where the noise in the system was mainly due to co-extraction
of a fluorescent ion-pairing agent, the best results in terms of band broaden-
ing, sensitivity and ease of operation, were obtained at separation efficiencies
of 0.3-0.35 [16].

A series of sandwich phase separators has been constructed which are well
suited to separate aqueous and organic phases at flow rates of typically
1.0 ml min-‘. The optimum phase separation efficiency is 0.3-0.4 and the
contribution to band broadening (of the complete extraction system) is
2.5-4 s for the phase separators having groove volumes of 30--43 ~1. Rather
surprisingly, the groove dimensions are not critical. With separators having
similar groove volumes (30-43 ~1) and lengths (11.6--13.5 mm), the best
results were obtained with separator III, which has a narrow (1.6 mm) and
deep (1.6 mm) groove and a short distance between the centres of the out-
lets and the groove-end (0.8 mm). The results compare reasonably with
data obtained by Apffel et al. [ 141, who developed a post-column extraction
system, suitable for use with narrow-bore h.p.l.c., which consisted of a mem-
brane phase separator with an internal volume less than 1 ~1. There, a mini-
mal total dispersion of between 1 and 2.5 s was found, without accounting
for peak asymmetry. Under experimental conditions similar to those used
here, conventional glass phase separators may well give a band-broadening
contribution of some 6 s [20]. The sandwich phase separators are more
rugged than membrane phase separators and they do not show lifetime
problems when used in the analysis of real samples. In the past year, they
have been used routinely for the determination of drugs in plasma and urine
by means of h.p.1.c. [ 161.
The miniaturized sandwich phase separator with a groove volume of only
8 ~1 (separator V), though not very useful for conventional l.c. systems,
shows excellent performance at aqueous and organic flow rates of ca. 0.2

ml min-’ , i.e., for narrow-bore l.c. A maximum separation efficiency of 1.0

was obtained. In addition, at aqueous and organic phase flow rates both of
1.0 ml min-’ , the total extraction system with the miniaturized phase separ-
ator gives a lesser contribution to band broadening than with separators I-
IV, at a separation efficiency of about 0.3.
In the near future, such miniaturized separators will be used in a post-
column extraction system to interface a micro-l.c. system with a mass spec-
trometer. Because, in contrast to the concentration-sensitive U.V.and fluores-
cence detectors, the mass spectrometer is a mass-sensitive detector, it may be
interesting to use the miniaturized phase separator near its maximum separ-
ation efficiency in order to obtain optimal signal-to-noise ratios. The phase
separators will also be used in further work on pre- and post-column clean-
up and fluorescent and u.v.-labelling studies and their adaptation to real
analytical problems.

The authors thank the Free University Workshop, and especially Mr. D.
van Ieperen, for construction of the phase separators.


1 J. F. Lawrence, U. A. Th. Brinkman and R. W. Frei, J. Chromatogr., 171 (1979) 73.

2 J. F. Lawrence, U. A. Th. Brinkman and R. W. Frei, J. Chromatogr., 185 (1979)
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13 J. L. Burguera and M. Burguera, Anal. Chim. Acta, 153 (1983) 207.
14 J. A. Appfel, U. A. Th. Brinkman and R. W. Frei, Chromatographia, 18 (1984) 5.
15 K. Backstrom, L. G. Danielsson and L Nord, Anal. Chim. Acta, 169 (1985) 43.
16 J. H. Wolf, C. de Ruiter, U. A. Th. Brinkman and R. W. Frei, J. Pharm. Biomed.
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17 J. P. Foley and J. G. Dorsey, Anal. Chem., 55 (1983) 730.
18 D. J. Anderson and R. R. Walters, J. Chromatogr. Science, 22 (1984) 353.
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20 C. E. Werkhoven-Goewie, U. A. Th. Brinkman and R. W. Frei, Anal. Chim. Acta, 114
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