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Vanished old view of Abbottabad..1930 AD..any
guess about the area..??
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Arif Nasim(19 months ago)

no idea. where was it?


saira_b (18 months ago)

Looks beautiful, I've been through Abbottabad some years ago en route to somewhere else.

Agriman(18 months ago)

If i stand at the point "Supply" on Mansehra Road, and take a look around 360* , I cant find that mountain range behind
that building, esp that 2 ranges visible in the picture.......

Are you sure, if its Abbottabad ?

But, the view changes with traveling towards hills...... To some extent, this resembles with the hills between presently
called Shimla ( on left, n not visible ) hills and Ayub Medical College ( on right, n not visible here ) range..... And this point
comes to be Army School of Music, built by Britishers....

Right or wrong ?

Environmentalist(18 months ago)

Dear Blade,

Following photo of Abbottabad was taken with the same camera and by the same person.

Mountains shown here are not Shimla hill or music school mountains as these rolling hills ( except Shimla top ) had no
trees in those days.
My guess is that the building existed some where at the very rear end of PMA Kakul and Thandiani mountains left side
are visible behind.


Agriman(18 months ago)

Rear end of Kakul can be so much even n leveled, i can never imagine that...... Though i have gone there too, and back
to the end, but i cant recall such vast leveled ground......

But yes, there's only on big mountain of Thandiani near Abbottabad, which give one reason for that....

If possible, i'll go there and locate this point this summers...... Provided " Boot waley ppl " let me in : )

Thanks for sharing and recalling memoriez.....


jalalspages added this photo to his favorites. (18 months ago)


jalalspages(18 months ago)


Hi, I'm an admin for a group called Jalalspages Pakistan (Comment on Any Two ), and we'd love to have this added to
the group!

muryum(18 months ago)

There is flat land behind Kakul .... Blade 007, if you can, go behind Kakul and you'll reach the mountain training school
(or something similarly named). The road curving to the left takes you to the top of this hill and they built the school
commander's house some time ago. The view of Abbottabad, from that house's lawn is breathtaking. I'm not sure about
the building. A lot of new construction was done in the '80s. Maybe its hiding behind the new building but I remember this
view and the road. They had the Junoon concert on the lawns to the left!

Agriman(18 months ago)

Yes i do remember thoze groundz Muryum........ And thoze concerts too...... Coz, I uzed to attend them az well : ) And i
do remember once when it rained like anything before the concert..... And ppl start leaving the place...... But we sat in
cars.... And it resumed after the rain......

I'll go there InshaAllah, after Eid next month.... And 'll upload some snaps too..

menhunpakistan(18 months ago)

I lived in Kakul for two years. I think this may be the officers mess and the old officers living block of PMA. The hills look
very much like the notorious trig height 5677 in the back ground that plagued us during our stay at the academy. PMA
Kakul used to be an army service corps camp before independance and this may be just it.
So Muryums coordnates may be very close.

khankheil(18 months ago)

This is Army PT school ground area where Junoon concert was held few years ago ....................... Nawa,n shehr Army
school area

wandering clouds(18 months ago)

its sad that it has vanished. . .its such a beautiful landscape!!

tanoli_sahib(15 months ago)

What an excellent efforts you hav made. U have made us proud of our city history and got some very unique and antique
immages of past..... Have u contactd dr ehsan vice chancellor he is very good man and got specific interst in archalogey
stuff. I have met him and i think u should also discuss this bit with him. And also could u give me your introduction and
how come u gt vast amount of information pictures and facts. ?
Tehmas saeed scotland

Durrani9(9 months ago)

It is nice to see so many old pictures and people who care about Abbott's heritage.
the picture on top ''vanishing landscape'' i believe is where the present PMA is situated. please see the shape of the
mountains as it give a clue to the location of the building.

Durrani9(9 months ago)

just want to inform all that my family has an old colonial style house in Abbott (near malak pura and opposite to malak
pura kabristan). i can proudly say that it still exist in the same condition as was purchased by my family some 90 years

it is strange that i haven't seen any pictures of it. i am presently living in it.
if some one is interested i can put some pictures of it?

Umer Naseem(7 months ago)

by looking at the hills on the extreme left of the picture i am sure that this is the hill in front of abbottabad public school so
this is somewhere around the area of kakul and i remember seeing some old stone building in the horse stable of kakul
so may be this building stood there????

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By EnvironmentalistAbbottabad Pakistan+ Add Contact

This photo was taken on March 12, 2009.

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Vanished old view of Abbottabad..1930 AD..any guess about the
area..??By Environmentalist☆ Favorite
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