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Case 3

At a movie premier, Perfecto Palmares approached Sharon Morales, the star of

the movie, and requested an autograph from her. Sharon Morales willingly obliged and
signed her name at the bottom right portion of a white 8” x 11” stationery which Perfecto
Palmares presented to her. Shortly after reaching home, Perfecto Palmares printed
above the signature of Sharon Morales through his computer the following: “I promise to
pay Perfecto Palmares of his order P50,000.00”. Thereafter, Perfecto Palmares
negotiated the paper to Arturo Alvarez, Arturo Alvarez to Bernardo Benitez, and
Bernardo Benitez to Henry Hilado, holder. Alvarez, Benitez and Hilado knew nothing
about how the apparent note come into being. (F Soriano)

Question: Will Sharon Morales be held liable for the note?

If Henry Hilado is a holder in due course, can he collect from Sharon Morales?

Answer: No, Sharon Morales is not liable for the note and Henry Hilado cannot
collect from Sharon Morales, whether or not he is a holder, in due course. Each
holder is considered prima facie to be a holder in due course, but if it is
demonstrated that the title of some individual who negotiated the instrument was
defective, the responsibility is on the holder to demonstrate that he or any
individual under whom he claims to have obtained the title as holder in due

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