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Department of the Interior and Local Government Criteria Matrix

Assessment for the Seal of Good Local Governance

CY 2019

Seal of Good Local Governance, CY 2019

1st – 3rd 4th – 6th
AREA 1: Financial Administration
1.1 Good Financial Housekeeping
1.1.1. Most recent COA Opinion is un/qualified plus 30% of recommendations fully acted upon √ √ √ √ √
1.1.2. FDP compliance CY 2018 all quarters and CY 2019 1st quarter posting period √ √ √ √ √
(Three conspicuous places, FDP Portal, and e-SRE posting)
1.2 Financial Performance
1.2.1. At least 5% increase in average local revenue growth for three consecutive years √ √ √ √ √
(CYs 2015 to 2017) Source: DOF-BLGF
1.3 Financing Development
1.3.1 Functional local development council: (a) composition; (b) meeting; (c) all plans- √ √ √ √ √
PDPFP/CDP, LDIP and AIP; and (d) satisfactory participation of CSOs
1.3.2 Fund utilization of NGA-supported capital investment projects: √ √ √ √ √
a. Full utilization of 20% component of the 2017 IRA √ √ √
Consideration: Passing benchmarks of at least: Province = 59%, Cities = 55%, and Municipalities = 66%
(Source: DOF-BLGF) *Physical completion consideration no longer applies.
b. Full utilization of Performance challenge fund, if applicable √ √ √ √ √
(Funds released in 2016 – 2017) *Physical completion consideration no longer applies.
c. Full utilization of Assistance to Municipalities fund, if applicable √ √
Funds released in 2015- 2016, (at least 85% for CY 2017 funds)
*Physical completion consideration no longer applies.
1.3.3 CY 2019 budget is approved within the prescribed period √ √ √ √ √
AREA 2: Disaster Preparedness
2.1 2018 Gawad KALASAG 1st Place National Awardee for Best LDRRMC, or Hall of Fame √ √ √ √ √
Awardee (2015 onwards), or
ALL of the following:
2.1.1 Established structures and manpower complement √ √ √ √ √
a. Convened LDRRMC
b. Plantilla LDRRMO head SG-22 SG-221 SG-22 SG-18 SG-15
c. Plantilla LDRRMO staff complement responsible for research and planning, administration 3 3 1 1 At least 1
and training, and operations and warning designated
Consideration: Designated staff complement.

1 For Manila and Quezon City: SG-24

Department of the Interior and Local Government Criteria Matrix
Assessment for the Seal of Good Local Governance
CY 2019

1st – 3rd 4th – 6th
2.1.2 Plans available and funds utilized:
a. Approved PDPFP or CLUP √ √ √ √ √
Consideration: In case Plan is still under review, risk assessment should have been already incorporated.
b. LDRRM Plan and Budget √ √ √ √ √
c. Adopted local climate change action plan √ √ √ √ √
d. Contingency plan for top 2 high risk hazard √ √ √ √ √
e. At least 50% fund utilization of the 70% component of CY 2018 LDRRMF (Current √ √ √ √ √
Fund; cut-off date: Dec. 31, 2018)
f. At least 75% of brgys have CBDRRM Plans √ √ √ √
2.1.3 Early warning system √ √ √ √ √
2.1.4 Evacuation management √ √ √ √ √
a. All minimum required facilities present in evacuation center
b. System for registration
c. Prepositioned goods and resources i.e., volunteer groups, relief, medical services, psycho-
social support, and security services
d. At least 75% of brgys with info guide [CMs only]
2.1.5 Systems and structures ALL 4 ALL 4 ALL 4 ALL 4 Items a
*OpCen *OpCen *OpCen *OpCen and b,
a. Standard operating procedures functions functions functions functions at plus ANY
b. Equipped and trained SAR/ER teams in top 2 high risk hazard 24/7 24/7 at least least during a 2 of items
during a disaster
c. LDRRM Operations Center* c to e
d. At least 1 LDRRMC member (LGU-based)/ plantilla LDRRMO trained in ICS functions at
e. SOP for pre-emptive and forced evacuation least during
a disaster
AREA 3: Social Protection
3.1 CY 2018 Seal of Child-friendly Local Governance Award √ √ √ √
3.2 At least 85% fund utilization or completion of LSB Plan √ √ √ √ √
3.3 GAD and VAWC mechanisms: (a) focal point system; (b) updated code - not earlier than CY 2009 at least; √ √ √ √ √
(c) database; (d) accomplishment report; (e) plan and budget; (f) 100% of barangays with VAWC
desks [CMs only] and (g) at least 80% of barangays submitted their VAWC reports for all quarters
of CY 2018 [CMs only]
3.4 Updated local code for children - not earlier than CY 2009 at least √ √ √ √ √
3.5 Philhealth accreditation:
a. At least 50% of provincial government-run hospitals are 2019 or 2018 Philhealth- √
Department of the Interior and Local Government Criteria Matrix
Assessment for the Seal of Good Local Governance
CY 2019

1st – 3rd 4th – 6th
b. At least 50% of city government-run hospitals and/or main health facilities are 2019 or √
2018 Philhealth-accredited for MCP, AND at least 50% of main health facilities are 2019
or 2018 Philhealth-accredited for PCB and TB-DOTS
c. 2019 or 2019 Philhealth accreditation of at least one hospital or health facility for √ MCP + MCP +
(PCB or TB- (PCB or TB-
maternal care package, primary care benefits, and TB-DOTS DOTS) DOTS)
3.6 Promoting the welfare of persons with disability: √ √ √ √ √
a. Compliance with Accessibility Law in the local government building and a LG hospital/main
health facility: Ramps with handrails at the entrance/exit, special lift/elevator, as
b. Compliance with Accessibility Law in the local government building and a LG hospital/main
health facility: Wheelchair-accessible toilets with grab bars
c. Persons with Disability Affairs Office (PDAO) Established office Designated officer
3.7 DSWD-accredited LGU-managed residential care facility for the vulnerable sectors (e.g. √ √
women, children, senior citizens and PWDs) Consideration: Existing partnership with a DSWD-accredited facility,
public or private, captured in a MOA and institutional arrangements spelled out
3.8 LSWDO is a registered social worker √ √ √ √ √
Consideration: LSWDO is vacated sometime in July 2018 or later due to retirement, resignation or death of incumbent, but there is a
designated OIC that is also a RSW
Exemption: In the case where the head of Office was hired prior to enactment of RA 9433 or the Magna Carta for Social Workers in April 11,
2007; there must be at least a RSW working as a technical staff in the office
3.9 IPMR, if applicable √ √ √ √ √
3.10 Absence of illegal dwelling units/structures, OR LGU efforts for resettlement of informal √ √
settlers i.e., at least 50% accomplishment of either the Local Shelter Plan, or resettlement PPAs
3.11 Full utilization of funds for Salintubig/water project CY 2012-2016 (at least 50% for CY 2017), √ √ √ √
if applicable *Physical completion consideration no longer applies.
2.4 Peace and Order
4.1 Passed the 2018 POC Performance Audit, or met the following: √ √ √ √ √
4.1.1 Convened POC
4.1.2 At least 75% completion or utilization of 2018 Peace and Order, and Public Safety
4.2 Convened ADAC √ √ √ √ √
4.3 Provided logistical support to local PNP office in CY 2018 √ √ √ √ √
4.4 Barangay peacekeeping action teams: 100% organized and 100% trained √ √ √ √
4.5 Drug-free city/municipality or increase in drug-cleared barangays √ √ √ √
4.6 Designated firecracker zones √ √ √ √
Department of the Interior and Local Government Criteria Matrix
Assessment for the Seal of Good Local Governance
CY 2019

1st – 3rd 4th – 6th
AREA 5: Business-friendliness and Competitiveness
5.1a Finalist of 2018 PCCI’s Most Business-Friendly LGUs Award √ √ √ √ √
5.1b Ranked among the Top 50 Cities and Top 50 Municipalities of the 2018 Competitiveness Index √ √ √ √
ALL of the following:
5.1.1 Established LEIP Office √ √ √ Designated officer
5.1.2 Updated citizens charter √ √ √ √
5.1.3 Simplified business processing and licensing system: (a) not more than 3 steps, both for new and √ √ √ √
renewal of business; (b) not more than 1 day processing time for business renewal; (c) not more than
2 days processing for new business; and (d) Business-One-Stop-Shop
5.1.4 Computerized tracking system of economic data: (a) no. of new business; (b) no. of business ALL 4 ANY 3 ANY 3 ANY 3
renewal; (c) amount of capital investment derived from registered new businesses; and (d) no. of of the 4 of the 4 of the 4
employees derived from registered new businesses and business renewals
5.1.5 Updated local investment and incentives code - not earlier than 2009 at least √ √ √
5.1.6 Full utilization rate of CMGP for CY 2016 (at least 60% for CY 2017) √
AREA 6: Environmental Management
6.1 Convened local solid waste management board √ √ √ √ √
6.2 No operating open and/or controlled dumpsite √ √ √ √
6.3 Approved 10-year solid waste management plan √ √ ANY 2 of ANY 2 of 3 ANY 2 of 3
6.4 Materials recovery facility √
6.5 Access to sanitary landfill √
AREA 7: Tourism, Culture and the Arts
7.1 Tourism development
For LGUs where tourism is a significant industry, any TWO of the following:
7.1.1 Permanent local tourism officer √ √ √ √ √
7.1.2 Tourist information and assistance center or desks √ √ √ √ √
7.1.3 Tracking system of tourism data (at the minimum: tourist arrivals and tourism enterprises) √ √ √ √ √
7.2 Cultural Heritage Promotion and Conservation
Any THREE of the following:
7.2.1 Council for the promotion of culture and the arts √ √ √ √ √
7.2.2 At least 75% utilization rate of the budget appropriated for the conservation and √ √ √ √ √
preservation of cultural property, CY 2018
7.2.3 Cultural property inventory √ √ √ √ √
7.2.4 Published narrative of history and culture √ √ √ √ √

Department of the Interior and Local Government Criteria Matrix
Assessment for the Seal of Good Local Governance
CY 2019

TESTS OF RESULTS-ACCEPTABILITY (For deliberation of National Quality Committee members)

8.1 For provinces: at least 10% of its component cities and municipalities are CY 2019 SGLG passers
8.2 Zero death after a disaster
8.3 Institutional integrity e.g., non-involvement to cases that may be subjected to disciplinary actions

NOTE: Pink is for upgraded or redefined indicator this CY 2019

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